When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 238

Yingman Spring and Summer was taken to the White Bone Christmas Tree to enshrine the courtyard and those aristocrats and celebrities, and then used the money to save his life, but he lost it when he was used up by Yongye.

No... No, it was a promise to let them and their families go after they handed over all their belongings.

Yong Ye even reserved a suite for each of their families out of humanitarianism, so that they could live on the sidelines.

Although they also considered killing all of them, Yongye decided to abide by the promise after considering it. After all, they really just survived, because they could not threaten Yongye anyway, even if the whole family joined a terrorist organization, Not enough for a Steiner to kill.

Also...it's not without merit, because before they were released, Yongye deliberately let people stun them at night, and without all of them knowing, implanted microchips in their bodies for Lock the location and collect sound information, and when necessary, release the neurotoxin in the chip to achieve the effect of remote obliteration.

In fact, Yong Ye doesn't know if these people will join the terrorists to take revenge, but they have contributed so much money and cooperated so well. Now it's embarrassing to kill Yong Ye directly. If there is no idea of ​​revenge, it will be a waste. Just some chips.

If you have the idea of ​​revenge, or join the ranks of terrorists... just use the chips in their bodies to lock their positions and wipe them out.

This is really killing three birds with one stone. It can keep its promise, use these people to gather intelligence, and finally use them as bait to capture terrorists.

On the other side, Funeral Club.

When Sakura Manji, who escaped in a small submarine, just blocked the Dragon Knight missile, he thought he was a hero, the hero who saved the lives of everyone on the cruise ship.

However, after knowing that the owner of the cruise ship had been arrested and screaming that he wanted to go to the Bone Christmas Tree to save people, he was directly knocked to the ground with a punch by Zang Shen Ya, and then he calmed down, knelt on the ground and covered his face with his hands and cried.

After that, all the people who handed over their property in the fifth quarantine center were released, but only Yingman Chunxia was still in the Bone Christmas Tree.


Knowing that people like Shuichiro Kemido wouldn't care about his sister, Yongye didn't plan to use Sakura Manchatsu to negotiate with him, but when he brought it back, he directly launched a surprise interrogation.

"Sakura is full of spring and summer, you have a chance to tell me the location of the Void genome, otherwise..."

Yong Ye clapped his hands, and immediately someone sent a test tube.

"You should know Veritaserum, right? I don't care what senior researcher you are. You are just an ordinary prisoner now. If you are willing to tell me frankly, then I naturally don't need this kind of thing."

Veritaserum does not mean that if you hit it, you will tell the truth, but it is also a relatively easy-to-use thing. It is a special anesthetic that directly stimulates the human brain, which will put people in a state of sedation and hypnosis. The brain's control of behavior will then be like sleepwalking. It will only use the subconscious to answer. As long as you ask, there will be a response, and there will never be a bit of information that can't be squeezed out by the iron mouth and copper teeth.

The disadvantage is that you cannot ask too complicated questions, you must ask some extremely simple questions, and most of the time the answers are incoherent. You need to rely on a professional psychologist for analysis, and the human brain is a very sophisticated instrument. , just a little more than the brain can handle will destroy the nerve cells of the brain and turn people into idiots.

Although there are very few people who can rely on extremely strong willpower to overcome this kind of drug, Yingmanchuan certainly does not have that kind of willpower that usually cannot be achieved by special forces who have undergone anti-interrogation training. After all, this thing is at most Use it on those who are hard-mouthed and trained in counter-interrogation.

"...What purpose do you have! That thing has nothing to do with you at all! And this drug is expressly prohibited by the Geneva Convention! The court will not use the testimony after using this drug!"

Although I couldn't tell that it was Veritaserum just by looking at the appearance, I guessed that it was Veritaserum, Ying Manchatsu's pupils shrank because of fear, but she quickly reinvigorated herself and wanted Yongye to give up on the truth. The ambitions of the Void Genome.

"I'm not going to court, and the army will illegally use some prohibited things. Isn't this a normal thing? Besides, what I want to do has nothing to do with you. You are just a prisoner who was arrested after participating in a terrorist rally. Please remember this and answer my questions honestly."


"If you tell me honestly, maybe I can consider letting you go home? And if you have a good attitude, your son can also take special amnesty, and then he can come back to you in an open and honest way and let him go. You enjoy the joy of family again."

Of course he was just lying, but Yongye didn't mind lying in order to find out information, and said the words that would cut off Sakuraman's spring and summer hopes.

"Finally, I forgot to tell you, if you were waiting for Shuichiro Shido to save you, then you can save yourself. Now that I didn't bother him, he should burn Gaoxiang. After all... his family is almost dead. Only your sister and Ying Manji's nephew are blood related, and both of you are anti-GHQ people. If you say that he has nothing to do with terrorist organizations, no one will believe him, so he can't protect himself. He is about to be suspended for investigation.”

"—Brother, he has nothing to do with this matter!"

Without even thinking about it, Ying Man Chun Xia immediately complained about her brother. It's a pity that Yong Ye didn't pay attention to his thoughts at all.

"Who knows this? We won't know until we investigate."

"You are an internal dictatorship!"

"You can think of it this way. In fact, it's all I do. You can say whatever you want. The monitoring and recording of this interrogation room are all closed. No one will know what happens here, although I don't know. I found more than 100 people to turn you around, because I don't like doing that kind of thing, but you can't survive the torture."

"…What do you want?"

"Please don't get me wrong, it's not what I want, but what you want. If you cooperate with anyone, you won't be in trouble. If not...I think about it..."

Yong Ye spread his hands with a look of helplessness, and made a random metaphor after thinking for a while.

"Have you heard of the ancient torture of peeling skin?"

"Peel... skin?"

"Yes, skinning, I heard that people are buried in the soil, only one head is exposed, and a cross is cut with a knife on the top of the head. After pulling the scalp away, mercury is poured into it. Because mercury is very heavy, it will damage the muscles. If it is pulled away from the skin, the person buried in the soil will writhe in pain, but will not be able to break free. Finally, the body will crawl out from the top of the head 'smoothly', leaving only a piece of skin left in the soil, really. The fake one is unknown, do you want to try it?"


Sakura Manchatsu, whose complexion suddenly changed, was speechless for a while, and her face was terrifyingly pale.

"Come on!"

Before Sakura Manchatsu could finish speaking, Yong Ye patted the table and two soldiers came in immediately.

"Drag her out into the field, dig a hole and bury her, use a knife in..."

"Wait! Wait! Don't do this! I said... I said not enough?!"

Under the influence of fear, Yingman Chunxia didn't think any more, and quickly interrupted Yongye, made a compromise, and shouted in self-defeating.

"Isn't that great? I like the one who cooperates the most."

He waved his hand to let the soldiers back down, and the unknown face under the Yongye tactical mask showed a kind smile.

Even the Veritaserum Medicine didn't work, and even before the torture, facing the threat of torture, Yingman Chunxia succumbed to it.

After all... the horror of skinning, even Yong Ye felt a little shudder just thinking about it. Even the soldiers who were interrogated, most of them couldn't support it. You must know that people can live without skin, but... It will be unbearable pain, that is the real life but death.

The fear brought about by such torture, a researcher who was offered as a treasure, naturally had no way to resist.

Sakura Manchatsu honestly explained that there is actually a Void Chromosome, which is similar to what Yongye expected, in ANTIBODIES (Special Virus Disaster Countermeasures Bureau), Sefira Gene Pharmaceutical with the world's highest genetic research technology inside the institute.

The specific location is in the secret storage room, and the password to enter is only owned by Shuichiro Kemichi, she just knows the thing is there.

For the time being, there is no way to determine whether it is true or not, so Yongye will continue to imprison Yingman Spring and summer, and after confirming the information on the arms order that Major General Yang also ordered specially due to some hunch in his heart, he also prepares to return to the church to rest temporarily. Prepare to wait until you have fully recovered from the bad mental state after the Alpha Raid, and then sneak into the Sefira Gene Pharmaceutical Research Institute.

After all, there is nothing urgent for him now, and he can fully prepare for action.

Chapter 13 The Abnormality of Yuqi

Ever since he learned about the effect of the Soul Crystal, Yong Ye was in the Bone Christmas Tree, checking the information, then destroying the crystal, and getting familiar with the Alpha Raid. The people on the luxury cruise ship, draining their value and interrogating Yingman Spring and Summer, have not rested for two days.

Although I haven't rested for two days and I haven't closed my eyes, it's not a big problem for Yong Ye, but I can relax my mind when I go back to see it occasionally. I originally thought so...

At noon, Yong Ye quickly returned to the church.

Entering the backyard of the church and preparing to go back to the priest's building, he happened to have a face-to-face with Qi Qi who was about to go out.