When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 563

Yes, the pearl fetus with the fetus in the bead is actually a fairy spirit who descended from the realm of the gods thousands of years ago, and went deep into the dungeon with the ancient heroes, but unfortunately was captured and corrupted by the dungeon, and became a "dirty fairy". cloned embryos.

If it is said that the full level is LV10, that is, the tenth level, the gods are all full-level or to be more precise, they should be at the full level or above, that is, the tenth to the eleventh level.

Then it is recognized as the race closest to God, known as the most favored child of God, with the title of God's avatar, and its potential ability exceeds that of other races. The fairy spirits of the lake, before the power was lost in the ancient times, the most powerful of the ancient fairy spirits may have reached the ninth level, while most of the rest should be at the seventh to eighth level.

The fairy spirits include goblins, water spirits, wind spirits, thunder spirits, light spirits, etc. With the passage of time, their power gradually disappears. In this era, they are either dead or weak, such as Lily. The owner of the shop that I introduced was actually the goblin in the fairy in disguise, but now he is dying.

In the underground city, the "urban destroyer" in the mouth of the **** of death is actually the body of the filthy fairy. The ancient "dirty fairy" may be due to the fact that the body is too old and the power declines, or the reason why the body cannot move, can only be Use the power given by the dungeon to create a new variety of monsters, and then separate the clones and feed them with magic stones before taking action, trying to destroy the city above and return to the surface to witness the real sky.

But unfortunately...

The plan was good, but the timing was not right, or... Her partner had found the wrong partner, and she came down when she blocked others from coming down.

If it is said that this corpse king Hua Xianjing clone can wait for a while, the transformation is more powerful, maybe she can cause a lot of trouble to Yongye, but... she has not transformed after all.

When the three puppets blocked the monster army, Yongye stored up the sword qi, and when the three of them made a **** path, they swayed the dark red sword qi out.

"Ah ah ah?"

The corpse king flower screamed, and then the upper half of the body was cut off, and the sound stopped suddenly.

However... after two strokes, the corpse king flower began to repair itself quickly, relying on the characteristics of the plant to make the upper part of the body grow back in less than a while.


"Assault, the spear of thunder, I am the incarnation of thunder and lightning of tonitrus, the king of thunder and lightning."

The upper half of the caterpillar of Corpse King Flower opened her mouth to let out a human voice, and in front of her, spread out a number of golden magic circles.

"Monsters can sing too? But...this chanting sounds familiar..."

The unexpected singing surprised Yong Ye. You must know that monsters who live by their violent destructive impulses and instincts are theoretically impossible to sing incantations. The reason and wisdom required for magic are the privilege of highly intelligent creatures, but... This familiar chanting reminded him of his only magic.

"Summon the Darkness!"

When the other party was singing the short text, Yong Ye also stopped and recited the first paragraph of the super-long singing mantra, causing a pitch-black magic circle to appear on the ground, forming a dome-shaped defensive barrier beside him.

The long knife was inserted into the ground, and the enchantment's range began to expand. The three dolls quickly got rid of the entanglement of monsters and entered the enchantment. The heavy-armed knight as the guard stood at the forefront, smashing the tower shield on the ground to arouse enough low-level adventures. The shock of the fall of the enemy is built into a second line of defense, ready to resist the enemy's magic attack when the enchantment is broken.

Due to the relationship between the short text and singing, Zombie Wanghua completed the construction of the battery magic circle in an instant, floating in the air with hundreds of small and medium-sized magic circles, connected in series with each other and overflowing with countless thicker and thicker arcs.

The dazzling thunder light made people's eyes hurt just looking at it. Ordinary short text chants must not have such a strong effect, but this magic itself is a superior existence, and this corpse king flower is also a terrifying existence, although it has not yet completed the mutation.

"Scattering thunderstorms!"

The thunderstorm rose sharply, and the thunder light was accompanied by the thunder. This powerful artillery bombardment instantly made the entire fifty-ninth floor illuminated by several grades, and then hit the dark enchantment with the roar.

In an instant, the pitch-black barrier clashed with the thunderbolt. From the outside, Dasheng's thunderstorm had dyed the black shield white. If you observed it from the inside, you could see the translucent pitch-black barrier cracked with a sharp sound. .

"...Even if it's a short text, it's still very strong... This thing should be level 7, right? Although it's still in the process of evolution, it should be weaker."

Guessing the level of the corpse king flower, Yong Ye didn't care about the cracked text in the enchantment, because he was just testing the defensive power of the super short text singing enchantment, and there were also heavy armored knights after that.

The screams of the new breed of monsters being struck by lightning rolled out from outside the barrier, and after a while, the barrier began to crack in all directions, and shattered in all directions with the sound of shattering glass.

Then, the surging thunderstorm hit the tower shield raised by the heavy knight head-on.

The tower shield scattered the scattered thunder, resisted the thunderstorm frontally, but couldn't help but retreat a little, and then... it didn't take long for everything to return to its original state.

In addition to the location of Yongye and his party and behind them, the surroundings were charred black and smoking, and they could smell a strong scorched stench. The monsters around were turned to ashes under the thunder.

"A smell of scorched worms... hurry up and end the fight."

Waving his hand and fanning his nose, Yong Ye knew that this was the smell of those caterpillar-like monsters whose flesh was scorched by lightning before their cores were shattered. Just smelling it was enough to make people sick.

At the same time as he spoke, Yong Ye rushed over by himself, and the three behind him were responsible for dealing with the monsters around him.

The corpse king flower, who is inconvenient to move, waved her tentacles to prevent Yongye from attacking, but it was destined to be a wrong choice for her to melee with Yongye without protection, especially when her body could not move.


Splitting the tentacles in front of him, facing the surging tentacles, Yong Ye's left eye immediately emitted a strange purple light.

The tentacles started from the end, turned into gray-white stones, and gradually spread behind them, but before the shot was completely petrified, the corpse king flower opened its mouth again to release another magical dying struggle.

"Icicle Blade!"

An ice blade larger than the Eternal Night Man appeared from the magic circle in front of the monster's mouth, and then rushed in the direction of Eternal Night.

The power contained in the ice blade is very large, so the speed of petrification is slower than expected, but Yongye paused the petrification, and simply bullied himself up, slashed the ice blade with his blade and stood on the corpse in an instant. Behind Wang Hua.

Gradually, the plant leaves under the corpse king flower began to petrify from the place close to the eternal night, and then the magic power was petrified in the confrontation of its magic power, and gradually the entire corpse king flower was completely enclosed in the stone statue.

Due to the relationship between the corpse king flower and the superhuman first-class recovery ability, Yongye has no good way to turn this filthy fairy into his own doll, but after petrifying it, he stabbed it a few times. , after finding the position of the magic stone, he pierced through the center of the lower body, and cut the magic stone that had been petrified in the body.

Originally, when the magic stone was broken, the monster's body would disintegrate, but the power of petrification allowed the corpse king flower to retain its original appearance, becoming a vivid stone sculpture with only a few holes in its body.

Next, the Enhanced Seeds that lost their command were destroyed by the puppets one after another, and Yong Ye shook his head in place to ease the burden of the petrified demon eye, which was an extremely energy-consuming Teigu. After most of the varieties were eliminated, they began to enter the sixtieth floor.

Below the 60th floor, there is no record in the world, not even the gods have been there, it belongs to the real unknown area.

It is said that in ancient times, it ascended to the surface from a dungeon and possessed power.

The King of the Land, the Overlord of the Sea, and the One-Eyed Dragon, these three beings that are ravaging the earth all climbed up from below, just like the cannon dragon that can ignore the floor and launch a blow to melt the floor, they also tear the dungeon apart. Step by step up to the ground.

It is generally believed that the labyrinth monster is sealed by the guardian **** Uranus with his great power and cannot invade the surface, but... it is hard to say how it is actually, but after the crusade against the king of the sea, the remains of the king of the sea were taken. Back, it made the cover of the entrance of the cave at the bottom of the lake next to the dungeon, and turned it into a gate at the bottom of the lake that never opened.

The official name of the guild is Sea Dragon Seal, which makes monsters dare not approach the gate at the bottom of the lake at all, and another entrance to the dungeon, which is above the labyrinth city, also uses the remains of the king of the land to deter monsters.

It is said that about a thousand years ago, the one-eyed dragon that flew out of the land of Orari dropped a few scales in various places, and these scales continue to emit power fluctuations, making those monsters without exception to the king of monsters. The aura was frightening, and he didn't dare to approach. The scales of the one-eyed dragon were like this, and naturally there was no need to say more about the other two corpses.

"I shouldn't have encountered those perverted monster kings..."

When stepping into the 60th floor, Yong Ye thought of the ancient king of monsters, and couldn't help but murmured before stepping into it.

The next step is to keep fighting.

Yong Ye, who is obviously not an adventurer, but is far more adventurous than an adventurer, finally stopped at the sixty-eighth floor after a series of battles. The strength is the monster level on this floor plus two levels, which is eight. level floor master.

A gigantic flame dragon covered in scarlet made Yong Ye stop, and the sickle girl was also turned into coke by a mouthful of flames, which was a big mental blow. It is still very accustomed to it, and it is very handy... props.

Due to the weakening of the deceased's march, it was supposed to be a five-to-five battle, but Yongye was no match for the opponent. Since the dolls could not be put away in the dungeon, they could only stand against the Fortress of the End, which could be used again. Quick escape to capture the monster on the 67th floor.

The monsters on the sixty-seventh to sixty-fifth floors are huge and plum-red carapaces. The hideous protrusions that cover the entire back make them look even more ferocious. They stand on both feet and are muscular dragons. The eye-catching is the giant tail that is longer than the body. The tip of the tail has a shape similar to a big sword and the toughness and strength beyond the blade. It can be used to cut off all creatures that dare to offend it. Therefore, Eternal Night will It's called Dragon Slaying.

[Photo: Dragon Slaying] Link: http://novel-cdn.kuangxiangit./uploads/chapterimgsnew/492/15852/180828/1535387337-100049815-102360187.jpg Of course, although the tail is mainly used as a weapon, its advantages The claws and fangs are also not to be underestimated, and they can also spray flames, belonging to the terrestrial living dragon monsters.

The strength of Dragon Slaying belongs to the level of LV6, which is different from the fact that the floor master is generally stronger than the adventurers of the same level. These ordinary monsters are generally much worse than the adventurers of the same level. To be precise, the strength is the same only because the intelligence is relatively inferior to people. It is difficult to deal with LV6 adventurers, but it can easily defeat most LV5 adventurers.

For the sake of maximizing combat power, Yongye captured the Dragon Slayer King, an enhanced species of LV7.