When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 376


Although what Najeshtan said was quite impassioned, Yongye seemed a little lackluster, but seeing that Brand felt that he was an upright person, so he listened to it for the time being.

"Our revolutionary army is to eradicate evil, return the people's happiness to their own responsibility, and strive to create a new country that is peaceful, democratic, prosperous, and free from oppression and corruption..."

"Wait, let's not talk about your rhetoric... I'm just curious about the meaning of your night raid."

"Didn't Brand say it? For the time being, we will clear the empire's corrupt bureaucrats, profiteers, nobles, and the gangsters of the imperial capital, and finally, when the revolutionary army attacks the imperial capital, take advantage of the chaos to assassinate Minister Ornest, the source of corruption in the empire, By that time, the country will have to change."

Although Najeshtan didn't understand Yongye's question, she reiterated the ultimate purpose of the night attack.

After listening to Najeshtan's words, Yong Ye was silent at first, and then quickly laughed.

"What? What's so funny?"

Feeling ridiculed, Najeshtan couldn't help frowning.

"Isn't it funny?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Anyway, I used to be a general, and I don't even know what's funny..."

He shook his head as if holding back a smile, but Yong Ye didn't play any more riddles, and bluntly stated the ridiculousness of the night attack.

"Since the purpose is not really to kill the people, why are you killing people who will only hold back the empire? Go to the front to kill the imperial officers who are blocking your way, and the prefects along the way to eradicate the real obstacles to the advance of the revolutionary army. , is what you should do? So what are you in the imperial capital now?"

"Of course, when the revolutionary army invades the imperial capital, they will assassinate Minister Ernest, the source of corruption in the empire."

"Isn't it the same to do that kind of thing when the revolutionary army arrives? When the revolutionary army starts to attack the city, can't we assassinate in chaos? After all... assassination is such a thing, why do you have to choose the time, and assassinate now? Isn't it valuable? When the revolutionary army has attacked the city, the overall situation has been determined, and the army can go to the imperial city and be arrested, why do you have to hide for so long before assassinating?"


Yong Ye's remarks stunned the five people present at Ye Xi, and Najehitan couldn't find a reason to object for a while, because... it seems to be the case.

What's the point of dealing with the root causes of corruption when the revolutionary army is besieging the city or even breaking the imperial capital? Just trying to find a way to break through the imperial city guards now and wait for the opportunity to assassinate the minister can reflect the value of assassination, right?

When the revolutionary army breaks the city, it is not an assassination but a forced killing, although... they have always been a forced assassination rather than a regular assassination. Not like a real killer... Quietly and silently, he killed the target without knowing it. When everyone left, the family of the target found out that the target was dead the next day. Yes, most don't reveal their identities either.

In the final analysis, it’s okay for them to assassinate in close combat. They don’t even know how to turn off the lights at night, and their faces have never been covered. Their essential behavior is completely irrelevant to the assassin.

That is, this group of assassins with half a bucket of water, because of Yong Ye's words, suddenly there is a sense of awakening. Although what they are doing now has eradicated some evil parties, they have not really contributed to the real overthrow of this country. What's the function? It's just collecting money to kill people. The difference from ordinary professional assassins except that the battle is a forced killing and the need to listen to the orders of the revolutionary army is...

They don't take money from bullies, they only take the oppressed poor people to sell iron, and even the money they keep selling themselves, and the assassination targets are only limited to those who do bad things.

"...The order of the Revolutionary Army is like this. We need to obey the discipline of the organization. Presumably the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army must have more far-reaching considerations."

"You're right, they do have foresight that you didn't expect."

"...Eh? Really?"

I really can't think of anything to refute, Najeshtan can only respond with the high-level vision of the organization's top management, but Yong Ye's approval made her stunned again, just staring at Yong Ye blankly. , I thought to myself.

Could it be that the top leaders of the revolutionary army really have a high vision? And this person really saw the foresight of the top leaders of the revolutionary army? ? ?

Ignoring Najeshtan's stunned expression, Yong Ye continued to talk about the "far-sighted vision" of the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army on his own.

"Let you eradicate corrupt officials now. It will make you feel that the revolutionary army is a righteous partner. The effect is the same as eradicating ministers now. It will make you more determined to continue to serve the revolutionary army while witnessing the tyranny of ministers. , it can also be used to deal with people like Bude, and when the new country is established, you can also be willing to assassinate opponents."

"…What's the meaning?"

"You guys are really stupid. You can't see it so clearly? No wonder they are being used as cannon fodder."

Glancing at the four with pity, Yong Ye almost couldn't help but want to sympathize with them.

However, it was rare to have encountered so many emperor's envoys, and he couldn't help but think of taking them as emperor's envoys as his subordinates, so he decided to waste a little time and explain to them that he heard them. After the remarks, it is speculated that... it is very likely that the real purpose of the high-level revolutionary army let them do this.

"Well... Although the minister is closely guarded and never leaves the imperial city, it is very difficult to assassinate, but it is definitely not without a chance, but they do not let you directly eradicate the minister now, then it is naturally because if the minister dies. , Buder will take over the education of the little emperor, the root of corruption in this country is gone, so this country is likely to gradually return to its original appearance, and there is no need for the revolutionary army to exist."

"Isn't that a good thing? There's no need for a nationwide war to solve the problem peacefully."

Before Najeshtan, Brand expressed his feelings, causing Yongye to turn his attention to him.

"Former Imperial Soldier... Brand, right?"

"It's my honor to be remembered by the Great General."

"Nothing to be honored, you may be a good soldier, but...the idea is too naive."

"…What's the meaning?"

"Since the revolutionary army has become a large organization, with the ability to launch a rebellion and the opportunity to gain power, the leader of the revolutionary army will likely become the emperor, and the top leaders of the revolutionary army will also occupy high positions in the empire, you say... they will be willing to do so. Such an obscure re-disbandment?"

When the voice fell, including Leonai on the ground, he couldn't help taking a breath of cold air, and then everyone held their breath. Live doubts about the purpose of these orders from the top of the Revolutionary Army.

Except for the six of them, the alley where no outsiders existed was so quiet that it made the eardrums hurt, as if the hustle and bustle in the distance had become the sound of another world.

"No, it's impossible! The revolutionary army is fighting for the people! The soldiers of the revolutionary army are fighting only to make the people happy! I never thought about fighting for power! How could it be like what you said?!"

In order to avoid shaking her heart to a greater extent, Najehitan loudly declared the legitimacy of the revolutionary army, and at the same time, she also wanted to stabilize the other three's belief in the revolution, so that they would not be shaken by the words of Yongye's side.

Yong Ye just looked disdainful of this little trick, and even a mocking smile appeared on his face.

"Don't console yourself, it's not wrong for low-level personnel like you to think this way, and your high-level officials may also think the same way at the beginning, but power and beauty are the things that can corrupt people the most. The change is not too different from Minister Ernest, at most it is only a situation of 50 steps and 100 steps, and because nothing has happened yet, it has not been exposed."

"It's not wrong that power and beauty can corrupt, but you want to say that the top of our revolutionary army is similar to Minister Ernest... I can't agree with you, and please take the liberty of me. Are you sure you're not talking about yourself? Has great power without saving this corrupt country."

"It's a good saying, but if you say that, there are so many naked beggars on the roadside in the imperial capital, why do you waste your money smoking? Why don't you share your money with them? Why don't you volunteer to help them every day? Why don't you go and earn money to feed them?"


With a simple rebuttal, Najeshtan was choked and speechless, and the three people behind her were also speechless.

They were looking for Yong Ye, and they wanted to negotiate, but they had absolutely no way to negotiate with Yong Ye to any degree under such circumstances, because even they could not find a reason for Yong Ye to join the revolution, Even they themselves began to doubt the legitimacy of the revolutionary army again.

You can roughly read their minds, and also know that Yong Ye, whose faith has been shaken, nodded in satisfaction, and immediately began to carry out the previously planned countermeasures.

"Since you are all suspicious of the revolutionary army, then think about a new way out. In the revolutionary army, you are only useful tools, so... think about joining the northern border. When you arrive in the northern border, you will get rid of being used by others. The fate of the people, and the favorable treatment, your ideal of saving the country, I can also consider it to a certain extent."

"…To a certain extent?"

Najeshtan frowned, showing that she didn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence.

"Of course to a certain extent. After all, it is impossible for me to make the entire northern border move forward around his ideals because of a few subordinates. I know that the empire is in a difficult situation, but I am not a saint, and I have no obligation to save the common people and save the empire. Say my obligations are only within my jurisdiction."

"Isn't that just being self-sufficient? You only care about your own jurisdiction but ignore more people. The entire empire is suffering, but what's the point of you only defending the northern border??"

"For me, it means a lot to keep one thing. If I lose or suffer damage in order to keep more things that have nothing to do with me, this is a behavior that is not worth the loss."