Whole Nation

~: 1,240 support

Half an hour after the battle started, under the attack of Sieffinger's Hydra, the Bicker-class heavy battleship detachment was almost completely paralyzed or burned to wreckage. The violent Thor's artillery fire finally caused 2 miles away from the engagement area. The main focus of the fleet

"How is this going?"

Falcon Navy Secretary Dustrounka gazed at the distant sea. Because the engagement area was located on the left corner of the port of Antoros, only the dense white smoke and the white light constantly rolling in that area could be seen. It was the flame of the thunderbolt, but with such a large density, it was not like chasing under an advantage, it was more like going all out when the two sides were fighting.

"Adult, it seems like Anste came in front of me." A water finger pointed to a small black spot in the distance. It was a dragon-toothed warship. The solitary figure seemed to confirm Dustrom's bad hunch

"Send a Dragon Fang to respond!" Dustlenka turned and ordered,

The landing fleet in the distance has landed, and with the lowering of the baffle, the falcon infantry that was waiting for it flooded into the planned landing tidal flat like cháo water. The state seems to have abandoned the resistance of the port and shifted its focus to the fortress on the island. At this time, the withdrawal of one or two Dragon-class warships responsible for support will not have much impact.

Soon, the captain of the Anstey appeared in front of Dusterenkai, and the news of the ambush of the Siefinger fleet froze Dusterenkai.

"How is the situation in the forward fleet?" Dustronk asked.

"The current battle situation is unknown, but the enemy is well prepared, the number is several times that of our army, and there are ten full-metal armored ships. Commander Sieffinger specifically instructed that adults can safely land! Even if they die, the soul will be Hold the footsteps of the enemy!"

The captain of the Ansti is a 26-year-old young man. He stood upright and performed a military salute to the Dusterenkai, making him seem to be younger than his actual age, with tight cheeks. It seems pale, and his eyes are beautiful.

"Sevenfinger this bastard, is he also a kind of last word! Even the most basic grammar has troops"

Dusteren’s goddess screamed indignantly, “When confronted with an enemy ambush, he did not choose to retreat, but he carried it down with his own strength. What did he want to do? Marty the country with death?”

"Order the commander of the Fourth Fleet Tegel, and immediately lead the team's warships and three Dragon-class warships! In any case, Siefinger must be rescued!"

Dustroem resolutely determined that this dose of medicine for His Majesty the Falcon had either cultivated an unstoppable general, or a famous general who died after death, but the premise of all this was Si Aifen Grid must be alive

After receiving the order, the Fourth Fleet began to break away from the main fleet of the fleet staying on the sea. The Longya battleships advanced side by side. The three heavy dragon-class escorted and broke a huge water wave on the sea.

When Tegel’s support fleet arrived at the war zone, there was already a melee on the battlefield,

In the white smoke that filled the sea, the Longya battleships that have been washed up have begun to attack each other with the enemy fleet zìyóu. They have neither a complete battle formation nor a unified command system, and some are cut off everywhere. , Some were isolated, and the outer shell of some warships split a large crack, but still swaying the hull, pulling up the sails with holes, chasing and strangling each other with several times the number of enemies.

In this fierce battle, none of them choose to flinch. They are like a group of injured wolves, using their claws and teeth to bite the enemy fiercely, but their number is still decreasing.

Although the Valiancian Fleet of Ayaze and the Melendi Fleet that came back had suffered some losses, there were still 40 ships in total,

Sieffinger’s squadron was reduced from 14 at the beginning of the war to 8 at present. Others sank, and 4 of them suffered heavy damage and chose to evacuate. The shortage of the number made them completely at a disadvantage of being suppressed on the sea. ,

On the other hand, those giant warships that were specifically mentioned were parked on the sea without doing anything. It is difficult to find out that because the rudder was destroyed and the steering movement was temporarily lost, such warships have about Three ships, and the huge wreckage still burning on the nearby sea, no doubt shows where the other large battleships have gone! ,

"This guy Sieffinger is really fateful!" In such a scene, even a naval general like Tielg took a breath of air and confronted the three fleets of the enemy with his own strength. This approach is simply too crazy,


Tegel shouted loudly that a burst of qi shattered the sea in an instant, and the support fleet arrived in time like a tiger descending from the white smoke that filled the sea, and the huge hull of the dragon-class battleship was revealed from inside. Outrageous claws


The fire burst, and everyone's eyes shone instantly

Regardless of the tonnage or combat power, the Dragon Class is several times the dragon-class battleship. In the flash of the face, hundreds of Thor’s Qi shè swept over like lightning, and two imperial battleships that were caught off guard were attacked by Qi shè. , The broken wood on the side of the deck suddenly flew across, and the fire broke deep into the hull. Any big explosion directly occurred on the hull. The deck with many holes was exploded by a wave of fire snakes and heat waves. A powerful attack wave Lift the deck of the battleship like a toy, and throw the sailors, debris, masts, and even the bridge above into the air~lightnovelpub.net~ This is. . . . . .

Old Admiral Aya, who has just seen a glimmer of victory, looks back in surprise.

It happened to see another dragon class that slammed like a monster, and the four rows of bunker **** that opened like fish scales turned outwards, revealing the black muzzles,

Time did not give him a chance to hesitate. The countless fires and explosions made the old Admiral Ayazhi even unable to hear any sound for a few seconds. An imperial battleship not far away broke out like a fireworks big explosion

His adjutant ran over in panic and said something loudly in front of him, but he could not hear anything except En's voice in his ears. After a few seconds, the old admiral Ayazhi heard what the adjutant said. , Myrondi Fleet is retreating! We are betrayed!"

"It seems that this time I lost!" The old Admiral's mouth smiled bitterly. The fighter plane was lost. The warships supported by the other party came like waves. His battleships continued to emit smoke, and the broken old ship had no counterattack. Room for
