Whimsical System

Chapter 614: So-called freedom

"Has the Lord come?" People in Different Time and Space looked around and asked.

The corner of Chu Feng's mouth rose slightly, and he "touched" with one hand to his waist, holding a hard object in his hand, which was the handle of Mingzhe's gun.

At this time, the dark blades on both sides of Mingzhe's spear were already prominent, and the dark blades were slightly cold.

"With one-to-two, do you have the courage to deal with?"

"Hahaha...Naturally!" The people of different time and space laughed dryly, but the end of the laughter was a bit bitter.

"Not bad!"


Chu Feng nodded his approvingly, Mingzhe spear appeared, blocking between the two.


People in different time and space also decisively drew their guns to confront them.

The firearms of different time and space people are ranked relatively high in the mission mall, and the stability of their "sexual" performance is very similar to the firearms used by Suzi at this time, and the price is about 140,000 points.

The bullets of this type of gun are also different from the bullets sold in the mall. If you want to store them, you have to spend twice the price, and you can only buy half the quantity.

"Tsk..." Chu Feng slapped his tongue, "So it turns out that I was prepared long ago!"

"Each each other!" The people of different time and space looked around again, "Where is your helper? It's time to let him show up!"

"Why, are you scared?" Chu Feng asked with a smile.

"Fighting head-on, I'm never afraid! But if it's hurting someone from behind, even if it is someone who can't resist it!" The Alien Spaceman did not support him, and the current situation does not allow him to be too presumptuous, even if he is already minded. The intention to retreat is just that it has not been shown!

"It can be seen that you are really afraid that someone will sneak attack you! That's the case, then I will make you afraid for a while!" Chu Feng seemed to be joking, scaring Yitiankong humanity.

"Are you lying to me?!" As soon as Chu Feng said these words, the people of Different Time and Space suddenly seemed to wake up, and asked hysterically.

"It's not a lie, what I'm talking about is just a possibility!" Chu Feng's answer was a little vague. People in different time and space couldn't figure out whether Suzi had come. And Chu Feng also didn't know. Even though he had just notified Suzi, it was still unknown whether he could arrive at this moment.

"Fantasy, go to death!" People in different time and space no longer believe what Chu Feng said.

In an instant, he was going to fight Chu Feng to death and death.

When the man from different time and space pulled the trigger to take the lead, Chu Feng was naturally not a bullet, so it was no surprise that Chu Feng was shot.

The bullet hit Chu Feng's shoulder, the impact of the bullet was relatively strong, it directly smashed the seam of Chu Feng's shoulder, and penetrated the whole.

Although everything happened in an instant, the pain of the heart is persistent.

Chu Feng's blue veins violently, and the position of the temples exudes bursts of soreness and tingling, which is a reaction from the nerves.

"Hi...It hurts!"

Chu Feng set off to avoid, the intense pain, even if he gritted his teeth, he couldn't resist.

The big beads of sweat dripped down like marbles, and then a small splash of water splashed.

"Don't hide, aren't you very prestigious! Come on, face me!" After hitting Chu Feng, the person in Different Time and Space was immediately like a person.

Not only lost the previous stability, but also added a bit of madness.

"Is it hard to face you?"

However, just at this moment, behind the people of different time and space, a response suddenly sounded.

It was followed by a gunshot!

The speaker was Suzi, and the shot was Chu Feng.

"you guys……"

Chu Feng's gun was obviously more accurate than the other time-space man.

Coupled with the special "fire" form of the Mingzhe gun, just one shot is enough to take away the "life" of people in different time and space.

auzw.com"Host, are you okay!" Regardless of whether people in different time and space are dead or alive, Suzi walked to Chu Feng's side in three steps and took two steps to pick up Chu Feng. , Asked nervously.

"I can't die for the time being, my self-healing ability saved my "life", but the wound is too serious, and the bone is seriously damaged. I am afraid I will have to use it to recover from the illness in the near future!" Chu Feng His face was pale, and the wound on his shoulder caused him to lose a lot of blood. At this time, his body was very weak, and he couldn't even stand alone.

"Should I take a recovery "medicine" pill? Maybe it can help you!" Suzi handed over a "medicine" pill, and wanted Chu Feng to take it down.

"No, now my body is not suitable for taking this kind of "medicine". It is no better than the field of assessment. The ability of "medicine" is too strong, and my body will not be able to support it!" Chu Feng rejected Suzi's "medicine" "The pill, at this time, the wound has gradually begun to heal. Although the pain hasn't been relieved much, at least from the appearance, it is much healthier.

"Then do you need some "medicine" products to relieve pain, I also have it here!" Suzi took out some "medicine" products and asked.

"No, these'drugs' are all used to anesthetize the nerves, so as to reduce pain. If they are used frequently, they will damage the nerves. I better not take this risk!" Chu Feng still refused. Since returning to the real world, he has always rejected the "medicine" products in these mission malls, not just because of physical discomfort, perhaps more because of his discomfort in his heart.

After disposing of the bodies of the people from different time and space, the two drove away in a hurry.

It was very windy at night, and Suzi drove back to Q city overnight. This was another case, and there were also witnesses. Judging from the real-world investigative ability, Chu Feng definitely could not escape responsibility, so he There is no other way but to escape.

But fortunately, people in different time and space are not people in the real world. If Ms. Ouyang doesn't mention it, no one really knows his life and death.

Of course, this possibility is not very "sex". Because it can be seen from the conversation between the people of different time and space and Ms. Ouyang. There seems to be an agreement between them. If the people of different time and space did not meet Ms. Ouyang again according to the agreement, then Ms. Ouyang would definitely be suspicious. If so, things will be revealed more quickly.

Chu Feng had no way to take care of all this. The only way now was to escape, at least to leave Ganwei City first.

After rushing back to Q city from Ganwei City, and then after another night's rest, the emotions of the two of them eased slightly.

What happened last night was not very important. Anyway, everything was in their plan, but there were some small mistakes in the middle, but they were all recovered.

Chu Feng's level has been successfully promoted to over 30.

The space-time shuttle function is opened, and his new journey is about to start.

Not to mention Suzi's side, once again killing an opponent, his points will be doubled.

With more and more points, the things he can do gradually become more diverse.

Coupled with the activation of Chu Feng's time and space shuttle ability this time, Suzi can finally leave the real world and go to other time and space to perform tasks.

Chu Feng also had to leave the real world temporarily because of people in different time and space. Anyway, the assessment has already started, and there is nothing to leave at this time.

There are not many things that make Chu Feng worry about in the real world. He doesn't care about his parents like others. Now, he is already a flamboyant person, and the only thing he can't let go of is perhaps Lu Ci.

If Lu Ci had a life of his own since he had the funds reserves, he could even cope even if Chu Feng was not by his side sometimes.

This time leaving is not as static as in the assessment mission. Although he is not in this time and space, the time in this time and space will still pass.

Perhaps when he returns again, this time and space will also change its appearance, and it may even change its appearance.

Chu Feng never thought that he would have such a life. He never thought that he would take the post, so he was very responsible. Chu Feng always thought that he was a bastard, a **** in a suit and tie, who was manipulated every day.

But the **** before now has turned into a hero who saves the world. Although he is the people of the world, he does not know him as an unknown hero. But for him, it was still extremely cool.

Chu Feng didn't know how to tell Lu Ci about this. As a result, he didn't tell Lu Ci his secret until he left. Perhaps this is also a better result, at least Lu Ci will not feel awkward and confused because of Chu Feng's host status.

In the end, it was Suzi's idea for Chu Feng. This is probably the first time this is unprecedented. I have to say that Suzi's ability to deceive people is quite superb. In a few words, Lu Ci was bluffed, and Lao Ka was also deceived by the way.

"Finally liberated!" After leaving the villa with Suzi, Chu Feng raised his hands above his head and said in relief.

"It's better to feel free?" Suzi asked.

"Actually, I was quite free before, but there was always a sense of "wandering" in my heart nowhere to rest. No way, maybe this is my destiny!" Chu Feng sighed with a smile on his face.

"It's not like you complained!" Suzi could see Chu Feng's mind, at least Chu Feng was happy at the moment.

"Of course it's not a complaint. I'm glad that I have this kind of thought! It would be very sad if I live a life numb like those people." When a person escapes the sea of ​​suffering. Changes will give rise to a bit of compassion. Have mercy on your past and those who are in your destiny at this time. Obviously, Chu Feng was in this state of mind at this time.

"Are you ready, where are you going next?" Chu Feng asked.

"The new system task has been issued. This time, I was the first to know the location of the target opponent. It is not a good thing to always be visited! Maybe I should take the initiative to visit them too!" Suzi Smiled.

"The two of us are almost the same, I also decided to visit other brothers in time and space." Chu Feng nodded.

"I heard. You already met your opponent when you were in the realm of the wind?" Suzi asked.

"Yes! Why, have you never seen it?" Chu Feng asked.

"The assessment in the Domain of Wind is probably a little different from yours before. In the whole assessment, I only participated in one mission. Because the other two assessments are no longer there, I regret that I have not seen it first. Those target opponents!" Suzi explained.