Who Touched My Tail!

Chapter 117: Cultivation in the pit (2)

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The world of self-cultivation is too vast. There are countless things that happen every day every month and it is difficult to have a big concept. But when it comes to the recent major events in the self-cultivation world, in addition to the reopening of the Nankai Mystery, there is another one, Chih-jung. Or they slaughtered the house.

The word "again" shows that this is not the first time.

But whoever heard of such a thing, apart from sighing that the lunatic is sick again, there is no way to say more.

The world's self-cultivation system is the most traditional nine-level self-cultivation hierarchy system of "building foundation, heartbeat, Jindan, Yuanying, Chuqiao, distraction, hole, mahayana, and robbing." This world is not the traditional end-of-French era. This continent is full of auras, and it is not difficult to satisfy everyone's cultivation into immortals, so these people can flourish in recent years.

The five great gates and seven great families are the foundation of the empty continent. They are in charge of all the resources of this continent. Occasionally, a little leak out of the fingers can make those small gates worry-free for thousands of years.

The five major gates are headed by the sword practitioners of the Tianjian Sect. They are obsessed with cultivation and do not care much about other things. Every hundred years, they will recruit new practitioners on the mainland. When they enter, they will embark on the fairy path. The ancestral gate is the Tianjian Sect. He is a young sword cultivator. He has cultivated his sword intentions early. Unfortunately, it was too easy to break. He met a **** master and a group of devastated gods. Rubbish. In the later period, he betrayed Zongmen, and he went forward with a heavy load. He didn't know what he had encountered, and he suffered a lot.

The seven families, as the name suggests, are connected by blood lines. Each family has its own secret method, and each family has its own strengths. Of course, they are not just cultivating their own talents. As long as they have potential and future seedlings, they are willing to reach out and give them resources, which is considered to be a good friendship.

In addition, there are countless large and small families on the continent, and the practitioners are even more difficult to count.

Nevertheless, everyone mentions the name of His Holiness the Redhead, but everyone knows it and is afraid.

The three sons of the Red Family of Shangdu all call the Red Sage, the elder brother, but this elder brother is one of the few "Mahayana" practitioners in the field of cultivation. He has a high cultivation and has a bad temper. Crazy.

He is a very famous fire thunder spirit root. The two spirit roots are mixed. It was originally not good for his cultivation, but this is a life cultivation cultivation period. Many of his peers are still Yuanying. Struggling out of trouble, he is now on an equal footing with the old ancestors of the Chi family.

It's a pity that San Gongzi doesn't care much about his family. Although he is from Chi family, he doesn't lead a job at Chi family, but he serves as the leader of a peak in Tianjianzong. He dominates a mountain alone and does not accept disciples. Jishan, whoever has a long time to hear his name will have a headache.

Such a problematic person also has a very strange hobby. He likes to march on the mainland. If you really know what to do to exterminate Renhuan, then go home and wait for death, and the emperor will save him. Can't you, and your family.

Due to the spiritual roots of His Holiness, His Holiness is very unspeakable. Once he fails to follow the road, he will begin to get sick. It is not something that can be cured by taking medicine or elixir. The only thing that can restore his mind is blood ...

A lot of blood, a lot of people.

At this time, he will begin to count the small book in his heart. As long as he is named, you will suddenly face a mediocre Mahayana practitioner who has a disease on one day. He often does things like destroy the door, so When it came to say that this uncle had killed a person, everyone was nervous.

The uncle is sick again.

This is not a good thing. Those who have done bad things during this period of time run in packs, and run as far as possible. It is best to hide in a secret place and wait for a thousand years to come out.

It is not that no one went to Chi's house to protest this, but it is useless. In the realm of cultivation, the power of the robbery period has basically ignored the world's affairs, and he is waiting for the thunder to become immortal. And in the Mahayana period of power, there is really no one who can drink the Red Sect. In recent years, the Chi family has been searching for something for His Holiness to stabilize his spiritual roots, but he hasn't found it, and many people have given up hope.

With San Gongzi's current strength, if he does not resolve his intermittent illnesses, he will not be able to successfully pass the robbery period, let alone soar. But if he didn't soar, he wouldn't let him be so brazen. Not everything can be solved by killing a hundred.

The Nankai Mystery is not a large secret, but it is also quite famous. It is opened every five hundred years and destroyed every five hundred years. This secret is famous and feels different every time it comes in. Because you have searched for a round, the next time you come here, you will find that there are still a variety of things here, just like an inexhaustible inexhaustibility, many people in the cultivation industry like to come here.

Of course, Nankai's secret realm also has a boundary for cultivation. As long as the cultivation is above the Yuan Dynasty, it will not be possible to enter, so it has always been the main battlefield for young people in various schools.

That being said, some people are going somewhere, even the enchantment of ancient power, which can't stop him.

When Chih-hsang received the news from his third brother, he sent a full half of tea, and then he stood up and looked for his older brother.

Their generation is actually a little embarrassed when it comes to their situation. Their father is the head of the family, and the two of them are also juniors in the clan, but because of the abnormal brother, how they are called is strange. Fortunately, both of them have good intentions and know enough about the third brother that there is no gap between the brothers and sisters. The three are very talented people in the clan. The third brother is flying too fast. Many people think that the cultivation speed of both of them is slow, and then the genius, the light is also stolen.

They are the same mother as His Holiness Chichi, Chilan is their youngest brother. They have been more sensible than them since childhood. If it was not his **** spiritual root, their brother would not be put on the name of a lunatic. . Now he won't be out of the house all day, because he can't control his temper and behavior at all.

Chilan has always been elusive. He walks all year round and lives in Tianjian Sect. He suddenly came back and said that he entered Nankai Secret or something, and he felt strange to see Chihu. Holding the letter, he found his elder brother, but the reply was: "If he can go in, let him go."

"But brother ..."

"Second sister, my brother has his reason, no matter what he entered into the Nankai secret realm, you can't pull him out now."

Scared of God, suddenly realized that he really could not go in, because Xiuwei had passed ...


"Second sister, he has his own share."

Akagi was returned to the night directly by his brother's words.

Yes, Chilan has always been very decent.

Although the outside world is rumored that he has a bad temper, he blew up at one point, and never thought about doing things. He would only think of killing and counting these four characters, but the people in their family knew it. Lan Conghui, everything is easy to understand. His nature is not violent, but because of his spiritual roots, he is sometimes easily affected.

With the rise of his cultivation, the hegemony of Huo Lei Ling Gen became more and more obvious. Because the time to keep awake is very poor, Chi Lan left the house and went to Tian Jianzong.

"Maybe the younger brother has found something to keep him sane." Brother Chijia smiled like this.

Chiba looks weird and thinks this possibility is extremely low.

They have searched for so many years and haven't heard anything. How can they be in a secret place that will be fixed and open every time?

Although Nankai's secret realm is good, in fact, the number of monks that can be attracted is limited. Some disciples with great resources in the big family will not enter it. Their own resources can bring them more than a secret trip. many.

It is also because of this characteristic of Nankai's secret realm that the Wudao tree can grow safely in it.

In fact, the entire Nankai secret realm is an enchantment created by the Wudao tree. Some treasures are born to know how to protect themselves. The Nankai secret realm is the most suitable place for Wudao to create for themselves. The secret realm was opened 500 years ago to prevent it from being special. Sex, most of which are medicinal plants. After the mystery is closed, these plants are nourished by the breath of the Gospel tree and grow very fast. When they reopen after five hundred years, there are all kinds of things. Such a secret place is not very eye-catching, so few people can find the Gosao tree.

Xue Yan: "... rarely?"

System: "... at least not tens of thousands of years ago."

Xueyan: "Explain what happened to that person."

System: "This can't blame me, this is definitely the host's pot."

Xue Yan: "..." Sure enough, finally blame him ...

As a good camouflage, even after the opening of the mystery, even the transformation of the small prince-like appearance of the enlightenment tree with less swaying, Xue Yan does not feel that there is any flaw in himself, he looks like all the trees in the forest, except Everywhere on the body is outside the Tao, there is no problem at all elsewhere.

But the man stared at him here for a few days and nights.

Xueyan didn't know what this man meant, because when he first arrived, his eyes were red, and the whole person was almost sane, and then he looked at him for three days and nights without closing his eyes, and it seemed like he was taking it easy.

The system crouched on the top of the tree, and the whole fox was shaking. Although he didn't want to be afraid of this man at all, there was no way he was the character being suppressed. He pitifully cried to the host, "Master, host your man! Can you scare me like this!"

Xue Yan actually guessed that this person is his own lover, but the problem is that he is not even a person now, just a tree, what can he do? He can't do anything! In these three days, as long as he thought of his man's love for a tree at first sight, he would inexplicably want to laugh!

Well, his bad taste is one world than one world ...

Xue Yan ignored the man staring at a tree for three days. On the fourth day, the man seemed to finally make up his mind to do something.

Xueyan lazily waited for him to do something.

As a result, as soon as the man stood up, a sword appeared in his hand.

A long sword burning with flames and entangled with lightning.

When the long sword came out of the sheath, the blue sky of Nankai's secret realm was so dark for a moment because of the power of the sword. The thunder rumbling around and Xueyu could clearly feel the strength of the men gathered in the long sword.

Between the electric light and flint, he was a spirit, and understood what men are tangling with these days!

This **** intends to chop him down! !! !!

System: "It looks like this is really about falling in love with each other."

Xueyu didn't have time to yell at Xueyu for shutting up. He would break into pieces of wood after he didn't do it now. Thousands of avenues are on his body. By means of Xueyu, he is definitely not a predecessor who has no power to fight back.

The sky in the dense environment was covered with dark clouds for a time. These dark clouds seemed to overwhelm the sky. Many young practitioners did not know what this was, but by intuition, they felt danger.

The entire mystery was surrounded by a mysterious power. At this moment, the full greenness bloomed in front of the man.

The simple branches are derived, and the green leaves are spawned. They devour the Mars jumping out of the long sword and swing slowly.

Along the green road where the green leaves grew, the man's eyes met the woods, and the tree that he had thought to cut down.

The tree at this moment is completely different from the previous mediocrity, it exudes green light, and the bright white brilliance is converging, gathered in front of the tree body.

I don't know why, for a moment, Chi Lan suddenly had an emotion called expectation.

Then he saw those bright white glories converging into a little lady wearing a green robe.

Someone thinks that he has been tricked by His Holiness: "..." I don't know why my heart suddenly hurts ...

The child is very beautiful, and there are little baby fat on his face. Because he has not yet opened up, the eyes of the pair of foxes who look forward to it look a little naive and innocent at the moment, and the tear mole under his eyes makes him a little cold. Especially when she looked at Chi Lan with her lips pursed, he could see his heart pounding.

The child had long black hair, tied his hair with a cyan ribbon, and wore a blue shirt with the same color on his body. Just standing there, Chi Lan felt that his tight nerves were completely relaxed.

That's why he stayed here for three days before. This tree allows his reason to return without being led by the spiritual roots ...

The young sapling glared at him, seeming to hate the behavior of cutting the tree when he didn't agree. When he was angry, his little face was full of anger and very cute. "Dare you cut, I dare to die with you!" Xiao Shumiao threatened.