When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 396

The golden light all over the city, that is, there are street lights, but there are also lights from the homes of the residents of the imperial capital, which are the so-called Wanjia lights.

As usual, he was immersed in this scene that made him feel lonely when he looked at it, but Yong Ye suddenly noticed that in the distance, on the top of a tower farther away than Leone was, there was no shadow at all. Among them, someone was watching him.

He stared at him, but he couldn't see the figure because it was too dark there, but there was someone there, and the feeling that he was looking at him was unmistakable. Even Leoney couldn't see clearly at this distance. The distance that Yin can see clearly only when she observes with a romantic fort.

However, Yong Ye felt that it was not Maine. It was different from the feeling that Maine peeped at him last time. Although the emotion contained in his sight was difficult to accurately judge due to the distance, it could be clearly inferred that he was eager. desire……

Desire for what? I don't know... But he was a little interested in the sight, so without saying much, he went down from the tower and walked in the direction of the sight.

In fact... that line of sight was indeed not Maine or someone else, but Zanke, who used to be the executioner in the largest prison in the empire, and was nicknamed "Beheading Zanke".

Because of the tyranny led by the minister, Zanke needs to execute countless people. He used to behead every day and cut off the heads of people who prayed for their lives. He developed a habit of killing people every day, and gradually he was no longer satisfied with He only kills in prison, so he stole the warden's Teigu and started killing people on the street.

When the crusade team was established and was just about to crusade him, he relied on Teigu's "five-vision omnipotent observer", which has five abilities of vision, farsightedness, perspective, future vision, and vision, to detect the existence of the crusade team. He decisively escaped from the city where the prison was located.

Years of beheading, tortured by the guilt of killing in his heart, every day he can hear the people who have killed him calling him, wanting him to go to **** together, Zanke, whose mind is almost at a loss, is close to madness The edge has even stepped into madness.

This time, he killed people in the imperial capital to seek solace in a twisted mind, but he accidentally heard about Yong Ye's deeds, so he wanted to know how Yong Ye dealt with the voices that kept appearing in his ears.

A general who has killed more people than him in so many years, who has killed dozens of times as many people like this, there must be a way to restrain this voice, otherwise why hasn't he nearly collapsed like him?

With this idea in mind, Zanke peeped at the mansion from a distance, and quickly found the eternal night on the tower through the ability of farsightedness.

Yong Ye didn't do anything, just like in the early stage of hearing hallucinations in his ears, while overlooking the night view of the city while drinking quietly, but he didn't have the fear he had at the time.

This made him very puzzled, but before he could look any further, Yong Ye suddenly looked in his direction, which made him startled, instinctively took a step back, and almost fell off the roof.

"What a terrible general..."

He patted his chest with lingering fears. When he noticed Yong Ye going downstairs and seemed to be planning to come to him, even though he knew that he was not an opponent, Zanke thought of his Digi's ability and started to go down with a smile. floor.

"The illusion that the illusion lets the other party see is not something that can be dealt with by strong strength. No matter how strong a person is, it is impossible to shoot at the person they love the most. This cheating-like ability exists, and I can't lose at all! Happy and happy! ~~!...Let me test this general first, hahaha~ It's a pleasure to play against the strongest in the empire!"

The talkative Zanke, muttering to himself on the steeple tower, decided to seek a way to resist the voice from Yongye, and by the way seek a battle.

The residents of the Imperial City have been afraid to go out at night recently because they are afraid of encountering the murderer who beheaded Zank in the middle of the night and cut off other people's heads.

Therefore, in the middle of the night on the deserted streets, only the Imperial City Guard is constantly patrolling and searching for murderers.

"—Hey, who's over there?!"

Yong Ye walked towards the place where Zanke was before, and the members of the Imperial City Guard who were patrolling the streets on the way stopped him from behind him.

"What are you doing here alone at night?"

"Looks suspicious!"

"Stand there and don't move!"

Half of the imperial guard team of a small group picked up their firearms and aimed at Yongye, while the other half pulled out knives and various cold weapons, looking like they were ready to fight.

After all, the murderer who beheaded Zanke had already killed dozens of people in the imperial capital, and there were more than a dozen guards, so the entire imperial guards were eager to find him and kill him.

However, when Yong Ye turned around, he immediately ordered the guards who had seen the portraits and characteristics of the big figures in the imperial capital to put away their guns, and those who put their weapons to put away their weapons, in order not to offend the big men, and they started to salute and apologize in a panic.

"Yes, I'm sorry! General Eternal Night! Recently, the murderer, beheaded Zanke and ran to the imperial capital, so we are a little nervous... It's really dangerous for you to travel late at night without an escort. If you don't mind, do you want us to serve as a temporary position? your guard."

"No need, it's just a murderer, you continue to patrol."

"Ah... that's what I said, then... let's say goodbye first!"

The captain of the Imperial City Guards, thinking of Yongye's amazing record, immediately responded without hesitation. He had no intention of insisting on what he had said previously just out of obligation and to please, and immediately stepped back and continued patrolling with others.

Following the guidance of the unknown source of sight through the house, Yong Ye gradually came to a remote square in the imperial capital.

In the center of the empty square, he was wearing a long white trench coat. The hair on his head was the same as that of General Bude. There were two tufts of hair that looked like antennae. He wore something like earphones on his ears. Uses...green eye styling stuff.

"You are the famous general! This terrifying sense of oppression...happy and happy~!"

"...You're the one peeping at me?"

"Yeah! I'm the one who just watched you from a distance... You can call me with intimacy—'Beheading Zank'!"

"... Crazy? Or just a pervert?"

Looking at Zank with his hands spread out across from him, Yong Ye couldn't help but frown. There was an obvious abnormality in his words and deeds. Obviously, this beheading Zank was either abnormal or crazy.

"Why did you lead me out? Do you think I've lived enough and want to die? In that case, I don't mind taking care of the people."

"How is that possible! I just have one thing I want to ask you, General!"

"I'm not happy to be called out in the middle of the night, but...let's listen to you."

"How did you... deal with those voices? Why did you kill dozens of times as many people as I did! But not crazy?? Could it be that you can fight against those voices by drinking??"

"...It seems that your spirit is broken. Is it war syndrome caused by killing too many people?"

Seriously observing the somewhat confused man in front of him, Yong Ye quickly deduced his symptoms.

War Syndrome is generally a sense of hopelessness about the end of war and experiencing, witnessing, or encountering one or more actual deaths involving oneself or others, or being threatened with death, or being seriously injured, or having physical integrity compromised. The resulting delayed onset and persistence of mental disorders in individuals following the threat.

Of course, in the public sense, this is called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for ordinary people, and most of these problems born in war are called war syndrome. The beheading of Zanke was not caused by war. , it is more appropriate to call it post-traumatic stress disorder, but in fact the two are only different in the situation, in fact, the symptoms are similar.

In modern battlefields, this kind of syndrome will be relatively less, but if you participate in more wars, this kind of problem will also occur, and it will appear more frequently in ancient battlefields, but generally no one cared about it in ancient times, so most of them are not recorded, only those Soldiers are not normal at all, and they don't care if they are haunted by nightmares.

Retired officers and soldiers suffering from war syndrome tend to be more violent than others, because war syndrome will quietly devour humanity and lead to crimes. In the dead of night, the sick people tend to be more anxious and restless than usual, and it is difficult to sleep at all. If you don't sleep, you will even be awakened by nightmares.

Suffering from mental anguish due to involuntary recollection, various delusions and hallucinations that lead to the syndrome, as well as heart palpitations, insomnia, violent irritability, selective forgetting, loss of hope and confidence in the future, and intense anxiety, and the spirit is in a state of long-term restlessness.

Just like the beheading of Zanke, Yong Ye also has troubles in this regard, but his spirit has become stronger and stronger while his spirit has been damaged by the fighting over the years. It keeps getting stronger and stronger, so it hasn't broken down until now.

"…War Syndrome? What do you mean??"

I don't know anything about mental issues at all, and it's impossible to understand. I only know that Zanke, who has been tortured by murder, is beheading Zanke, frowning and asking Yong Ye.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm talking about the sound! You quiet down and listen with me..."


"Isn't it! Sounds that you can hear when you're quiet! The moans from **** of those we've killed! They hate me! They keep asking me to go over there to be their company! Ever since I could hear this sound every day when I was beheading in the execution ground, and at first I huddled in the corner drinking and barely coped with it!"

As he said these words, Zanke's face gradually turned hideous, and he waved his hands violently, letting the Hidden Blade pop out from the back of his hands.

"—But it's gotten worse recently, and even if I'm drunk, I'll be woken up! So now I've become a talker, relying on my words to perfunctory those annoying voices, you... the degree should be dozens of mine. Times! Why aren't you crazy?! How the **** did you deal with it?!!"

"...This is probably related to the strength of the spirit. You were just an ordinary person, and I was a soldier who was constantly being tempered, so I haven't collapsed yet, but you have killed too many, and your fragile spirit has collapsed. Worse than many veterans on the modern battlefield, caught in a killing frenzy."

"What's the mess?! Isn't your method completely useless for others?!"