When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 198

"Yes...don't worry...we'll be fine..."

"...Please be sure... come back safely...I..."

The unfamiliar girl and Buschcui did not speak very neatly, but at least the girl with a big hole in her abdomen just felt pain, but her ability to speak was not deprived. Buschcui spoke slowly.

In the end, before Buschcui finished speaking, she didn't stop at all and walked straight away. Now Yong Ye, who was already far away, disappeared completely before she could hear her weak voice due to the distance.

It took a little effort, but the problem was not that big. Although the situation on the battlefield was changing rapidly, the street fighting in this city is now in a stalemate. It is not wrong for the police to be at a disadvantage, but their ability to protect themselves is still very strong.

The battlefield environment in this city is extremely complex, and the defense is not good for the attack, especially for gastrus. If the policemen make good use of the terrain in the city, as long as their physical strength is not exhausted, they should be able to persist for a long time in theory.

... Of course, this is just a theory, in fact, who knows what other tricks Aldebaran has not used.


Breaking through the scope of the fierce battle zone, Yong Ye came to a high-rise building near the edge of the city.

In the middle of the floor, he re-searched and locked Aldebaran's figure through the broken window. After a while, Aldebaran, who had disappeared, was found immediately.

Aldebaran Bi, who has a huge body, is right behind the army of gastrus that has entered the city. There are not many guards beside him. There are only a group of ant-shaped personal guards who have crossed the giant stone tablet. Presumably most gastrula They have already entered the city, and the flying troop beside it is also looking for Yongye's figure in the city.

Although there is only one group of ants beside Aldebaran, and most of the ant colonies are only at the level of Stage 1 and Stage 2 and only a small amount of Stage 3, the large number is also a huge advantage, especially in the case of close cooperation, it can also play a role. The effect of one plus one is greater than two.

Since Aldebaran is quite special, Yongye did not take it lightly and its personal guards lightly, and he also understands that the ants' ant sea tactics are very powerful, and the four to ten in the ordinary stage are not likely to be their opponents. Therefore, as the personal guards, these four More than a hundred ants are definitely qualified.

But even if the ant colony is huge, it doesn't matter much to Yong Ye, because he doesn't plan to fight him head-on, but plans to lure them away, and then he can concentrate on dealing with Aldebaran, one-on-one. Although it cannot kill Aldebaran, the probability of forcing it to retreat after being injured is still very high.

Thinking of this, Yong Ye had a single-soldier communication system similar to a bluetooth headset hanging on his ears, and a voice came immediately.

"Everyone has arrived at the predetermined location, Yongye, please give an order."

"...Very good, bring your people to highlight the city limits, try to attract the group of ants beside Aldebaran as much as possible, and lead the group of ants away from Aldebaran."

"Definitely not humiliated!"

I don't know where I am right now, and after reassuring in a low voice, I appeared in Yongye's field of vision in a short while.

I was called to the edge just now on the road, and I led a dozen apprentices wearing exoskeletons and a dozen little samurai wearing exoskeletons from the third floor of the room some distance from Yongye. Going out, he drew his knife and rushed towards Aldebaran... Well, to be precise, it was the group of ants.

My president is very strong, and his apprentices are generally not weak. More than half of them are able to deal with the level of the third stage. There are more than 400 ant colonies, and the general level is not very high. It depends on which one is stronger. If you are weak...

Sufficient amount is enough to cause qualitative change. I am afraid that a head-on conflict will most likely wipe out the entire army. Of course, if it is just diverted, it is not a big problem... It should not be too big.

My president was waiting for someone to take action, but Yong Ye didn't do it. Instead, he just hid in the abandoned building, calmed down and waited quietly for the opportunity. He had no plans to help.

Even among my apprentices, there was a pair he knew, a middle-aged man and a girl with a single ponytail. The two were one step late on the way to evacuate. The girl's legs were corroded by formic acid, according to Yongye. Knowing to be her father's facilitator, he wanted to take her away but was swallowed by the ant colony... He didn't rush out either.

In the end, even if he went out now, he wouldn't be able to catch up at all, so he could only choose to rely on the father and daughter to be covered by the ant colony.

And now once he goes out, he will become the target of the ant colony, so the strategy of transferring the ant colony will be ineffective. If he joins the battlefield ant colony, he will besiege them under the command of Aldebaran, and take advantage of the ant colony. Call in reinforcements when you hold them back.

Although it is not impossible to forcibly break through the ant colony to attack Aldebaran, but the difficulty will increase geometrically. My president is right, they will also be forced to fight the ant colony head-on in order to hold the ant colony to reduce his pressure, and then die The number of people will increase exponentially.

Taking shots when they shouldn't be, it's not just a problem of two people, and it's not just a problem of my president's team. Once he fails and Aldebaran retreats without damage, more cruel deaths will spread. The Tokyo area will also turn into a sea of ​​blood.

Of course... this rotten world is all good, basically the Tokyo area that is rotten except for a few people has nothing to do with him, but he wants to continue to live in this rotten world, just because he wants to protect Just a few.

Yong Ye continued to wait, so he suppressed his heart, restrained the urge to take action, and went down the fire escape of the building step by step, until my president was leaving the ant colony for five minutes, confirming that the ants had already gone. After getting far enough, he rushed out of the building's cover.


Yongye blends into the wind, and uses the hurricane step, which has the ability to conceal and eliminate the sense of existence, as the biggest guarantee for a surprise attack, cruising as far as possible out of Aldebaran's sight, so as not to let it find itself in order to attack it.

No no no, wait... Aldebaran doesn't seem to have eyes...?

When Yong Ye deliberately avoided the range where Aldebaran's head was facing, he suddenly remembered that Aldebaran had no eyes, no nose, and no ears. His actions to bypass the sight of ordinary creatures seemed to have no practical effect. significance.

...In this case, how exactly does Aldebaran observe the world? What is it that locks the enemy? How do you observe the world? It breathes through its mouth, so is it that it uses its mouth to collect scents to target the enemy? Or is there some other special organ? Sensing air vibrations with your skin? Or do they use tentacles as sensory organs like other insects?

Humans are visual creatures, so they usually think that eyes are crucial to how to observe the world, but Yongye knows that there are many creatures in this world that do not have eyes and rely on other methods to observe the world, all kinds of strange things. There are all, and the effect is not even worse than the eyes.

In this way, it is very troublesome. In the face of an opponent who does not know what the detection method is... How to attack?

Yong Ye, who had a headache and was worried about how to sneak attack, continued to detour in the direction of the blind spot of the general line of sight, but God did not take care of him. Sure enough, Aldebaran, who was originally "looking" at the direction of the ant colony's departure, turned the The head on the long neck turned.

Although he has no eyes, Yongye can feel that this guy is "looking at" himself, and his intuition is also warning against this "sight".

Due to his huge size, Aldebaran can exude an amazing sense of oppression just by being there. Every time he takes a step, the nearby ground will shake.

Fighting an opponent like this, not to mention other things, is actually quite stressful just looking at it, but... there is no way, so far, the only way is to fight, and the only way out is to defeat this guy.

Aldebaran, who had already noticed the existence of Eternal Night, did not call for reinforcements as expected, and completely ignored the battle in the abandoned city, and directly pointed all the large number of tentacles and limbs like cockroach legs, giving up the detour, and went straight to it. Eternal night away.

"...The longer you drag on, the more variables there will be...Then let's go all out to behead from the beginning."

Yong Ye let out a long breath to get rid of the pressure on Aldebaran's huge body, and then lowered the center of gravity in the galloping state, and let the long knife fall naturally so that the tip of the knife touched the ground slightly, bringing sparks along the way. When a tentacle pierced the wind, it set off a more rapid spark, splitting it and smashing it aside.

Then, when more tentacles came one after another, Yongye moved sideways and stepped on one of the huge tentacles, rushing up along the path formed by the tentacles, approaching Aldebaran's body.

Along the way, due to the violent shaking of the tentacles under the feet, there are also a large number of other tentacles constantly flying in, either sweeping or stabbing, so Yongye is like performing a stunt, from time to time, he kicks the tentacles under his feet and replaces the other one. New tentacles and keep dodging or parrying the tentacles that keep attacking him.

Just in the blink of an eye, when the rapidly approaching Yongye was about to reach the bottom of Aldebaran's neck, Aldebaran suddenly withdrew his tentacles, and cut the tentacles under Yongye's feet with other tentacles. It was broken, forcing Yongye, who could not fly and had no other tentacles to replace, to follow the broken tentacle and fall to the ground.

At the moment when Yongye landed, the tentacles of the super-giant protozoan Aldebaran, rushed over once again, intending to take advantage of the present, to make him riddled with holes.

When the tentacles with a higher density than metal landed first, and Yong Ye was alone in this stagnant state, he could not avoid it, he forcibly twisted his waist and waved his blade to use centrifugal force to slash at the tentacles that arrived first, and a rapid metal crash sounded. There is nothing wrong with the tentacles, but Yongye uses the reaction force to quickly move his body sideways out of the attack range.

However, although his reaction was quick, the tentacles still partially pierced into his body, so... although he avoided the tragic experience of being disemboweled under the reaction principle, he also paid a certain price for it. ...a sharp, sharp pain came from his flank at this moment.

"Uh... ugh!"

Under the strong reaction force, Yong Ye successfully escaped from the attack range, but because the tentacles had already penetrated into his flank, his forcibly breaking free caused the tentacles to open up on his belly, and a lot of blood was swept away. Splashed out at this moment.

After landing on the ground and rolling for a few laps, he immediately covered his abdomen with one hand and stood up forcibly, subconsciously wanting to step back.

However, before taking two steps back, he stopped his footsteps and let go of his left hand covering his abdomen, holding the knife handle tightly with his blood-stained left hand and his right hand wrapped in white bandages, Hold the long sword upright and aim at the monster in front of you with the tip of the sword.

At the moment of retreating, he realized again that he had more important things to do than pain. Now that he has not yet attacked the enemy, he has no option to retreat.

Yong Ye focused all of his consciousness on the tip of the knife, as if the time in the world had begun to slow down. When the tentacles attacked again, the speed of the tentacles seemed to be slowed down as well.

In the process of accumulating power, he clearly captured the tentacles attacking at supersonic speed, and then on his long knife, a sword energy that was enough to distort the atmosphere was shot out.

The two tentacles that directly attacked his brain and heart were cut off, while the other tentacles that were blocking his escape route either plunged into the ground or smashed his side without moving. the ground.

On the ground smashed by the tentacles, the gravel attacked him in almost all directions. In this case, Yong Ye could only swing his blade with all his strength to block or smash the gravel as much as possible.

However, the amount of gravel, like a saturated attack, was too large to be completely defended, so he could only choose to block the big threat, and let it hit his body with the small threat.