Who Touched My Tail!

Chapter 92: Staggered fish (five)

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Weak for a day. At the end of the evening, Xue Yan held Yan Qingjun's waist and did not let the fish go. "Jun Jun, please accompany me home, okay, I feel so bad, without your comfort, in case I jumped off the building tonight!"

Yan Qingjun looked down at him helplessly: "Don't say that yourself."

"Seriously." Xue Yan came to him. "Don't you really think I look particularly vulnerable?"

"I don't think so, I think you are alive and well, and you can swim for another kilometer." The levitating car slowly walked out, Xue Yan whispered behind Yan Qingjun.

"You're here. It's okay for dinner. I kept telling my mother to introduce her best friend to her."

Yan Qingjun made a move. During this time, he had already inquired about what happened to the Duke's house, and he was sure that he was the lost young son of the Duke's house. After all, he and the Duchess' eyebrows looked like that Similar. But the more he did, the more he was afraid. He could treat Yan Feiwen with his usual mind, or because this person was Yan Feiwen, and replaced with any other person, Yan Qingjun felt that he would be jealous of that person. It's crazy.

After so many years of recuperation, he will not show his mind so clearly, but he was still in a downturn for a while. If there was no Yan Feiwen to accompany him, maybe there was a mistake in his thoughts. Go in.

But that's the case. He didn't have the courage to walk in front of the Duchess. He was timid when he was nostalgic. He was always a little afraid. When he saw the Duchess, she would not like herself.

Therefore, Yan Feiwen was rejected many times inside and out, and this time he still did not intend to promise him.

Xue Yan is still entangled in the back: "Junjun, you see that I do n’t have anyone I like, and I feel depressed. Come to my house as a guest. I really need comfort, I am afraid to go home today, I hear News related to Lou Cen ... The second brother is a member of the military department. His favorite thing is to talk about the military department on the table. "

Yan Qingjun made a movement, controlled the suspension car and looked back at Xueyu. He had fallen a lot away from him. The whole fish lowered his head and looked unhappy. He sighed helplessly, although it seems that Yan Feiwen can still laugh out, but he is afraid to laugh with a strong face. Such an optimistic and cheerful person will look like this because of a breeder. He should like the other person very much. .

That was his friend, and he wanted to return to his home. Yan Qingjun had long viewed Yan Feiwen as his younger brother for a few months, and now he is going home with his younger brother. Is there anything else he can't promise?

"Okay." After half a month, he finally agreed to this matter.

Xue Yan smiled and opened his face. He pulled him and ran to the door. The levitating car drove and scared many mermaids next to him.

"I'm the eldest brother to pick me up from work today. I'll introduce you to my eldest brother."

"Okay." Yan Qingjun nodded helplessly.

The boss of the Yan family, Yan Chuhuan, is a good assistant to His Royal Highness. In the future, he will be a national-level figure. He will be busy every day. Came home to eat, so Yan Chuhuan sat directly in the front row, leaving the back row for two little mermaids.

"Brother." It is different from the morning spirit. The younger brother after school is always full of energy. Yan Chuhuan reached out and touched his head.

"Did not mess up with the teacher today?" His brother and Lou Cen seemed to have grown up after dismissing their marriage contract. Although still naive and ignorant, many things have been learned to turn around and be flattering than before. Much more. He hurts him, but he spoils him even more now.

"No." Xue Yan pushed Yan Qingjun in front of himself, and said happily, "Brother, this is what I said to you, isn't it super beautiful and super-temporary? Junjun, this is my elder brother Yan Chuhuan. "

Yan Qingjun was stiff, stiffened and hello to Yan Chuhuan. "Hello, Brother Yan."

Yan Chuhuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a deep black in his eyes. He stared at Yan Qingjun for a while before he said, "Hello, Wenwen has taken care of you at school."

Yan Qingjun waved his hand, and knew that he and Yan Feiwen made good friends, and went to his house. It seemed to use him, and it was easy for others to misunderstand. But he really didn't have the intention, and he really liked the younger brother Yan Feiwen. "I like **** articles very much." Yan Qingjun fixedly looked at Yan Chuhuan. "it is true."

Yan Chuhuan was taken seriously by him for a while, then he looked down and opened the doorway with a smile: "Well, get in the car, let's go home for dinner."

Xue Yan climbed into the car with a look of excitement, and in a place where neither of them could see, it showed a helpless expression, pretending to be silly and sweet every day, in fact, super tired ...

Hurry up and let something happen, let him burst out, show his might, grow up ...

The duke's house has a large castle in the suburbs, but there are only two small villas connected in the city. This is because there are three breeders and two mermaids in the house, and the duchess has the habit of preparing something for Yan Feiwen. He would prepare one more, and that one was for his youngest son, so one villa was not enough. The Lord Duke fortunately bought two and connected them.

Because of the habit of the Duchess, the family had to eat dinner at night, and sometimes there were visitors. The duke's friend or the wife's friend, the prince had also been there. This is the first time "Yan Feiwen" invited a friend to come back. The Duchess felt happy, and ordered the kitchen to cook more food. Although the little mermaid may not eat much, it is certainly right to prepare more.

The duke and Yan Zhaiyan first returned home. After changing into home clothes, a group of people gathered in the living room and waited for the rest to return. This is the habit of the Yan family, because the Duchess needs to feel the warmth of the family, so they always have to be hot. A lively gathering to keep the Duchess from feeling too sad.

Yan Qingjun waited until he got off the bus. He took Xueyan's hand and asked, "Wenwen, the first time I come to the door, do I need to bring any gifts?"

Xue Zheng patted his hand and said, "You don't need a gift, you are the best gift." He smiled extraordinarily sincerely, Yan Qingjun didn't realize the pun of his sentence, but his mood was really because of his This sentence eases a lot.

Yan Chuhuan stood behind the two of them, thinking that his mother's key would faint into a fainting moment. Need to call the doctor first. Hearing Xue Xue's words, he looked up at his little brother in surprise, but It was his innocent smile that confronted him, and the doubts in his heart went away all at once. They rarely talked to the younger brother about his life, but did not want him to think that he was a substitute for someone.

Although he also likes his brother and brother to return to their home, but if the price is unhappy and sad, then it is not good.

In this way, I am sorry for my brother who has left home for so many years, but for him and his second brother, the little mermaid who grew up watching them was actually more precious in their hearts.

Yan Chuhuan sighed reluctantly. He couldn't understand what would happen later. For the first time, he realized that he couldn't do anything. They certainly won't give up Yan Feiwen just because they found the youngest son in the Duke's Mansion, but Yan Feiwen's heart is estimated to be hurt again.

Each of them knew how deep his mother was in his young son's obsession.

The Yan family on this night is more lively than usual. The picture of the lost blood acquaintances for many years is very touching. Xue Yan looked at the Duchess and Yan Qingjun who were hugging and crying, and pursed her lips. Looking down, he stood side by side with a lowered eyebrow. He lowered his head, and no one saw his face.

Yan Chuhuan stood beside him, trying to comfort him, but as soon as he put his hands on his shoulders, he raised his head.

"Brother, I'm going for a walk," he said openly.

Yan Chuhuan stared at him, and found that his eyes were reddish, and he was helpless and sighed: "Go, just walk at the door, don't go far."

Xueyu nodded, turned around and drove out with his own mermaid. There was no one beside him. Naturally, he didn't have to pretend to be sad and his mother was snatched by his friends. He came out because the system reminded him Lou Cen was outside his house, so he made an excuse.

It was also convenient for him to go back for a while with a smile on his face as if he wanted to be happy for the two people inside. Although he didn't feel much during the whole process, but this was a role-playing, what was his character setting, Xue Yan will try to restore it.

Besides Lou Cen, he ran out before dinner. He was blown up by his mother's news, and his mind was almost blank. I have never been in love before, and my previous confidence was not to see people based on their marriage contract. Now suddenly he found that the bridge between them was gone, and he was probably unable to get closer to each other because of the ruined marriage contract, and Lou Cen couldn't sit still.

He came straight to the mansion of the Duke's house, but at the door, he didn't know how to get in. He got out of the car and stood at the door for a while, staring at the lighted house. , His face was confused.

This was his first enthusiasm, the first time he was determined to get it. To get such a person, the last second was obviously fine, but the next second was nothing ...

This feeling was so bad that he wanted to fight with people.

He was still dozing, but the door of the villa suddenly opened.

Lou Cen's eyes clung to the door unconsciously, a mermaid car slowly drove out of the door, and the door slammed shut. The little mermaid came down with a depressed face on her cheek.

Lou Cen's eyes fell on him, and he couldn't move, he didn't know that the man had moved in front of him.

The outside door opened, and the little mermaid raised his eyes and looked at him, and controlled the mermaid vehicle to bypass him directly and go out.

There is a small park in the community, and Xueyu is going to stay there.

As for the doorway, he would keep up with him, and he wouldn't have to talk to him at all.

It was Mrs. Lou who told him today that the marriage contract between the two of them had been terminated. Then he panicked and came to the door. Xue Xun was a little unhappy that she had missed Mrs. Lou's level and lost herself directly to the system. It comes down to the man.

As a proud girl, there is nothing wrong with being angry about such things.

As a sullen man, Lou Cen's hot eyes moved along the wall with Xue Xi's figure.

The sound of the door closing awakened him completely. I didn't expect that anyone could be met. Lou Cen followed the Xueya with ecstasy.

"You go out alone at night, it's very unsafe." He caught up, but for a long time there was nothing else to say. It wasn't until Lou Xun came out that Xue Xun entered the small leisure park. .

Xue Yan was upset that his number word became one. Although he was a fish, he was not willing to be a fish. So in the face of Lou Cen, he didn't look good at all. "This is the place of nobles. I can't do anything, but Lieutenant General Lou. Is there anything happening here in the middle of the night?" He paused, and added a bit of disappointment. "It's gratifying to hear that your brother has been promoted to general."

Lou Cen was blocked by him and didn't know what to say. The little mermaid's cheeks were bulging. It seemed that the whole person was angry and obviously angry. The words were clearly bitter and mean, but he heard in Lou Cen's ears In Lou Cen's eyes, it was incomparably cute.

How good, after half a month, he saw him again.

This made him want to kill himself who had not seen the little mermaid before he was killed. He has a disliked personality and is so cute. He actually planned to stay away from him because of some inexplicable reasons and wasted. With such a long time, the chance to get along with him, he was definitely mentally troubled half a month ago!

After he clearly wakes up, he will hold people in his arms for the first time!

"Wenwen." He began to shout at him. "I came to talk to you."

"Our marriage relationship has been terminated." Xue Yan frowned at him, dissatisfied: "So don't be so intimate, Admiral Lou and I are innocent, you won't terminate the engagement with me yet Satisfied, let me not marry? "

"Why would I let you get married?" Lou Cen complained for the first time that he could not speak. He used to think that the force was enough to crush another person. The other party naturally could not oppose him, but only according to him. Here comes the words. But in the face of his little mermaid, this method does not need to be thought about and knows that it is not available.

He's so small, what if he doesn't control his momentum and scares him?

Xueyu: Hehe