Whimsical System

Chapter 1799: Trouble after escape

Seize the time to escape here as soon as possible. This was Old Chu's last suggestion to Chu Feng, and it was also a suggestion that Chu Feng could not go against.

There is no doubt that Lao Chu also made this decision after some consideration in front of this suggestion.

At this time, after Chu Feng listened to this suggestion, although he was a little entangled in his heart, he did not completely reject it.

And then he made the same plan as Lao Chu had arranged.

It is relatively easy for the local tyrants to fight to get rid of the shackles of these people. After all, they did not use any shackles to control Chu Feng at this moment. At most, they were holding Chu Feng’s shoulders and wanted to take him Control the overall movement.

And these actions by these entourages did not make Chu Feng completely under control at all. The swallowing power he pushed gently mobilized the swallowing power of the body to operate around, and then he heard Some roaring sounds came from around!

There is no need to think too much about it, this must be the power of swallowing, the impact it has on these followers.

They all released their palms in the panic. It was not that they were willing to do this, but they had to make this decision, because if it continued, their arms might be swallowed. Swallowed.

When Chu Feng got rid of their control completely, the first move he had to do was to fight against this person in charge again.

It’s just that his current idea is no longer to let the person in charge win over himself, but to find ways to escape from the person in charge. At this moment, his idea is very simple, nothing more than to find some way to solve the problem. , And then display it as much as possible, nothing special, but it can solve the problem.

The person in charge of Chu Feng’s sudden escape was naturally a little surprised. He never thought that this moment of negligence would cause such trouble, but at this moment he must also welcome the arrival of all this, even if he resents the result no matter how much. Appeared, then he couldn't isolate this problem.

It's just that in the course of his next fight, he has already foreseen the danger that this incident will bring. At first, his impression of Chu Feng was only that the attack of Devouring Power was sharper, and nothing else was left. What happened, but later he discovered that the Devouring Power was just the beginning, and the previous failure was only due to Chu Feng's mistakes, not his ability.

Now that Chu Feng has found the source of the mistakes and solved the effects of the mistakes, there will only be one result that will be achieved next. He must go all out to face Chu Feng at this moment, and The other people around couldn't help at all, because when he fought Chu Feng, even those entourages wanted to come forward to help, but they didn't know how to do it.

auzw.com Perhaps this is the most critical time for the person in charge, but there is no way to find a quick way to prevent Chu Feng from having all the preparations for this kind of crisis. I was planning to go all out to crack the current situation. Everything seemed to have come to a turn. As a result, Chu Feng first used the power of Feng Shui to restrain this person in charge, and then tried every means to pass himself to the energy. Combining it with the power of devouring, yes, he has indeed failed in this aspect before, but the previous failure will not affect the current problems at all.

Chu Feng had already figured out why the previous results had occurred. All he needs to do now is to completely overcome the mistakes that have occurred before, and then it is enough to achieve his goal. As for here, Whether there will be similar mistakes in the process, this is not what Chu Feng needs to consider at all.

The person in charge did not realize the changes in the matter at first, but when the Devouring Land entered his body again, when the familiar pain appeared and gradually became stronger, even if he wanted to regret it, it was too late. Because Chu Feng would not give him any at all, the opportunity to react and the energy injected behind the swallowing power, but even if there is a distinction between the front and back, they are very compatible.

When the power of swallowing took effect under the impetus of energy, the person in charge had already realized the seriousness of the matter, and he was also trying his best to resist the impact of this energy on himself, but in the end he failed. The intrusion of energy stimulated the emission of poisonous sex. Under the drive of the power of swallowing, it almost instantly spread all over the body.

And under the effect of such a strong range of influence, after all, few people can resist it. Even if the current person in charge can rely on the physical strength to hold on for a while, the final result will not happen at all. Change.

The person in charge fell to the ground under the influence of the swallowing power. This result was within Chu Feng's expectations, so he was not surprised, but how to escape next became an important thing he encountered.

The person in charge was defeated, so everyone around was dumbfounded. This was a result they never expected. It was clear that the two of them had already decided the victory or defeat just now. Why did it take a few minutes, Chu Feng has already made up for all the previous failures!

And at this moment, it seems that the punishment is easy to win, and the person in charge has lost his consciousness even now.

This huge change between the other and the positive, it is estimated that few people can see the clues from it.

And during this period of time, no one seemed to be able to take this matter seriously and analyze it, because Chu Feng was about to escape, and then chasing the escaped Chu Feng was the most important thing.

At the same time, in the process of those followers chasing Chu Feng, the old man had already quietly fled, but his escape did not have left, but was waiting for an opportunity to give Chu Feng a chance to get in the way.

Chu Feng escaped for nearly a few miles in a row. In order to guard against those who were chasing after him and throwing stones at himself, Chu Feng stopped his desire to fly, and ran across it on his own legs. Some distance, but even at this level, Chu Feng didn't get rid of those entourages.

Obviously, this move made by Chu Feng could not completely solve this problem. In the end, I am afraid that only a head-on confrontation can alleviate the situation. However, there are many people on the opposite side. Chance of winning.

"What should I do? Do I want to fight with them, but I am worried that I am not their opponent. After all, they are too many to fight alone. I am not afraid, but if so many people fight me in groups, I am afraid I will suffer. No way!"