When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 302

There were also several students from other schools on the ground. It seemed that they were all hit by these two people with Void weapons, and they didn't know if they were dead.

After the yo-yo boy knocked down a boy from another school, another male student in Tianwangzhou, wearing glasses and an unidentified void glove on his hand, walked to the ground because of a sudden change and was so frightened that he fell to the ground in front of the girl from another school. , Although this girl was holding a rifle she didn't know where she picked it up, it didn't seem like she would use it.

"For a certain plan, we are recruiting talents. As long as we swear allegiance to President Yingman, we will grant you the qualification to continue living."

The man with glasses condescendingly faced the girl from another school and said something that made Yong Ye startled.

In the distance, Yong Ye listened to what the glasses man said to the truth, and always felt very... Should I say this... Very funny?

A student council president wants others to swear allegiance, is he really taking himself as a king? Or do you really think that a verbal oath of allegiance can really bind a person?

At this level of secondary school, there are still people who can play with Ying Manji. Is this... Is it forced by the pressure of survival, or is it just directly affected by Ying Manji?

Just when Yong Ye thought so, the female student who fell on the ground obviously didn't believe their words. The qualifications for allegiance and survival were completely unreliable like bullshit, so after hesitation, she chose to open. Gun self defense.

"What, what's going on?!"

The female student pulled the trigger desperately, but there was no response. The rifle seemed to be broken, which aroused her suspicion.

"Go ahead, Namba-kun, anyway, this guy's void is definitely garbage."

With a contemptuous smile, he glanced at the girl who couldn't even load it, and the yo-yo man walked over to the man with glasses.


After being reminded by the yo-yo man, the man with glasses used his gloved hand to hold the white-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose to approve his companion's words, and immediately prepared to clean up the terrified girl from another school on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Lorna, the squad leader who couldn't see her face, turned her face to Yong Ye's side to seek his instructions.

"Colonel, what to do?"

"What do you want? Go save if you want."


After getting permission, Lorna walked out first and shouted at the two of them.

"—The two boys over there."

"…Huh? Soldiers?"

"No, it's the rebels!"

When the two students saw Lorna, who was holding a new-style rifle and wearing a bulletproof special military uniform, walking towards them, they immediately took a few steps back vigilantly.

"...I really don't know how to live or die. I have always hated people who bully girls. Now in this **** blockade area, there is another word that I hate the most. It's a pity that you two have it all. Woolen cloth."

Hearing the word "rebel", a smile appeared on Lorna's face that couldn't be peeped, um... the kind that didn't smile.

"What's the fun in bullying a girl who can't even load a gun? Come on, let eldest sister have a good time with you."

"Hey! This..."

"No, no need..."

Although they have special weapons, they can't stand the other party with guns, and even if there are no guns, ordinary students can't be the opponents of soldiers, especially when the other party is still a special force, so the two students immediately wilted like the previous group of students. , waving his hands in a panic, wanting to confess.

"Don't be shy, come and play!"

Lorna didn't even need to use a gun, so Lorna rushed towards the two of them. The soldiers in Yongye's squad all turned their heads, and then they could hear a series of screams from the two students.

Lorna, who is proficient in Russian military fighting skills, beat two students holding the Void to half to death with her bare hands, and she could only fall to the ground whine after two hits.

And then... Lorna gained an admirer.

"Sister! Can I call you sister?"

The girl who was holding a rifle but couldn't shoot, looked at Lorna, who had easily knocked down the two boys.

"Ah, of course there is no problem, but, you can't follow me, I still need to..."

"It doesn't matter if you think there is no problem. You and your team are waiting here. I will go to Tianwangzhou No. 1 High School by myself to solve the terrorist Ying Manji of the funeral club who attracted the students."

Without waiting for the slightly troubled Lorna to say refusal, Yong Ye interrupted her and gave the order to stand by.


Although there was a lot to say, Lorna didn't ask anything, didn't say anything, just ordered her subordinates to hide around. On the other hand, Yong Ye walked in the direction of Tianwangzhou No. 1 High School by himself.

The street scene was still broken, and the road was full of crystals. Yong Ye ignored this common street scene and walked directly to the school gate of Tianwangzhou No. 1 High School.

He didn't have any plans to sneak in, so he stepped into the atrium of the high school in front of everyone's eyes. After the students standing guard at the door recognized him, they all ran back. No one was going to stop him at all.

Entering the atrium of the campus, you can clearly see that this school can be called three steps and one post. You can see students with green armbands at intervals, supervising a group of students wearing red armbands. .

Although... after discovering his existence, they all fled.

Tianwangzhou No. 1 High School, in the Student Union Office.

Sakura Manji's guards hurriedly pushed open the door, and looked at Sakura, who was wearing the same uniform as the ordinary students, a pure black coat with red lines and a black scarf around his neck. Full set.

"President Sakuraman! There's an intruder in the school!"

"Intruder? Who."

"The leader of that rebel army!!"

"What?! Immediately summon the Guards to stop him!"

Sakura, who originally had his head lowered and looked ruthless, couldn't maintain his ruthless appearance immediately. He raised his head in surprise and ran to the window to search for Yong Ye's figure, and summoned his personal guards, intending to rely on the number of people to defeat him. other side.

"It's useless, just run away! Set."

Shinomiya Ayase, who was also in the student council office, immediately shook her head like a rattle, denying Sakura Manji's words.

"He shouldn't hurt ordinary students, so you..."

"Escape? Why do you want to escape? This is my school. Everyone has weapons of the Void, so you don't need to be afraid of him at all. And once you escape at this time, the prestige that I just built up will collapse in an instant. can't survive."

"Stop talking nonsense! Set! No matter how many students come together, it is impossible to defeat that monster! And you don't have that kind of prestige from the beginning! Everyone is just afraid of the advancing wall, so they cooperate with the ability to extract the void. You! They listen to you, not your charisma, nor your prestige. Once the crisis is over, no one will listen to you anymore, don’t you understand?”

Shinomiya Ayase slapped the table suddenly, in order to increase the momentum of her speech, and wanted Sakura Manji to be more rational, don't be brave for these boring little things, run away quickly, and stay away from the monster of Yongye.

However, Ying Manji was only trying to suppress the anger that was denied, and did not intend to follow her advice.

"I know! Even if I wear the same clothes as Ya, I don't have the same charisma as Ya, but even so they still need to obey my orders now, because they want to live! And the rules are strict and no one can disobey My order, so... In order for this rule to continue to be strictly enforced, my prestige is very important, there is no way to maintain my prestige if I escape."

"This kind of thing is all right! If you don't even have a life, is it necessary?! You will definitely die if you go out!"