When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 259

From the mouths of these Self-Defense Forces, he quickly knew Shuichiro Komichi's promise to the Commander of the Self-Defense Force Eastern Front.

Because this incident was deliberately spread by the commander, prompting it to spread among the officers and soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces to improve the morale of the Self-Defense Forces.

Just waiting, suddenly, the first brigade, which was entangled with the third division of the Self-Defense Forces, issued a warning.

The 3rd Division of the Self-Defense Forces occupied the periphery of the Tokyo Haneda Airport where they had been evacuated, and the Roppongi blockade that was previously destroyed by the special raiding force. A large number of unknown purple objects are continuously gathering, and they have converged into a tower. shape.

According to the genetic detector of the virus, there is a high degree of genetic resonance in the airport, and there is a strange connection with the tower.

Chapter 21 Retaliation against the virus with poison gas

"…what is happening?"

The sudden report made Yong Ye feel a little confused. He didn't understand why a virus crystal tower suddenly appeared, and why was the airport blocked? Does the airport have anything to do with the Crystal Tower in Roppongi?

Confused, Crane walked over while staring at the screen of the portable terminal.

"Sir, I think there must be some secret of Shuichiro Shido in that airport. The third division was sent to the airport from the very beginning. Their target was not us, but they were blocked by the first group. The actual target was the airport. ."

"If there is such a possibility, then let the first brigade go to Roppongi for reconnaissance. We will go to the airport. The time for the decisive battle has come."

"Yes Sir!"

A small team of people will stay to control the government building and supervise the governor of Tokyo. If a large group of Self-Defense Forces or security forces come, they will evacuate here. Yongye believes that their own people must not be able to catch up with the Self-Defense Forces and the security forces. , is very good at fighting urban street fighting special raid units.

Although he didn't know exactly what Shuichiro Kojido was doing, it didn't hinder his actions, because from this series of events, he could infer that Shuichiro Kojido must have a very crazy plan.

No matter what the plan was, as long as it was implemented, he and the special strike force would be one of the targets. He had a hunch that if Shuichiro Komichi was not stopped, they would all die, and everyone would be finished.

Therefore, even if he stepped back 10 million steps and let go of his hatred, he had to kill Shuichiro Kemichi.

Tokyo Haneda Airport.

The flames and gunpowder smoke rose again this night, and the deafening sound of artillery fire let the terrorists hiding in the corner of the airport, avoiding the Third Division and the Self-Defense Force, know that the special strike force was back.

The emergence of the purple crystal tower and the obvious continuous expansion of the virus infection circle, let the soldiers of the special raid force know that if this behavior is not stopped, what will happen in the end will be worse than imagined, and the people who will suffer will also suffer. Must be more than just Japan.

Highly condensed crystals of the virus appeared on the ground and in the walls, and even many soldiers who had not been infected before also appeared cancerous crystals of the virus. This is a very bad situation.

"Notify the entire army."

Looking at the liaison officer beside him, the crystal appeared on his face, Yong Ye picked up the radio.

"I'm Colonel Yong Ye. Even I don't know what's going on right now, but if you look at the comrades next to you, you should have a good idea. Although I don't want to say anything about the future of mankind... But Shuichiro Komichi is obvious. Crazy, if we don't stop him, not only us, but the whole earth, our family, all will be infected with the virus, so..."

Although I have no family. With that in mind, Yong Ye continued.

"For our future, for the future of our family, even if we are outnumbered, we have no choice. We must eliminate them at all costs!"

At all costs, not a charge, but the use of all prohibited weapons, such as -- the color-changing bioweapons.

Biological and chemical weapons include rickettsia, viruses, toxins, chlamydia, fungi, etc. The use of biological and chemical weapons is the most controversial and lethal war in human history. Prohibiting the use of poisonous weapons is one of the ancient international practices.

You must know that once a biochemical weapon is not careful, it may not only be encountered by the enemy, but even yourself will be in danger. A little carelessness will lead to the spread of the virus, but at this time, you can't care so much. During the Second World War in the 20th century, Germany and Japan used biological and chemical weapons, and then the United States, Britain and Russia also started the research and development of biological and chemical weapons, and used biological and chemical weapons to counteract them.

After the war, according to the 1972 Biological and Chemical Weapons Convention and the Geneva Protocol, biological and chemical weapons were banned, but even so, even if some countries destroyed some of the biological and chemical weapons in their stockpiles and stopped research, they were actually hiding With a large number of biochemical weapons.

In 1997, the United Nations' "Convention for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons" also officially entered into force, but some countries, including the United States, still have nerve agent chemical weapons.

For example, the U.S. military now has nearly 3,000 tons of VX nerve gas and more than 20 kinds of ammunition.

VX nerve gas is a more toxic nerve agent than sarin. It is known as the most terrifying chemical weapon produced by humans. The US military stationed in Japan itself has this kind of thing in stock. VX nerve gas.

VX is a typical persistent poison, and its killing effect lasts from several hours to several days and nights.

However, there is a specially improved attack type here in Yongye, which can take effect immediately. The improved toxicity is stronger, and it can disperse within ten minutes to achieve the purpose of quickly paralyzing the enemy.

"Now is the time to retaliate with the way of others. The entire army should pay attention to retreat. The tanks with three defense systems turn on the biochemical protection system and the remote-controlled mechas continue to maintain the front line. Other personnel temporarily avoid the battle. District... For the sake of a brand new tomorrow, even if we are notorious, we will not hesitate to use dirty and cruel methods!"

Since it was the enemy who used the virus attack first, then you can't blame them for using VX nerve gas at this time, although there may be accidental injuries due to the wind direction, drifting to nearby urban areas where evacuation has not been completed or has not been evacuated. Civilian casualties, but not so much anymore.

To be cruel, he is no worse than Shuichiro Stemido, at least for the enemy.

Even if there are many accidental injuries, he will not cause more damage than the indiscriminate attack of the apocalypse virus, and Yongye is also very puzzled, why the security forces and the Self-Defense Force would follow such a lunatic who released the virus, or say... Do they actually think he put the virus?

Just as Eternal Night was pondering, the Self-Defense Forces also clearly noticed the retreat of the infantry in the special assault unit, but before they could react, the M137 VX poison shell was fired through the rear self-propelled artillery.

A large number of artillery shells fell, and there was no big explosion as the Self-Defense Force soldiers thought, but nothing happened.

Yes, nothing happened.

"Mass duds?"

"How can it be."

"Go and see?"

"have a look?"

The two soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces were confused and wanted to take a look, but after all, they were soldiers and had received professional training. It only occurred to them in a short time that it was probably a gas bomb.

Although Japan is restricted from biological and chemical weapons, the U.S. military stationed in Japan has once seen the VX nerve agent leaking from a container, poisoning 23 soldiers and sending them to the hospital.

"—It's poisonous gas!? Hurry up...!"

The soldier who found the abnormality had just shouted, but he didn't even finish a word, he stuck his neck, his muscles kept twitching, like an epileptic seizure, and he was foaming at the mouth with the rifle in his hand. They all fell directly to the ground. VX is a fast-acting poison, and it is also a colorless and odorless oily liquid. Once it comes into contact with oxygen, it will turn into a gas. Symptoms include salivation, pupil constriction, and chest tightness.

Like some other nerve agents, VX acts on the enzymes that control the glands and muscles of the body. When this enzyme is blocked, the molecules continue to stimulate the muscles, which tire after incessant spasms and eventually suffocate or the heart stops working leading to death .

Although people who are exposed to the poison may be rescued, even a very small dose can be fatal, and the mass destruction is extremely strong. No matter where they hide, it only takes ten minutes to be exposed to the gas. Will be injured by poison gas.

The Self-Defense Forces, who were not equipped with biological and chemical weapons, and did not expect to be attacked by biological and chemical weapons in their own country, were blown by a poisonous wind due to the lack of equipment to defend against biological and chemical weapons, but nearly one-third of the ten minutes. One of the people fell down, and the sound of ghost crying and wolf howling sounded one after another, and the angry roar also sounded in unison when the poisonous gas dissipated.

Cruel war is enough to destroy humanity, so this cruel weapon appears.

The battle in the air continued, and the battle on the ground broke out more violently after a brief pause.

In order to prevent the special assault unit from using this weapon again, the Self-Defense Forces launched the most violent attack with full of anger, and it can be said that the maximum combat power was suppressed in an instant.

However, in fact, the special raid unit has also used up the VX poison shells carried by the army at one time. The opponent's strategy of no longer adopting a defensive strategy is very much in line with Yongye's expectations.

The multi-barrel rocket launchers, self-propelled artillery, and missile vehicles on both sides are all outputting firepower in an instant, without the need for flares, and the continuous explosions seem to never stop turning the night sky into day. stance.

The Ota Ward in front of the airport has been turned into a battlefield for a decisive battle. As an A-type division, even if the third division of the Self-Defense Force is damaged by a third, it has more than ten times the number of special assault troops with less than 2,000 people. .