Whimsical System

Chapter 76: Mixed into the bandit's nest (first more

"The strongmen are all gathered in the Ten Thousand Snake Nest, it's about half a day away from us!" Ning Weng replied.

"Thousands of snakes' nests, embossed with poisonous snakes. It seems that these strongmen have a preference for poisonous snakes!" Chu Feng joked.

"Yes, it is said that their fascinating skills were learned from poisonous snakes!" Ning Weng said.

"Oh? This is the first time I have heard that humans can still learn skills from poisonous snakes!" Chu Feng was a little surprised.

"Master host, you don't know that those strong men are not humans at all!" Ning Weng explained.

"Not human?"

"Yes, they are aliens, a group of foreign aggressive races!" Ning Weng said.

"If it's an alien, then this matter seems a bit tricky!" Chu Feng thoughtfully.

"Master Host, if you want to wipe out them, I suggest you go at night!"

"Why do you want to go at night?" Chu Feng wondered.

"Because at night, they can't use artillery, so your pressure will be less!" Ning Weng explained.

"You mean these strong men still have firearms?" Chu Feng frowned slightly.

"Well, although the number is not too much, but in terms of firepower, it is extremely sufficient!" Ning Weng nodded.

"If there are firearms, then this matter will be a bit more difficult!" Chu Feng said in a deep voice.

"Yeah! It's because it's not easy to fight, so we always choose to swallow!" Ning Weng sighed.

"Apart from our village, are there other villages around here?" After a while, Chu Feng suddenly asked.

"Yes, but it's far from ours!" Ning Weng replied.

"Are you familiar with that village?" Chu Feng asked.

"It's not familiar, but I've been there a few times, and I have a bit of an impression there!" Ning Weng said.

"Then you see, is it possible for us to unite them to eliminate the strongman?" Chu Feng asked tentatively.

"I'm afraid..." After listening to Chu Feng's thoughts, Ning Weng couldn't help seeming a little hesitant.

"Why, are there any difficulties?" Chu Feng asked.

"Host, you don't know, the village itself is part of the Ten Thousand Snake Nest, and the villagers in that village are also fanatical supporters of those strongmen, so they are absolutely impossible to help us!" Ning Weng explained.

"The villagers in that village are also aliens, right?" Chu Feng guessed.

"There are aliens, but most of them are humans!" Ning Weng said.

"Are there humans? Haha...I have a way!" After listening to Ning Weng's answer, Chu Feng smiled knowingly.


"What way?" Ning Weng asked curiously after hearing this.

"Temporarily keep it secret!" Chu Feng smiled mysteriously.

"Uh...okay!" Ning Weng said with a slight embarrassment.

"Ning Weng, it's not that I don't believe you, but that I really don't want other people involved. After all, there is a certain risk in implementing this matter. I think you should understand me, right?" Chu Feng explained.

"Host, I understand, I fully understand!" Ning Weng nodded heavily.

"If this is the case, can I borrow it from you temporarily, I have an urgent need for your village map!" Chu Feng asked.

"How do you know that I have a map of the village here?" Ning Weng asked in surprise.

"Suzi, tell me, although he didn't mention your name by name or surname, according to his description, I think the old man in his mouth should be you!" Chu Feng said. Said with a smile.

"Host, thank you, but this village map is indeed mine!" As he said, Ning Weng took the village map out of his arms and handed it to Chu Feng.

"Well, now that I have got the map, then I think it's time for me to leave too!" Chu Feng said after receiving the map.

"Are you leaving now?" Ning Weng asked.

"Well! While waiting for the Huizuzi and them to come back, please help me to tell them that I have gone to the strongman's lair alone, so that they must organize a team to meet me there before dark. This matter is extremely urgent, I hope you must tell them in time, if not, I may not be able to come back!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"Host, don't worry, when they come back, I will tell them the first time, little old man!" Ning Weng vowed.

"Okay, please!" After receiving Ning Weng's response, Chu Feng nodded lightly, then turned and left the village.

After leaving the village, Chu Feng spread the map of the village on his palm while rushing. However, at the moment the map unfolded, the two red "colored" circles on the left side of the map immediately attracted Chu Feng's attention.

"Ning Weng, I really have the intention to circle these two in advance, which saves me a lot of trouble!" Looking at the two circles on the map, Chu Feng said to himself with a light smile Tao.

That's right, the place marked by these two circles is exactly the destination of Chu Feng's trip. It can be seen from the map that the village and the Ten Thousand Snake Nest are horns to each other. This also means that no matter which of the two is attacked, the other can set off for rescue at any time.

"Fortunately, I didn't adopt the strategy of strong troops and onslaught, otherwise, I will definitely never return!" After reading the map, Chu Feng said with lingering fear.

After briefly reading the map, Chu Feng set off. His goal on this trip is extremely clear, that is, pretending to be an ordinary village name, mixing into the village, and then further into the strongman. In this way, with him acting inwardly in the strongman's lair, Suzi's attack task will be much easier accordingly.

At around 10 o'clock at noon, the wind of Chu after a long journey finally reached the outskirts of the strongman village. I have to say that this strongman village really looks like a strongman camp.

From a distance, I saw two wooden watch towers about 5 meters high, standing on both sides of the village entrance. There are wooden fences on the periphery of the village, and there are several strong youths walking around and patrolling around the fence. . Judging from their faces, they all looked fierce and evil.

After walking around and quickly getting acquainted with the surrounding environment, Chu Feng stepped forward and appeared within the sight of the patrolling strongman.

"Stop, what are you doing!" Chu Feng's sudden appearance, couldn't help making the patrol strongman suddenly become vigilant.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not your enemy, I'm here specifically to take refuge in you this time!" Facing the village, Chu Feng raised his hands.

"You shouldn't be one of us!" The strongman on patrol asked with a knife.

"Yes, I'm from a different place!" Chu Feng replied with a small smile on his face.