Whimsical System

Chapter 2017: Next move

"In fact, we are not doing very well in dealing with these things. Of course, I also know that some places are not what we need to present. In fact, all kinds of problems in the process are all right. I understand, it’s just that these situations may endanger some key content. This is what we don’t want to see. There is no way to be similar to the various situations that exist in these aspects. In fact, they are all possible. It will bring about some other changes, which we cannot change. I can see some hope through this incident, but this hope may also bring some changes to me. In fact, the specific situation is also It can only be analyzed in these few ways, no matter what kind of plan we have made or what kind of solution we have found, and the specific situation, we can only get one result through this matter. You have already told me, which aspects of this matter we need to show? Including you also know what kind of changes this matter might bring, so in the next processing, you should know how to do it I don’t hope that this matter will have much impact on you. Because this matter was just a plan between the two of us from the very beginning, and how complicated a plan becomes is not in itself. It’s a normal thing, so since we’ve already considered things, and we also know how to make this plan, then this thing should allow such results to gradually produce a response, if in the process, only It’s okay to be able to deal with it in this way, because all plans may produce some uncertain results, and in these results, we can naturally find some real ways to solve things. !"

Chu Feng knew that when he said these words, he did not actually express his own attitude, but it was not important.

Anyway, judging from the current situation, even if all the problems arise, they will not have much impact. This is a definite plan. They know what they should do. In the whole process, the two teams' Fighting, it just stayed at a basic level, and all the actions he made were just some thoughts aimed at this level. He didn't expect the leader brother to fully understand.

Because it is still unable to think about this matter from a relatively high level, and she is also talking nonsense in some places, saying what so-called remarks are just expressing some of the thoughts in her heart, as for these thoughts. It doesn’t matter who is the center. What’s important is that when she was making this plan, he had already considered everything, and even thought about what to do if something went wrong. Go solve it!

"In fact, sometimes I don't really understand what you are preparing for, and what kind of substantive significance this plan has for you. If you have already considered it, you can still understand it normally. But now you don’t even think about what the normal plan is. Although I don’t worry that this matter will go wrong, in some cases there are some things that we need to pay attention to, and the normal changes are here. In fact, there may be various special problems, but now I really don’t think about it. How should we do it? If it is really possible, I hope to make this matter even more. It is more realistic, but similar to the situation in this area, in fact, there may be various changes, but it is not important. Now that we have made sufficient preparations, we must be able to let this matter go. A better result is just the various plans we have made in this matter, and there may be some other changes!"

Regarding the judgment of some things, in fact, no matter how the leader brother thinks about it, it is not important. He can express his thoughts, it is only that he has integrated into this matter, and then has some opinions on this matter. .

auzw.com As for what kind of changes have taken place in this matter, or what kind of changes have been brought about, in fact, this is just some influence on the matter itself. It will not become too complicated or difficult to solve. At most, it will only be inappropriate based on the various changes that have occurred in the current situation. Impact.

If they have already made a plan and even know that this matter should be resolved in this way, then this matter must be resolved fundamentally, but similar to the current situation, it may be fundamentally resolved. It is impossible to make such an assumption, because there are many things that are likely to undergo some changes, and there are already too many things in the process similar to these aspects, which may cause some changes.

No one wants to see the emergence of such a result, and also does not want this matter to become so complicated at this time, so the best solution is to be able to find some reasons for this matter, and then thoroughly. Deal with it and don't let it have any more problems. Only in this way can this thing get a good result, and everything they do now seems to be like this.

"I want to talk to them. Just when this battle is going on the most intense, I'm going to confuse their minds. Your brother has always been someone we must meet, and now you don't want to go. To do this, then only I can do it. Although I cannot guarantee that I will be able to achieve this goal, at least after I appear, I can make this thing a little bit better and not too big. In the process, I don’t seem to have any other choice, because if I don’t do this, it means that there may be various other situations. You should be aware of changes like this There is nothing that we can make judgments at will, and even if there is an accident, it must not make the accident too serious, otherwise we will not be able to make changes, so in the process , If you don’t want to go, then you have to let me go. This is the final plan I made. You can make changes to this plan, but after the change, it becomes you and you go!

I think such a change is more appropriate"

Chu Feng wanted to make things smoother, but he couldn't force the commander brother to do things he didn't want to do, so he could only make the best move.
