When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 734

With her hands in her pockets, Mushan Chunsheng looked like she was at ease, after all... If it was just pure electricity, with countless abilities, she could naturally find a way to restrain herself.

"It's really disappointing, is there only such a level of superpowers?"

"...Don't think that you will win if you attack the electric shock! I must teach you a good lesson today! Just use my friends and teachers as test objects! I will not be merciful! The next blow will hit you. It's on!!"

The words announcing the real start of the battle flew out of Misaka Mikoto's trembling lips, who was getting more and more angry with Kiyama Harusheng, and a lot of electric arcs were entangled all over her body.

Under the high-speed bridge, a large number of black sand particles automatically flew up from the soil and gathered beside Misaka. The people around him were involved. It is unknown what it will become. Although this made him often angry, in fact She is rarely really angry, but finally... really angry.

"...Although I don't know what your purpose is—I will never allow anyone to harm the people around me!?"

Mu Shan Chunsheng could hear "Buzz!" The wonderful sound that was like amplifying the bee's wings by hundreds of times echoed in his ears, and the iron sand gathered into a black whip.

The thing that looked like a black whip and a long knife stretched dozens of meters in the air, and the buzzing sound was made by this thing, and a burst of air-breaking sound of "Shuhuhuhu!" hit her side. .

"Is it iron sand? Is this the manipulation of magnetism? There is such a use... It's a way of using it beyond imagination."

Mushan Chunsheng was still puzzled at first, but after a closer look, he found that the black whip was made of iron sand. A huge amount of iron sand was controlled by energy such as magnetic force, which caused vibrations. Simply put, it was like an ultra-high-speed electric saw.

With a strange roar, the iron sand whip hit Mushan Chunsheng, who was still talking to himself, but before he could hit, the floor in front of Mushan Chunsheng automatically flew up to block the speeding iron sand.

And this was just the beginning. Before Kiyama Harusheng could be happy, he heard a "ding" in the direction of Misaka Mikoto, behind the floor in front of him, and a small metallic sound.

On the hillside of the tunnel not far from where the battle took place.

Yongye was just watching the battle between Kiyama Chunsheng and the guards, just like he was watching the battle between Kiyama Chunsheng and Misaka Mikoto, and had no plans to intervene.

Kiyama Chunsheng is considered a half benefactor for the time being. There is no need for Yongye not to be rough with her. Misaka Mikoto is also his student. I always feel that if I do it with her, I will feel very strange, and I will not be able to do anything. This situation is naturally a bystander. Better.

However, when Misaka Mikoto said that she had been deceived by Fantasy Master so that she could not even preserve her original personality, this misunderstanding made him extremely speechless.

For this inexplicable situation, he just wanted to hold his head to get rid of the headache, and subconsciously fumbled into his pocket to take out a bottle with an English label, poured out more than ten white pills, and directly stuffed them into his mouth without looking at the number. headaches all exist.

Although he is immune to all poisons, he has stronger control over his body than before. Now he can choose whether to absorb it or not, but if the dose is not large, it will be meaningless, so he needs a lot of painkillers at one time.

The taste of the medicine is not good at all, and the bitterness makes people want to spit it out, but Yong Ye can chew and swallow it like a dry milk tablet with a blank face, and quietly continue to observe the battle.

The electric shock was ineffective and the iron sand was blocked. With the small metal sound of "ding", Misaka Mikoto bounced a coin with her thumb, and the silver coin that was flipped over quickly fell. pop up.

In an instant, the girl with the title of "Railgun" released a blow, which made the coin travel at a speed three times the speed of sound, became hot due to air friction, turned into an orange laser light, and hit it Mushan Chunsheng's front surface was covered with concrete barriers under the asphalt.

The huge impact force of the electromagnetic gun disintegrated the concrete and asphalt in an instant, and directly blew the dark obstacle to smithereens.


The huge explosion sounded after a while. The bridge made of reinforced concrete shook violently like a floating suspension bridge. The surrounding was filled with thick dust and smoke, making it impossible to see the situation clearly, but the air was affected by super electromagnetic waves. The strong wind pressure caused by the aftermath of the squeezing of the gun immediately blew away the dust scattered in the air.

Mushan Chunsheng, who was standing on the spot, has disappeared. After looking for it, she found that she was lying on the ground not far away, and now she was hunched over and trying to get up from the ground.

Obviously, Misaka didn't directly attack her with the railgun, but the explosion that shattered the barrier was too fast, and the aftermath caused her to fly up and fall elsewhere.

As a researcher, Kiyama Haruno naturally cannot have combat experience. It is probably the first time that he has even used the ability like this. During the battle, he has not even moved, and his combat experience is about zero. This is of course not surprising.

"Okay, you've already lost, hurry up and remove the network! Otherwise, it won't be over after a while!"

Misaka Mikoto walked to Kiyama Haruno's side, and pointed her index finger lingering in the arc at her. It seemed that she was going to electrocute the woman who made her the most angry in her life, forcing her to release the fantasy master, although Kuroko Shirai was often electrocuted by her. Not afraid, it can still be called "the whipping of love", but she believes that Shirai Kuroko is an exceptional pervert, and most people are still afraid of electric shocks.

But... Kiyama Haruno, who was hunched on all fours, didn't care about the flashing electric light, but tried his best to stand up.

"Impossible...! How could I give in to you! Just don't try to beat me with this difficulty... My calculations are not finished yet!!"

"How dare you say it..."

Misaka's eyes turned cold, and he pressed his fingers on Kiyama Harusheng's shoulder, treating his hand as a stun stick, and shocking him at zero distance.

In the flashing electric light, Mushan Chunsheng screamed and did not faint, but still gritted his teeth and roared, unwilling to give in.

"Ugh! It's just an electric shock... To save those kids! I'll do anything... let alone a mere electric shock and you! Even against the entire city! There's no way I can... ah? Uh... uh ah?"

Kiyama Haruno, who was unwilling to give in, shouted angrily at the end to express his determination, but before he finished speaking, he suddenly hugged his head in pain, as if his head was injured by Misaka Mikoto's electric shock, and finally lost his strength and fell directly. on the ground.

"Hey? How can I... I have to pay attention to mastering the strength, how can I faint??"

Because Shirai Kuroko, who was peeping at her virginity and wanted to put a love potion in her food when she didn't pay attention, often used electric shocks to people, so Misaka Mikoto was very familiar with this kind of electric shock, so she felt this way about Kiyama Haruno. stunned.

Is everyone's body different? Or did you accidentally get excited, causing you to use too much power?

Before Misaka Mikoto could figure it out, a light green light like an umbilical cord suddenly appeared from the back of Kiyama Haruno's head, and then... the light continued to overflow.

The umbilical cord burst open and gradually formed a translucent ugly fetus, and there were several umbilical cords on the fetus' body that were connected to Mushan Chunsheng's head.

"...It seems that a part of the fantasy network controlled by Mushan Chunsheng has gone wild and is out of Mushan Chunsheng's control... But, in this case, is this baby her child? It came out of the head...a son or a daughter?"

The success of Mushan Chunsheng's calculation has nothing to do with Yongye, he just waited for the favor, so now he is still talking sarcastic words, thinking a little bit with wicked thinking, whether this thing is Mushan Chunsheng's son or daughter.

But when he noticed that there was an angel halo on the head of the ugly fetus, Yongye knew that it was something similar to himself - the angel of science.

Of course... this baby angel is not complete, so it looks like a fetus, and Yongye is the conflict between the power of the angel and his own power, so the real power cannot be exerted, and there is no halo on his head.

If you think about it, according to religious scholars, regular angels have no gender, so they are neither sons nor daughters, but think about it in the New Testament, chapter 6, verses 1-8. . . .

[When the number of sons increased, they gave birth to beautiful girls with beautiful faces, and the angels were fascinated by them as soon as they saw them. So, they whispered: "Quick, quick, choose each of these women to be wives, so that we can have children for us."]...From this analogy to bandits and bullies, angels have genders. , at least there are males, of course... There are many rumors about this kind of mess. It is very possible that it is male or female, not male or female.

Yong Ye, who was watching the battle, accidentally let his mind diverge to think of some fairly insignificant things, and he was still thinking deeply about that completely meaningless thing.

However, if Yong Ye thinks it is crooked, it does not mean that the situation at the scene will wait for him to recover before continuing to develop. The ugly fetus first attacked Misaka, and then was blown up by an electric shock under Misaka's counterattack, and then quickly swelled up. , and two hands grew out of the blasted position on the back.

Then... the guards who were all comatose without death woke up again and kept attacking it with rifles, the translucent flesh on its body kept being blown away, and then recovered again.

Because the recovery is too excessive each time, or the flesh grows too much during recovery, and it continues to expand, gradually... This scientific angel has become a huge deformed monster, waving tentacles formed by the umbilical cord, Once again, the guards who were like miscellaneous soldiers were defeated.

At the end, the guards left the stage again, making the scene into a situation where Misaka Mikoto was fighting with the monster with an angel halo on her head. Helpless... That monster was the missing aggregate of the 10,000 people controlled by Haruo Kiyama, so Misaka Mikoto didn't dare to be too much. Excessive use of power, fearing that killing it will cause damage to the people of the fantasy network, can only choose to entangle with it.

As things have progressed to this point, Harusheng Kiyama has undoubtedly failed, and there is definitely no way for this calculation to continue, so when Uiharu Shiri emotionally asked her how to solve this monster that was equal to her creation, there was no real way. Harusheng Kiyama, who wanted to hurt people, asked Uiharu Shiri, who was holding the treatment program, to give the treatment program to the security guards at the scene.

The guards broadcasted it to the entire Academy City through internal channels, and the harsh sound waves like noise spread throughout the Academy City in an instant.

Listening to the noise, I felt that the power of the artificial angel gradually disappeared, no longer conflicting with its own power, and the power entrenched in the body gradually disappeared, and Yongye knew that the users of the fantasy hand were disconnecting from the network one by one.

"...Finally, the real power is restored."

The return of strength made Yong Ye feel inexplicably emotional, and his mood suddenly felt a sense of openness. When no one was paying attention to his side, he unconsciously put his hand on his chin and rubbed it, feeling that it was almost time for the end. , after thinking about where to go is better.

Staying in Academy City doesn't make much sense. Staying here will only add trouble to those stupid students. Since things are resolved now, it is naturally better to leave the city.

"So...the world's three major religions, am I going to the UK? Or the Vatican? Or...Russia?"

Glancing at the one who is entangled with Misaka Mikoto, the angel halo above her head is a monster. Yongye knows that the monster has lost network support, but the rootless tree can't last for long, and it is basically impossible to defeat Misaka Mikoto's LV5, so she habitually lowers it. Hood considered himself, which religious country would be better to go to, and without looking back, got out of the range of vegetation and walked towards the distance.