Where is Our Agreement to be Each Other’s Arch-Rivals?

Chapter 52: Hard-pressed

Seeing the sadness in the eyebrows, Su Feiyu leaned forward, leaned close to Su Yan's ears, and whispered: "You said that you would take me to a place to detoxify, but I was so careful and observing the terrain ... I do n’t It can be guessed that the place you are looking for is also a forbidden place that you cannot visit at will for you, the Son of the Devil? "

Su Ye knew that Gu Feidi was very keen, but he did not expect that he could guess ** inseparable in such a short time.

However, it is not necessary to hide Gu Feidian, because in any case, breaking into the forbidden area of ​​the demon religion is what Gu Feidi must do with him.

Su Gong chuckled, condensing like a line, and sent a message to Gu Fei Di: "The place we are going to is under the head of Jinhua Island where the leader lives. There is a cave near the water where there are countless ancient books of magic religion , Which should have a record of the method of remedy for poison. "

Gu Feidi asked: "Should there be?"

Su shouted, "There must be."

"It's been two nights since you brought me here." Gu Feidao said, "The leader has never appeared. I guess ... he's retreating now?"

Su Liao nodded and said, "He closed the retreat at the top of Lihua Island. We are going to the entrance to the forbidden ground near the water at the foot of the mountain, so we do n’t have to worry about alarming the leader. Group of people, the martial arts will not be bad. Even if they are not as good as you and me, they will always be comparable to Xu Yunzhan and Pu Lingyun. "

Gu Feidi: "So, are you looking for a sneak route?"

Su Qiao nodded: "Yes. But these bridges and boardwalks are very dangerous. I don't care. You can't use internal force at will. You can't do light work. It's more difficult to do it without alarming the guard."

The two spent a full day strolling inside the demon cult's altar, and they did not return to the residence of the Holy Son of Iris Island until the setting sun.

Su Gong used the excuse to review the patrol situation inside the church, and asked the elder Meitang to come to the map and patrol map of the demon cult.

Unfortunately, these documents were too abstract for him, and there was almost no progress in studying all night, and he almost couldn't get up the next morning.

Once again confirming the nature of his academic dregs, Su Xi thought for a while, and that night he supported the flower waiter and waiter, and pulled Gu Feidi as a staff officer.

Gu Feidi was surprised to look at the map and patrol map in front of him. He couldn't settle the channel: "You know what will happen to me if I see these?"

Su Xuan laughed: "When you lead people to encircle demons, remember to avoid irrelevant people and just ask me and the leader for trouble."

The night was dark, and the candlelight in the room shuddered, reflected in Su Ye's smiling eyes.

Gu Feitian looked at Su Ye quietly, and for a long while, he said nothing, seated across the couch across from Su Ye, reached out and took the Meijia Meitang patrol plan and patrol arrangement papers, and read it silently.

Suspended bridge planks in the Golem General Altar are adapted to local conditions and are connected in layers. However, there is no three-dimensional technology in this era, and even the concept of three views is not perfect. All drawings are drawn by craftsmen with a strange oblique angle, and there is no accurate perspective and scale. If it weren't for a craftsman with the same skills, they might not understand each other's drawings.

Fortunately, Gu Feidi had been in charge of managing affairs in Tengyun Pavilion, and in the past two days, he had visited the total demon ecclesiastical forum with Su Shi, which could form some impressions in his mind.

He studied the map and the patrol map, and found the magic patrol fancy patrol route from the documents, and found that its changes actually coincided with the four-star astrology, which changes every ten days, once a year.

"Tomorrow is the new tenth day, and the defense route will change." Gu Feidi whispered, "If I infer that it is correct, there will be a flaw in the patrol route in the next ten days, we ..."

At half the point, Gu Feidi raised his eyes to see Su Xi, only to find that he actually fell asleep on the couch.

It was midnight, and the candles on the candlestick were half burned.

Gu Feidian put down his paperwork, holding his cheeks to watch Su Yan's extremely peaceful sleeping face, watching the faint candlelight cast the shadow of eyelashes under his eyes, watching his shortened hair fall quietly on the corner of his lips , Watching his shoulders undulate with his breath ...

Xu Shi felt like a substantive look, and Su Xuan's eyelashes trembled slightly and woke up.

Gu Fei's eyes were deep, and he said, "If you're sleepy, go to sleep."

Su Min murmured, slid down from the couch, curled up on the mat with a thin blanket, and muttered, "I'm too lazy to move ... I'll sleep here ..."

"It's going to be cold at night." Gu Feidi chuckled helplessly, got up and went to Su Ye, stretched out his hand, "Leave, go to the bedroom to sleep, I will accompany you."

Su Xun was reluctantly pulled up by Gu Feidi, followed him into the bedroom, stumbled undressed, climbed to bed, and fell asleep with his pillow almost instantaneously.

Gu Feichi laughed, leaned over to help Su Xi cover the quilt, and turned back to blow out the two lights in the bedroom.

I was about to leave, but suddenly I heard Su Su calling something in her dream.

Gu Feidi leaned over to Su Yi's lips, thought for a while, and asked, "What did you say?"

Su Shu didn't talk to him in a dream as before, but mumbled a bunch of meaningless syllables and slept again.

Gu Feidi gazed at Su Su's lips that were slightly raised by the pillow in the dimness, and his throat moved slightly. He couldn't help licking his lower mouth, leaning forward and leaning closer.

Su Xun's calm breath fluttered at the tip of Gu Feidi's nose, Gu Fei's lips trembled slightly, and his breathing could not help but rush a little, but as if he was afraid of something, he was extremely light and extremely light.

Moving forward, the lips of the two were close at hand, and Gu Feidi slowly closed his eyes.

However, he eventually stepped back and sighed silently.

Raising his hand and gently brushing the hair next to Su Su's face, Gu Feidi whispered: "If tomorrow doesn't come, tonight will be eternal ... it would be nice."

For a long time, Gu Feiyi got up and went to the outside to collect the papers scattered on the couch, and returned to the bedroom lightly, lying down next to Su Xun and sleeping.

Neither of them went out the next day, immersing themselves in Iris Island to study the topographic map.

Although it is autumn, the temperature has not fallen during the day when the sun is shining. The two just wore their undershirts, pulled their hair out simply with a rafter, and wrote on the couch.

Su Xuan looked at Gu Feidi's rare laziness and laughed, "You look like you have been spoiled all night, and your whole body's bones are soft."

Gu Feidi raised an eyebrow: "Pampered?"

"Ah, be spoiled." Su Han smirked. "The sage is a good man. You have stayed with me for so many nights, and they must have talked privately, saying that you are being my night and night ... Be alone! "

Gu Fei enemy said: "You said that you are masculine, and I haven't seen you calling Xing Xun. You haven't heard the rumors before, saying that you have returned all the beauties whom you had brought in a few years ago?"

Su Li licked her lips, narrowed her eyes, and looked up and down Gu Feidi, taking a tune and saying, "How can I look at others when you are here. Why not, Gu Shaoxia to serve me?"

Gu Fei's face changed slightly.

Su Ji thought he was going to be angry, and was about to open a different topic, but saw Gu Feidi put down the pen and paper in his hand, leaned over and stared at him, and said, "Yeah."

With that said, he actually reached out and pinched Su Xi's jaw, and was about to drag people over.

Su Huan hurried back and hid: "I'm kidding!"

Gu Feiyi retracted his hand and asked, "Joke?"

Su Min touched the bridge of her nose awkwardly, not knowing how to answer.

Gu Feidi asked again, "You have no admiration for me ...?"

Su Ye: ...

Is Gu Feidi addicted?

Is it that he has been with him for too long, and the person who is close to Mo is black, and he is infected with the bad fault of freely molesting others?

Su Yan said "er", gave Gu Feidi a distasteful glance, and sneered: "What kind of admiration does not adore me? I'm good to you, because we are both from Xiaoyulou. There is absolutely no intention of seeing you as a male pet ... When I find a way to the forbidden area and detoxify, I will let you go back. "

With that said, he reached out and took a few drawings, pretending to look.

For a long while, he didn't hear Gu Feidi's words, and didn't see any action from him. Su Su looked up in doubt.

Gu Feidi was staring at him momentarily, his eyes were obscure.

Su Min shuddered and asked, "What happened to you?"

Gu Feidi lowered his eyelashes, dipped his pen in ink again, and said, "It doesn't matter."

Su Shi didn't know why he was a little embarrassed. He was restless for a while, and said, "Well, the dried fruit sticks made by my kitchen may be ready. I'll see."

Previously, he used Gu Feide to admire the scenery. He once ordered a lot of honey, milk and dried fruits in the shop on the cliff side. It was precisely for the purpose of making a “energy bar” that was easy to carry, full, and high in heat. Place of restraint, so as to hunger while detoxifying Gu Feidi there.

In the script, Gu Feidi and Pu Lingyun were trapped in the forbidden area for several days. The specific days were not counted, but judging from the plot of the chase and killing of the two in the later period, it should have been winter.

Right now is the mid-autumn season, and the plot has been advanced a lot. It is said that this detoxification is not possible, and the one-month deadline given by the poisonous body in Gu Fei will be fulfilled.

I put on my coat and came to the kitchen. I saw that the waiters in charge of eating at Lian Tang had already allocated manpower to make dried fruit sticks for him.

There is no oven here, and Su Hui proposed an idea for the people below to figure it out. I didn't expect that with the simple iron pot and fire pond, these waiters really figured out a decent energy bar.

Su Gong picked up a quack and bit it off. It was really so delicious. He rewarded the waiter who took the lead in making the energy bar. He picked a few sticks and put them in the saucer, and returned to taste it.

Watching his son leave, Lin Jiu came to look at his work and laughed slightly, turning his head to stop Mei San, who was about to leave.

He asked with a smile: "A while ago you went out with the Son, but you know whether the rumors are true or false?"

Mei Shisan frowned, "What rumors?"

Lian Jiu lowered his voice: "Sheng Zi really dismissed those children in the lotus temple of Meitang for Gu Shaoxia?"

Mei Shisan said: "Shengzi and Gu Shaoxia have fellowship with each other. What is the connection with the Juandan Hall?"

"You don't know." Lian Jiu smiled mysteriously, and said to Mei Shisan, "Shengzi and Gu Shaoxia are now paired with each other on sunrise, and even Gu Shaoxia is allowed to spend the night in his room. And, the waiter under me said that the two of them shared a bed. Couldn't this explain anything? "

Mei Shizhuang's face did not change, saying: "The Son is willing to be close to Gu Shaoxia, that is also the Son's own business. The Son has his own means to subdue Gu Shaoxia, I don't have to worry too much."

Lian Jiu said with a smile, and said, "Sheng Zi has been serving better than before since Xiaoyulou. He hasn't given the dead waiter in the past two months. He made a mistake over the bath room the day before and he didn't get angry. I I feel that my life may not be as dangerous as the previous ones, so I do n’t have to worry about being killed by the Son himself the next day. "

After hearing this, Mei Shisan frowned slightly, and then quickly stretched, smiling, "Isn't he so good?"

Lianjiu nodded: "Yeah, I hope that the Son will always be like this, but I don't know how long his good mood and temper can last."

May 13th: "He ... maybe always, if ..."

Lian Jiu: "What if?"

Mei Shishi smiled: "Nothing."