Whimsical System

Chapter 512: Raid the lobby

It can be seen from the item details that this token should belong to the guard in the city, and the owner of the token is still a guard!

Although Chu Feng didn't know why the guard's thing appeared in his room. But he always feels that this matter is not that simple!

In the luggage, although there are some clothes, there are no traces of passing through, and they are all single clothes. The temperature in the frosty zone nowadays, under normal circumstances, is basically around minus 20 degrees. If wearing single clothes, it is estimated that few people can withstand the wind and cold and go out.

Therefore, even if you want to bring some change of clothes, you should also bring some, clothes that are slightly resistant to wind and cold! At this moment, the appearance of these singles can't help but become a questionable problem, but the most doubtful thing is this token.

If this token is really owned by a certain guard chief, then it should be carried by him all the time, but now it just appeared in the luggage.

It's okay to say that he has forgotten, or deliberately didn't bring it. In short, all this is not logical!

In addition to checking this questionable token, Chu Feng took the time to look at the weapons he bought from the iron beggar yesterday.

There are many types of weapons, there are guns and knives, and some bows and arrows! However, most of the structures are no different from ordinary weapons. There is neither too complicated structure nor cumbersome fall.

It's just that their materials are special. Under normal circumstances, swords are basically made of iron or steel, and the materials of these weapons are all made of a special material called Zhengshi.

Such rocks usually appear on relatively high mountains, while frosty areas, although there are high mountains, are all frozen mountains.

Therefore, if you want to remove a rock from those mountains, it is really more difficult than climbing!

But now these weapons are all forged by Zhengshi, and the source of the materials has become a matter of doubt.

Although Chu Feng didn't care about these details, when a new material appeared, and a batch of new equipment appeared, Chu Feng still had to pay more or less attention.

He didn't want to believe what the iron beggar said. If he really had no way of forging weapons, when Chu Feng had just entered the blacksmith's shop, he would not have heard the sounds of striking iron tools.

Therefore, the iron beggar is just unwilling to help Chu Feng take the initiative. As for other people, whether they would say his help, that is not necessarily.

It is assumed that the iron beggar will help other people, and the existence of those people, from the current point of view, may not pose any threat to Chu Feng.

But when Chu Feng grows strong, those people may no longer look at Chu Feng like they do now!

Chu Feng is willing to control his future in the hands of someone or a group of people.

But he really knows nothing about this new world. Although he knew everything about the realm of fire, the situation in the realm of water was very different from that of the realm of fire.

There are no disputes of various forces here. Everyone seems to be so kind, but behind that kindness, there are hidden dirty deals that no one knows.

Official restraints have become extremely severe under official rule. Perhaps under official rule, Chu Feng will be temporarily safe, but safety may not be that important to him.

Because if you want to achieve a certain goal, just to get points, then Chu Feng can go to collect points tasks, and then with the help of Suzi and others, complete these tasks, and finally get points.


These things seem to be peaceful and smooth, but in the process, it is really difficult for him to guarantee that someone will suddenly jump out to affect him, or even directly disrupt his plan.

Sometimes, he has to think about his future. Although these disasters have not yet come, or will not come later, Chu Feng must make some preparations.

As for the content that Chu Feng had to prepare, and the things he was worried about, he would not easily talk to others, even if it was Suzi, he rarely said these.

Under normal circumstances, he prefers to bury these words in his heart, and then to sound the alarm for himself at any time, so that he always pays attention to the surrounding changes. At the same time, I also consider the next direction for myself.

However, the arrest of Suzi and the little man was a sudden attack for Chu Feng.

But he already knew that the reason was nothing more than the killing of the big man. When Chu Feng killed him in the drought, he didn't think so much.

This is entirely due to his thoughts in the realm of fire. In the realm of water, because of the official existence, many things have to let Chu Feng change his approach and thinking.

After all, the realm of water is bound by law, just like in real life.

If the change was in real life, Chu Feng would never do it, because he had his own scale to restrain himself.

But here, because of this environment. He failed to recognize all this, so this incident was an accident to him, but it was also inevitable.

Collect the weapons and tokens again and put them back into the inventory. At this time, the inventory has also been updated.

Even with so many things stored, there still seem to be other free spaces in the inventory. And after upgrading the inventory, you can also store living things.

This existence is of great help to Chu Feng, because in the later period he had to take certain people to a certain place, or bring certain people out of a different place, and the objects The column just meets this need.

For Chu Feng, the whole day hiding in the alley was tantamount to suffering.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, as soon as the sky darkened, Chu Feng ran back to the inn, preparing to attack the lobby again.

At five forty, the lobby of the inn is sparsely populated, and occasionally there are a few residents, discussing something here.

At 6:07, the residents in the lobby of the inn had already left, and the receptionist who was in charge of the reception was lazily fiddling with the silver hairpin.

"Excuse me!"

"Hello, you..." The moment Chu Feng appeared, the lady at the front desk was still smiling one second before, but the next second she turned her smile into panic.

"Don't shout, it looks like you know me!" Chu Feng rushed forward, covering the lady at the front desk.


The lady at the front desk shook her head desperately, seemingly trying to tell Chu Feng that his guess was wrong.