When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 901

The girl who was disheveled and had blood on her body suddenly raised her head, stared at him with gleaming eyes, and threw herself on it.

This made Yong Ye, who was almost getting goosebumps because of the contrast, succeeded again. He sat on the edge of the bed and was pressed on the bed, only to see Jibril's eyes shining brightly, staring at Yong Ye condescendingly. Emotions continued to heat up.

"Hey, hehe~~ Not just your head, now I want all of yours, so~ where should I start~~"

"...I said...otherwise you'd be more normal, wouldn't you?"

Listening to the very accustomed laughter, Yong Ye felt that he couldn't laugh or cry. The perverted and serious girl made him helpless, speechless, funny, and also a little depressed.


Yongye's "plain" daily life continued, and during this period he also asked Ronnie Delauunier to help find the trace of Xinke, because now he couldn't find anyone directly, he just went there specially After a trip to the former residence, no one was there.

Xinke Nierbalen, since his accident, his whereabouts have become strange, and it is not easy to find.

However, on this day, Yongye just updated Jibril's value, and Ronnie's communication came. Although Xinke did not bring goblin and dragon spirits, he assembled a large fleet of forest spirits and appeared on the front line. , It seems that he intends to storm the front of the goblin species and directly take the capital of the goblin species.

So... Yong Ye rushed over immediately, intending to stop her behavior and trying to talk.

And just when Eternal Night appeared on the edge of the goblin's front line, thinking about the words... the elves' fleet arrived.

In the endless sky, from the depths of the sea of ​​​​clouds, there are countless huge flowers that seem to cover the sky.

The huge flowers that spread their petals in the sky are ships.

Those ships sailed in the sky, without sails or oars, not even the propellers and propellers of airplanes, and they were not aerodynamic at all, but they floated silently in the sky.

Undoubtedly, this is the same as the steel battleship of the goblin species, it is a ship driven by magic - Huahang Ship.

In the quiet but restless blood-colored sky, the silent and graceful front-shaped ship can be said to shield the sky in the true sense. Since the skyline above the wilderness emerged, it gradually eroded the entire eastern sky.

The innumerable flower boats are beautiful and elegant, but they give people a feeling of black clouds pressing down on the city, covering the sky and shrouding the earth in darkness. its own elegance.

The huge fleet is connected like a black cloud, giving people the feeling of suffocation. On the front line of the goblin species, whether it is the goblin species chariot on the ground or the operator of the steel battleship in the sky, they are all dominated by tension. To meet this long-lost full-scale conflict.

As for Skyrim's fleet, they formed a neat and uniform team, advancing at a uniform speed without rushing forward, giving the enemy a weak front and a heavy psychological pressure compared to them.

The flagship leading the fleet is not at the front but at the center. It is a huge other-side flower guarded by the ace fleet of the elves, the Wang Ye fleet. The newly designed and manufactured battleship in the Huahang Ship series, the edge of the flower extends. Going out to the end of the slender red petals, there is a magic circle with both offense and defense, and there are ten high-level operators to control.

At the bow of the ship stood a petite blond girl, wearing a garland robe and wearing a shoulder strap that symbolized meritorious deeds, staring sharply at the steel battleship in the distance.

The whistling wind ruffled her blond hair, and the long ears symbolized by the elves were exposed from the soft and fluffy blond hair.

"...Why does a boring world without big brother exist?"

Looking away from the steel battleship, the girl asked indifferently, with six-diamond-shaped pupils, she looked into the distance vacantly.

With her full of anger and hatred in her arms, she harbors deep thoughts in her heart, mixed with five flavors, all of which are intertwined in this cold wind at this moment.

For her, this world is not only boring, but there is also an ugly world that she can't bear, and the endless battles are repeated under this sky, and now she will officially start to end those battles completely - from the life of all things end on a level.

Whenever there is nothing to do, Xinke will recall the past, and in retrospect, because Yongye unknowingly entered her world and blended into it, she was convinced that such an ordinary time could It lasts forever and doesn't change.

But...the change happened after all, even irreversible.

The pictures from the past always appeared in my mind, lingering in the depths of my memory and could not disappear, even though she knew that she would never meet again, but... Even so, she refused to accept this reality, she still wanted to do it again... See the book that made her again She was used to it, and tried her best to show a gentle but still slightly hollow smile, even though she didn't like such a smile before.

However, even if she likes it, she can only cherish it in her past memories.

Even wanting to stay by his side, which was a matter of course, has become out of reach, the feelings that cannot be expressed in words, the Xinke who cannot accept such an ending, despairing of everything and expecting destruction, and wanting to turn everything into chaos.

After knowing what love is, but letting her know what a lonely world is, she can't help but tremble and hate, because she was forced to despair, so naturally she had this idea of ​​destroying everything, and this destruction ...

"—It's natural to start with those filthy gophers and their gods who deserve to die for their sins~!!"

Xin Ke raised his lips fearlessly, and on his delicate face, there was a wicked smirk and eyes full of murderous intent.

Xinke Nierbalen is not an impulsive person. She came this time because she has the method of destroying the goblin fleet at one time, and she is also ready to kill the God of Forging, and even... mastering the command of Artexiu The faction pulled the ground from the city in the sky and launched a means of unequal warfare on the land.

However, Yong Ye didn't know about this, and when he was hiding in front of the fleet with a gust of wind and preparing to sneak into the fleet, he saw Xin Kejiao's beautiful face from a distance, which was different from the detached and soft smile in the past, completely different from the two of them. A terrifying smirk.

This scene made Yong Ye want to sigh, because it reminded him, who was familiar with Xinke, that the girl's vengeful side became a little unsure of how to show herself.

"...This child should be careful when she's angry, but...I want to wait for her anger to subside, and I can't wait for centuries...I can only bite the bullet."

Yong Ye worked hard to weave the words that he would use later in his heart, while carefully avoiding the detection of the elves battleship, and kept approaching the position of the flagship.

If Yong Ye remembers correctly, there should be no other side flower in this world. This other side flower is definitely something that he and Xinke made at that time according to the description.

There are many different words in different countries, but in general, they all represent unknown, beautiful and pure, the tenderness of the devil, sad memories, the beauty of death and so on.

"Is this... a goblin kind of destroyer with style?"

Yong Ye clearly knows that in the aesthetics of Xinke, who hates half-hearted the most, everything must be perfect, even if it is trivial, it will not relax, so the meaning of this flagship should generally be "the beauty of death", right?

Carefully observe the other side of the flower, ready to find the right time to enter the flagship Yongye, no matter what, there is no way to find the right time, but I generally feel that I have guessed the meaning of this flagship, and Xinke's smile at the moment is very dangerous, or very Terrible, it gave him a headache and didn't know which way would be better.

In the end, he decided to force Xin Yiheng in. He simply pulled out the dead and marched in the invisible state of Hurricane Step, and slashed the barrier on the outer layer of the battleship, causing the barrier to disappear in an instant, followed by the rapidly regenerating barrier. Slip in the moment before.

Chapter 21 Brother, let's get married!

The defensive barrier of the other side's flower flagship was suddenly invalidated by the unknown disturbance brought by the march of the dead, but it was restored in an instant.

Yongye also sneaked into it in this short moment, and the practitioners on the entire battleship immediately launched a self-examination, trying to find out the problem, which naturally included Xin who didn't understand what was going on. Can.

She knew that the battleship was attacked, but this latest battleship defense barrier was completely created by analyzing the Ex-Machina's "common rules". It is right to be broken, but this situation is obviously no different from encountering an invasion.

In this case, the biggest possibility is the goblin-species assassin. Even if you don't know what means to invade, but since the intrusion, the target is her, which can't be wrong.

As the number one practitioner of the contemporary era, and an unprecedented eight-level practitioner, Xinke Nierbalen had a six-diamond-shaped eye pupil and a soul stone on his forehead, emitting a faint glow.

Xin Ke, who used the eight-fold spells to investigate one by one, found nothing that could not be found within the range of perception.

The flow of spirits, the temperature of the atmosphere, the humidity, the direction of the wind, all kinds of visible and invisible light, all sounds in the range, the existence of fine particles, and other things that can be sensed are all under control. range.

She was trying her best to find the target, trying to explore a certain existence, and it didn't take long before she noticed it and stopped at the eternal night ten meters away.

Because where all the indicators are normal, but only the wind, there are subtle changes that cannot be found if you are not serious.

"Oh~ I didn't expect that someone would dare to assassinate me~!"

While talking, Xin Ke used multiple and complex spells to weave attack magic in an instant, and locked it with more refined and exquisite magic than before. There was still some hesitant Yong Ye.

"What's wrong~? Don't you dare to show up?"

With a gentle smile reminiscent of sunlight, the girl spoke without haste, while maintaining her attacking, constructing, and analyzing spells.