When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 654

They carried the artillery in order to contain the grown beasts. At that time, the main force was the goblin soldiers, that is... the girl Yong Ye met yesterday, the kind of golden goblin that is regarded as a living weapon.

Although they didn't think there would be anything missing from the small-scale spores, they arranged it according to the general situation.

A few minutes later than predicted, around 4:27 in the afternoon, a batch of small-scale spores of the sixth beast floated here.

In the eternal night in the room, you can also see the edge of the small town that is some distance away from you, and a large number of round and fluffy white **** are falling down. I think it is the spore of the sixth beast, and a large group of orc soldiers are in a hurry. Run over and use a flamethrower to incinerate it, hoping to burn the spores before they grow too fast.

That's it... The incineration work started in the afternoon and burned until late at night.

Originally, those orcs were almost burned, and they carefully inspected every corner of the city, but... there was still a group of sixth beasts who didn't know where to hide, and they had fully developed during this time.

The body with a green body and a long body... It's really hard to describe, it's probably a slime with many crab legs? It can also stretch out a large number of vine tentacles to destroy and kill any creatures that do not belong to the same race in the city.

[Picture: Medium-sized sixth beast] Link: http://novel-cdn.kuangxiangit./uploads/chapterimgsnew/492/15852/180925/1537806533-100049815-102448357.jpg This is something like a strange plant, its size and strength are almost the same In direct proportion, just a little bigger than a human will die after a normal kill, but the medium-sized ones need to be patiently killed three times to nearly ten times, and then gradually increase. For those with a height of more than 25 meters, the maximum is more than 200 times.

Of course, it is also possible to kill them at one time. For example, destroy all parts of the sixth beast at one time. Otherwise, they will grow from various parts at a high speed and split and continue to grow when the main body dies. new adult.

To put it simply, the sixth beast is a very troublesome opponent, and it is also the most difficult type of beasts.

Among the sixth beasts that attacked, there were no large sixth beasts, but there were quite a few medium-sized ones. In the fifth-floor room, with the help of the hotel, one of the best heights in the small town, Yongye could see six medium-sized ones. There are more than thirty small sixth beasts.

"It looks very lively."

As the saying goes, watching the fun is not too big of a deal, Yong Ye aimed his rifle at the sixth beast in the distance, but just watched it slaughtering orc soldiers, and had no plans to help. If you want to ask why...

He doesn't have a favorable impression of the military organization under the Earth God, nor does he have any sense of compatriots towards the orcs. He feels a lot worse than the creatures that look similar to humans. It feels like watching animals slaughter animals, so he doesn't have much to help them. will.

However, at this time, there was a young **** the airship in the distance, behind which appeared purely in the form of rays of light, and looked like butterfly wings, the illusion of colorful wings made of light.

Precisely because it was an illusion constructed by magic, all the girls could easily get rid of the shackles of the earth without fanning the girl, and rushed to the battlefield quickly, and in her hand there was a long, blue ray of light that Yong Ye was very concerned about. sword.

"Landollo and... Hestoria?"

The appearance of Lan Duo Luke is not unexpected, but the appearance of the pure holy sword Hestoria surprised Yong Ye, and his eyes were fixed on the holy sword.

It was also at this time that Yong Ye thought of why the last name Hestoria made him care about the three names of Randoluke.

"It turns out that Hestoria means the name of the holy sword this fairy lady is using now..."

The pure holy sword Hestoria, in addition to the basic function and formidable power of the holy sword that still has the power to counterattack in the face of overwhelmingly powerful enemies, is stronger than the mass-produced one, and can also store the memories of past users, but due to the Among them, the technology of storing and extracting memory has been lost, and it was only a good holy sword more than 500 years ago, and it was not valued by people.

Silently looking into the distance, the girl who was wielding the holy sword and slashing beasts, Yong Ye finally knew now that the Earth God did not give the beasts any secret weapons to deal with beasts.

If there is no accident in their floating island mainland group, it should be relying on the girl they met yesterday, and her fellow clan, those fairies that were also artificially created.

No... It's not right to say that it was made artificially. It must have been artificially interfered with the generation of fairies, which is why it became like that... girl.

"A fairy girl who exists as a warrior? ... I really hate putting children on the battlefield, even though the opponent is a fairy."

When Yong Ye watched the battle in the distance, he changed into the armor and robe he brought from the church, so that he could hide his identity when necessary.

The fairy girl can use the holy sword, which makes him very strange. It stands to reason that only human beings can use it, so... Is this fairy using the human soul? Or...a smashed Star God Soul Fragment?

With questions that are difficult to get answers, Yong Ye holds the complex and extremely harsh coordination of spells and magic that others have no way to use. Pulling the trigger at will will directly explode the chamber. In theory, only his own rifle can be used towards Go to the roof.

Of course... even if he doesn't like fighting with children, he still doesn't plan to take action now.

Even through what he learned last night, he knew very well that the other party didn't have an accurate position and was in a state of being a soldier who didn't understand anything, but he was not in the same camp for sure.

Yong Ye didn't want to attract the attention of the wing guards under the Earth God. He went to the roof with a gun just to find a higher position so that he could observe the battle situation.

He was just in the corner of the roof, peeping at the battlefield from a distance, even if others couldn't see the goblin's movements clearly, but Yong Ye's excellent dynamic vision could see clearly, under the blue and white long skirt of the girl flying at high speed. , is obvious white stockings.

"...Although she won't be happy even if she sees it, maybe I should remind her to wear safety pants, um... Are there safety pants in this world?"

The battle is fierce on the battlefield, and there are orcs killed at any time, but Yongye is lamenting the huge difference with the atmosphere of the battlefield. With his changed attitude, he watched the fire from the other side.

A girl in the distance who is in a life-and-death battle, Lan Duoke is repeating the same steps to keep sweeping away the vines that are coming, using the blade to sweep the vines closer to her in sequence, and instilling magic power into the holy sword, aiming at the entanglement in front of her. A cluster of vines penetrated the holy sword from directly above.

The blade cut off several vines and penetrated the sixth beast itself. The medium-sized sixth beast was quickly killed and fell to the ground.

Before the girl could take a breath, the green sixth beast split and proliferated at the moment of death, relying on the basic principles of magic to push the concept of "death" to one of them, and then the other would survive and grow rapidly. A new entity emerges.

"It's really endless!!"

Lan Duolu shouted angrily, and kept slashing at the dead and living medium-sized sixth beasts, as if he could just hit them, and he kept killing another medium-sized sixth beast with the power of the holy sword. once.

Then she immediately turned her wings to distance herself from the beasts. When the beasts couldn't fly in the sky, she used the fairy wings to fly high to avoid attacks and take a breath, taking flight ability as her greatest advantage.

Afterwards, she looked back at the small town in the air, and she could find that... even if she fought hard, the number of beasts was still terrifyingly large, and there were still about 30 of them. The battle situation really made her desperate.

According to the original judgment of the Wing Guards, the small-scale spores left at most three or four spores to allow them to grow, but for some reason, more than 30 spores were missed, and her limit was probably only more than ten.

Although she is reluctant to face the number of more than 30 directly, she has no way to ignore it. Unfortunately, the sixth beast will repeat the process of pushing death to the other side, until each individual splits. up to the limit.

At this time, she may only be thankful. Fortunately, there are no large individuals with a split limit of more than ten times among them. If only one goblin can kill them ten times, but a few more...that would be very troublesome.

But now the situation is equally troublesome... Perhaps, it is time to open the "Gate of Fairy Township" and use the method of self-destruction special attack to sweep away these entrenched sixth beasts, preventing them from taking root on this floating island, absorbing nutrients and growing and splitting more.

Seeing the number of enemies that could not be dealt with, Lan Duolu unconsciously thought of opening the "Gate of Fairies", and couldn't help being a little stunned.

Opening the "Gate of Fairy Township" does not mean it literally. To open the gate to the hometown of fairies, the saying of the gate of Fairy Township is just to sound good, but in fact, it is to deliberately let the magic out of control to cause a powerful self-destruction.

Just like humans can sing forbidden spells, the golden fairies and the others are the second possibility that Yongye guessed. They have the same soul as humans and have star gods. Therefore, they can rely on the uncontrolled self-destruction of magic power to unleash the power of the forbidden spells. But also powerful enough to attack.

If you want to describe it specifically, it is probably a one-time explosion, which can kill the super-large sixth beast that can be repeatedly split more than 200 times.

Gold fairies like Lan Duo Luke are not considered life but a kind of undead, so even if they belong to the military, they cannot be counted as soldiers. A sentient weapon but not recognized as a soldier.

Compared with the cursed children, their situation is considered to be very good, but they are also severely restrained. Except for permission, they cannot easily leave the floating island they live in (acquiescence within the flight range of their wings). When it is time to self-destruct No matter what, they have to self-destruct and they have to choose, although in fact, they will not refuse it...

Perhaps the material comes from the relationship between the souls of young girls after death. They generally take their own lives very lightly, which means that they are not too afraid of death, so they will not refuse to blow themselves up. Although they cannot refuse, it is also a big reason.

The orcs of the Floating Island Continent group, while detesting humans, are using the holy swords left by the human race, some of which were not included in the ark by Yongye at that time, and these girls who look like humans from their souls to their appearances, Dispatch the consumption one after the other.

Lan Duo Ke himself is a person with the ability to think, so when thinking about whether to execute a self-destruction attack, he still seemed very hesitant.

And at this moment, a medium-sized sixth beast climbed onto the roof, suddenly pounced towards her in the sky from the side, and waved green vine tentacles and swept over her waist.


Because she accidentally thought about the relationship between self-destruction, Lan Duolu didn't have time to react. She was hit with a strong blow by the sixth beast and flew out, fell to the ground like a ball, and kept rolling over and knocked down. The two telephone poles rolled to the end of the road before finally stopping.

"Well... this, this... bad."

The defense activated by the magic power barely caught up, saving her from being directly smashed in two, but she was also unable to stand up. The impact just now caused her to be severely injured.

Lan Duo can stand up with her trembling feet supported by the holy sword, looking at the approaching medium-sized sixth beast, her heart can't stop complaining.