Whole Nation

~: 1,408 Suppression (2)

Carrying an oil lamp covered with a raincloth, the port officer Avery walked onto the merchant ship with a sulky face. A mildew smelling from the sea water made his footsteps flutter. His port official was a little surprised. The ship came too suddenly. In response to a military attack from the north, Lord Angus, who ruled the Oacha area, had declared a total ban on the sea, and also required all ports to report at any time. Anomalies


As a small port officer, Avery could not know the reason. He could only judge according to what he saw. Lord Marquis Angus was recently convening mercenaries, training soldiers, expanding the knighthood under his command, and "The solicitation of food from six subordinate areas" seems to be showing signs of a big fight, but Avery has no idea who the target is.


Therefore, as soon as he received a call from an abnormal fleet, he immediately ordered people to ring the port’s alarm and summoned a hundred-person port guard. Then he walked carefully onto the merchant ship. He brought 20 capable port guards, Just in case, "Why did you come here? Don't you know that the sea ban has recently been implemented?" He looked left and right in his pretentious posture. The range that the oil lamp can illuminate is very limited. The deck is very clean, and you can see the aft of the ship at a glance. Uplift, almost no goods can be seen,


The captain carefully accompanied him as a "big man" and laughed at him. We encountered a storm at sea. In order to reduce the load, we discarded most of the clean water and food, so we had to find the port of the adult. It’s time to recharge, and the adults can be assured that we will pay the full amount!” “Encountered by the storm?” Avery rolled his eyes and sneered in the corner of his mouth. “I’d rather discard the supplies and clean water than want to throw it away. A little cargo, you are really responsible for the itch. "Yi stunned, thumb up, put on, put into Cai, delete, chant, Gu, Huang, Huang, You, see, do you encounter a storm that loves cleanliness?" Haha! "The port guards in the back laughed together


"It was too confusing at the time. Later we cleaned it several times." The captain's face was a little embarrassed. His hands were tense and wiped off the sweat beads on his forehead. He was a middle-aged man in his forties. His face was a bit dark. There was a bronze color, which looked very smart, but the look was too fierce, "Is it? Is that really the case?" Avery looked around, and the sailors stood neatly on both sides. It seems ordinary, but there is a strangeness. The sailors' eyes are more or less avoiding themselves. This situation is more common. There is no sea flag representing the power on the mast, and the sails are also painted. The trace of the other party's awkward disguise shows that this is a smuggling ship,


  In the past, these smuggling fleets would stop in the cliffs of the Brotherhood of Helis, fifty miles away. It was the only shoal on the coastline that could escape the storm. It had always been controlled by the nearby Helis Brotherhood, and there were rumors that the local baron lord. With the help of the Brotherhood, private taxes are drawn from these smuggling fleets, because as long as they are not docked at the port, there will be no records and there is no need to pay them.


  I don’t know the reason this time. The team missed the docking place by private boat. This is not a fat fish.


   "Routine practice. I need to open a position to check"


Avery stopped and raised his eyebrows at the position of the warehouse. Behind him, twenty port-guards wearing sharp iron caps with white feathers and breastplates stopped. "This! "


The captain's face suddenly turned white with "Baidu ★ Moe Moe ★ Text", and the sailors around him also began to have some commotion. This made Avery more certain that the other party was a smuggling ship. Since the Normandy region was occupied by what Falcon Kingdom The number of smuggling fleets appearing in the vicinity has become more and more frequent. These smuggling fleets bring precious goods across the sea, and then transport the items here, earning a lot of money, making Avery jealous "What's the matter?" Is there a problem?" Avery turned his head, his face like frost, and asked with a more serious tone, and the twenty port guards pulled out the long sword in the waist very cooperatively.


"No, no problem at all, just something that can't get on the table! I'm afraid to make adults laugh." The captain sneered, and quietly handed Avery a big fist purse, whispering. "Look, can you give me a look? Convenient, as long as you buy the supplies, we will leave before dawn tomorrow, and will definitely not cause a little trouble for adults."


   "Can't see, you're an interesting person!"


The port official Avery smiled, and gently measured the weight of the purse with his right hand. The heavy pressure should be a gold coin with a heavy texture. There was a smile on the cold face just now. When it is difficult, it is the responsibility of our port officials to give help to the lost voyagers, but this time you call, there are a lot of people you see, and you need to register anyway!" The investigation was very tight recently. Not easy to explain! "Avery put the money bag in his pocket and took out the account book list of records," then temporarily register it as 100 boxes of Salander Sea Pearl! "After a moment of hesitation, the captain looked very helpless," said 100 boxes of Saland Pearl! "The quill pen in Avery's hand almost fell to the ground, the drunkenness on his face swept away, and his eyes almost bulged out. For this barren little harbour, this is definitely an unbelievable amount of sky-high goods. A luxury product from a different continent, which has almost swept the aristocracy in the northwestern area of ​​Obaro in the past six months, and is called "Hillings"


This is mainly due to the influence of fashion trends in Kyoto. Kyoto, which is rumored to be rich in luxury, the royal family’s most famous master of tailoring, the beautiful and extraordinary little sister of the Duke of Ballara, there is a special kind of this kind of Saland pearl. Love, she is used to using this crystal clear, sea pearls that can shine in the sun to make a stunning dress,


   Her design that transcends the limit of life and advocating self-confidence. The style is casual, elegant, simple and convenient. It is finished with colorful sea pearls, liberating women from the traditional clumsy sleeveless long skirts.


  The clothes she cut have been favored by all women including the Queen Mother,


There is a proverb in Kyoto, in this bustling capital of empire, there is nothing else that can get the same clock love of three generations: grandmother, mother, granddaughter, that must be "Balara's personal dictatorial dress" for women , Balara is "classic" is "eternal fashion and the gift of the ocean." It is a "romantic dream" this dream, beyond the age limit


Avery almost walked off the deck of the merchant ship in a trance, and even forgot to look at his "harvest." One hundred boxes of Salander Sea Pearls represented a huge value that made his long-suppressed greed Nian rises again,


   "This is just an unexpected windfall! Do you just watch them slip away from your eyes like this?" The sea breeze with moisture blew on his greasy face, eyes full of blood,


  The smuggling ship "Baidu ★ Moe Moe ★ Text", even if it is disposed of, no one will be held accountable. In this sea area, it is normal to sink in a storm. However, such a thought flashed across my mind like lightning.


Closing the notebook in his hand, he turned and glanced at the merchant ship parked in the dark. He suddenly gritted his teeth and whispered to a port guard behind him. "You go to the port and tell everyone that no one can sell Give them food and fresh water, and if anyone dares to violate my Lord Avery’s intention, I will let him get out of the port immediately! And we will call all of us together”


   "Adult, Andaco and Bi Sukai are still on vacation!" The guard hesitated


   "Emergency, call it all, do you understand every time!" Avery said fiercely.


   "Why..." The guard was taken aback by this order


"Don't worry about this, just do what I said!" Avery gritted his teeth, and the guard turned away. "Prepare a horse, I'm going to Lord Lord!" Avery said The other guards commanded, "During the time I leave, you must pay close attention to the movement of this merchant ship. If they want to leave, they will immediately arrest all of them in the name of pirates!"" is ~lightnovelpub.net~ Adult!" Hundreds of port guards responded...


   The night, the sky is full of stars, and the cold moon is like a light silver layer thrown on the sea


  The sea breeze squeaked the mast of the hull. The sea water slammed on the side of the ship, up and down.


   is surrounded by a group of giant masts standing like a forest,


The gigantic big bows of four dragon-class ships rise and fall along with the waves, and the huge hulls obviously surpass the other dragon-tooth warships around them, just like the four-headed giant beasts crouched there. Once opened, they will The beast is out of the cage! "Commander, Bait No. 1 and No. 2 respectively sent back the news of their successful arrival!"


The adjutant came hurriedly from the back, handing him two reports in his hand, spreading out the short report with only a slap parchment, Dusterenkai's mouth showed a sneer. "Sure enough, greed is human nature, so Under the temptation of the giant, even the saint would be tempted,


  Two baits have successfully entered two ports on the coast of Oacha, and now only lack bait fish! "Commander, when will we start!" "The adjutant asked" Don't worry, in such a dark night, if the fireworks are lit, it must be very beautiful! "


Hold the information in the palm of your hand, Dusterenkai smiled relaxedly at the corner of her mouth, and looked at the distant people with bright eyes (to be continued) [This text is provided by the sailing update team @v家丶千本桜] If you like For this work, you are welcome to vote for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.