Who Touched My Tail!

Chapter 115: The Most Abusive Actor (End)

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Life can be passed quickly, so this seminar is very fierce, and Yanshan Base quickly gathered a large number of psionicists and a large number of psionicists.

The current world pattern of the psionicist is basically settled. There are three large bases and four medium bases invited to this seminar. It is said that there is also the wedding of the boss of Yanshan Base ...

Originally it was just a meeting, and now we have to prepare wedding gifts. The time is tight. Now a lot of people are busy, just because Xue Yan inadvertently did not even propose a sentence in bed.

Although it was rumored that the head of the Snow Fox Mercenary Regiment at Yanshan Base and their foreign aid were sticky for many years, they have not been announced, and Chu Han did not bring Yu Yu at all when he went out, so the truth of the fact is also No one dared to talk wildly.

After all, these two are now nominally the last-time strongest, although this is what the powerists think so. Because most people have not seen the Zombie King, they are not sure whether the first names of the two are below or above the Zombie King.

Now that the psionics are cooperating with zombies, many people think that they may be fortunate enough to meet the sss-level zombie emperor. This meeting will probably be a revolutionary change in the world.

Of course, not everyone is optimistic about the cooperation between zombies and abilities. Many people have experienced the killing of humans and zombies in the first half of the last days from the beginning. Most of these things are unhappy.

After all, that was the zombie who used to feed on the energy core of the psionicist ...

The state of the entire Yanshan base is surprisingly good. They are busy preparing for the wedding, and together with the snow owls, they have not been affected by them on weekdays. There is even an area in the city where zombies and abilities can get along.

Many people protested about this at the beginning, but it is still not good now.

Compared with this meeting, they value the wedding of Xue Yan and Yun Yu, after all, these two are the biggest guardians of the Yanshan base. As people under their control, they have a clear understanding. If these two really want to, there is no problem in saying that the emperor calls the emperor the emperor, and now they have thrown out the olive branch of cooperation. What are the reasons for these people not to answer?

He Yan has been dormant in the city for some time. With his current ability, he can't mix into the top of the Snow Fox Mercenary Regiment, and he can't even touch Xue Yan, so he has been waiting for the opportunity.

Xue Yan prefers to call this dormancy a bursa.

After all, he has a system that broadcasts live broadcasts of He Yan's daily brain activities all day long, so Xue Yan knows any thoughts with He Yan. I want to save my life for someone who lives and die, but still worry a lot, fearing that it is too ugly to die.

What a joke, he is so bad, how can he die to look good?

The system responded to such a question as Xue Yan: "Maybe you rushed out at your wedding and shouted at the guests ~ I have said this person is a zombie emperor, and Chu Han has long been treacherous with the zombie emperor. , All the benefits they have derived in favor of the psionicist are false. He clearly wants to dedicate the entire psionicist world to the zombie emperor. He wants all psionics to die better than life? "

Xue Yan fell into deep thought, and finally had to admit that if he really came out like this, then he would probably have a big challenge at the wedding.

"Does he really think so?" After being bored for a long time, Xue Yan rarely raised a little spirit, and wanted to feel the feeling of being really hated by everyone.

Although he wanted to know that even if He Yan said this in front of everyone, he could still be invincible with absolute facts. The mind is full of people who destroy the world. From beginning to end, there is only this Lord "Savior".

"No, this is my brain supplement." The system is also boring. The world has not experienced the entertainment industry because it has experienced the last days. The previous world system can still chase TV shows and look at small talk books and so on. time. Everyone in this world is building a new home, and no one has started to build spiritual civilization, so he can only look at the daily routine of the protagonist and the harassment of his host.

"Oh ..." It was boring again, Xue Yan stretched his waist and said, "Since you can think of it, then he can do it. In order not to make my baby unhappy, we still accept this protagonist first. Solve it. "

System: "... Host, why are you so keen to take advantage of him verbally ..."

"Why, can't I take advantage of the bed and not allow me to take advantage of verbal mountains?"

System: "... you are happy ..."

It was the first time that Xue Yan saw such a tenacious vitality as He Yan, and he has been the protagonist of death as long as he is alive ... The main point is that his personality has not yet made himself dead, which is also magic.

Yun Yu has been busy preparing the details of the wedding these two days, probably too long, so he cares more about this wedding than everyone imagines. Xue Yan was shocked by his pen. In order not to destroy Yun Yu's mind, he felt that he had first solved the protagonist by this small bug.

He Yan has lived in Yanshan Base for many years. In addition, his legs are particularly easy for others to bear with him, so it is very easy for him to settle down here, and it is good to get along with people around him. The tragic life of the year made him learn not to put his greatness on his mouth.

Because the wedding was busy and the Snow Fox mercenary group was understaffed, these days he is pretending to be pitiful and want to be mixed into this crowd of helpers. His neighbor was a helper over the kitchen for this wedding. Seeing his pity, yesterday promised to help him find a helper position in the kitchen.

Maybe after a few days I can still dine on the wedding banquet.

He had been waiting for news at home, so when Xue Yan knocked on his door, he opened the door without hesitation.

When he saw it, Xuelian's face changed, although it was only a few seconds, and then he changed into a dumb look and asked, "Hello, what is the matter?"

Xue Yan's lips answered with his silly words. "What makes you think that your hair turns gray and I can't remember your face?"

He Yan's face suddenly turned pale.

Xueyu pushed him into the room and walked around, shaking his head: "How come Master He entered the city and lived in such a house, it's miserable and ugly."

He Yan shuddered, because from entering the room, Xue Yan did not converge on his own momentum. The kind of momentum that came from the face and belonged to the sss-level strong man left him with no courage to speak to the other party.

In order to suppress his broken body in recent years, his wooden abilities have been supplied to the body. It is also because of this that his ability has not increased at all. Compared with that year, he is weaker. Depressed, he couldn't even speak.

This feeling is really too bad. He Yanzhen blushed, and when she smiled at Shang Xueyi, she felt like a balloon that broke with a poke, and she was deflated.

It's now now, what can he do, open his mouth and pour poison into it?

"Are you monitoring me?" He asked.

"Your whole life." Xue Yan looked at his hands, his bones were clear, and every world was beautiful. "It's all in my hands, so is life, and so is death."

He Yan was silent and could only ask: "So, am I going to die now?"

"I can't kill you with my own hands, so I have two options for you." Xue Yan looked at him with a smile. Although he could not kill him, his smile made He Yan feel that he was about to take the dog. "You can go out, I brought someone, and they will take you back and torture you to death."

"Or maybe, I ended my life here." Xue Yan looked at the situation in the house, and said, "After all, I live so desolate and so painful, if I and I would die too."

He Yan looked at him and suddenly asked, "If it was my big brother Chu Han, would I come to this day?" Since the first time he had to say that sentence was stopped by Xue Yan, he later found that he could not live or die. Explain that this person is not the real Chu Han.

"Yes." Xue Zheng patted the table next to his hand, looked at him meaningfully, "After all, you have a lot to do, don't you know?"

He Yan was caught by him and found himself speechless.

In the evening, the neighbor came back with good news. When he wanted to come back joyfully and told Chef He Yan that he agreed to have him alone, he found that He Yan died in the house.

He died very simply, cut his wrists and died, his blood was not even red, and some of the blood was black and viscous, which filled the entire ground. The neighbors stared for a moment, and then reported strangely to it.

They are all ordinary people living here. Although they have abilities, they are too weak. The houses are all with their hair down, and now there is a pressure to withstand life, and then it is time to change the owner of this house. There are too many dead people in the last days, and every day someone can't stand such a life to leave, He Yan is just one of them.

When he was alive, someone might help him because of his bad life, but when he died, there was nothing and nothing.

Xueyu asked the system if there was any problem in this world's death. The answer is that the problem is not big, because he is another major protagonist himself. The relationship between the two protagonists is to love and kill each other, and you do n’t have amnesia and fall in love with each other. It does n’t seem strange to kill him. bug.

And the world does not need to be destroyed, and the consciousness of this world is also happy, so it will not be held so much.

After getting the promise, Xue Yan was relieved. In fact, he could not stay in this world for a long time, because the system just found the news of his tail. Maybe soon after the wedding, he would leave this world and go to other worlds. went.

When he has properly settled everything in this world, he is about to leave, so he just let the man do whatever he wants.

The meeting was very successful. Except for the boss of the psionicist base who looked at He Yan for fun and helped him, everyone was at home. The boss was shaken by Xue Yanbing into an ice sculpture while shaking hands with Xue Yan. He was there for a few days, and the people under him were afraid to protest with Xue Xue.

The wedding was all performed in accordance with Yu Yu's request. At the time, everyone at the Yanshan base participated in it because the main venue of the wedding was on the city wall. His majesty the Zombie Emperor used the zombie army to spell a large painting outside the Yanshan base to express it. Your own mind.

All the spectators of the ceremony said: Oh, you zombies really play.

When Yu Yu's identity was announced, many people unexpectedly felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

Xue Yan has been working for many years to resolve the relationship between the psionicist and the zombies. Seeing his efforts, many people at the time suspected that he came from the zombies. After all, he was thinking of the other side and wanted to wash them white. They had no other explanation than that he was a zombie and needed to be accepted by the public.

I know now.

He is not a zombie, but the object is.

They are zombies, not ordinary zombies. They are still zombies. They can let all zombies dance, make puzzles and pose at their wedding.

Many girls said that if they did n’t know that the zombies were below, the scene still looked very enviable, especially romantic.

Unfortunately, they are all zombies.

Two months after this magnificent wedding at Yanshan Base, the newly-married couple left the base to spend their honeymoon. Xue Yan arranged everything before he left, as if he was going on a long trip that would not return, and then, he really did not return.

The Zombie Emperor was with him and never returned.

What happened to the two, why they disappeared mysteriously, why no news was left, whether they killed each other or how, no one knows. Nevertheless, the people of later generations are grateful for the two people for the future of human beings. If it were not for them, maybe the power and the zombie would not be combined.

And new humans will not be born.

Xue Yan didn't know what kind of legend he had left in that world. He now looked at his body with some distress and felt deeply the love of the system for him.