Whimsical System

Chapter 1739: Offensive trend

Chu Feng brought the young man among all the hunters. At this moment, the hunters in trouble finally escaped and ascended to heaven. No special circumstances occurred during this process. The appearance of the soldiers just saved Chu Feng from looking for them. The troubles of the people they should meet have basically already seen, and the next thing to do is naturally to solve the troubles that Chu Feng wants to answer.

"According to the agreement, I have rescued all of you. Is it your turn to express your sincerity?"

At this moment, when Chu Feng said these words, he still had a certain say, and his attitude could also determine a large part of the problem. After all, the "life" of these hunters was previously in Chu Feng's hands, so now that he proposed this idea, it was completely acceptable.

"It is natural that we have already agreed, and we must keep the promise, but I don't know what question you want to ask?"

It is natural for a young man to act as a leader at this time, especially when he is about to highlight his status, and his current actions can also represent something.

"There is nothing complicated. We just want to know what kind of specific situation the beast is. We heard that the beast is gradually gathering at this time, and there is such a meaning to attack the city, so we say this thing now. It hasn’t been determined yet, but it already makes people feel a little unreliable, so I want to learn more and be sure.”

When Chu Feng said this idea, the hunters felt that there was nothing to embarrass them, and similar to this question, they had the most say. Because no one can understand the situation of the beast better than the hunters, and they have just had an encounter with the beast, naturally there are many attitudes to express in this respect.

"As for the beast attacking the city, the most standard determination has not been made so far, but one thing is certain, that is, the beast does have the intention to encircle the city, and the activities of the beast have been intensive recently. The degree is becoming more and more intense. Just a few days ago, there were absolutely no beasts in the previous area, but now so many beasts have already gathered there.

Judging from this angle alone, the beasts are indeed gradually migrating out of the mountains and forests. If they are given enough time, then even entering the city seems achievable. "

The young man told Chu Feng almost everything he knew about it. Treating this matter from the perspective of a hunter, it can be said that there are good and bad things that are naturally beasts. You don’t have to search for it alone, but It can be rounded up directly. The bad thing is that they can't control so many beasts at all. Needless to say, hunting or hunting, there is no way to achieve a complete balance.

According to the young man’s answer, this matter is really so credible, especially the current trend of beast attacks, Chu Feng can also see it with his own eyes, even if he has doubts about him, so he has seen things with his own eyes. , Even if it is doubtful, it takes more consideration to make a decision.

auzw.com"According to you, there is still a certain possibility that the beasts will attack the city, and this trend has been shown now. Doesn’t it mean that it will not take long, this situation will Will it expand?"

Although Chu Feng didn't have the kind of worries from the heart, he also felt a little inappropriate about this matter.

"If you analyze in this respect, there is indeed such a possibility, but something similar to this kind of thing will not happen too quickly, and if you exercise restraint in accordance with the safety and protection of a city, you don’t have to This matter is too worrying, because beasts are very different from humans. Even if beasts really want to enter the city, they must have enough time to do some operations, otherwise they cannot leave the forest directly. Out of their habitat."

The young man has one of his opinions, but he doesn't know much. At this time, he is only treating this matter from the perspective of a hunter. As for the others, he can't make a correct judgment.

"The normal situation may be like this, but now it is impossible to treat this matter with a normal attitude. The beasts themselves came out of the forest. This is an almost impossible thing, and they have no reason to leave the forest, so The only problem that may arise during this process is that someone is "fucking" them, and then forced them to leave their habitat and choose a target to attack."

Chu Feng's remarks basically opened up a new worldview to all hunters. For them, conspiracy theories like this kind are very strange, and they did not absolutely "sexually" address some problems. It's just that the situation in these areas will change more or less. In their opinion, the danger of the city is basically nothing serious.

After all, they do not have any special dependence on the city, and the city will never provide them with much help, so even if there is a crisis in the city, it is just that such a thing happened and they knew it. There was no overall change in this matter, and they did not feel that the occurrence of this matter had any special changes for them.

It's just that the young people deliberately made some expressions in order to cater to Chu Feng.

"If the city is attacked, and then someone deliberately does it, do you find trouble with that guy? If so, will these beasts also become your hostile targets?"

When the young man asked this question, he did not deliberately express his attitude, but what he said was indeed asking a key point, that is, how to deal with this aspect of this matter, in fact, if this is the case. If you consider it, you can still make a judgment from an overall perspective.

At least Chu Feng knew how to deal with this incident, but he was not sure about telling this incident to young people, what changes could be made to this incident itself, and he could also make a judgment on his own, that was this incident. Things will not change at all, it is just answering a question of young people.

"If the beasts attack the city, then the beasts will naturally be the target of attack. After all, they are like weapons, and these weapons are also "fucked" by others. If you can't find those who are "fucked" from behind People, then we can only destroy these weapons first."