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A detailed chart of the Antoros waters, calmly placed in front of the fat man, this chart comes from the contribution of the pirate named Ruhr, although it looks crumpled, but the clear mark on it is enough to make people safe. The situation in the Toros is clear at a glance,


Sunlight was shining from the battleship’s cabin window, forming a beam of light. The fat man’s eyes were removed from the map, and he looked up at Dustronké opposite. So, on the side of Antoros, there are other Landing point where large troop carriers are docked?"


"Yes, but the narrow terrain is not conducive to the rapid deployment of the army," Dusterenkai said respectfully. "And the enemy's fleet may appear at any time. I believe that after the previous collision, the other party will be guarded and even adjusted. With more warships coming in, the possibility of encountering blockage by enemy ships during landing is certain! So we must send another fleet to Antoros before landing."


"It is best if the enemy fleet that can hit Antoros is best, otherwise it is necessary to draw the attention of the enemy fleet as much as possible to reduce the danger of landing, but in order not to let the other fleet avoid. Without fighting, the number of warships that can be drawn is not too much, so this fleet commander must be a brave and fearless person with a heart of decisive death."


   "So, you already have a specific candidate? ‘The fat man raised his head and looked like a sharp blade, making Dusterenkai’s face slightly pale,


"Temporarily. Not yet!" Dusterenkai's face was pale, and he almost blurted out the name of his mouth, swallowing a saliva nervously, before saying "Because the punishment of the third squadron commander Effinger is undecided, so Now there is also a lot of discussion within the fleet,


  The commanders of each squadron are concerned that if they encounter another large enemy fleet, even if they fight as hard as the third squadron, it will still be difficult to escape the fate of being punished.


   "So the army's heart was a little low, and the enthusiastic commanders all started to shrink..." Dustron Kay's voice stopped, his eyes blinked, and he dared not go on.


"How do I listen, you seem to be asking Siefinger for pleading!" The fat man looked somber, and there was no trace of emotion in his cold face, and he stared at Dusterenkai, coldly. Say


   "Do you know the consequences of this kind of cleverness?"


   "No, the subordinates did not dare. It was just the situation at that time. Under the disparity of ten to one, he had done his best! So everyone thinks that Sieffinger should not be punished!"


Dusterenkai's cold sweat rolled down his forehead under the gaze of a fat man, only to realize that he was indeed speechless just now. It sounded like he was threatening how he listened, but the words were already spoken, and he could only hold on The scalp finished speaking,


  His Falcon’s aura is so powerful that he dare not look squarely at it,


"One hundred and one hundred best sailors were killed, three dragon-tooth battleships sank, and one dragon-class was hit hard." The fat man said coldly, "The Imperial Navy has never suffered such a fiasco since its creation. Do you think it shouldn’t be punished? As Sieffinger’s boss, you have nothing to plead for him, but don’t forget that you are the commander of the fleet and even the minister of the empire.”


   "As a military commander! Where is your position and position?"


   The fat man's tone was getting colder and colder, making Dusterenkai scared and knelt on the ground, trembling.


"But... no matter how you look at it, the subordinates believe that Sieffinger is really not guilty of death, and he is also the only squadron commander who has dealt with the opposing fleet from beginning to end... ..."


"Giving opportunity is not selfishness and indulgence!" The fat man interrupted him aloud, a complex emotion flashed on his face, and said condensedly, "You are also a commander, you should understand that the army is an army because of a military order, even when faced with Thousand-bladed cliff, the soldiers will move forward without hesitation, because the soldiers know that there are iron-like military regulations behind them!"


   "But His Majesty once said such things to his subordinates. When he fell there, he climbed up there. The subordinates were unselfish and only hoped that His Majesty would give Sieffinger a chance to commit crimes! And also give the Navy a chance!"


   Dusterenkai panicked a letter with a full name from his pocket, because it was too nervous, the signed letter fell to the ground, Dusterenke quickly picked it up,


   Holding his hands, "There are also joint letters from the commanders of all the detachments of the fleet, I hope your majesty can think about it!"




The fat man glanced at the name-filled joint letter in Dusterenkai’s hand, and cursed a little politely, “Improper command, which caused heavy losses to the fleet, and should be killed in accordance with military law! , Others can plead, but you can never ask for pleading! Do you still need me to say so clearly? The reward is over punishment, this is the soul of the army,


  "If a defeated naval officer is easily forgiven simply because of your personal feelings, have you thought about the thoughts of the sailors who are about to go to the battlefield? The joint letter is too light,


If you really want to save the Secretary Ilfinger, you need something more weighty, see you are usually smart, why can't you respond now?" The fat man said fiercely. "As a descendant from the central army, how can I Really executed Siefinger?


What's more, the real mistake in this battle is not in Siefinger, he just strictly executed my orders, and he happened to encounter the enemy main ship group very accidentally. Although he lost 3 Dragon teeth ships, he was also a companion. The fleet won the opportunity to hit the other party hard,


4 to 40, even if I was the person in charge at that time, probably this is the case, and the most important thing is that this is the first battle in the true sense between the two continental navies, which really reflects the fleet of both sides. 'S combat power,


  Ten dozens and one, it is like that, which shows that the combat capabilities of enemy warships are not strong, and the weaknesses and strengths exposed by the other side are also worthy of our attention.


The opponent’s warship has developed baffles and incendiary bombs. Although it is only rough, no one can guarantee that the opponent’s army will not have more complete weapons. This is a question worth considering. ,


The size of the opponent’s battleship is still a weakness. Although the opponent’s main combat method has a certain system, it still stays in the older side-to-side battles overall. With the sharpness of our navy, it should be enough to sweep over a period of time. The other’s coastline,


   The fat man glanced at Dusterenkai, who was still half kneeling, and said directly, "This battle was defeated!


"The information we obtained in this battle was worth the loss of the three Dragon Tooth Ships. What really distressed me was the 1,100 experienced sailors. Those were elites who fought many times, but the battleships did not. It can be made, but these elite navies who have experienced many battles are the irreparable losses of the imperial navy, and this battle is the first time that our imperial navy has suffered major losses. Floating, so this punishment must be backed by someone else, otherwise who will fight desperately for the glory of the navy!


"Your Majesty means..." Dustrounka raised his head in amazement, he was also a quick-minded guy, how could he not hear His Majesty's words meaning the release of Eifinger, but His Majesty What is the more important thing mentioned in the mouth?


   "What I want is the revenge of everyone in the entire navy, from officers to soldiers, you idiot!" The fat man snapped his hand on the map on the table with a cold face.


"After three days, I will personally lead all the officers of the Navy at the Naval Headquarters to take a vow of revenge for the 1,100 dead brave soldiers, and then I will personally watch the fleet fully attack the Antoros waters, as for Ai Finger's life and death, let fate decide"


   "It turns out that it is too dull!"


The crimson color on Dusterenkai's face, accusing himself of being stupid, in the eyes of everyone like a strategy such as His Majesty Falcon, how could his gaze stay only on these branches, with the grand ambition of the Imperial Navy In other words, just a failure is really not worth considering


"Okay, so be it!" The fat man waved his hand at him. Dusterenka stood up and walked to the door of the cabin. The cabin door was opened, and the dazzling sunlight came over. Dusterenkai's eyes narrowed slightly. The words of His Majesty the Falcon still echoed in his mind. Indeed, there is nothing more than an army full of revenge that can make the enemy feel fear and shudder,


   "Sister... Commander?" Dustromkai heard a familiar voice, then saw Sieffinger standing at the door,


"Sieffinger, why are you here?" Dustronk looked stunned, and Sieffinger looked at the boss who came out of the cabin a bit sullenly. He almost forgot to salute. He never thought of it. I will meet Dusterenkai here, with an embarrassed smile, "I was brought here, and I still don't know what's going on."


   "It turns out so!" Dustroyne suddenly realized,


No wonder His Majesty Falcon just said this. His Majesty wanted to use this flame of revenge to turn the turbulent waters of Antoros into a storm that boiled over the entire Obaro Sea. It is undoubtedly the person your majesty used to light the flames~lightnovelpub.net~ Come in, Siefinger! "


The officer in the black uniform opened the door of the cabin, and Sieffinger walked into the ship's cabin with fear, and a slightly fat back appeared in front of him. If he didn't know who was going to see himself before, he had already indicated that No doubt,


   "The second squadron of the Second Banner Regiment of the Chinese Central Army, Mr. Effinger, sees His Majesty!"


  Siefinger knelt down on one knee with a serious look and said aloud. Although he was very scared in his heart, he also shivered a little. His Majesty the Falcon, all the military idols, and the creators of the huge empire, if they could see the previous side, it would be worth it even if they died.


"I haven't heard such an imposing voice for a long time!" The fat man on the opposite side turned around, glanced at Sieffinger, and said, "Some people say you are the first defeater of the Imperial Navy, you must be executed, and some people say you I’ve tried my best to be a good one, but it’s already defeated. How do you think about this?"


Siefinger was stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect His Majesty the Falcon to ask such a question. He hesitated before saying, “My subordinates don’t know, my subordinates only have one request. I just hope that your majesty can make me buried with my subordinates. !"


"I can't promise this!" The fat man smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "Your subordinates are in the waters of Antoros, not too far from here. What I can promise you is that three days later, the main force of the fleet will attack Antoros, Can you have the courage to serve as the assault headship with the flag of revenge?" (Unfinished) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )