When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 527

The beauty **** Freya kissed the silver-backed ape on the forehead, and the silver-backed ape was charmed by it, so that the silver-backed ape instinctively obeyed the instructions in order to please the opposite sex, but at this moment, the murderous aura almost condensed into the essence of Yongye, but let him The silver-backed ape felt fear like never before.

The silver-backed ape, who is completely enchanted both physically and mentally, is tossed by an uncontrollable impulse that has never occurred so far, but absolute death is obviously more prioritized than the reproductive instinct of pleasing the opposite sex, which makes the silver-backed ape. After getting out of the state of charm, he gradually stopped yelling, and he wanted to escape but didn't dare to move. He could only show fear on the spot, his body trembling pitifully, for fear of being brutally ravaged.

"...It seems that I also have the ability of a trainer?"

Seeing the trembling body of the silver-backed ape, but not daring to escape, Yong Ye was a little surprised, thinking in his heart that he might be able to tame beasts.

"Get down."


After a low growl from the throat of the silver-backed ape, he flinched and lowered his head to the ground, lying on the ground.

"Is it so easy to tame beasts? But...just the upper-level monsters don't have much value."

Muttering to himself, Yong Ye didn't have too many thoughts about the monster in front of him, and he didn't have any more joy. He just felt that the ability to tame the animals with murderous aura didn't seem to have much actual value.

Behind Yong Ye, Bell, who did not escape directly, put his hand behind his waist and held the short knife behind his waist. It seemed that he originally wanted to help Yong Ye, but after noticing the abnormality of the silver-backed ape, he gradually He let go of his hand and asked suspiciously.

"That...this monster...is your acquaintance? You know this monster just like Lord God?"

"Bell! I said it! I don't know this kind of thing. After all, I have never seen such a monster! I have never done anything, who knows why this monster is chasing me..."

Before Yong Ye could speak, Hestia quickly defended herself, distanced herself from the monster, and guessed the possibility that the monster would behave like this.

"If there is no accident, the silver-backed ape was frightened because the level gap was too large, but... generally speaking, it is not like this if you don't do it. It's probably the instinct of creatures to face fear... I'm not very clear. "

"That's amazing! It must be at least a first-level adventurer (level 5 or higher), right?"

"No, I'm not an adventurer."

Casually dealing with the adoring young man on the side, Yong Ye suddenly noticed a gaze full of dissatisfaction in the distance.

Looking up, he immediately noticed a person standing on the roof of a house in a high place in the distance, in a high place where they could see the surrounding area where they were.

A woman wearing a hood and a scarf at noon, covering most of her face.

No, it should be a goddess to be precise, because she has the same breath as Hestia.

When she noticed that Yong Ye was looking over, the goddess immediately turned around and left, and before she left, Yong Ye could see through her mouth that she seemed to be saying [getting in the way], obviously very concerned about the appearance of Yong Ye. dissatisfied.

"Hey, do you have a bad relationship with others in the God Realm?"

Frowning slightly, Yong Ye looked at Hestia who was hiding behind Bell, suspecting that she had a bad relationship with other gods, so he wanted to harm her like this.

Even... this commotion is not necessarily caused by that inexplicable goddess, Yong Ye has this feeling.

"You mean... Loki?"

Speaking of gods with bad relationships, Hestia instinctively thought of Loki, who had always been in conflict with her because of the huge gap between each other's chests.

"No, that doesn't feel the same as Loki, and I just saw her. She didn't move very fast, and there was only one person's breath on it before."

"The one above?"

Being reminded, Hestia looked up to the side, but found no one there.

"No one."

"...I ran away a long time ago, and the daylily will be cold when you see it."

"What! Your attitude, you must know that I am..."

Yong Ye obviously looked down on her tone, which made Hestia a little angry. Like a child, she forgot her fear for a while, and wanted to emphasize her identity, but she was only stared at, and immediately like the silver-backed ape, obediently Di bowed his head and resigned, denying his previous words.

"No...nothing, thanks to your help this time, we were able to escape, really...thank you."

Having been a clerk of potato **** for a long time, Hestia is naturally quite skilled in the use of honorifics, and the appearance of admitting mistakes is also accustomed to admitting mistakes to customers. I was a little surprised, thinking in my heart, "How bad is this god..."

And when the three of them communicated, the silver-backed ape behind Yong Ye lost the fear and threat of facing death in the face of Yong Ye's death. Like being ashamed of his previous behavior, he broke free from fear after a while. He came out, stood up and raised his sturdy arms silently.


As if trying to use all the courage to drive the fear out of the body, the angry roar of the silver-backed ape resounds all over the block, just mustering up the courage to act, clenching his fists and turning his back on it, looking defenseless The Eternal Night attacked.

The arm that was dragging the chain whistled and slapped it down, and the fist bigger than a human swept across it. Once an ordinary person was hit, it would not be a pain, and even if he didn't die, he would be half-crippled.

"Monsters are indeed monsters. If it's just intimidation, the impression may not be deep enough. Do you have to experience it to know the horror?"

Bell and Hestia almost didn't have time to remind. Yong Ye, who didn't know when to hold the knife, had already pulled out the long knife and slashed it to the side. The arm of the back monkey was cut off and cut off.

The silver-backed ape grimaced in pain, first showing a mouthful of fangs and opening a huge mouth, and suddenly retracting the broken arm and screaming in pain, after fully understanding the huge gap between each other in this blow, he turned around and wanted to escape. .

"Originally, what should I do if I gave in, but now it seems... as expected, I should just kill it."

Muttering to himself, Yong Ye slammed the knife back into its sheath, quickly put his hand on Bell's shoulder, and made Bell irresistible to circle in place, pulled out a short knife from Bell's back, Before fleeing far, he threw the short knife as a dart.

The short knife flew at an astonishing speed, and the terrifying wind cutting sound caused by tearing the atmosphere accurately plunged into the back of the head of the silver-backed ape who was jumping and trying to escape.

Soon, it began to fall, and with just a whimper, it fell heavily to the ground, falling in the middle of the road in a big shape, with a short knife stuck behind its head, and completely lost its signs of life.

"So... so easy to defeat the silver-backed ape... well, so powerful!!"

Bell, who managed to stabilize his body in place, looked at the corpse of the silver-backed ape in the distance, and sighed unsteadily, but he quickly thought of the possibility of the people above.

"Right! The people above... I might know something."

"what do you know?"

"When I came to this city to ask the gods to let me join the family, I noticed someone watching me one day... Ah, my intuition is not very sensitive, it's just..."

"Just? What??"

With some curiosity, Yong Ye felt that maybe the clue of the goddess was on the white-haired boy scratching his head.

It's not that Bell didn't want to say it, but he felt very embarrassed. He didn't know how to describe it. After thinking hard for a while, he gave a vague metaphor.

"It's just that line of sight, it's... too hard to ignore, like that kind of... um... kind of licking the whole body, unceremonious sight, being stared at will make people feel shivering, normal people. It's impossible not to feel that kind of sight."

When describing the sight, Bell's whole body trembled, and he has felt it several times since then. This kind of sight seems to be forcibly attracting his attention, and it is really impossible to ignore.

Every time he recalled that sight, an indescribable chill surged up his throat, causing him to subconsciously cover his mouth to prevent himself from spitting it out.

"...Generally I think I may know what's going on, but it has nothing to do with me, please don't run towards me next time, and... go pick up that short knife, the magic stone of the silver-backed ape is also yours, Just dig it yourself, I still have to go beforehand."

Listening to Bell's description, Yong Ye can roughly guess the possible situation, but he doesn't care too much for the time being. At least it's something that has nothing to do with him. When he turned to leave, there was a sound of joy from all around, and the excitement of the surrounding residents who watched the battle broke out.

They no longer hid at home or underground, but leaned out of the window, or walked out directly, applauding and cheering.