When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 137

The small gastrula animals gathered from all over the world are approaching aggressively, but Yongye is not in a hurry to step on the ground with both feet apart, urging the air to spread to every corner of the body. Come on.

Stimulated by this heat, his muscles began to strengthen and make a tense sound, and the strength of his body was liberated to the maximum.

Use a knife to shred hordes of gastrula wolves, cut open flying ants, kick and break the neck of a giraffe that swooped in with its big mouth, and finally face the rushing head-on, here is the level The tallest black bear.

In this battle, Yong Ye's black pupils seemed to ignite flames, indulging in the high-spirited fighting spirit, gradually showing the desire for blood, and bursting out the bloodthirsty instinct and fighting desire hidden in his body in one breath .


When the black bear rushed over with a leopard and a deer-shaped protozoan, the Eternal Night One Strike War trampled on the ground, smashing the ground while curbing their charge, and then launched a one-on-one with the black bear. contest.

The battle has gradually entered the white-hot stage. This is already in this short day, and Yong Ye doesn't know how many times it has fought these relatively low-level gastruss running in the most comprehensive Scorpio Legion.

This used to be inside the teaching building of the university or high school. The sounds of fierce battles emerged one after another, screaming, roaring, roaring, screaming, impact sounds, the collision of steel and hard claws, etc. These chaotic sounds mixed together made people unconscious. It produces a feeling of darkness and drowsiness, unable to correctly perceive the world.

Even if they were cut in half, decapitated, and turned into pieces, even if the corpses piled up more and more, the gastroenterologists did leave no shallow scars on Yongye.

I don't know how long it took, the screams of grief overwhelmed the roars of anger, and gradually, when all the sounds disappeared and everything returned to calm, suddenly, there was an abnormal silence that was enough to cause tinnitus.

The six-storey teaching building as a whole has collapsed and most of it has collapsed, and the rest of the building is crumbling, revealing the mottled walls and the steel bars in the walls.

On the broken ground, there are still overturned concrete and fresh soil, and it is full of purple blood, large and small, in all kinds of strange shapes, and there are even a large number of gastrulae that have changed so much that they don't know what kind of creature they are. Existing in them, the only thing they have in common is that the lamp of life has been extinguished.

On top of the blood-drenched broken walls, many corpses could not even be seen as a whole. The stumps were scattered and cut into several pieces. The broken internal organs were scattered on the ground along with the broken bones. Simply unbearable.


Chapter 25 Arrival in Sendai Area

The previously huge black bear was now lying in a pile of corpses not far away. Its corpse was missing a hind leg that had gone where it didn't know.

In this cruel and **** pile of corpses, there was only one left sitting on the corpse of a gastrula whose head had been cut off, unable to see what kind of animal it was. .

This time, because the constellation Scorpio has not appeared for a long time, Yongye chose to extend the temporary rest time, and killed all of them except the black bear, which is fourth-order, but the highest is stage three, and most of them are only more than 200 heads of stage one. Intestinal animals, get more rest time for themselves.

Killing these gastrula animals brought him a lot of new wounds, and he lost a lot of blood again, but... rest time is the most precious thing right now.

Being able to kill them when they are exhausted and seriously injured, apart from their low level, is not actually Yongye's ability, but Yongye has discovered the weakness that these gastrula animals can use, and obtained a defense that can absolutely defend them. The shield of the gastrula, that is, the legacy of the Seven Stars.

Because he found that the gastrulae would not attack the aluminum-white suitcase, so he tried to use the suitcase as a shield.

The result was unexpectedly good. For fear of breaking the box, the gastrula, which was thrown at the rat, seems to have been banned by Scorpio. Obviously, when the scorpion was chasing and killing him at that time, he did not spare any effort, but these gastrus were not at all. Do not dare to attack this box.

Thanks to the fact that these gastruths will never attack the box, Yongye has obtained the best and most powerful shield against gastritis. Under the rat-throwing device, there is still a lot of scruples when attacking him.

And this has become a solid guarantee for his survival.

After another minimal repair to stop the bleeding, Yong Ye didn't do much. He just threw aside the aluminum white suitcase that had been used as a shield, and then sat on the corpse and listened to the roar of his heart. , inhaling violently in the air mixed with the smell of blood.

I felt my dry lungs burning with air every time I breathed, my throat was thirsty but I could only hold it back, ready to wait until I crossed the river to drink some water.

At this moment, it is said to be indoors, but in fact it has been completely dismantled into an outdoor place. The air is as cold as last night, but there is less sea breeze blowing.

Wiping the blood of himself and the gastrula from his mouth with the back of his hand, Yong Ye raised his head and looked up at the night sky full of stars and sighed deeply. A gust of wind blew through and lifted his tattered coat. It floats gently in the air.

He always felt that such a day would come sooner or later, as long as he continued this killing behavior, one day the clutches of the **** of death would reach out to him.

He was already aware.

Before going to King Kong Guo to save Wuming, he had this kind of awareness.


He took out the blood-soaked ribbon from his jacket pocket, but the original color could not be seen, but luckily remained intact, Yong Ye shook his head unconsciously.

"...Before I become the strongest and invincible Sword Saint, I should not die easily."

To be honest, Yong Ye couldn't help but miss Wuming a little now, especially in this situation where he was on the brink of desperation, and he was very worried about Wuming's situation.

"I don't know if I can see the child if I go to hell... Maybe her child who is actually a good person will go to heaven, so I won't see it at all?... No, no, no, I can't think that the child must not be dead, Now that other world has only passed a second, not necessarily..."

Speaking of heaven, Yong Ye unconsciously thought of Mibu Asaka, who was still in the Tokyo area, and the things about heaven that Mibu Asaka talked to him at that time.

At that time, Yongye said that he would definitely not be able to enter heaven, but Mibu Asaka said...

(Me too, if Lord Yong Ye can’t enter heaven, then I must be unable to enter like Lord Yong Ye. After all, heaven only allows humans to enter, right? I’m not a human, so… I believe that even if I die and enter We can meet in hell, so please let me continue to serve by your side.)

Mibu Asaka doesn't care about going to heaven or hell, all she needs to worry about and worry about is that she will not be allowed to continue to follow her forever in hell.

From Yongye's point of view, perhaps Mibu Asaka has pure trust or dependence on him? Or loyalty? No...a ten-year-old kid, it's weird to be loyal or something?

"That stupid kid... he's really stupid..."

Helpless sigh, even if it's just for Misheng Chaoxia like this, Yong Ye can't give up easily, or easily make Scorpio mess up.

Although Mibu Asaka always said that Yongye is the master she must swear allegiance to, but her feelings are the culprit that caused Yongye to be forced to take risks and be in danger.

However, although it is, even if it is now pushed to the brink of death, Yong Ye has nothing to regret.

Because if it was for those children, this kind of thing was just a matter of course in his eyes, and there was nothing to regret.

Of course... it's not all the cursed children, he's not that kind, he's just referring to the little ones in his own family.

Those little ones are very special, they are children with gastrovirus.

Most mothers find that the child born from their womb is a red-eyed child with proenterovirus, and will fall into a semi-mad state due to excessive panic.

Therefore, although tiger venom does not eat offspring, when some pregnant women give birth to such children, they will kill these children on the spot and throw them into the river, or run to the river and they will be able to crawl after birth, or even crawl. It is a child who follows biological instinct to actively forage for a living and drowns in the river.

Once, Yong Ye saw a baby corpse drifting down from the upper stream when he was in the outer peripheral area for kendo practice and war trampling.

The corpse was naked and highly corrupted, and the only thing that could prove its identity was the pair of red eyes that seemed to reveal hatred for this world. This was a baby killed by its mother.

This scene made Yongye feel indescribably complicated, especially when the two children, Mibu Asaka and Suzuki Tokiyu, who were with him at the time, deliberately picked up this highly corrupt baby from the river, regardless of its filth and disgust. , it made his mood extremely complicated, and he couldn't help but feel a tingling in his heart.

In this unexplored area, staring at the crimson one-eyed black bear who was not far away, looking towards this side, Yong Ye unconsciously thought of Mibu Asaka and Suzuki Shigure.

Those two children are too mature, they don't look like ten-year-old children, and this kind of maturity is exchanged for pain, so he doesn't like it very much, but there is no doubt that Zhaoxia and Shiyu are his favorites. Children are also people who are determined to protect.

Of course, this liking is not the so-called liking of men and women, Yong Ye just likes her as a sister who is far apart in age.

Looking at the dead black bear, Yong Ye is taking the time to rest while thinking about the past.

Because he was tired and really didn't want to move, he didn't move away because it was full of corpses and internal organs, that is, dirty, disgusting, and full of disgusting smell, but he was tired and didn't want to move at all, just stayed where the nameless satin After putting away the belt, I touched my pocket to find something to eat, and then I accidentally found a strange thing.

When I took it out, it turned out to be a lollipop that Tokiyuki Suzuki had stuffed him with when he was in a facility outside the unexplored area in the Tokyo area the day before yesterday.