Whimsical System

Chapter 1477: Tall image

"It stands to reason, maybe I should give you certain conditions, so that you will gradually develop in that direction!

But I always feel that this may not be necessary. Although you already have this idea, I don't have to provide you with this frame.

After all, your ideas and the goals I set may not be consistent in some respects.

And if my goal does not help you in any way, then everything I have done will be meaningless.

So in order to avoid such a situation, I feel that you should simply not make a decision, and let you make a plan for your own life, and give you enough freedom to "sex".

Unless you have no way to "fuck" your life, and want to ask me to make a decision for you, then I will consider this issue! "

What Chu Feng said was basically not much different from the robber's idea.

At first the robber thought that Chu Feng would strictly demand his words and deeds, and even plan everything the robber would do in the future.

But now when Chu Feng handed over enough freedom to the robber, the robber was a little at a loss.

After all, he has done it well, following the idea of ​​others. But now Chu Feng's unregulation has left him completely out of ideas.

However, since Chu Feng had promised to give him freedom, the robber would naturally choose to accept it.

Although he doesn't have any clues right now, freedom really has a certain fascination for him.

"Thank you Chu Feng, I don't know how to describe it now, my current mood!

In fact, I have never been a free man.

Whether I am a robber or an ordinary person, the results I face do not seem to be much different.

It's just that there has been a slight improvement in living conditions.

And now when I come to your hands and do things for you.

It is the first time that I feel that I can be free.

Although this freedom is just a word out of your mouth.

But for me, it has extraordinary significance.

Don't worry, Chu Feng, since you have given me this opportunity, I will definitely take it, no matter whether the final result will satisfy you, then I will do my best to do it.

In addition, I can also give you a guarantee, if in a certain period of time in the future, you feel that what I have done is different from what you imagined.

Then you can also directly request me to make changes, or simply take back my free power!

Anyway, as long as it is something you don't like, then I won't try it.

Now, even if I have entrusted all my life to your hands.

Although I don't know whether my decision is correct or not, this is the one thing I want to do most at the moment, and now that I have made this decision, it can be regarded as a new beginning after I have freedom! "

When the robber said this sentence, Chu Feng didn't quite understand it. He didn't know if the robber said this sentence from his heart or deliberately to deceive himself.

If he wanted to deceive himself, the expression made by the robber would be too risky.

auzw.com Therefore, if Chu Feng agrees, for him, even if it is false, it is true.

And if he really did it out of sincerity, it would also directly prove that this robber was the kind of person Chu Feng needed.

"Your sentence is a bit beyond my expectation. Now I don't know how to judge the truth of your sentence.

But no matter what, I still hope that this sentence from you is true, because I made the decision according to the attitude that you told me this sentence sincerely.

At this time, I promised you this request, and now I remember your words, if this happens in the future, then I will definitely implement what you requested me! "

Chu Feng didn't give the robber any chance to go back. He had already said this anyway, so Chu Feng would directly block the robber's path.

It doesn't matter whether the bandit's office is true or not, anyway, all of this has become true.

Because Chu Feng had agreed, and this matter had become a reality, even if the robber wanted to go back, it might not be too late.

But Chu Feng seemed to think about this matter too complicatedly, because when he finished saying this, he clearly saw the robber's face with a relieved expression.

That feeling, as if the result he most hoped for, was finally realized.

Even his expression at the time, it can be said to be a surprise, a kind of surprise.

Although Chu Feng felt that doing so might be a bit exaggerated, but if he were to be regarded as a fake, then it can only be said that the robber's acting skills are too powerful, so powerful that he can directly let him do whatever he wants.

"You seem very happy?"

When Chu Feng had a question in his mind, he planned to ask about it. In fact, he didn't think he needed to say this sentence, but since he had already said it, let's just listen to the answer!

Anyway, Chu Feng also has time to consume now, even if he chats casually with robbers, what can he do!

"Yes, I am very happy now, because my goal is finally achieved!

The sentence I said just now is entirely from the heart. If you refuse, it will be a blow to me.

But now you have agreed, so I am very happy, because I seem to have found a support.

Now that you have agreed to this matter, it also means that you will be responsible for my future.

If I did something wrong in the future, or did not satisfy you in any way, then you will definitely stand up and give me advice. After all, you have already agreed. The so-called gentleman is hard to follow!

Now that you have said this sentence, it can be regarded as a promise to me.

If you don't fulfill your promise, then this result is probably beyond my imagination!

In addition, I definitely don't believe that you will not break your promise because of this.

Because since I heard your name, and got a preliminary understanding of you as a person.

Your image in my mind has always been that kind of extremely tall state.

Although I was an enemy before, but it was just a helpless thing.

After all, this task has fallen into my hands, and the funds for this task are enticing enough for me!

You also know how to be a robber~ What is the purpose of living a life of "licking" blood in the wind and the rain? Isn't it just to make more money, so that you can rely on for the rest of your life!

So even if your image is very big in my mind, it does not affect, I do anything to you! "