Whimsical System

Chapter 271: Fence

"Hold on!" The young domain master stopped her from behind.

"What else?" At this time, the second lady looked extremely calm, and the previous anger had disappeared without a trace at this moment.

"Help me bring this to Yuebi, the mutiny must be hindered by agitators, I hope it can help Yuebi!" The young domain master threw his hand to the second lady, a gilded scroll.

"What is this?" Looking at the scroll in her hand repeatedly, the second lady was puzzled.

"You only need to hand over things that can be used for great use, and he will naturally know how to do it by then!" The young domain master did not want to say too much about the scroll.

"Okay, I will bring it to him! Is there anything else?" the second lady asked.

"No, you go back soon!" The young domain master motioned.

"Yeah!" The second lady nodded and turned around, and she disappeared in a moment.

"Domain Lord, who is that person?" When the young domain master turned back, Luo Fengyuan lightly pressed his chest.

"Yueya's younger sister!" The young domain master answered casually.

"Yuebi actually has a younger sister!" Luo Fengyuan's face appeared in surprise.


"She didn't hurt you just now?" Luo Fengyuan asked.

"The little girl is just looking for her elder brother, and if she speaks clearly, she will naturally be fine!" The young domain master said indifferently.

"Domain Lord, she is not an ordinary girl!" Luo Fengyuan smiled bitterly, "If I am not mistaken, the strength she has just shown can already be equal to her subordinates!"

"Yudu is a bit exaggerated!" The young domain master smiled, disapproving.

"Domain owners, subordinates have never liked to exaggerate others and find steps for themselves. Therefore, as long as those who are judged by subordinates as strong, they must be exceptional!" Luo Fengyuan emphasized.

"Okay! Stronger, strong, anyway is just a woman, can she still turn the world upside down!" The long-term high-ranking life has caused the young domain master to lose the original awe.

"Domain owner, there is something under my subordinates, I want to ask you to agree!" Luo Fengyuan rolled his eyes, "Domain owner must agree!"

"What's the matter, but it's okay to say!" For some reason, the young domain master was a little nervous at this moment.

"The subordinate wants to go to Gulou City!" Luo Fengyuan Shili responded.

"No, brothers and sisters of the Yue family, I have already hated you. You go now. Isn't it clear to send to death!" The young domain master rebuffed.

"No, the domain master! He is not that kind of idiot. If he really wants to get rid of me, he might have already taken action against me as early as the escort. But he didn't do that, this is also true. It means that he doesn't want me to die, so when I go on this trip, there must be no risk!" Luo Fengyuan analyzed.

"Although what you said is so reasonable, even if you don't kill you, his sister will probably kill you!" The young domain master worried.

"You said just now that his sister is just a female stream. Even if she wants to kill me, it will be hard to get it. After all, I am not a wine bag or rice bag in Fengyuan. Will I be defeated by a woman?" Dang When the young domain master questioned his own strength, Luo Fengyuan, who was originally cautious, suddenly became arrogant.

"Are you really not afraid of her?" the young domain master asked.

"A female stream, why be afraid of it!" Although Luo Fengyuan's remarks are not true or false, since Luo Fengyuan dared to say these things, he must have found a way out for himself.

"Well! Since you are so yearning, then you go!"

"Thank you domain owner!"

"Don't rush to thank me first, I will next, but I still have to ask!" the young domain master reminded.


"Don't worry, if your subordinates can do it, they will definitely do their best!" Luo Fengyuan swore.

"In fact, there is no requirement, it is nothing more than some small suggestions, you don't have to be so serious!" The young domain master said.

"Yes, please speak!"

"Well! Going to Gulou City this time, you must be low-key and cautious. If someone asks, you can say that you are a merchant in the past. In addition, you must not have entanglements with the guards in Gulou City. Even if they are provoking First, then you have to forbear!" the young domain master demanded.

"Domain Lord, if I follow your requirements in everything, then I will be bullied in Drum Tower City!" Luo Fengyuan said dissatisfied.

"The wise man has his own way to avoid bullying. If you are afraid, then you don't need to go!" The young domain master wanted to capture it.

"Domain master, the subordinates are not afraid of bullying..."

"Since you are not afraid, then you take your orders to leave!" The young domain master motioned.

"Yes!" He said, even if Luo Fengyuan was unwilling in every possible way, he had to grit his teeth.

The young domain master nodded deeply, and then turned around and gradually disappeared inside the city gate.

Five days later, in the Gulou City Secret Service Building, six creatures with different appearances were neatly arranged.

Chu Feng stood at the head of the team, holding two guns with a serious face.

"Host, how's the progress?" At this time, Suzi, who looked like a lame host, opened the door and asked.

"Yueyi's Secret Service team has surrounded the Secret Service Building, and they are now blocking the entrance, shouting arrogantly!" Chu Feng replied.

"What a hateful guy, if it weren't for his sudden return, we might have already earned Gulou City in the bag!" Suzi said angrily.

"Is it still useful to say it now? Still think about the next step quickly, what should we do!" Chu Feng said.

"Next...How many manpower do we have now?" Suzi asked.

"Since the incident of the special service rebellion occurred in two days, our forces have been greatly reduced! I have roughly estimated that we still have about twenty people now!" Chu Feng replied.

"What, only twenty people! There are hundreds of people over there!" Suzi said in surprise.

"Who can blame this, if you can gather all Jin Sanye's subordinates, we won't fall into this field!"

"I will find a solution to Sanye Jin, at least for now!"

"That's what you said three days ago, but what about people now?" Chu Feng asked.

"This time, I'm serious! Don't worry, as long as we stick to today, the scale of victory will turn to us!" Suzi promised.



"Well, since you have said things like this, then I will help you keep today!" Chu Feng violently pulled the bolt of the gun, and said with righteous indignation.


"Everyone," Chu Feng turned his head and looked at the five people behind him, "Get ready to do it!"

"Yes!" The five hosts responded, and then they went to prepare.

"Host, these five hosts really have such a point now, they are obedient to you!" Suzi sighed lowly when the hosts left.