When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 256

However, Yong Ye is a last resort, right? When the enemy is outnumbered, if this method is not adopted, and there is another head-to-head confrontation with the enemy, then even if we can win, there will not be too many people left now. At that time, the army to quell the rebellion will not be left. , it is not necessarily that it will be eliminated.

When inspecting the casualties of the army, he accidentally found that some of his soldiers approached the group of junior high school students and handed them food.

There is no idea of ​​blocking, this area will be in chaos for a while due to the war. Compared with the soldiers who can easily get food, except for the girls who have been abandoned, the others are also unable to find their families because of this battle. Children, it must be very difficult to get food in the chaos. These soldiers will now give them some rations, which will probably help them to a great extent, right?

What is the point of war? Why can't people live in peace? What is all this destruction for? Why were humans turned into kabane and gastritis by humans themselves? Why continue internal fighting even when there is a threat from foreign enemies?

Yong Ye, who has been on the battlefield several times, has thought about this kind of question several times, and the final answer is similar to what he said to the girl before, because—selfishness, desire, greed.

If you get 1 million, you will want 10 million, if you get 10 million, you will want 100 million. If you get money, you will want power. When you become the head of state, you will get the supreme power of a country, and you will also want the territory of other countries. Even if you dominate this planet, you will still want other planets in the universe.

I am afraid that even if it dominates this universe, mankind will want other universes, of course... Before that, the one who conquers the world will first face the desire of the people below to want his power.

Even if all the worlds are conquered and unified, human beings will still fight in dens, and a country can divide into several fights together.

Even in a relatively civilized world, the plundering of the world's resources by strong countries has not stopped for a moment. The contradictions between strong countries and weak countries, and between strong countries and strong countries, even because of the emergence of nuclear weapons, the great powers have maintained the greatest relationship when dealing with each other. The limit is restrained, but the contradiction is always intensifying day and night.

War is an eternal existence, so if he doesn't die, then this will definitely not be the last time he goes to war.

I don't know why, maybe it was because of the group of children at this time, I was used to the cruel and dead Eternal Night, and I recalled the feeling when I really used my hands to kill people for the first time a long time ago, He was also on a battlefield at that time.

At that time, he had just arrived at the rear of the safety, and when he recalled the touch of cutting off the head, he felt sick and nauseous. The feeling of killing for the first time really made him reluctant to recall.

On the battlefield where life was withering, the people who had saluted him in the base and sat with him for breakfast just disappeared after a while, and even the corpse could not be found.

In this battle, although more than 10,000 enemy troops were eliminated, one third of his men were also damaged.

Ten to one battle damage is really a big profit, but... that's also nearly a thousand soldiers, a thousand soldiers with their own families, and they all have people waiting for them to go home, but only one can wait. Zhang's death notice.

In the next battle, no one can guarantee that they will be able to return alive, and the number of enemies will be many, but... they do not want to escape.

Looking at the quilt, he tore off the gloves and lost two fingers, but luckily the soldier who was not hit in the chest saw him, he quickly stood up from the ground and saluted himself, the broken arm was bandaged, letting Yong Ye I felt a pain in my chest.

Haven't they ever thought of escaping here? Or do they think that since they are soldiers, they should perform their duties without hesitation, even at the expense of sacrifice?

If so, is it my duty to take them to quell the rebellion now?

There was some unspeakable strange disgust and confusion in Yong Ye's heart. He rushed to death with the soldiers who trusted him, and caused a lot of lives to pass away. It doesn't matter what other people are, but he is really worthy of trusting him and trusting him. the soldiers and the group of people who want to wait for the soldiers to come home?

"...Suddenly I became sentimental again, obviously I'm used to this kind of thing..."

Yong Ye shook his head suddenly, put his complicated emotions behind him, and boarded the tank again.

There's nothing to be sorry, I'm sorry, he had no choice but to do as little as possible to minimize the deaths of those soldiers who believed in him, and then...

"If there is a chance, when the war is over, I will also learn to write a death notice, even if it is just a signature..."

Chapter 20 The Way to Die That Can't Be Laughable

"The urgent news is now released. Today at around 12:20 noon, a terrorist named Funeral Agency used the virus to carry out a large-scale terrorist attack at Tokyo's Haneda Airport. The GHQ's top commander, Major General Yang, was killed."

"Around two o'clock in the afternoon, the GHQ's special operations brigade, the special raid unit launched a rebellion, and a large-scale armed conflict with the Self-Defense Forces and security forces took place in the Shinagawa district. They launched air strikes in the city regardless of international conventions, and even used aircraft carriers Bombs and napalm caused raging fires in the city, and a large number of innocent people were implicated and lost their lives."

"The rebels have new equipment and strong combat effectiveness, and it will take a certain amount of time to destroy them, but the Ground Self-Defense Force and the Eastern Front have dispatched a large force, equipped with the best A-type divisions, the third division, I believe they will be able to Destroy the rebels."

"Because it will take a certain amount of time to exterminate the rebels, the government has declared a state of emergency and issued a special-level epidemic prevention alert and a special-level war alert. People who have not yet completed their evacuation and evacuation, please enter the shelter quickly, and repeat, twelve o'clock today... …”

In Tokyo, various radio stations set up at high places suddenly heard a long rumbling of radio waves, and emergency news was also interspersed on the TV news.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government, which has colluded with Shuichiro Stemichi, immediately used the media to announce that Yongye and the Special Shock Force were mutineers, and informed people that the Ground Self-Defense Force and the Eastern Front would send a third division to deal with special forces. The raiding force carried out encirclement and suppression.

In addition, the TV can also see the battle scenes captured in the distance, as well as the tragedies of the air raids on the surveillance cameras. For the tragedy caused by the special raiding force, it can be said that people and gods are indignant for a while.

in the airport.

It was calculated first, and then was attacked by a virus. It is still being attacked by the security forces. The funeral agency, which is fighting against the security forces with a large number of terrorist organizations in this airport, also received this news.

"Is this the real war?... These equipments are really... It turned out that when they were dealing with us, the special strike force hadn't used its real skills."

Chishenya with crystals growing on his face, looking at the equipment of the special assault troops in the video, and the fighter planes like small dots in the sky, recalling the deafening roar of guns in the distance just now, and realizing the actual gap between the two sides, He couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

On the news that Tokyo was in a state of war, the members of the funeral club at most only sighed at the power of the special raid force, wondering why the situation became like this in a short while.

As for the casualties of civilians... um... Although they are hot-blooded young people, it is impossible to say that they have a real sense of justice. It can only be said that they have a sense of justice, but at most they are just verbally condemning Yong Ye's practice of disregarding civilian casualties.

After all, if it is really just enough, how could they possibly be with the prisoner of the Tokyo Skytree bombing, just to kill a few GHQ employees, blasting and killing hundreds of ordinary people Kenji Shiroto?

Compared with Yongye, which was a last resort for the survival of the troops and strategic needs, although Shiroto Kenji killed fewer people, the nature of his behavior was much worse than that of Yongye, but the people in the funeral club were not. Specially rescued him from prison, and was able to work with him, such behavior is indeed not wronged to be called a terrorist.

After sighing about the weapons and equipment of the special strike force and the surprising changes in the current situation, the funeral agency and various terrorist organizations once again started an exchange of fire with the security forces.

On Yongye's side, he had almost repaired the troops. After stroking the head of the girl who had lost her family and thinking for a while, he assigned the soldier who had cut off his index and middle fingers and **** to send them away.

Although the soldier insisted that just **** would not affect the battle, Yong Ye still forced him to leave the team temporarily and leave with the child.

In the end, parting from the group of children and the soldiers with the severed fingers, the special assault unit hurried towards the airport where the gunfire was constantly being heard.

"What's the situation at this airport now? Why hasn't the gunfire been interrupted until now?"

Noticing the sound of gunfire all over the airport and the occasional screams, Yong Ye looked at Adjutant Crane, but before Crane could answer, he guessed who it was.

"The virus should be caused by the rebels of Shuichiro Gomichi, but the security forces here are fighting...well, it should be those terrorists."

"Why do you think it's a terrorist?"

"Because even their own citizens hate them for being terrorists, but those terrorists keep claiming that they are fighting for the nation, good patriots for this country, whether this is true or not, but those people Certainly not to watch something as important as the Origin Stone be taken out of Japan by GHQ and shipped to a foreign country.”

"I see... So they came to the airport to **** the Origin Stone, but they were used by Shuichiro Stemido to be charged with killing Major General Yang, so they are still fighting against the security forces at the airport?"


Nodding lightly, Yong Ye began to think about whether he should attack these terrorists at this time. Although it is the duty of the army to eliminate terrorists, but in this situation... Is it difficult to join forces with terrorists?

The special assault force adopted an eradication-type siege against the terrorists, which was a complete slaughtering posture, and the terrorists also killed the soldiers of the special assault force in the battle.

The contradiction between the two sides is very deep. Even if Yongye wants to cooperate temporarily according to the situation, the people below can obey the order, but... the remnants of the terrorist organizations that have been defeated must still be inside, and those who have an inseparable relationship with the special strike force. Those who hate each other will definitely not agree to cooperate with the special strike force that killed their relatives and friends.

Even if they cooperate in front of them, there is a very high chance that they will shoot in the back. Soldiers will also worry that the group of terrorists will suddenly turn against the water, and the situation will be more dangerous than non-cooperation.

"...Go to the temporary combat headquarters at the airport, and eliminate all terrorists and security forces along the way!"

"Yes Sir!"

Adjutant Crane, who had no objection to Yong Ye's decision, immediately raised his hand to salute.

To be honest, he was really relieved that Yong Ye could say that, otherwise he would be worried about his back if he cooperated with terrorists, and not only him, but other soldiers would also think the same.

Although the situation facing the special strike force itself is very difficult now, it is really...