Whimsical System

Chapter 638: New contradiction



The Ghost Dragon Knife sucked blood extremely fast, and the blood "liquid" was being lost frantically at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, the twin **** was sucked and shriveled, and the flesh fits tightly like a skeleton, completely indistinguishable from the previous appearance.


"When did it become so violent?" Chu Feng asked with horror, his eyes straightened.

"The Ghost Dragon Knife has always been like this, it's just that it hasn't been effective in your hands!" E Duolong drew out the knife and kicked the shriveled twin **** aside.

"This... even if it's over?" Chu Feng couldn't believe it.

"Is the system notification received?" Eduolong asked.

"Received, a reward of 60,000 points, not too much! The cooling time has been extended, and now there are nine hours left. This is still on the premise that there is no time cooling when traveling through this time and space!"

"Well, I still have about one day of "fuck" control time here, but it will consume personality, if necessary, I can hold on for a while. However, it is still somewhat impossible to hold on for one day!" Long said.

"The matter has been resolved, you don't need to persist anymore. In my opinion, you should leave his body first!" Chu Feng said.

"It's no problem for me to leave this body. It's just that after losing my personality, this body will be out of control. Now that your body is injured, it is still somewhat difficult to deal with an out of control host!"

"I had an idea just now. You said, what if you use the Ghost Dragon Blade to kill this body? Before he loses control!" Chu Feng asked.

"You want me to'suicide'?"

"It's not to let you'suicide', but to let you'fuck' and control this body to'suicide', and you can escape after the incident!" Chu Feng explained.

"If you really do this, then I can't escape!"


"The Ghost Dragon Knife absorbs everything, whether it is blood or personality, as long as it is hurt by it, there will be nothing left!" E Duolong said bitterly.

"Then there is no way. Forget it, you should come out first! If there is a risk, there is a risk. No matter how you can't let you continue to consume it!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"Okay, it just so happens that I'm almost at the end of the lower limit!" Eduron can clearly feel that his consciousness is gradually being "blurred", so staying for a long time is not a good thing for him.


E Duolong left, the twin brother's body crashed to the ground, and there was no response for a long time.

"No problem?" Chu Feng circled the twin eldest brother, then raised the Ghost Dragon Knife with both hands to stab it down!


However, just when the tip of the knife reached a position three inches above the twin brother's abdomen, the twin brother suddenly woke up and kicked Chu Feng back several steps with one foot.

"He is awake!" Chu Feng grasped the ground to stabilize his figure, his heart beating nonstop.

"Run away, don't provoke him again!"

"I'm afraid it's too late, I seem to have angered him just now!" Chu Feng stepped back subconsciously, and smiled awkwardly.

"Then you can't escape, just bite the bullet!" Eduron didn't have any idea, since he couldn't escape, he had to fight hard.

"I should really let you hold on!" Chu Feng couldn't help regretting the twin brother's aggressiveness.

"It's really nonsense to say this now. If you find it difficult, then give me your body and I will help you deal with him!" Eduron spoke stupidly without thinking about it, but he didn't know his thoughts. That is what Chu Feng has always hated.

"No, I'll do it myself!"

"Oh, that's okay! Be careful!" E Duolong naturally understood what Chu Feng said. In fact, he had already reacted after he said that.

The twin brother "forced" to him, Chu Feng took the gun in a timely manner, the Ghost Dragon Blade temporarily resisted it for a while, and then Mingzhe's gun swept and "fired" again.

The twin brother's arm was cut in half, and his chest was smashed by Mingzhe's gun. The blood mixed with minced meat continuously poured out from the wound.


Although the twin eldest brother had done this, he was still reluctant to Chu Feng.

"Let go!" The twin brother's mutilated arm, clutching Chu Feng's cuff tightly, all the mucus and blood were contaminated on Chu Feng's arm.

"He won't listen to you!" Eduron said.


"I know, I'm telling it to myself!" Chu Feng said helplessly.

"Your attack is still quite fierce, at least he can't resist it!" Eduron praised.

"He is so much stronger than ordinary people, ordinary people's words. I'm afraid I won't be able to hold it with a few swings of the Ghost Dragon Sabre! But he not only defeated the Ghost Dragon Sabre, but even Mingzhe spears him. I'm down." Chu Feng's remarks didn't mean much appreciation. Apart from helplessness, I'm afraid there is only depression.

"Get out of him soon, any delay is boring!" Eduron urged.

"I think so too, but I can't get my hands free at all, he entangled me!" Chu Feng said with a black thread on his face.

"Forget it, let me help you!"

E Duo Long really couldn't stand it anymore, and regardless of whether Chu Feng agreed or not, he directly occupied Chu Feng's body and grabbed the Ghost Dragon Knife, and with this single cut, the twin brother's "life" ended.


E Duolong remained in Chu Feng's body for only a few seconds, but even so, it still made Chu Feng angry.

"I'm here to help you!" Eduron thought he had done nothing wrong.

"How did I tell you before that I am not allowed to occupy my body? Do you know what the consequences will be if you do this?" Chu Feng looked serious.

"Of course I know that you don't like me doing this, but I don't mean anything else, I just want to help you!" Eduron defended.

"I repeat, I don't need it, don't I need it!"

"I promised you not to do it? I will never invade your body again, never!" E Duolong was a bit angry. This sentence is a promise, but it is probably also an angry word.

"I remember what you said, I hope you won't make it again! Go back, you don't need to come out again during this time!" After this incident, Chu Feng's favor with E Duolong instantly returned to zero.

"Chu Feng, even I can't stand it anymore! In fact, E Duo Long, there really is no other meaning!" Old Chu couldn't help but groan for E Duo Long.

"Of course I know he didn't mean anything else. If he did, I would rather not have the Ghost Dragon Blade!" Chu Feng responded with a stiff face.

"What do you mean?" Old Chu couldn't help being a little confused.

"Eduolong's performance in recent times is indeed very good! These are all in your eyes. To be honest, even I am about to trust him, the kind of trust like trusting you! But, After this incident, I can see that compared with you, he still lacks a little thing after all, and he still lacks a particularly important thing!"



"Although he is willing to help me and do things for me, he is not willing to obey me. Under normal circumstances, he faces my orders. He sometimes listens and sometimes disobeys. This is something that makes me very scared. . If one day, I entrust him with some burden, and he treats me like this, then the consequences will be beyond my imagination. Therefore, before he has this ability, I cannot fully trust him. Him!" Chu Feng expressed his worries, and at the same time gave Old Chu a wake-up call.

"So what you need is this. Then I am afraid I can't help you do it!" Old Chu shrugged and said that he was powerless.

"You don't need to'intervene' in this matter. The obedience force is not instilled from the outside, but derived from the heart, so. None of us can help him!"

"Perhaps, he doesn't need our help either!" Lao Chu added.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because he doesn't need it at all! Don't forget, he has his own independent personality. He is E Duo Long, not Chu Yuen Lang, not my old Chu, let alone your Chu Feng!"

"What you said is not wrong, it sounds like a really cool thing. To make a person lose his own "nature" and surrender to other people is a matter of no dignity. But he is already a Personality, what dignity! He should understand that he belongs to me now. Then he must yield to me, otherwise he is an alien. In this case, the alien needs to be eliminated, and the elimination of personality, It is obliteration!" Chu Feng expressionlessly changed his joke attitude.

"Is this a disagreement?" Originally, this was just a conversation between Lao Chu and Chu Feng, but Er Duolong suddenly "interrupted", but this matter became more serious.

"This is not to disarm, this is a sanction, a real sanction!"

"Oh, then you want to punish me, right?" E Duolong no longer hid in the Ghost Dragon Blade, but showed up and stood face to face with Chu Feng.

"I'm not aiming at a certain person, but this phenomenon. If you have to check in, then I can't help it!" Chu Feng seemed to be defending, even though he thought that way.

"Then if I can't accept your sanctions and want to leave, will you let me go?"

"Eduolong, don't be confused!" Old Chu reminded.

"To be honest, I don't want to let you go because you are very helpful to me!" This is Chu Feng's true thoughts. He can say this sentence to show that he has not been dazzled by anger.

"Then you are so embarrassing for me!" Hearing what Chu Feng said, E Duolong couldn't help but show a smile.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I laugh that you are naive!"

"This is not my innocence but a fact. You can't go. Judging from the current situation, I won't let you go!" Chu Feng still looked serious, but when he said these words, he didn't let you go. It's not serious anymore.

"Chu Feng, Er Duolong, if you two continue to talk like this, there will be no results. In my opinion, it is better to step back and put this matter aside for the time being." Lao Chu came forward to make a round. Up.