When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 964

"The drone was shot down after it escaped from the fortress range on that hill. According to the footage captured by the high-speed camera, it seems that it was completely destroyed by ... the stone."

The sweaty officer carefully handed the picture and documents to the Minister of Defense.

In that picture, the drone is about to be attacked by a white object that looks like a stone.

The invincible special operations group failed, the drone was ineffective, and even further investigation and testing by various means were resolved one by one, not to mention armored vehicles, even tanks were smashed into scrap iron by unknown creatures. Back to the fortress.

Based on the traces on the tank, they found that it was even a human presence, and they couldn't imagine a person who could smash the tank into scrap metal and throw it back.

But...if they knew that there are creatures in this world that can break through the speed of sound with their physical bodies, then they wouldn't be surprised.

"...The information brought back by the specially dispatched team earlier is full of weak and bullying things, and this report—is simply the biggest lie in history!!"

Accidentally glanced at the report given by the specially dispatched team earlier, and recalling the encounter and what happened in Tokyo, the Minister of Defense angrily tore it into pieces, exuding anger like fire all over his body. , threw out the shredded paper in his hand.

"Since there is no way for a small-scale investigation, then attack! I don't believe it! How can those sneaky guys with four divisions and three aviation groups who only play small tricks can stop them?! Even that monster can't It is possible to resist an army of this level!”

After a long period of reconnaissance and probing, all of them have achieved any results, and even just harmed personnel and equipment for no reason. The Minister of Defense, who was under heavy pressure, finally had no way to continue such slow probing.

The order to march was quickly communicated from the Ministry of Defense, and the one who arrived on the other side of the cross-border gate received an order. The Self-Defense Forces in the fortress, which were already ready for battle, moved one after another, and the officers carried out the final mobilization. Prepare for another invasion of this backward world.

Compared with the last special dispatch of the Ground Self-Defense Force, this time their strength is much stronger, but they have become much more cautious than the last special dispatch. After all, compared to the last time the medieval empire could not resist. , this time they need to face an unknown and powerful opponent.

That was far more than what the dispatch team faced at first, enough to deal a fatal blow to the tanks, and even to destroy the enemy of a regiment. Not only did they deploy an air defense missile system, they also prepared extreme biological and chemical weapons in order to deal with the monster of Yongye. , intends to rely on the virus to eliminate opponents.

Although the research and development and use of biological and chemical weapons are prohibited in modern times, there are not many countries that really don’t do research. Many countries are only doing more covert research. For example, Japan in this world is one of them.

There's no international law here either, so any means can be used, whether it's biological or chemical weapons or anything... it doesn't pose a problem.

Although... they are not sure whether weapons aimed at normal creatures can work on the sub-gods, but as long as it is a biological problem, it should not be a big problem.

If possible, the scientists in the rear also want to capture sub-gods and long-lived creatures such as elves, and learn the secrets of sub-gods' immortality and elves' longevity, so as to increase their lifespan.

Of course, all this has to wait for victory to have hope, otherwise... I can only consider grabbing some and sending them back to the rear, and then slowly consider what should be done.

Knowing that at night, the combat effectiveness of medieval soldiers would be greatly reduced, so they chose to launch raids at night.

After the machine guns and artillery were set up, the Self-Defense Forces did not charge stupidly for the first time. They chose to launch a new type of nerve agent into the surrounding forest, intending to poison the orcs who were hiding inside and were suspected of being the eternal night.

It's a pity... relying on the extraordinary five senses and sixth sense, the orcs evacuated the forest one step earlier and temporarily retreated to the back.

Although ordinary poisons and even chemical weapons are ineffective against their monster-sized races, it is very difficult to kill them with weapons such as incendiary bombs on a large scale.

Because the speed is too fast and the five senses are too strong, they can avoid the threat one step ahead, just like they don't know what the marrow explosion is, as long as they see it, they will have a premonition of extreme danger and know what they should do at that time.

The Self-Defense Force waited for a while, then mobilized self-propelled artillery and multiple rocket launchers, and used artillery fire to plough the forest, because they were not sure whether the virus would be effective against Yongye.

Then, compared with the second-generation main battle tank Type 74 main battle tank used by the dispatch team, it is necessary to advance two generations of the fourth-generation main battle tank Type 10 main battle tank to compete with the third-generation Type 90 main battle tank. Tanks, as well as new anti-tank helicopters, became the vanguard of this second invasion, and the rest of the vehicles, tanks, and infantry followed closely behind, dashing forward as if to drown the ground.

The vast army of the Self-Defense Forces seems to be planning to swallow the world at one time, and their combat power is indeed enough to easily defeat any armed forces in this world, of course... just this world.

After the abnormality was detected, the giant species that was called over quickly arrived at the scene when the Self-Defense Forces had just rushed out of the original forest.

This giant species appeared in front of the Self-Defense Forces out of thin air through space movement.

More than 30 meters high and wearing iron armor, the giant who seemed to be a **** of heaven suddenly blocked the road, which made the Self-Defense Force think that a mountain suddenly appeared, and only when they looked carefully did they realize that it was a giant.

"Ottoman from another world?"

The giants who looked at the hills and did not look at them were basically equal to Ultraman in the eyes of many Self-Defense Forces. The inexplicable sense of oppression made them pale before they even fought.

But it didn't take long before the battle began.

The commander in the rear noticed that it looked like the giant of the enemy. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, he immediately let the distant firepower such as self-propelled artillery and rocket launchers entertain him.

The fighter jets that were ready were immediately launched into the air, ready to take out the unknown target that suddenly appeared.

The tank soldiers and the infantry on the front line heard the commander's voice through the earphones attached to their ears.

"—Don't panic, step back calmly, don't be affected by the explosion, the tank is ready to shoot!"

"... Of course you can stay calm by hiding in the back, but how can those of us in the front not panic, you bastard!"

Facing the giant's soldiers who were trying to keep calm, while cursing, they retreated with the rest of the vehicles, and then... in the next instant, the artillery fires were fired in unison.

Countless cannonballs, depicting perfect orbits, attacked the indifferent giant, and then fell on the giant, immediately causing a series of big explosions.

The high-pitched flames rose from the surface of the giant, and even completely covered the giant's huge body. The deafening rumble of artillery fire was enough to shake the atmosphere. The shock wave continued to multiply, but it did not stop for a moment, because...

Even though the firepower was strong enough to plough the ground several times, the giant did not fall, or even moved.

As a result, the Air Self-Defense Force's fighter jets also arrived above, dropping the air-to-ship missiles and various air-to-ground rockets and aerial bombs, making the explosion on the giant's body even higher.

The battlefield was fiery red, as if the sky was also burning, the roar of the fierce artillery fire almost tore the eardrums, and the Self-Defense Forces themselves could not bear the high sound of the explosion.

After about half a minute, the giant who didn't move at all finally moved.

People thought he was going to fall, but... he didn't fall, he just moved as if nothing had happened.

And then...it's just a deceptive situation.

The giant raised his right hand, and then slashed towards the helicopter that was some distance away from him.

More than a dozen helicopters that were still tilting their firepower were unable to avoid or even perceive the blow. They exploded and turned into parts and fell on the surface of the friendly army.

When the overwhelmingly powerful giant strikes back, the end of the Self-Defense Force comes.

The earth flipped under the trampling of the giants, the vehicles and infantry that stayed on the ground, and even the gunships that flew too low were swept up by the ground, flying over to a height of 100 meters, and then fell heavily parabolically. After returning to the surface, it was lifted off the surface and slapped heavily on it like a tsunami.

Before the flames of the explosion appeared in this world, they were simply covered by thick rock formations, and even fireworks did not appear.

Half of the army was wiped out just this time.

"...How could it be...how could it be...just for a moment...just for a while and it's gone?"

In the fortress, on the defensive positions that Yong Ye had told them not to damage excessively, the soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces who were lucky not to be affected by the trenches, just watching the advancing giants, the fear of death rapidly multiplied in their hearts.

In an instant, everything, whether it was the hope of victory or the will to resist, was shattered in the face of this irresistible absolute violence.

Unbelievable feelings shook their bodies and spirits. At this moment... they finally understood how small and powerless human beings are.

The technological force developed for thousands of years was easily destroyed in an instant.

There is no need to continue fighting. At this moment, they finally completely and thoroughly know what kind of existence the enemies they have encountered so far are, and they also understand that the greatness far surpassing them is does exist.

That is absolute violence that human beings cannot resist, the power to destroy everything, denying honor and pride, as well as persistence and will.