When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 167

She was clearly embarrassed, but she acted as cute as the cutest girl nowadays, with a tenderness in her eyes that did not match her age. Facing the confession of such a child, Yong Ye didn't know how to describe his mood, he only felt It seems that he has lost to this child in his heart.

"...Although I don't know what whales are, but Tina, what you said about this kind of happiness is absolutely wrong, it's just sacrifice in self-satisfaction, and...you think you just died like this, is it really okay?"

"No one will feel sad about my death, so that's fine. If Mr. Yong Ye dies, then the children in the family and the Son of Heaven must be sad, right?"

"...Maybe there's nothing wrong with that, but I'm not weak enough to live by the sacrifice of a child, it doesn't matter that you don't have to sacrifice yourself, and..."

Halfway through, Yong Ye paused, squatted down and looked at the girl who fell on the ground.

"If I live by the sacrifice of children like you, then what's the difference between me and the police who use you (cursed children) to fight in exchange for money or to meet some strange needs."

"...That's different. This is the best solution to the current situation."

"You may be right, but...I won't accept it."

"Mr. Yong Ye, you may still not understand."

"Understand? Understand what?"

"For me, there is no value in living. You have found the meaning of life for me, so... Isn't it reasonable to die willingly for you? And only in this way can I show my value. ."

Tina shook her head slightly, seemingly troubled, trying her best to smile and give her own explanation.

"...Okay, okay, although I don't quite understand the thoughts of a child like you, there are still many things I want to ask, and I don't understand this inexplicable rationale, and I don't want to understand your distorted value, but since that's the case If... um... you should be abandoned now and have nowhere to go, so you can follow me for the time being, and get up first."

After thinking hard, Yong Ye reached out and grabbed Tina's back collar, like a cat, and lifted her from the ground like a cat.

The previous heavy atmosphere was easily broken by the simple action of Yong Ye. Tina obviously couldn't keep up with the development of the situation.

"...No, no, wait! Mr. Yong Ye?? What are you doing?"

As if the stagnation had been lifted, Tina turned around in a panic, trying to break free.

"Isn't that obvious? What are you still asking? The 98th IP leader will make money no matter what you bring back."

"Oh, yes, is that so?"

"Just kidding."

"But I will attract pursuers!"

"Then let's talk about it, don't take me as someone who is greedy for life and fear of death, although I do cherish my life."

"In that case—!"

"Ah, don't get me wrong, cherishing one's life does not mean being timid. If that professor wants to kill, just kill me. Anyway, there have been many people who have wanted to kill me for so long."

"That's different. Under Professor Rand, there are 21 starters in the IP ranking. If they are really active, maybe all the staff will be dispatched, and then..."

"It's ranked 21st in the IP ranking. It sounds really high. However, the battle is not based on the ranking. I don't know who will die. Of course, to avoid trouble, you may try to fake death?"

Chapter 40 Justice without power is powerless

"It can't be avoided so easily. The peripheral personnel need to recover the bio-like chip in my brain to determine my death. Without that chip, they can't believe that I am dead."

"...Destroyed in battle?"

"It's not that easy, and my body has been specially modified. Arms and torso have been implanted with auxiliary shooting devices. No matter what, these things will leave fragments."

"Is it taken back by me?"

"That will attract more attacks from Professor Rand, who will definitely be afraid of technology leaks..."

"Forget it, come here no matter what, then come, I also hate to make all those messy troubles, in short, you are a defeated prisoner. Since ancient times, in the decisive battle of life and death, the victor can control everything of the defeated, so you only need Just listen to me, the victor's arrangements."

At the end of the discussion, in the absence of results, since it is impossible to avoid the possibility that the other party may attack, Yongye simply ignores so many, and if you want to fight, you can fight, even if it is the 21st in the IP rankings? Although he didn't know how strong he was, he wasn't a softie who would be cowardly when he heard that others were ranked high.


"No buts."

"...No no no, I'm not talking about Professor Rand's problem."

"what is that?"

"Can I change my position if I can? I don't really like being carried like this."

"…What do you want?"

"I want to be a girl's dream."

Tina's eyes lit up, and her cheeks were a little red as she looked at Yong Ye.

"...A girl's dream? What is a girl's dream?"

"---Princess hug!"

"...Your injury wasn't caused by chisel products. It should be almost healed, right? After all, so much time has passed."

"This... found it?"

"Of course... well, you can go by yourself."

With that said, Yong Ye put the girl in his hand back on the ground, and walked in front of himself, while the girl behind him looked like he couldn't react.

But... staring at his back, Tina couldn't help but smile.

Because, exposing her back in front of her is undoubtedly a manifestation of trust, which means that she is finally believed by her sweetheart.

"Wait! Wait for me! Mr. Yong Ye."

Throwing away the dissatisfaction of being put on the ground, after hesitating for a while, she temporarily let go of her uneasiness towards Professor Rand, hurriedly chased after him, took Yong Ye's hand and hugged him in her arms, using some dirty clothes. His face rubbed.

"...Is your mood changing ridiculously fast? It was tragic and tragic just now, but now... How can I describe it better?"

Looking at the girl holding his hand, Yong Ye didn't know what to say at this time.

"What about me... If I lose, I have no value, and I have nothing."

"Huh... so?"

"Mr. Yong Ye, you have to take responsibility for me... Now I am not only worthless, but also defeated and captured."

"...Why do I feel that you were defeated and captured, but you seem very happy?"

"Do you need to ask? Of course it's because..."