White Lotus and White Moonlight

Chapter 144: The blind girl and the imperial general

"Since her resignation, the young lady has been in a bad mood. She shut herself in the room all day and did not eat the food she sent. She could only give her some nutrient solution while she was sleeping, otherwise the whole People are already thin and out of shape."

Shen Yunshu: "Why didn't you tell me about this?"

The old housekeeper shook his head, "Miss is not willing."

Yes, she was such a proud person. She was divorced in her previous life and found that Ming Feizhou liked "self". She was so afraid of socializing, but she insisted on "robbing" men with her.

Now that the marriage contract has been withdrawn, how do you want to tell yourself?

"The royal family held a banquet for you. I originally told the lady casually. She heard that you might live in the general's mansion given by the king and did not come back. The whole person became stiff, and then she said that she would also participate in the banquet. ."

"Apart from attending the banquet, she still forbids me to find a male partner for her. She insists on going there alone. If she says, she will take a look and leave. She doesn't need a male partner to take care of."

"Miss, let me say a few more words. In fact, the lady still cares about you very much. I can see that when she entered the banquet hall today, her whole body was shaking. I looked back for me several times, and I planned to let her When she came back, she insisted on going in. She didn't want to attend the banquet, she just wanted to stay in the same place with you, even if it was a banquet hall, even if you didn't notice her at all."

Zhao Hanlian... Does she really think so?


There was a sudden sound of heavy objects falling from the top of the building, and Shen Yunshu's expression changed slightly, and he turned and ran upstairs.

She directly opened the door of Zhao Hanhan's room and lowered her head to meet the girl's helpless and confused eyes.

The girl lay on the ground, the starry sky on her body was scattered all over the ground, her slender arms supported her upper body, and she was trying to get up from the ground.

"Shen Yunshu?" Seeing her entering the door, the girl's face suddenly became cold, and she was clinging indiscriminately with one hand, as if she was planning to grab some borrowed place, and got up from the ground, but after a long time, her hands were all Fell into the empty space.

There was an obvious panic on the girl's face, it was a kind of panic out of her own control.

Only then did Shen Yunshu notice that the locator that was originally worn on the girl's ears as earrings did not know when it dropped.

She sighed, walked over, picked up the person sideways, and put them on the bed again.


Zhao Hanhan exclaimed in a low voice, almost subconsciously holding her arms around her neck, but after reacting, quickly let go of her hand, letting Shen Yunshu put her on the bed, she had a cold face, bluntly. Asked: "Who allowed you to enter my room casually? Get out!"

"What's the matter with your legs?"

Just when he picked up the person, Shen Yunshu realized that with Zhao Hanhan's muscles all tense, there was no reaction in his two legs.

Zhao Hanhan's face was so cold that it could freeze ice.

"I said, you go out."

Shen Yunshu ignored her, directly on the bed and opened her skirt.

Zhao Hanhan raised his hand to block, but because he couldn't see, he could only hit with his hands indiscriminately, and Shen Yunshu's actions were easily controlled by Shen Yunshu.

Shen Yunshu circled the person in his arms and reprimanded: "Don't move your legs if you still want them."

She had seen the panic deliberately concealed on the girl’s face. The cold expression was just a cover for the panic, so she ignored the girl’s refusal at all. After buckling the person, she pressed one hand directly on the girl. On the lap.

Her physique was a lot taller than the others. She was also a soldier, and her strength after training was amazing. Zhao Hanhan was imprisoned in her arms, similar to a rabbit on a fixed frame, it was difficult to move.

The moment her warm palm fell on the girl's smooth skin, she obviously felt the body of the person in her arms tremble suddenly.

If she lowered her head slightly at this time, she would be able to find that the white cheeks of the girl in her arms were stained with a blush like sunset, very beautiful.

Zhao Hanhan's legs were cold. After Shen Yunshu gently rubbed it, he felt the skin under his hands become warm before he put his mental energy into it.

Perceiving the penetration of her mental power, the girl who had been struggling without stopping suddenly became quiet, and her breathing became smaller.

Surprise flashed across Shen Yunshu's mind.

She knows that if ordinary people want to use mental power to detect other people’s bodies, they must ensure that the other’s body is completely relaxed and quiet, in order to maintain the stability of mental power output, and not to injure themselves due to mental power backlash while detecting. .

She dared to directly release her mental power to Zhao Hanhan because she had confidence in the strength and control of her mental power. Even if she tossed harder, she would not be harmed, but Zhao Hanhan obviously didn't know this.

She gave up struggling and chose to be quiet. Was it because she was afraid of her injury?

The feeling of mental power penetrating into the body is extremely strange, as if there is a hand rubbing the nerves carefully, and it feels numbly from the place where Shen Yunshu’s palm touches, climbing all the way up the spine, and passing into Zhao Hanhan’s mind.

She bit her lip tightly to prevent herself from moaning from her throat.

She felt ashamed of herself at this time, but there was an ignorant Jinjiang system next to her, asking seven questions.

"Hanlian, what's wrong with your leg? Why can't you move suddenly? The story doesn't say that the original owner has leg problems."

My eyes are already blind, and it would be terrible if my legs were to be lame again.

"Shut up," Zhao Hanlian knows best what he is like, "It's just that the wine hasn't woken up yet."

This body really doesn't touch any alcohol.

To her now, the wine is like an anesthetic, and one sip can make the nerves of her whole body fall down.

With this physical quality, she shouldn't have woken up so early. It was her spirit that regained control over the upper body, which drove her to wake up from drunkenness.

The result of Shen Yunshu's detection is naturally no problem.

Perceiving the withdrawal of mental power, Zhao Hanhan said coldly: "After touching it, let's go."

"It's okay, it should be fine in a while—"

Shen Yunshu let go of Zhao Hanhan, and when he turned his head, the girl's snow-white skin, a blush that was more beautiful than Xiaguang, was reflected in her eyes.

She is shy?

It was the first time that Shen Yunshu saw this emotion from his sister's face.

It was also the first time that I was amazed by my sister.

She finally realized a fact--

Zhao Hanhan has grown up.

Regardless of the psychological level, whether the girl has grown up, but her appearance has indeed grown up.

It looks like a fruit that has lost its green rind, and after putting on a red coat, it exudes an alluring fragrance around it.

She suddenly thought of the eyes of those people watching Zhao Hanhan at the banquet. They were stunning, admired, and obsessed. Even if she was suffering from eye diseases, she would be inseparable from the assistance of the locator for the rest of her life. The appearance bestowed on her by God still gave her all the attention. Power.

Shen Yunshu was a little surprised, he discovered this fact so late.

She thought, maybe it was because she and Zhao Hanhan were too close, not the closeness in relationship, but the closeness in distance.

They grew up in the same family, and the rooms are separated. Even if Zhao Hanhan shuts himself in his own world every day, as long as Zhao's father is at home, they will always meet two to three times.

She looked at the girl in front of her. She grew a little bit taller from Xiaodouding, her figure was elongated, the baby fat on her face was removed, and her delicate facial features... How beautiful is a perfect face.

"Have you seen enough? Get out if you see enough!"

The girl uttered bad words, her cheeks flushed badly, but Shen Yunshu noticed that she was groping with one hand on the bed, as if she was looking for a locator that didn't know where it fell.

"Okay, I'll leave right away, but for now, I will help you find the locator first."

"Need not--"

"I know you don't need my help," Shen Yunshu interrupted her, "Is it okay to treat me as nosy?"

Zhao Hanhan was robbed of her words, and suddenly choked, and for a while, he could not speak.

Shen Yunshu immediately turned the pillow over while the girl hadn't recovered, and took a look at the seam of the bed, but there were no such places.

"Don't move, there is no under the pillow. I will hold you up to see if you are under the pressure."

When Zhao Hanhan stretched out her hand to herself, she cleverly raised her hand and hooked her neck.

Shen Yunshu noticed the unusual heat on her face. As soon as she lowered her head, she saw the blush that had finally faded, and climbed up again.

Is it so easy to be shy?

Thinking like this in his heart, the movement on his hand did not relax. After holding up the person with one hand, Shen Yunshu directly put his hand on the bed and released his mental power-if people outside knew that she would use her most precious If you come to find a locator with dangerous mental power, you will probably startle your eyes.

It's just that even though I used my mental energy to scan the entire bed over and over again, it still didn't.

Shen Yunshu even expanded his mental power to the entire room, searching some corners in the room where there is no locator, but still nothing.

If the locator fell in the distance she hugged Zhao Hanlian into the car, she could not have known it. Thinking about it carefully, if the locator did not fall on Zhao Hanlian's own bed, it is most likely that it fell in the car.

She told Zhao Hanhan of this guess.

Shen Yunshu: "You wait for me here, I'll look for a car."

Zhao Hanhan hugged her neck tightly and refused to let go: "No, I want to go!"

Shen Yunshu helplessly said: "Okay."

With that, she hugged the person sideways.

Without the help of the locator, the girl in the darkness in front of her face was a rare daze.

When Shen Yunshu broke into the room, the helpless eyes she saw remained in her heart. Seeing Zhao Hanlian at this time, her voice softened involuntarily, "Don't worry, you will find it."

The old butler waited anxiously downstairs, and when Shen Yunshu came out holding someone in his arms, he hurriedly asked, "Miss, what's the matter?"

Shen Yunshu: "Hanhan's locator is missing. It is probably left in the car. I will take her to find it."

Old housekeeper: "Oh, oh, okay, okay. The car is in the underground garage."

Walking down the stairs, Shen Yunshu suddenly turned around and asked, "By the way, is there more of the locator at home? If one is ordered, how long will it take to get it?"

"The locator needs to be adjusted according to the host’s brain waves every six months. The one worn by the young lady’s ear is the one at home. There is not much preparation at home. Zhou, a new locator was ordered for Miss a week ago."

Shen Yunshu noticed that the person in her arms tightened the arm around her when he heard that he had to wait another week.

"It's okay, it shouldn't be dropped." She soothed, "I'll take you to find it."

The old butler watched the two sisters so close, quietly tightened his hands behind him, and crushed a delicate earring.

The author has something to say: Old housekeeper: I have tried my best for the feelings of the two young ladies.