Whole Nation

~: 1299 The Sword of the Empire (2)

Normandy, Arcachon

In the suburbs of the town in the early morning, the sky was dark and bleak. A group of crows flew over the broken walls of the town's black walls after the raging fire and landed on the charred walls. The direction of the vast field blows away the coolness of the scorching heat.

Beside the town that has been burned into ruins, in the morning light that has not yet fully risen, 1,000 cavalrymen of the Sarande Mamunuk lined up, the red tassel on the head swayed in the wind, black The cloak fluttered in the wind like a cloud;

"His" on the **** opposite the Sarande Mamunuk cavalry, Normandy scouted the warhorse in black armor, kicking the ground anxiously, whispering softly, they were also bred in that silence Suppressed by the murderous,

The black line of the whole team, from the back of these cavalry, is flowing through the opposite wilderness, and it has scattered into a slightly irregular quadrilateral. The neatly arranged armor and spears are reflected in the faint morning light, and countless battle flags are looming in the morning fog. , The main force of the Normandy people is entering the battlefield. "It seems to be stared at!" The old Duke Ode looked quietly at once, his eyes cold and snowy, and there was a terrifying chill all over his body. The face is not like a drooping old man,

He has been waiting for this day for a long time, even though his old body is still shaking with excitement due to the forthcoming war. Soon, the main force of Salander led by Nilai arrived, the crowd was full, the armor was like a cloud, and the wind was spreading in the wind. The battle flag of Landkin is overwhelming,

The unique round shields of the northern coalition soldiers, like a row of round buckles, are spread out along the edge of the earth. The black pressure and countless lances stand at the forefront of the formation, flashing a chilling cold light, and at a glance. The shiny silver armor is like an overwhelming arc of silver, covering the wide flat in front of the town, with a breath of oppressive soul, "Who knows what is going on?" Nilai rides on white horses come up from behind

The beauty is picturesque, the red gold cape is moving in the wind, and her appearance has stopped the lords of Sarand who are whispering to stop talking and have made way for him. After this Normandy landing codenamed Revenge, plus The attachment of the old leader of the North, Oder, and Nilai’s status in the hearts of the nobles in the north of Sarand, have been elevated to a very high apex, and they have a posture of deterring everyone.” We found the enemy’s scout here early in the morning, and then we saw Of these...

"The Russian-German **** came back quietly and said, "It seems that we are being targeted by the Normans, otherwise we will not be here in advance to wait for us! "Can you judge the main force?" "

Nilai stopped the horse and looked at the Normandy front with a bit of awkwardness. The other party's posture of waiting for the other side to make her beautiful eyebrows slightly frowned. The terrain here is obviously unfavorable to the coalition side.

The Normandy who arrived early had already seized the powerful terrain nearby. It was located on a **** not far from the midline of the two armies. That was the commanding height of the entire battlefield. Whoever controlled it could watch the entire battlefield and look at the opportunity. Threatening the wings of the coalition forces, "It should be, otherwise there will be no such scale!" Russia and Germany raised the whip in their hands and pointed, saying, "I hope that the day will finally come, and the running around is also annoying, It can happen to kill a happy guy. If it was a year ago, I might choose to run away, but now... we are enough to defeat them."

"It's really ridiculous to be an army forward. I just watched the enemy seize the favorable terrain and let the army fall into an unfavorable situation. Now I have the leisure to say such things, don't you know what shame!" A cold voice came, "This bastard..."

The face of the Duke of Russia and Germany changed his eyes slightly and looked indignantly towards the direction of the voice. I saw that from the direction of the coalition’s left wing, several coalition generals gathered around a middle-aged nobleman with a certain gaze. This middle-aged nobleman Wearing a gold-made lion coat of arms, a long black cloak, dragging from the war horse to the ground like a war flag, the horseshoe stepped on the dust on the ground, it looked majestic, arrogant, but just that pair Eyes, showing a sharp uncomfortable,

With his appearance, the atmosphere at the scene was suddenly heavy. He was known as the leader of the new faction Envet, a typical radical in the coalition. Originally, the coalition had no immediate plan to advance to the hinterland, that is, he proposed that he should go to the hinterland of Normandy. Advance to save more Salanders,

In fact, everyone knows that this guy has long coveted the richness of the big city in the hinterland of Normandy, otherwise it will not be the first thing after landing, that is, even the coalition’s meeting is not open, but with the army of his army. The villages near the port were all looted. In the revenge against the Normans some time ago, he and the Russian troops were the most fierce in sweeping the Normans, except that one killed all the others, and the other was all. All the belongings are taken away, and sometimes the target of the arrangement is changed without authorization, just to attack a more fertile target." Enwitt, what do you mean by this? "Russian and German stared at him angrily and asked, "I only A thousand Mamunuks, but the other party has tens of thousands of people. Do you want me to stand alone against the entire Normandy main force? "" Isn’t bravery the tradition of Mamunuk Cao Shi? Even if there is only one person, dare to dare It’s the real Mamunuk by attacking a thousand people!” Enwitt’s mouth showed a disdainful smile, saying, “This kind of aggressive march is to attract the main force of the Normans, but now the main force of the Normans is here. However, we fell into a very disadvantaged position because of scolding the forward’s dereliction of duty. Who should bear such responsibility!"" Well, the argument is useless, everything will be said after the war!" At the critical moment, Nilai came to a halt. The argument between the two ordered the coalition forces to form an array in front of the ruins of the town of Arcachon, using this as the backing for the northern coalition forces. This interlaced battle began in this state.

The Falcon Empire calendar February 2nd, 3 years, at 7 o'clock in the morning, in Alcuve, less than forty kilometers away from the important town of Ilru in eastern Normandy, with 24,000 main forces in Normandy, and Sarand, who is marching towards the hinterland of Normandy The coalition forces in the north met unexpectedly. The two sides of the war probably did not expect that this confrontation, which did not even reach 50,000 people, opened a magnificent and **** era.

"go ahead!"

At 8:30, the two sides of the formation were completed without much hesitation. At the same time, the central army array was ordered to advance neatly, the gun array progressed smoothly and orderly, and the cold and cracked gun group was like a mountain-like sense of weight. The pressure of the two armies began to accelerate when approaching the midline, "Throw it!"

The first eruption was the traditional throwing phalanx of the Salander Light Infantry. With the screaming of the infantry captain, rows of short javelins with cold light were thrown from these Salander Light Infantry to the opposite In the sky, the dense light dots covered the face of the sky in an instant, "Hier!"

The heavy infantry in the front row of Normandy, with a calm and terrible face, very neatly lifted the heavy square shield in his hand, covering his body behind the shield and forming a huge tortoiseshell at the front of the formation.

This is not the first time they have played against the Salander. On the island of Salander, the Nord heavy infantry once bleed the blood of the Salander into a river. Their combat habits for the Salander have long been known. If you are in the palm of your hand, although the Salander's throwing gun looks very violent, it can cause very limited lethality. For the light infantry, the throwing gun will be a fatal blow, but for the heavy infantry with heavy armor and wide shield, Throwing a gun is a big joke,

Sure enough, as the light spot in the air quickly fell, the speed of the heavy infantry square array had no effect at all, but it still remained like a huge iron anchor, hitting heavily into the Sarand center array, and the soldiers on both sides were almost at the same time. When they collided together, the metal's fierce collision sounded like waves crashing on the reef. The blood of countless soldiers splashed out, and the strength of the Normandy heavy infantry suddenly appeared. "Squeak" Salander soldier's spear was in Normandy. The heavy armor of the heavy infantry was bounced off, bringing a red spark, the cold light flickering, the giant training ball in the hands of the tall Normandy heavy infantry, had violently collapsed, and a rapid dazzling cold light was traversed in the air ,

The body of the Salander soldiers in the "touch" row was like a hit ball. The whole body was knocked over. The armor sewed on the body was torn apart by a huge cold light, flesh and blood flew, blood It rained down from the height like a raindrop,

"Go ahead, kill!" Normandy's heavy infantry impact caused the coalition's infantry queue to be chaotic. The first wave of confrontation was like a river bank dug, and a huge mouth was ripped open.

The first wave of "touch" attack cháo is not over yet, the second wave of attack cháo is stacked with the soldiers in front,

The thick man cháo has no chance of any breakthrough tactics. The two sides of the fierce battle hit each other with their shields. Their **** eyes are only a few centimeters away. Like the top cow, they want to overthrow the other’s body. "Go forward, go forward!" "The tall Normandy heavy infantry is like a sturdy iron plow, and the jīng iron hammer in his hand is constantly waving, and he constantly smashes the Salander who rushed to the ground~lightnovelpub.net~ their violent image, The soldiers of the coalition forces in the North were terrified, and it seemed that when the sad picture of rì appeared again,

"The **** of Enwitt, he is obviously timid!"

The old Duke of Russia and Germany, who was in charge of the Chinese army, looked at the left wing of the chaos and screamed in anger. The left wing is the place with the most coalition forces.

Of the 14,000 coalition forces, 7,000 are on the left,

But only one confrontation, the left wing of Salander holding the cross flag of the Envite family, was forcibly separated from the middle of the array by the Normandy heavy infantry with a small number of thousands, revealing the weak flanks that were fiercely fighting the Chinese army.

According to convention, Envet, who is in charge of the left, should immediately send a reserve team to close the gap

However, instead of sending a reserve team, Enwitt moved the 2,000-knight Mumunuk knight who was the most sharp near the gap to the side of the gap. Obviously, he wanted to avoid the advance of the Normans and he was always running away. intend,

His actions undoubtedly put the coalition army in an extremely dangerous situation, and there is a possibility that the whole army will collapse at any time.