Whimsical System

Chapter 798: Beggar's revenge personality

"I'm relieved with your words, but right now I still have one thing to trouble you. You can also say it is a request. I don't know if you can promise me?" Chu Feng's face finally began to smile, but this The smile was slightly reluctant.

"Let's talk about it first, I will make my own decision based on the situation. Now I dare not agree to your request casually!" said the beggar.

"In fact, it's nothing. It's still about this matter. Do you know what those guys asked me to do?"

"It's nothing more than words that want to take our "life"! After all, I have already feuded with them, and the people who killed them, I don't expect to be forgiven by them, let alone I don't need to do this. !" The beggar seemed to be indifferent, and the whole person appeared indifferent.

"No, you guessed wrong! They don't want to take your "life", at least for the time being, their leader doesn't want to do it!" Chu Feng shook his head and replied.

"Oh, are they showing me weakness?"

"Nonsense, of course not!" Chu Feng's face instantly became cold, like a weather-beaten shop window.

"Then what do they want to do?" Jing Chufeng scolded, the beggar became so interested in this matter.

"They want to squeeze out useful information from you, and for them, we are also the hosts of alien galaxies. Although it seems that their abilities are much stronger than ours, in their opinion, we also have something they have never had before. What they have! So they want to get from them what they don’t have, and then take it as their own!"

"What did they never have? Apart from this appearance, we shouldn't have anything better than them, right?" The beggar didn't quite understand the intention of the alien host, and Chu Feng also had a little understanding of this matter.

"I'm not very clear, after all, they didn't explain it to me. They only want me to chat with you a few words, and then leave you behind. At least they must calm down and stop fighting with them!"

"Oh, I understand!" Hearing the words, the beggar seemed to suddenly realize, "It turns out that they want to turn us into experimental objects, and then let us become prisoners in their prisons, and then they can conduct experimental investigations. In short, he Just want us to return to the state we had previously controlled by them, and then let us let them at their mercy!"

"I don't quite understand what you mean. Did they do anything to you before?" The beggar's remarks made Chu Feng a bit miserable, because he had never understood the section where the beggar was. Time, so when the beggar said this, he would naturally not understand the truth.

"That was a very painful memory. Although the whole process was only 16 hours, I did suffer the hardest pain in my life." The beggar took a deep breath and his face changed. It's a lot worse, this seems to be a very difficult to accept reality, and this reality is precisely reflected on the beggar.

A few days ago, the beggars and others were captured by the subordinates of the captain of the alien host. At that time, they did not resist too much in order to protect themselves.

As a result, they were taken to the residence where the captain of the alien host was, and then detained in a separate cell.

Beggars and others, in their opinion. Belongs to a rare alien host sample.

While investigating, they found that none of the six personalities were host physiques. Although they didn't understand why they had only one personality but they could still survive in the fire zone, they didn't pay much attention to these things.

Because their attention at this time was all attracted by the beggar, the beggar's physical state and personality state belonged to the relatively standard host physique.

Although he is the host of the later formation, all his conditions are up to the standard.

Therefore, in order to thoroughly study beggars, they even organized a research team overnight, and in the middle of the night, they continued to study beggars for 16 hours.


As for the content of this research work, it is hard to describe in words.

In order to test the beggar's self-healing ability, he deliberately cut the beggar's body, and then recorded various data in the beggar's roar.

And they also tried to extract the personality of the beggar, trying to forcibly establish a connection with it.

But in the end they failed, and the cost of this failure will be borne by the beggar alone.

When the experiment was over, they sent the beggar back to the cell again. The beggar's self-healing ability was not very good. Although the assessment had progressed to this level, he still did not obtain a faster self-healing ability.

In the prison, the beggar waited silently for his body to recover. The intense pain made him suffer through the night, and the wounds shed blood several times, but he did not receive any assistance.

In the end, the beggar's body recovered after all, but his personality has undergone tremendous changes in these few days and nights.

The previous original personality was swallowed abruptly, and it can even be said that the current beggar is not the beggar that Chu Feng had previously known.

And this can just explain why the beggar looks like that when he sees Chu Feng.

Today's beggar can be said to be completely indulged in hatred. He can't wait to destroy the galaxy that has hurt him in an instant.

On the night when the body was healed, the beggar, driven by the personality of revenge, and the other six personalities, killed the guards and escaped overnight.

Since then, there has been no trace of it until this time.

During the period when the beggar disappeared, Chu Feng's six personalities were all stolen from him.

Although I don't know how he did it, the beggar does possess this weird ability to steal the abilities of others.

And, every time he kills a host, his ability will increase by one point.

He can even change his personality at any time, so as to avoid the effect of systematic investigation.

This means that at some point he can be a single personality host, and his abilities are also much more concentrated than the general host.

The current beggar's ability has even reached beyond Chu Feng's existence, except that his body has not yet reached the standard for punishment, his personality and other abilities have exceeded Chu Feng's current level.

Regarding this change, the beggar didn't mention Chu Feng a word, and he didn't even know the six personalities. The beggar had reached this level now.

Therefore, they will also not know that the beggar has actually stolen their personality abilities.

Of course, he would never know that the beggar was planning to swallow all six of them.