When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 445

In essence, in the face of Yong Ye's nerveless behavior, it is because of his identity that the average person did not slap him, but Sibia accepted the water dragon's reliance.

"Spiya, you have just been rejected, why did you accept Lord Yongye's proposal?"

"Do you still need a reason to fight for someone you like? And... I might become more like it if I was rejected..."

When Seleu invited them to eat barbecue and drink juice according to the agreement, in Seleu's questioning, she revealed that she accepted the water dragon and officially became a member of the North after her father.

"Huh? Why??"

Seleu, who had no emotional experience, looked at the girl opposite the blushing girl staring at the ring in her hand in surprise, with a look of incomprehension.

"Of course it's because of the serious attitude of Lord Yong Ye who is willing to take responsibility, I think it's great!"

"It turns out... This seems to be one of the charms of Lord Yong Ye."

"Since Lord Yong Ye has no lover now, then I still have a chance. This time, I was too impatient, and as long as I get close to Lord Yong Ye, I can gradually deepen my understanding. I will definitely succeed at that time!"

"But... Lord Yong Ye said yes, because there is no way to make a promise, so he will not accept anyone. It has nothing to do with familiarity or not?"

"That must be because the empire is still unstable now! When the empire is stable, I might still have a chance. Lord Yong Ye just said that I am cute!"

"Well, what you said makes sense... There are still opportunities. There are not many good men like Yong Ye who are not promiscuous and responsible. You must take good care of them!"

While Seleu and Sibia were chatting hotly, the two sisters, Chi Tong and Hei Tong, were concentrating on eating meat and seemed very silent, but they were listening carefully to their conversation, which seemed to be much quieter than before.

Yong Ye didn't care about the girls' own party, just went to Dotya's research institute, and returned to the castle the next morning to prepare to go to the East.

Since it may need to use some people to deal with small things, after all, it is necessary to control a religion, but it does not need too much, just as exercise, so Yongye intends to bring Seleu Yubiquitas, Porus, And Sibia, who just got familiar with Tegu just last night, went with him.

However... Chi Tong and Hei Tong plan to go with him. Considering the possibility of a night attack, he doesn't want to bring Chi Tong, but it seems that it doesn't make much sense to stay in the north. The guards ran out of the north to the south.

In desperation, Yong Ye can only let Chi Tong and Hei Tong follow. Although the target is different from the revolutionary army, Chi Tong may have some changes, but proper discipline should not be a big problem, and Hei Tong does not need an emperor. Even most of them can be defeated in battle with Tegu envoys. Even if there is no emperor now, they have a strong combat power, and they are more than enough to act as combat power, but they still need to take medicine on time. However, due to her poor health, Yong Ye did not intend to really use her as a fighting force.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible to go to the east in an upright manner. After all, he is a very important person in the empire. He has no position or any valid reason to go to the east, which has nothing to do with his own power, so he chose to hide his identity and go quietly.

On the other side, the hunter was an upright group of people heading to the east, and the night attack was also similar to what Yong Ye expected, and they also went to the headquarters of Anning Road in the eastern part of the empire, Jerlock City, with different goals from the two sides.

Yong Ye was the first to arrive by flying dangerous species. He told Chi Tong that he was only investigating the east, but he was only investigating for the time being. The group lived in a luxury hotel in a remote location in the city.

The east side of the empire is on the west side of the Anning Road headquarters, but not on the sea. The architectural style and pedestrian dress are similar to the Middle East in the previous world. Well... there is really no big difference with the Middle East as a whole.

"...The Middle East is the Middle East, what does this have to do with me..."

On the roof of the four-story hotel, Yong Ye muttered to himself as he looked at the strange city in the early morning, which was obviously not a desert, but was full of yellow buildings.

Jerrock City was originally just a small town, but it has developed by leaps and bounds with its rich underground resources. In recent years, many religious facilities have been built in Anning Road. It is now a metropolis with a unique culture... I don't know why, This culture and architectural style are similar to the Middle East.

The purpose of Yong Ye is to wait for Ye Raid and Hunter to fight against each other and lose both sides, or both sides will leave after being completely destroyed by Esdes, and then take the opportunity to control the leader of An Ning Dao, and cut off the possible murder of the bishop of An Ning Dao in the middle.

But... it really doesn't make much sense to come early. It's just that after getting familiar with the terrain, Yong Ye doesn't have much interest in continuing to stay at the hotel. After taking off the mask, he went to bribe the magistrate and gained the ownership of the church.

Although under normal circumstances, religion would not easily give the church to others, but... the local officials here are also ministers, so there is nothing in this city that money cannot buy.

In the final analysis, An Ning Dao seems to be very popular here, but most of the money in this city will fall into the pockets of ministers, religion is still suppressed, and it is this kind of oppression that causes religious rebellions.

In fact, although local officials are not good things, in An Ning Dao, in addition to the leader who is a good person, there are also many things that are not good things.

Of course, Yong Ye didn't care about these things, but after the An Ning Dao priests evacuated, he walked into it very plainly and changed into new bedding and furniture in the church.

In the early morning of the next day, he meditated in the backyard, with red eyes and black eyes as usual, while Seleu and Sibia were in the square in front of the church, playing football with local residents and children nearby. , and Porus's words... was making breakfast, and became a complete cook.

There is nothing special to do. Since the city is very big, it is not a big problem to have activities near the church. There is no need to worry about the problem of exposure. It's just on the bright side.

In the afternoon, when the afternoon sun was no longer strong, Seleu and Poros were sent out by Yongye, and Yongye himself planned to go to the suburban area to explore the surrounding terrain. There will be a little deviation between what you see and how much you actually see.

"Where is Yongye going?"

"...Didn't you say it in the morning? Go to the suburbs in the afternoon to see."

"Then, can I go with you?"

"There's nothing wrong with you going, but... Where's Chi Tong?"

He shifted his gaze from Hei Tong to Chi Tong, but Chi Tong hurriedly stepped back and looked better, waving his hands and rejecting it.

"No, no! You just go."

"Really? ... Although I don't know what you're worrying about, but forget it, be careful not to cause a commotion here. Although you don't have a wanted order here, it's better to be more careful."

"Ok, I know."

Not paying too much attention to Chi Tong's abnormal performance, Yong Ye, who came here on the grounds of traveling and investigating the East, left the church with Hei Tong.

The two left the church and walked one after the other. No one spoke. Hei Tong seemed very quiet and well-behaved. He just bought a lot of food on the roadside and ate it along the way.

When he arrived at the outskirts of the city, Yong Ye looked back at Hei Tong, who was following behind him, but found that the child was still eating...

"I said, if you eat like this, are you really not getting fat? And... there are so many things, can you finish eating?"

"Is this? This is dinner. It's a bento made by my sister at noon, but when she was trying it out, she accidentally finished half of it."

"...Should I say it's Chitong? I could even finish half of it when I tried it."

Looking at the square wrapped in cloth in the small bag in Hei Tong's hand, when he knew that it was a bento and had been tried by the maker, Yong Ye felt a little speechless after eating half of it, but the maker If it was Akatsuki, it would have been the result of showing mercy if he didn't eat all of it.

"My sister has always been like this. If I wasn't there when I was cooking, I would try to eat it."

With a smile, Hei Tong, who seemed to have no worries, just followed Yong Ye's side while recalling the past, and seemed to be in a pretty good mood.

Since the city is so big, the suburbs are naturally bigger. After the sun went down, the two sat on two dead trees that fell to the ground, ready to start eating.

Both of them only had half of the food in the lunch box, because Chi Tong tried to eat half of the food before it was put in the lunch box, and there was no way it would turn out like this.

"Half of it, isn't it enough?"

"Well, it's fine."

"It's definitely not enough to lie."

Before the meal was given to Yong Ye, Hei Tong was holding two bentos, saying that he didn't know the real purpose. After all, this child is also a foodie. Is it possible that he still intends to give him the food?

I was suspicious at first, but... it seems to be true.

Hei Tong narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at him with a smile on his face.

"I have already filled my stomach in the city just now. Although I can eat more, there is no problem with not eating it. So... both of these can be given to Yong Ye, but... there is one condition."

"…What do you want to do?"

"It's... the letter I left on the bed last time..."