Who Touched My Tail!

Chapter 93: Staggered fish (six)

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"Even if I don't get married, I will marry you." He thought about it for a long time.

Xue Yan heard a sneer, turned his head and looked at him, and said, "Lou Cen, do you feel that you are too good, you have rejected me once, and now you come to me, what do you mean? Our marriage contract It has been lifted, we have nothing to do with it, and you don't have to talk to me like this. "The meaning of his words is very clear, it is clear that nothing between us is nothing, so you can get away.

Lou Cen's eyes froze, staring at Xue Yan's side face almost greedily, apparently just as the utter severance of severance, but there was a feeling in his heart that the other was joking with himself. This feeling is very unreliable. Obviously according to the little mermaid, this is the moment he fell in love, but his restless heart told him that the other party did not mean to catch him, but was joking with him, must be Where did he offend him, just coax it.

With this mysterious intuition, Lou Cen put his hand on Xue's head: "It's so late, why did you come out of the house?"

Snow sullen and muffled.

Lou Cen's movements were gentle, and he stroked his hair ends with a magical soothing ability. "in bad mood?"

Xue Yan blinked. When he realized that his temper could not make the man a little bit more, he felt that he should change a plan, so his eyes became red again, and he lowered his head and grabbed the fishtail skirt on his body. "Am I particularly unflattering ..."

Lou Cen said in amazement: "Why do you ask?"

"You don't like me, and your mother doesn't like me ..." He said this bitterly. "You're unconscious. What she remembers is actually an excuse for me to break the engagement with you ... I'm so displeased, can't she stand the moment I stare at your fiance's name?" When he reached his eyes, he shrugged his shoulders, looking particularly miserable. "Maybe my mother won't like me in the future, my two brothers and father won't want me either ... Junjun ... Junjun will like me ... After all, I robbed his father and mother for so many years ..."

Lou Cen was a little flustered. When the little mermaid talked to him just now, the whole man looked very energetic, but now the whole world is about to abandon my appearance, and he does n’t want it. "Good." He reached out and touched his head, his voice as calm as possible: "You and me, I will not leave you."

The little mermaid gave him a vague glance in tears, and then hesitantly said, "You are the first to leave."

Lou Cen's heart was about to melt, he squatted down and stared at the little mermaid, stretched his hands, and gently held him in his arms. It felt so good to touch him, Lou Cen even sighed with satisfaction. His hand slid down his spine, stroking his spine, as if comforting, and as if to give him strength and support. "It's my mother's decision, not what I want. I like you so much that I'm going crazy, I can't control my desire to kill someone when I think of you being with others." After speaking, Lou Cen realized that he was a little mermaid in his arms, and he didn't know if he would scare him if he spoke too violently.

But when he looked down at him, those eyes were staring at him, the dark black eyes, the golden light on the outer circle, and he looked at him intently. Lou Cen couldn't help but look at this, he was particularly afraid that he could not help but put the little mermaid on the spot.

He had no confidence in his self-control. Just just looking at the little mermaid, his heart beat like a drum, and being closer to it could make him ecstatic. Holding people in his arms, he would I don't want to let it go, but when he looks at it like this, he wants him to look at himself like this forever.

Lou Cen never knew that he could fall so quickly, without any struggling time and willingness. If he had to be literary, it was just a glance that he had missed his life.

Going to Lou, the things in his hands will never be easily released. He doesn't feel that this is a mistake for life. Since he wants a person's idea so strong, then go ahead and implement it. He said that he had to go by himself and didn't want to ignore himself, but some small movements could make Lou Cen see his love for himself, which made Lou Cen's confidence stronger than ever.

"It's always better to say than to do it." As if he noticed something, Xue Yan was dissatisfied and earned, trying to escape from Lou Cen's arms.

Then he unexpectedly heard Yan Zhaiyan's violent voice: "That asshole! Let me go !!!" As his voice sounded, there were several footsteps.

Xue Yan guessed that it should be someone in the house who found out that he had disappeared and found out. The struggling action just now was intentionally shown to them.

He said that Lou Cen would not be able to do what he wanted to do so smoothly. With his little temper, he could coax back with two good words.

Lou Cen was reluctant to let go of Xueyu. Before she let go, she lowered her head and dropped a kiss on Xueyu's forehead.

Now Yan Zhaiyan is not so simple as roaring, he directly hit Lou Cen.

Lou Cen blocked his movement with one hand, and took advantage of it to push away two steps by himself. Despite such a series of movements, his gaze was still sticking to Xue Yan's body without moving half a minute.

Yan Qingjun followed him, and suddenly came to Xueyu, holding his hand to look at him, and when he saw Xueyu's reddish eyes, he anxiously said, "Wenwen, have you cried? Are you still making him cry ?! "

Xue Yan shook his head and said, "It has nothing to do with him."

"It doesn't matter." Yan Zhaiyan's indignation was even more exasperated after hearing the younger brother crying. "It was their family who raised the marriage contract before, and the relationship between everyone has already been said. What is he trying to do here now?"

At this time, even Yan Chuhuan's face was not so good-looking, he said coldly: "Admiral Lou, we need you to give us an explanation."

"Explain?" Lou Cen patted his clothes and said, "I came for the previous marriage contract."

The Duke's look is also not good. Although he often does not smile, he still feels very sorry for Fei Wen, otherwise he will not bother to arrange for him because Yan Fei Wen cries and is about to marry Lou Cen. "The marriage contract has been terminated. This should be exactly what you want. If there is nothing else, I still don't want you to appear in front of Wenwen. He was in a bad mood because of your affairs. Since he can't give him hope, Don't sway in front of him, it hurts his heart. "

Xue Hun silently hid behind the Duchess, Yan Qingjun held his hand to appease him, the Duchess just recovered her pro-son's mood, and looked at Lou Cen with a cold face. "I know that General Lou has just woke up, and has been promoted to Admiral. There is no limit to the future, and our family Wen Wen is too high to rise, so please respect yourself."

Everyone, no one looks good to Lou Cen.

Lou Cen has realized that because of the previous divorce, the people in the Yan family had a bad sense of their senses. It is not possible to recover them now, but he still has to say something. "I did come because of the dismissed marriage contract. Things have come to this point, and I can't do anything about it. All I can do is to pursue Wenwen again, and hope he accepts me again and is willing to be with me."

"Just a joke." Yan Zhaiyan was a bad temper, and before he heard it, he just exploded: "What do you think of Wenwen in our family! You promise to get engaged as soon as you get engaged, and you say that you will get retired!"

The Duchess looked at Lou Cen as if she were looking at a scum: "The admiral laughed, our family is simple, we can't accompany you to play these winding routines. Please go back to the admiral, later It's better not to meet. "

"My pursuit of Wenwen is my own business. I think I should have the power to pursue the mermaid I like."

"Hehe." Yan Chuhuan gave a sneer, and the laughter made some of the others shudder. "Admiral naturally has the right to pursue, and we also have the right to protect the minor fish. I hope the admiral will have enough perseverance to persist."

This passage is almost like declaring war, spreading the flames of war between the two sides directly, and at the same time, two groups of people are a little bit tense.

But fighting directly here is not possible, Lou Cen left a word to wait and see, and took a deep look at Xue Yan.

As an innocent eater, Xue Yan lowered his head silently, pretending that he did not exist.

Yan Qingjun shook his hand in anxiety and asked him, "Did he do something to you?"

Xue Yan shook his head. The man was so pitiful that he still didn't disturb him.

Although he lowered his head and didn't speak, everyone understood his meaning automatically. Sure enough, Lou Cen was a personal scum! Obviously, the marriage contract has been terminated, and they have come to provoke Wenwen. This is not to say that Wenwen is not sad enough!

The group looked worriedly at Xue Xue with his head down and said nothing. In the end, the Duke sighed helplessly and said, "Go back. From the time you came back to the present, everyone has not eaten yet. Eat dinner first. Now. "

"Well. You dumped ..." The Duchess opened her mouth, looking at Xue Yan a little tangled.

Xue Yan clutched Yan Qingjun's hand and said, "Jun Jun will stay tonight. Will you move back to live tomorrow, OK? Let's sleep together tonight, and you can chat with me."

Yan Qingjun looked at his pitiful eyes and nodded with a smile. "it is good."

The Duchess Chang breathed a sigh of relief: "That's all right, let's go back to dinner." Yan Qingjun is her biological son, a child who has been waiting for so many years, and Yan Feiwen sometimes has her spiritual sustenance, which has always hurt Petting the little mermaid, if possible, I still hope these two words get along well. It now seems that Yan Feiwen didn't hate Yan Qingjun because of his true identity, which could not be better.

The child is simple, has just lost her love, and likes personal scum. The Duchess' heart is a little bit biased. At least for now, she cares about Xue Yan more.

This meal was not as cheerful as imagined. After the meal, the family dispersed relatively quickly. Yan Chuhuan directly brought Yan Zhaiyan to the study. Yan Qingjun was left by the Duchess and Duke to chat. Go straight back to the room first.

Because he is a mermaid, his room is on the other side of the villa. There is an outdoor pool above the balcony outside the room, which connects his room and the next room. That room was prepared by Mrs. Lou for Yan Qingjun. , Finished tomorrow, Yan Qingjun can live there.

Xue Yan had no objection to this. As long as he closed the floor glass door, no one could see him walking on two legs in the house, sharing a pool with Yan Qingjun, etc., and it would not affect his plan at all.

Thinking about this, Xue Yan pulled down his fishtail skirt, found a larger shirt in the closet, and put it on his legs. Then he turned his fishtail into two legs and began to practice in the room. walk.

Because the original body was afraid of his two legs, he rarely changed his legs to see the light, and Xueyu has been training his two legs to ensure that he can walk normally on land.

Because of these two legs, Xueyu also has a new understanding of the deep-sea mermaid population. As long as it is a deep-sea mermaid, both legs can be transfigured, they can walk on land, and the combat effectiveness is cruel. The career is very simple, and human beings do not know about them. Although the appearance of mermaids and the deep sea mermaids were somewhat related, because of the ferociousness of the deep sea mermaids, humans have very little understanding of the deep sea people.

They don't even know they can walk on land.

Xue Yan didn't plan to take that levitating car for a lifetime. After all, he has legs, and there are so many things he can do.

For example, the research room that wanted to study him was overkill.

When his legs get used to walking, he can run, jump, and move his feet, and Xue Yan plans to shoot.

He was walking around while watching various news from Xingwang. The knock on the door rang. Xue Yan knew that it was Yan Qingjun, and hurriedly plunged into the water. Then he shouted at the door. "Open the door."