When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 188

A strange premonition suddenly appeared in Yong Ye's heart. He put away the long knife and slowly exhaled, calmed his breathing, and raised his head to look at the 1.6-kilometer-high megalithic monument. The huge stone tablet immediately came into view.

The megalithic monument standing on the ground guarding the Tokyo area, but most of the surface of the scene has been bleached and polluted for a few days, and the overall look is dilapidated.

Look up at the top of the megalithic monument that is straight to the sky, the top of the bleak white megalithic monument.

Suddenly a strong wind blew through the forest, blowing the cape of the army commander of Yongye, and the surrounding trees also swayed with the wind, and the leaves rustled.

At the same time, on the top of the giant stone tablet, white powder fluttered with the whistling wind.

After that... something that made him stunned happened.

On the top edge of the megalith, the protruding corner of the rectangle began to collapse, turning into a large piece of white powder.

Then, like a toppled domino, it was just a little thing that triggered a series of chain reactions.

The huge body of the megalithic monument screamed as if it was finally unable to endure the erosive liquid, and began to collapse in a chain like a domino being pushed down by some force.

There were cracks all over the body of the albino monolith, and there was a creaking sound on its body, and then it could no longer withstand the pressure above and generally collapsed.

The megalithic monument that collapsed into small fragments looked like a slow-motion photography in the very close Yongye. Not long after the fragments violently collided with the ground, a strong rumbling and shock wave accompanied by a rumbling sound hit him.

The strong earthquake that made people unable to stand still began to spread from the ground, trying to shake his internal organs through the soles of his feet and let him fall to the ground, but Yongye trampled the ground ruthlessly, and the shock wave trampled by the war was within a small area around him. Overwhelming the huge impact caused by the collapse of the megalithic monument, the soil layer of the forest was overturned by the edge of the two shock waves impacting each other, exposing the loess below and the rotten flesh that was shaken.

The shock wave formed by the collapse of the megalith is not only the ground, but also the hurricane from the air.

Like a rushing storm, all the trees in the forest were bent over, and Yong Ye, who was still standing in place, couldn't help but turn his head and raise his hands because of the hurricane, to protect his face from the flying sand and stones.

After the hurricane passed, he shook his sleeves and skin to stir up a burst of dust, and then looked in the direction of the megalithic monument.

At this moment, the megalithic monument has disappeared, replaced by a huge amount of smoke and dust that seems to cover the entire sky is constantly rising.

"How come... The collapse is a day earlier? This is unreasonable... The calculation of the Son of Heaven should not have such a big deviation in theory."

Yong Ye withdrew his gaze, walked towards the camp, and meditated in his own words, but after the shock wave passed, the strong wind that blew up a cloak decorated with a larger-than-realistic cloak from time to time after the shock wave passed, but quickly made him guess the reason.

In theory, there is no problem with calculation, but even in 2031, it is still difficult to predict the weather perfectly, and the random airflow is even more difficult to calculate.

If there is no accident, today's unusually strong wind must be the culprit that caused the megalith to collapse one day earlier.

There is no time to sigh, the fall of the megalithic monument means that the gastritis can rush in at any time, which also means that in this unprepared time, at the moment when the megalithic monument collapsed, the war officially opened.


Chapter 50 A bad hand, a desperate situation

A super-giant structure with a length of 1.618 kilometers and a width of one kilometer - the megalithic monument.

The shock waves and shocks caused by its collapse were immeasurable. In the police camp, which was far away from the megalith, people were also turned over because of the huge impact, and the police who fell to the ground were dumbfounded by the sudden upheaval.

The megalithic stele collapsed ahead of schedule, causing a great commotion here. The policemen shouted at the No. 32 megalithic stele.

These can't be said to be strong, but at least they have participated in battles with better psychological qualities than ordinary people. This is a virtue. In the urban area, I am afraid that the fragile order that has been maintained for a long time has been directly lost, right?

Even though they were far apart, Yongye somehow felt as if he could hear the citizens in the city who were desperately trying to stay away from the No. 32 boulder, screaming and fleeing for their lives, and the loud trumpet playing. mixed chorus.

Before he could think about it, the entire city in the Tokyo area suddenly sounded in all directions, and the ear-piercing alarm that appeared a beat later.

This is the same biochemical alarm sound as in the Sendai area, and it is also sounding in the Tokyo area like a madness, which makes Yong Ye's mind unconsciously replay the horror when the panic spread and the entire city in the Sendai area fled. people scene.

Shaking his head slowly, Yong Ye covered his aching left eye with his hand, suppressed the strange emotions in his heart, and quickly stepped into the chaotic frontline headquarters to maintain order and stability.

Now that the megalith had collapsed, he had to assume that the gastronomy army had launched an offensive, so he had to prepare for the worst and try his best to stabilize the panicked civilian police corps before the Self-Defense Forces were defeated.

After a while, after the stability of the headquarters was restored, a series of instructions were conveyed, and the police took action in a panic, trying to set up a formation according to the content of the previous practice, but the result was chaos, completely revealing this unit. The undertrained and makeshift, unorganized nature of the rabble.

The sudden collapse of the megalithic stele has thrown the police into chaos. Even if they are forced, it will take a lot of recovery time to restore the barely qualified appearance during training.

At this time, Yong Ye could only sigh that he really was a bad hand.

As an unprecedented super-giant structure, the collapse of the megalithic monument brought astonishing dust and countless fragments and powders in addition to the shock wave. Thick clouds.

Clouds covered the sky in the Tokyo area, obscuring even the afternoon sun, although the government had anticipated shock waves and falling dust from the collapse, bad weather, and had issued an early warning.

However, hearing about it is very different from seeing it with your own eyes. Even if this abnormal situation is eternal night, you unconsciously associate it as a harbinger of the end of the world.

The matter of maintaining stability and restoring order was temporarily handed over to the President, Yong Ye personally drove to the front-line Self-Defense Force base not far from the police camp, but definitely not near, to observe the specific situation and make the next step.

All the soldiers in the base are rushing to start the chariots, debugging equipment, and the infantrymen are also nervously checking their firearms and ammunition, loading rifles, tank guns and various self-propelled artillery, and aiming rockets at the black smoke. The rich direction of the No. 32 megalithic monument prepares for the war that may come at any time.

It can be seen that although these people are arrogant, their military literacy as an army is still good. The front-line base of the Self-Defense Force was directly attacked by the smoke and dust from the giant stone tablet blown by the wind. Even so, they still managed to recover in a short time. The early collapse of the megalithic monument was too chaotic.

On the other hand, the police corps... It was like a day and a place. Without comparison, there would be no harm. It took about two hours for the panicked police to complete the combat readiness, and arrived at the designated defense location with themselves and the assigned equipment without error.

This policeman's performance was unsightly. Although he knew that he couldn't blame them for being undisciplined, and he knew that they were just a group of stragglers with decent force, Yong Ye couldn't help but feel very depressed.

The time came to around six o'clock in the evening. Although it was summer, the sun should not have set, but the sky at the moment was gloomy black because of the powder.

At this time, the army of gastrulae led by Aldebaran Bi finally bypassed the gap of the collapsed megalithic monument and successfully invaded the inner side surrounded by the megalithic monument.

The police defense position where Yongye is located is more than two kilometers behind the frontline base of the Self-Defense Forces, so it is impossible to see the actual process of the invasion. However, the sand and dust raised by the gastritis animals advancing side by side still drowned the horizon of the field of vision.

They raised their heads and raised their heads in unison to make blood-freezing sighs and roars of hatred, which made the policemen who were far away from them couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

In the next instant of this moment, the self-defense force, which had completely regrouped, had just attacked the gastrula just after the gastrula invaded the inside of the megalithic monument.

Long-range weapons such as self-propelled guns, tank guns, machine guns, rocket launchers and other long-range weapons simultaneously ejected deadly flames. The dense deadly guns rushed along the preset track and rushed towards the overwhelming army of gastroenterologists, and then immediately triggered A violent explosion like the earth shaking.

The gastrulas in the first row were blown away, and the flames rose high, but the gastrula in the second row flooded.

The battlefield was fiery red, and the sky that was originally pitch black because of the dust from the collapse of the giant stone monument seemed to be burning. The shock wave arrived after a half-beat delay. keep your face.

In the world of the Iron City, Yongye had participated in countless battles, and there were many battles at the fortress level, but even then there were mortars and various cannons and firearms, but with this Self-Defense Force In comparison, the momentum is more than a bit worse, which makes him unable to help but sigh that the gap between the times is really terrifying...

In this way, he was waiting in the defensive position, waiting in a time full of anxiety. Six hours have passed, and it is now twelve o'clock in the middle of the night. The entire battlefield is covered by darkness, and the dark environment is frightening.

Since the sky was covered by the dust from the fragments of the megalithic monument, there was no moonlight even during the full moon season, and there were no street lights in the outer area. In the eternal night, people could only light bonfires, set up searchlights, and prepare flares to meet the needs of the next possible battle.

Standing by the huge bonfire, Yongye could hear the deafening rumbling of tank shells and the occasional strong banging sound from the stalemate battlefield in the distance.

The rhythmic 25mm cannon fire, as if typing on a typewriter, and the neighs of various rifles were also mixed with the humming, roaring, and howling of gastrulas.

In addition, as expected, even though time has passed for a long time, no matter how stalemate the war is, no matter how intractable and tragic, no matter how long it has passed, the liaison officer who has always kept in touch with the Self-Defense Forces has not received any support. ask.

When Yong Ye finally got impatient and asked the liaison officer to contact the Self-Defense Forces, he found that... the Self-Defense Forces could not be contacted at all.

Is it because the equipment is damaged, or is it that they still care about their own credit or the site when they are alive and dead, and have turned off the communication equipment? It's only now that we can fight gastritis in solidarity, right?

Really a pig teammate... Not only is the Self-Defense Force a pig teammate, but looking at the police whose defensive formation is barely maintained, he can't help but sigh once again that he is also a mob...