Who Touched My Tail!

Chapter 116: Cultivation in the pit (1)

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In the previous few worlds, unexpected things happened when I went through, so Xue Yan was ready to open his eyes and face the awkward situation.

But this time not, his environment is not safe enough, and no one who knows him will come to say hello ...

The sky is very blue, the grass is very green, and there is a small river flowing not far away, the sound of water is in my ear, the air is fresh and the life is beautiful.

This kind of tranquility has not been tried by Xue Yan for a long time.

This time, he didn't need to disguise himself, nor did he use a strange mask to disguise himself, trying to keep himself from ooc. Because he has no relatives, no friends, no acquaintances.

He couldn't even walk because his tree roots were fixed in one place, and he couldn't pull himself off the ground for the time being.

Well, this time the snowy owl crosses into a tree.

Still a small sapling, a sapling that has lived for tens of thousands of years and already has a little consciousness ...

It's not an ordinary tree. His identity is quite advanced, and his race is amazing. If others let him know his identity, he will be chopped into pieces by the corpse in minutes.

Xue Zhi's body is a tree. All he can do is to condense himself into a spiritual body, and then levitate above the small sapling, and because of the relationship between the small saplings, he also has a bit of a bad taste to turn himself into a small lord.

That little face was so trembling that he was systematic, even if the expression on his host's face was very dangerous, like to chop him directly to feed the dog, he couldn't bear to turn his eyes away. "System, don't you explain it?" His voice was soft and very cute.

The whole fox is bad, the host is simply a foul!

"Su ... host!" The system held a small paw to indicate that he loved his host so much, so he was absolutely a pit host. The host became what it is now, just because the world is a little strange.

"This world is a world without a future."

"no future?"

"Well, this is a world built by a novel. It is an upgrade stream and a long novel. The reason there is no future is because this novel is pitted." The system explained it in a serious way for Xue Yan, but it was in his head. It's a pity that the host doesn't have a good body right now. He seems to have pierced his head into Mrs.

His host was really cute when he was young!

After growing up ... don't say anything after growing up ...

"Pitted ..." Xue Yan froze a bit, this was the first story of his being pitted, and he had two tails floating in this world, and he didn't know where to go. After all, it is a long-form upgrade stream novel, which means that the world is very broad, and the background setting is also very grand. "The main character?"

"Pitted means that the future of the protagonist is a fog, so for the host, the task will be better accomplished."

"Then why did I become what I am now?"

"I found some bodies, but I can't use them. I can't just enter this one. The world is a bit advanced. To the extent that the host likes ooc, I'm afraid you will collapse ... and then directly excluded by the world."

Xue Yan: "..." What kind of ghost do you like ooc? He has always been very dedicated!

"I know what the host is debating, but you have a few characters who don't like men, and you're all going to work."

Xue Yan said that I am in love when I am in love?

"Forget it." Since this world is so special, Xue Yan is not tangled with the system. In such a world, he must stay longer. The reason is that a cultivation person is immortal, and as a tree, as long as there is no If a person wants to destroy him entirely, he can always keep himself. "Give me the story."

The predecessor of this body was just a hazy consciousness. It took him tens of thousands of years to understand that he had his own thinking, but an accident completely destroyed him. Maybe this is a catastrophe for him, maybe it is just the fate of Wu Daoshu.

That's right, he is a tree of enlightenment. In the realm of cultivation, all grass and trees can be cultivated, and if they are advanced to high levels, they can also be transformed into human beings.

Enlightenment tree is the most magical plant. Every leaf of it has the power of perception. As long as one leaf is obtained, the practitioner can enter the state of epiphany. This state is very valuable to the practitioner. . It is also because of his preciousness that the Gosho tree becomes precious.

There are countless Taos on the Wu Tao tree, and these thousands of Taos in the world can be found on this tree. It is because they are the carrier of the Tao, that they cannot enlighten themselves.

This is the reason why the original body is still ignorant for tens of thousands of years. Although he has his own thoughts, this is incompatible with the world. So he hit a catastrophe, which is the protagonist.

His position was exposed because of the protagonist, and he was besieged by many monks. He grew up there and concealed himself at most. He thought that the danger was not important here, but he was completely divided for no reason.

With so many monks, he does n’t even have a whole body, and no one knows what recycling is. The Tao tree is this one. It ’s silly to pick up the leaves and leave. It was dug away, and it was simply divided into pieces by one person.

The practitioners are their own. Whoever cares for future generations will help their loved ones to get one more. It is also good to have more points.

If you don't stand at the angle of the original body and look at the angle of a tree, it looks like there is nothing wrong with all this.

But now he is that tree, that is tragedy!

Blame the protagonist, and do n’t blame. The unfortunate kid did n’t say it on purpose, but was framed by his group of people. He did n’t have any stand for blame the other people. Should he shout to defend the environment, Love the trees?

Moreover, the original body is a ignorant child. A three-year-old child is not as good as he, but he only knows himself or has a little consciousness. He has no idea what is happening around him.

Xue Yan's heart was mixed, and he didn't know what to say. It was probably only fortunate that the original body had completely dissipated. Otherwise, because of his little child's nature, he would not be able to grow up in this world.

The protagonist of this world follows the traditional escalation flow. The first genius boy was envied by the enviable mountain peaks in the martial arts, and his strength soared all the way. Then, at some point, he found himself betrayed and persecuted by the closest ones. Destroyed a bone and expelled from the division.

He was unwilling and unyielding. After experiencing the adventure, he obtained a heritage. Based on this heritage, he resumed cultivation, revenge for himself, and stepped towards the peak of the fairy path step by step.

This is probably the outline of this world. The author, Jun ... was pitted by the protagonist and was expelled from the division ... and then gave the outline of the later plot, and the outline plot was ignored. There was no ending ... ...

"This is pitiful. Without the plot arrangement, this child doesn't know when it will be able to survive."

"Isn't this just the opportunity for the host to change its destiny?"

Xue Yan: "Oh, first of all, I need to be able to change my destiny."

System: "... hehe, you do n’t have to be so pessimistic about the host ..." In the final analysis, choosing this physical system is somewhat guilty, so he has been thinking about his own host, relying on the ability outside the authority and the world The will of the world communicated, at the cost of helping him perfect the plot and completely change the world, in exchange for a way to cultivate Wu Daoshu. "At least you still have hope! The original master has been practicing for tens of thousands of years, but it is not used for his own sake because there is no cultivation method. I believe that with the wit of the host, we will soon leave here to find the main character. It's up! "

The protagonist of this world is the backbone of the world's existence. It is impossible to kill him. All Xue Xue can choose is to help him walk through his cultivation life, change his destiny, make him carefree, painless, and smooth. Grow up with the name of a talented boy.

"This is the first time I'm going to guard the protagonist ~" Xue Yan thought with his chin in mind. "I hope to be a good boy."

"Well. You can find him a fellow again, and change the state of his life without an intimate person. Even if he completely rewrites his destiny, he cannot be regarded as the Son of Heaven. He will only become ordinary among thousands of practitioners. one person."

"System, I find that you are getting more and more planning lately."

"That's because, after all, the host doesn't give me power, so I can only do it myself."


"One day you can finish the task without falling in love, I will be very happy."

"When I talk about falling in love, I think of it." Xue squinted his eyes and asked his system: "What about that man? No one in this plot meets the conditions for him to lean down ..."

System: "..." ... It's disheartening to fall in love or something. "I don't know, maybe he has become a stone by the road ..." the system muttered: "The story of this world is not complete at all, there are many powers that are not mentioned by the author. The host's ability is relatively weak now. First of all, It ’s better to be an adult first and get out of here. ”

"What about the current timeline?" Once you really want to complete the task, the more you learn, the better. "Where is the main character now?"

The system pondered for a while, and meaningfully answered Xue Yan's words: "Still in his mother's belly ..."

Xue Yan: "..."

The system sang loudly: "Come on, be happy, there is a lot of time ~"

Xue Yan: "System, what seems to be wrong after you upgrade ..."

System: "I feel the same way, so I want to confront Shifang World."

Xue Yan: "..."

Probably because it's so boring. In such a quiet place as chicken, what Xue Xue can do besides practicing, is to chat with the system. Over time, both of them inexplicably toss each other's skills have improved.

He has a long history of cultivation. As a fox spirit who has practiced for thousands of years in the last French era, Xue Yan has always adapted to this life. He even feels that not only the cultivation of young saplings is on the rise, but also his own cultivation, rise.

As long as he retrieves his two tails in this world, the number of his tails will reach five. At that time, his own strength will have a big leap forward. Maybe you can try to break through the memory exclusion zone that has been sealed in his mind. .

It is a pity that the days when life was smooth were over quickly, and this secret place where Xue Yan was was once again opened for 500 years.

This time the mystery was opened and no protagonist came, so Xue Yan chose the easiest way to disguise himself as an ordinary tree, hidden in the grove aside.

It is a pity that things change too quickly, even if there is a possibility that the story of the plot will change, let alone the world that is pitted and everything will happen.