When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 771

Accelerator who smiled and bent over, when he straightened up and looked at Yong Ye, his mouth with a smile on his face was thin and wide, like melted cheese cracking to the left and right, which made people feel unpleasant instinctively.

When Yong Ye came over, he bent down slightly, stepped on the ground hard, and jumped up.

Just a simple vertical jump, Accelerator's slender body flew upwards more than ten meters in one breath with his ability, and then he controlled his body direction with a flying kick filled with all his body weight, like a cannonball aimed at Yongye's head. Fall from the sky.

Yong Ye raised his head and looked upward. Before he could do anything else, Accelerator had already fallen.

Unprepared, he just passed on the attacking side, facing a flash of sword light.

Yong Ye evaded to the side, retaliated with a simple and unpretentious high-speed slash, and swung towards Accelerator who had no concept of defense, and staggered past it.

That's it, the battle is over.

After a brief stagger, the battle between the former security guard and Academy City's strongest was over. It wasn't earth-shattering, it was just plain and bizarre.

Not understanding what happened, Accelerator fell to the ground, his left leg made a loud bang, and the ground around him shook violently.

"Aha? Dodge?"

"No, no, um... I'm talking about you."

"Who can't brag! It's rude! Don't underestimate Lao Tzu... uh...! Ah? Good, it hurts!!"

In the middle of the conversation, the previous landing relies on the ability to surround the whole body, and the ability to withstand the impact of the landing has no problem. It seems that Accelerator is still standing in the same place intact. When he moved his body to move by himself... He just moved his footsteps, Unexpectedly, with a scream, Academy City's number one fell directly to the ground.

Falling to the ground, he slowly turned his eyes to his feet. Only at this moment did he realize that his feet had completely disappeared from the part below his thighs. It was as if he had given up the host. come over.

It was also at this moment that his legs finally seemed to come back to his senses and spurted blood, making the surroundings stained with blood.

Only at this time did people really understand that it was only a brief moment, and the strongest of Academy City was defeated without any suspense.

"How is this going?"

Accelerator trembled while staring at this scene in amazement.

"Ah... just a simple restraint against abnormal power."

Yong Ye, who thought that the battle was over, put his sword into its sheath and looked at Accelerator who was on the ground in amazement. The expression on his face was like that of a tired adult looking at a child who didn't understand anything.

"My knife just happens to be able to expel any ability. Although there are some restrictions, it is just right for people like you. When you meet me who just restrains you, you can be considered unlucky, right?"

"...Very, very good! Very good!!"

The pain made the white boy crouching on the ground laugh wildly, like a demon about to hatch.

"...I'm really...excited! You bastard!?"

Ignoring the so-called gap, even if his legs were lost, Accelerator slapped the ground with both hands, causing the collapse of the small area nearby, and recoiled from the ground and charged towards Yongye again.

What appeared on that pale face was a scorching distorted smile.

It wasn't that he couldn't feel pain, and he could even say... It was an unknown feeling for Accelerator, whose past attacks could be automatically reflected.

The tender pain sensory nerves, which have never been activated after obtaining the ability, are completely unable to bear the pain, and at this moment are almost blocked and damaged by the excessive signal.

That is to say... Now he is more angry than the pain. He can't understand what it means to lose. Since the development of his ability, Accelerator who has never lost once has almost zero tolerance for loss.

This is also a matter of course, after all, he never even thought about losing in the past, so he forcibly drove this broken body and flew towards Yongye like a cannonball.

He opened his hands, thinking that all he had to do was catch it. If he caught it, even if he died, he could drag this person to **** with him.

Known as the strongest self-esteem in Academy City, it is teetering between the gap between cognition and reality.

It's just... Perseverance or anger alone can't solve the problem, just like when Accelerator killed Misaka's sister, no matter how hard those Misaka sisters struggled, it was just a dying struggle, and no matter how angry Misaka Mikoto was, she couldn't kill Accelerator. The same is true.

"No matter what time, emotions and will are vulnerable in the face of cruel reality... I like this sentence very much, because I always encounter this kind of problem, and you are the same now."

Accelerator stretched out his right hand, which could kill with a single touch, and waved it straight at Yongye's face. Yongye didn't attack or even moved, but just shook his head lightly to easily avoid Accelerator's attack and let him Throwing an empty.

Accelerator seems to be very powerful, but in fact... it is terrible in many ways. Even ordinary people who have not received military training can avoid his attacks even with a little fight, as long as they don't go straight to him. , although the speed is very fast, but the action is too predictable, so it is not difficult to avoid. (PS: Remarks, this is mentioned in the original Kamijou when he played one side.)

This is also the main reason why his ability is so strong, but the tree map designer has calculated that Misaka Mikoto can also play 185 moves with him.

Flying towards Yong Ye but didn't catch anyone... Before landing, Accelerator noticed another thing.

Your lower body seems to be... lighter?

Looking down, there are intestines, internal organs and blood scattered all over the floor, as well as his lower body.

"...Just now, I actually swung a total of two knives."

Yong Ye didn't look back at Accelerator who was screaming loudly, but left in the direction of Misaka Mikoto and Sister Misaka. Accelerator who could no longer get up on the ground, because the pain had completely lost the ability to resist, but even the words to Yong Ye. Can't even respond.

A simple victory did not bring joy, and Yongye would not cheer for this victory, nor even a trace of joy.

In the final analysis, he is just fighting violence with violence. This time he is stronger. Who can say it next time?

Maybe one day he will be cut in half, and then he will die painfully... Thinking about it this way, although Accelerator will die later, maybe it would be better to give the other party a good time at this time?

Thinking like this, Yong Ye hesitated to take out the pistol, turned around and aimed it at him. Because of the extreme pain of the waist cut, he couldn't even perform subconscious calculations. He had lost his ability to protect, and only half of Accelerator was left.

"Count me as a good person... Maybe I'm expecting this in the future, someone will give me a shot?"

Muttering to himself, Yong Ye had neither sadness nor pity on his face, but just a touch of confusion and incomprehension to himself, and pulled the trigger out of the idea of ​​giving the other party a pleasure and no more torture.

Bang! !

The pistol snatched from the guards at the research institute spewed hot flames, hitting the forehead of the person whose gender was indistinguishable on the ground.

The quilt. The bullet hit the center of the forehead, and it is impossible to survive.

Accelerator, who was hit by the bullet, tilted his head back and fell to the ground. His forehead was split open, and blood spurted from the wound on his forehead without stopping.

Accelerator's eyes widened at the end, staring straight at Yong Ye, as if he was thinking about something, but his consciousness was engulfed by the deep darkness.

In a corner of Academy City, in the center of the seventh school district, there is a windowless building with a strength that cannot be destroyed even by nuclear weapons.

The president of Academy City, Aleister Crowley, the human who floated upside down in a huge glass container, smiled.

He passed through the open field far away, and was not affected by the eternal night technique. He captured the figure of Yong Ye through the ultra-distance telescope, and watched the battle in the open field. It was not... one-sided abuse.

"Sure enough, it's impossible not to think of a way to solve this problem."

Academy City's strongest ability was easily defeated, but he looked very happy instead.