When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 945

"...God of Hades, Hardy? Hmm..."

Yong Ye got out of the car and was thinking about what he wanted to do when suddenly... Yanlong descended from the sky, and before Naiya God had time to get up, he stepped on the ground.


"What a big shelf~"

Jibril, who used the hidden breath technique on Yanlong, jumped directly from Yanlong's back, spread her wings and landed lightly on the ground, leaning down slightly as if mockingly looking at Yanlong being trampled under it, for a moment. The goddess Giselle couldn't understand what happened for a while.

"Obviously he is a sub-god, but he is so weak? Then the **** is probably not much better, right? Such a weak **** wants my monarch to go in person? Why don't you reincarnate quickly?"

Jibril's chilling poisonous tongue, as always, made Yong Ye a little bit at a loss.

However, what Jibril said is quite reasonable. If this is the sub-god, then the sub-god in this world is indeed too weak, and the weak Yongye feels that he is not worthy of the title of **** at all, let alone ordinary orcs. , even if an ordinary person drives a gunship, he can defeat it, right?

"You, you guy..."

"What? Dissatisfied? Dissatisfied? The strong ones are on our side, but your weak master dares to call my master? It's ridiculous. If something happens, the weak should come to visit the strong, so it makes sense?"

Jibril smiled and said this without any politeness, the goddess Giselle glared at Jibril and wanted to scold her instinctively. After all, Yanlong was still stepping on her back, and both of her wings were broken. Now, and she's still belittling her master, she can't not be angry, it's just...

She also witnessed Jibril's ferocious fighting power, so she respected Yongye as if she treated her own god, and now she didn't dare to get angry, and her tone softened.

"Ah, no, no... I'm rude, that... the invitation is the master's intention. As an apostle, I can't disobey. The only thing I can do is obey the master's will. You are also an apostle of God, isn't that so?"

"It's true, but~ it doesn't mean that other people's apostles can insult their masters in this way for no reason. You'd better have a good explanation, or I'll chop off your head."

"This... I don't mean that at all, it's just that Lord Hardy can't go out and move, how can I come, so..."

"Forget it, the two countries won't fight against each other, Jibril, just let Yanlong lift his feet, don't be so rude."

Rather than saying that the two countries are fighting each other, it is better to say that the other party has always been very respectful and very good, so Yong Ye did not plan to embarrass the other party.

"Well, since Lord Yong Ye said so, then let her go for the time being."

Jibril just waved her hand, and the very sensible dragon who had been educated in a split second raised his feet wisely, allowing the dragon man sub-god underneath to climb out of the pit while thanking him.

Her legs were trembling, her hands were trembling, and she looked injured all over her body. Obviously, Yan Long's kick was quite heavy, and she felt a little miserable, but... She was moving at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. recover.

"The recovery ability is very strong, and the combat power is weaker than the title of the sub-god. It feels like a cursed child rather than a sub-god?"

After carefully observing the situation of this dragon girl, Yong Ye made a simple evaluation of it, and the girl was also flexing her muscles while smiling flatteringly at him. She chose her words carefully and said it carefully.

"Since the misunderstanding is resolved now, let me lead the way. Lord Hardy is... waiting for your ride."

"Well, you lead the way."

Yong Ye got into the car again, and decided to go to the unfamiliar 21st century to see it in a while. By the way, he signaled that the goddess Giselle would also get in the car, and let Yanlong play for a while by himself, and then return to collect it later.

Although he thought about letting Jibril lead the way, but if he thinks about it seriously, he is not in a hurry anyway... Just drive and take a look along the way.

At the same time, he used magical communication to let the Flügels enter this world, ready to move in the collective space and jump over to start another slaying of the gods if they were to fight, although... Jibril should be enough to kill the gods of this world. .

Just like that... the frightened sub-god, with Yongye and Jibril, headed towards the location of Hady, the **** of the underworld.

Along the way, Yongye was like a sightseeing tour, but due to the problem of vehicle efficiency, one third of the journey was not reached on the next day, and Xinke couldn't wait.

In the name of the elf seed Hua Guanqing and the patriarch, with Conglong turning one eye and closing one eye, she passed through the gate of the cross-border, and found the track of the eternal night from the Ex-Machina, relying on it. The search for the spell should have found Eternal Night.

So, in the early morning of the next day, there appeared in front of Yong Ye a elf girl looking at him with a sweet smile.

"…Well, what should I say better?"

Lying on the steering wheel, Yong Ye, who was in a complicated mood, no longer knew what to compare.

Xinke's smile is like a pure young girl, very cute, but... the meaning of that smile doesn't make Yong Ye feel cute, just a headache.

"Big brother~ Can you tell me a little about the reason for not going home at night~?"

The elf girl who walked to the side of the car placed her hands on the car window. Compared with her physique, her **** and chest swayed slightly, making people want to look sideways. Staring at Yong Ye tightly, Yong Ye couldn't look away.

"...Why do men need a reason for not going home at night?"

"Ala~ Big Brother, don't tell me..."

"No, nothing happened! You don't have to think too much."

Before Xin Ke could finish speaking, Yong Ye took the lead to intercept the conversation, and continued talking without waiting for her to say anything.

"Anyway, please exercise restraint, ah, by the way, Gisele will be the co-pilot? Jibril and Xinke..."

In order to prevent Xin Ke from feeling unfair, Yong Ye originally wanted to say that Jibril and Xin Ke would sit in the back row, but when he thought about it carefully, it was playing with fire. It was too dangerous for two incompatible people to sit together. In the end... he simply voluntarily jumped out of the car.

"Well... let's walk. Walking more is good for your health."

"No, before that, what's going on with this Giselle? Can you tell us about it first? Big brother~?"

"...Did you see it?"

Thinking of Xin Ke's sexual orientation, Yong Ye couldn't help but look a little weird.

"How is it possible~ I can't be attracted to just a girl, she looks like a chameleon, how could I be attracted to it~?"

Not only Jibril's venomous tongue, Xinke is also a venomous tongue, or... people in that world generally despise other races, and basically speak ruthlessly.

Poor Giselle, she was called a chameleon even though she was a sub-god, and even if her face was stiff, she didn't dare to be angry or say anything.

Because she noticed it before, Xin appeared out of thin air, which means... it can perform the space transfer in the story and legend, and it is a monster that she can't beat...

At the insistence of Yongye, the group changed to use space to move to their destination, and soon arrived at the well-known Bernag as a temple city dedicated to Hady, the **** of the underworld.

The most central place in the city is a magnificent temple, but... the temple on the surface is only for ordinary believers to worship, the real temple is after walking down the long stairs, in the vast underground space, there are countless An underground temple with a pillar.

Along the way, the goddess Giselle, who was the guide, had just reached the destination and her legs were so weak that she almost fell on the ground.

Because there is no way to directly use the space transfer in places she has never been to, Jibril flew to a high place and kept moving in the space of sight, which caused the sub-god girl Gisele, who had not experienced this, to be so scared that her legs were weak.

"It's really useless, the mere space transfer is like this, so a gecko is a gecko after all."

"Yeah~ It's just that it's like this at a high place~ It's not as good as a chameleon~"

"...You two should say a few words less, you have to forgive people and forgive them."

Jibril and Xinke's words made the goddess Giselle almost lie on the ground. Yongye couldn't stand it. Just like dealing with two wicked children, he stretched out his hand and pressed them on their heads to stop them from continuing to speak. Some nasty words.

Although it's very strange why these two girls who don't save fuel have become enemies at such a time, but he rationally didn't pay attention to this kind of thing that would become endless as long as he cared about it.

With emotion, he continued to walk some distance inside. The priest praying in front of the deepest altar witnessed the visit of the four, and quickly touched Gisele with one hand on his chest and bowed in greeting.