When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 887

But the subtle psychological changes in love feelings, as I said earlier, she couldn't tell the difference from other feelings.


"...Did you suddenly turn into black pupils? Do you still have to hold your hands at night? Will you have nightmares if you don't hold them?"

At night, Yong Ye, who was sitting at the corner of the bed, looked helplessly at the girl beside him. This girl who was supposed to be a normal girl for the time being was holding his hand while she was sleeping, so he didn't know how to say that she was better. Now, don't the Flügel want heads? Change hands now?

However, he sighed here that Jibril, who was chasing a skin-to-skin relationship, got up and approached him with her hands on the bed.

"Oh~? Black pupil? A girl? Mr. Yong Ye knows quite a few girls."

"…well enough?"

"Hmm~ This sentence is really unpleasant, so how many can you say?"

Jibril narrowed her eyes, her pupils with crosses, which were extremely cold at this moment.

She really couldn't tell the difference between the subtle psychological changes in love and other feelings, but she knew that when Yong Ye mentioned other girls, it would make her very unhappy.

"...Don't make trouble, just go to sleep honestly."

Yong Ye selectively ignored Jibril's question, stretched out his hand to hold her head, pressed her down again, and just touched her head in a daze while thinking about things.

Of course... he was thinking of nothing but a way to end the war.

Jibril's character is changeable, and it's easy to appease him. However, the way to end the war or let himself win, he hasn't had a good way so far. Sure enough, he still has to start with goblin seeds and forest spirits. Kind of genius direction to start, just...

Just when Yong Ye was worried about the war, and Jibril was also dissatisfied with the way he treated her with a child, and raised her head to say or do something, there was a knock on the door.

Rick, who had rushed back from the waste capital of the elves, appeared outside the door. He didn't come in or open the door, but just said that he had something important to discuss through the door.

Yong Ye didn't think too much, and also thought about the availability of human beings, so he went out after letting Jibril stay obediently, and Jibril sat up and stared at his back in a daze. I don't even know what to think.

Yong Ye followed Rick across the square of the settlement, and soon arrived at Rick's room.

Rick's room was no different from Yongye's. It was small and simple. At most, there was a yellowed paper map hanging on the wall, and Hubby was sitting obediently on the straw mat that was also made of straw. A look of waiting quietly for Rick's return.

Looking at the well-behaved, quiet, obedient Shubi, and thinking about his eccentric cohabitant, Yong Ye couldn't help but envy Rick, although... When he saw his nose, he was very envious. Happy to be calmed down.

"So...what are you trying to say?"

Constraining unnecessary curiosity, Yong Ye simply sat on the chair beside him. He had a hunch that what Rick said might be something more important, so he turned on the omnipotence of cheating, and looked inward with the ability of insight. gram.

"For everyone's safety, it is necessary for me to know the purpose of your settlement, your relationship with the Winged Seed, and your true identity."

While Yong Ye saw his inner thoughts, Rick was also concise and clear, staring at Yong Ye as the leader of his own settlement and asked this question.

"Is this a question? It's very simple. The purpose of my coming here is to find a place to rest and to have a relationship with Jibril... She used to take care of her for a while after using Sky Strike, so it's an old acquaintance, right? As for my identity You don't need to worry, I'm a human, and I can't be malicious to my people."

Probably the human "probably" didn't say it, because Yongye didn't feel that it was necessary to tell the truth, so he just said the most favorable words for the situation.

In fact, there is no need for Rick to explain anything. Yongye has already seen his entire purpose. There are no human beings or human faces under the omnipotence of five visions. Humanoids with expressions that humans can recognize can hide their thoughts. Unless it is a complete facial paralysis, there may be exceptions for people who are also blind.

Rick went out for a trip and came back with a huge change. The reason is that on Hubby, this level of things can be found at a glance, but why do you need to ask to get further expressions, but Yong Ye He wasn't interested in this kind of thing, but he could see that Rick had the love affair Jibril had been talking about for Shuby.

I didn't use the five-vision omnipotent before, so I didn't know, but now that he used the five-vision omnipotent, he suddenly realized. It turns out that Rick advocates interracial love, not only to avoid the disaster of the settlement, but also because he himself is interracial. In love? This abacus is really cracking...

While sighing inwardly, Yong Ye's gaze turned to the other side, the Ex-Machina girl, on Hubby.

At this moment, the mechanical girl who feels more like a human than him, using the five-vision almighty Yongye unexpectedly found that he can read part of Hughbi's thoughts. It was obvious that he had no personality towards the Ex-Machina when he was experimenting. Why is this now? ?

Because there is a face? Or what? Or do machines also have human expressions and emotions?

"---What are you looking at?"

Yong Ye looked at Xiubi with curiosity. Rick might be a little bit unbearable, and he stood in front of Xiuby. The alert eyes made Yong Ye feel inexplicably funny.

"...Rick, are you a teenager too worried? I'm just observing this strange Ex-Machina and studying the changes in this machine. What are you thinking?"

"Hube is not a machine."

Obviously, like Yong Ye, Rick, who completely regarded Huobi as a machine, now when Yong Ye described Huobi as a machine, he instinctively refuted it.

"...Judging from the body structure and internal structure, she is completely mechanical, right?"

"Hubby is special!"

"...You can't deny that the body is a machine, can't you?"

After retorting in this way, Yong Ye, who said the objective reality, shook his head and continued without waiting for Rick to say anything.

"I'm so stupid to care about this kind of thing with people in love. Don't worry about such trivial things, don't worry about anything, I'm a normal person, I like girls, and I'm not interested in young girls' bodies... ."

"—Liar...human males...all prefer young girls...no room for discussion."

This time, on the contrary, Huobi, who had always remained silent before, spoke first, and Huobi's speech was also stubborn, believing that all human beings were lolicons, and her judgment was not wrong.

"...This is when it left the factory, is it not debugged? Or is it broken?"

Yong Ye was silent for a while, and then he only refrained from such a retort.

After arguing about unimportant matters for a while, Yong Ye simply took off his coat and cloak, proving that he was not an alien.

After all, in this world, there are no horns, no tusks, no scales, no wings, no animal ears, no mechanical parts, no excessive body hair, and there is nothing but human beings. The features are so obvious that they cannot be more obvious, and Hubby also checked the atmosphere for signs of camouflage magic.

After confirming that Yongye is of the same clan, Rick can basically rest assured, because... If the world can't be trusted with the clan, then there is really no way for human beings to survive.

"Mr. Yong Ye, I know that maybe one day I can wait until the end of this war, but... I don't want to wait anymore, and I don't want to look forward to the future of that kind of change. In this rotten world, it's just There's absolutely no point in running away and living on the sidelines and praying for the war to end."

"…Well, I thought so too… Then what?"

"I already know the way to end the war, liberate the world from the hands of the ten strongest gods, hide in the darkness to induce the war to the end, and **** the star cups that the gods seek from the hands of the gods."

"...Induction conditions, who will induce? What are the elements of induction?"

"I am also thinking about this, although there is a marrow explosion... a goblin species can destroy the weapon information of the continent, but only this is not enough, there is still something missing, and there is still a lack of decisive information for the time being, so I want to ask you and The Flügel's relationship is so good, do you have any information to use?"

Rick frowned, feeling a little helpless. Most of Hubby's information is public information, which is very valuable to humans, but it is not a secret to other races, which makes him unable to get started.

"No... The point of the question is that even if there is, it is meaningless, right? If it is a human, those races will directly arrest the human who knows important information?"

"Spirit skeletons like Black Ash will disturb, corrode, and destroy all elves inside and outside the body. No matter what kind of practitioner, they can't recognize the body that is chaotic due to the pollution of the spirit skeleton, so that can make those practitioners have scruples. "

"...The problem is that races such as orcs, their five senses can still recognize humans even if they use black and gray, and orcs are not idiots who will let go, and the monkeys (humans) who know such important information are free and out of control. ."

Chapter 17 The Extraordinary Flügel Girl