Whole Nation

~: 1301 The Sword of the Empire (4)

   "Admiral Governor!"


Statunko's name was like lightning flashing across the sky. In an instant, the Salander officer had cast his knees on the ground, and several other Salander cavalrymen knelt on the ground, their heads down to the ground, the atmosphere was all Dare not breathe,


For the Salander, the southern governor of the Falcon Empire, Statunko, is almost the master of the Salander. No one thought that the young man with a cold face in front of him was to lead the army across the sea and rush to the end. The former emperor of the Salander dynasty, because of his benevolent manner, even the conquered Salanders, evaluated the southern governor of this empire as "intellect and courage."


   The Sarande officer replied with a tremble, "Master! We are from the Second Team of the Sixth Regiment of the Northern Alliance. I am the Mamunuk Knight Xavier under Lord Jerome. These are my followers!"


   "Are you from the northern coalition?"


   Statunko snorted heavily, sharp as a sword. I swept through the wandering faces of these Sarande cavalry, and looked at the embarrassment of their wet all over the body. Suddenly, their brows were tightly twisted together,


  " Say, what the **** is going on?"


   Statunko's two swords were raised, his voice was terribly low. "How could it be so embarrassing, where is the coalition now? If there is a false story, I immediately ordered you to be buried alive as a deserter!"


   "We are not deserters! We were sent to Alaman by Grand Duke Nilai for help!" Officer Saland, in a panic, did not care about the explanation, but raised his head and shouted loudly




As soon as the word    came out, the atmosphere in the tent was shaken,


   No one spoke, but the heads of the Southern Banners behind Statunko looked at Cleveland, the head of the Fifth Banner sitting on the left.


   This guy's prediction is really true! The place where the Normans really will fight, chooses the moment before the northern coalition is about to reach its goal. From the current point of view, the form of the coalition must be very bad, otherwise these Salander cavalry will not be reduced to such a look.


   "Is this a godsend?"


   Cleveland's face compared to the surprised look of several other generals. Instead, there was a flash of emotion, and it seemed to be thinking about something. He suddenly came from behind Statunko and asked aloud, "How is the situation of the coalition, won or lost?"


  Sarande officer looked as if he remembered the fierce battle yesterday, bowed his head, and looked at him sadly.


"In the early hours of yesterday, the main forces of the coalition met with the main forces of Normandy in Arcachon. Because it was inevitable, the upper-level coalition forces hurriedly decided to fight the Normans in Alcawi because of the unfavorable terrain and lack of preparation. Only two hours, 7,000 The left of the coalition’s coalition forces first collapsed under the impact of the Norman cavalry, and then the 4,000 people of the Chinese army remained on the ground to cover the only fairly complete right wing to evacuate.”


  "Jī battle to noon, under the attack of the Normans on both sides, the Chinese army of the old Duke of Russia and Germany also collapsed, except for the right wing of the Grand Duke Nilai..." The voice of Officer Saland suddenly stopped


   "What happened to the right wing?" Statunko couldn't wait to rush and asked, this is the focus of his concern. If Princess Nilai died in the chaotic army, I am afraid that Her Majesty will order the entire Normandy to be cleaned.


   The scene of the **** sea of ​​corpse mountain made this emperor emperor feel scalp tingling


"Despite the delay of the Chinese army's desperate resistance, the right wing was still bitten by the Normandy 3,000 light cavalry." Salander's face was pale, his teeth were bitten, and a painful expression appeared in his eyes. "Our army is retreating while fighting." The enemy is very cunning, but he will not follow the battle, but in desperation, in order to avoid entering the plains and becoming the target of the enemy’s slaughter, the Grand Duke Nilai can only order 2,000 remnants in Diki, 20 miles away. Libao sticks,


  When we were dispatched, the 3,000 light cavalrymen of Normandy had arrived at Fort Diquiri. When we came out, there were 24 people. Only 5 of us are left. The others have all been sacrificed. We don’t know what is happening now! "


   "Dikiri Fort?"


Hearing that Princess Nilai had not been defeated by the Normans, Statunko's face was slightly better. He hurried to the map in the middle, spreading the map with his hands, and quickly found Salander Fort Diquiri in the mouth of the officer,


Judging from the markings on the map, this is not a fortress-like big castle, but it is surrounded by the river on three sides. It has a certain defensive advantage for the light cavalry with strong assault, but if the main force of Normandy, which is mainly infantry, arrives, Just such a small fortress is absolutely impossible to stick to!


"Sir, we must act now!" Cleveland's face came up from behind, glancing at the map, and said on the edge of Statunko. "This is a good opportunity to wipe out Normandy's main force in one fell swoop. what!"


   "En? What do you mean?"


Statunko glanced at him slightly coldly. The cold murderous air from his body lowered the temperature in the military tent a few degrees. Statunko was not a fool, how could he not know Cleveland? The meaning of the sentence,


Using Nilai as a temptation to attract the main force of Normandy~lightnovelpub.net~ Then the side attack of the army will certainly defeat the Normandy in one fell swoop, but the consequence of this strategic deployment is that the bait must be able to persist until the end, or even be eaten Ready to fall, using Nilai as bait? What a joke! No one dares to play this trick in front of the falcon, known as the mainland military god, this is to find a dead end!


  According to the character of His Majesty Falcon, even if this battle is won, he will be unloaded!


   "Adult, don't get me wrong"


Cleveland was sweating all over his body with his hair upright, and he quickly explained, "My plan is this. Since the Normans did not know about the existence of our army, they must be trying their best to move towards Fort Dickory. No, the Normans have just won, and they will inevitably not pay attention to the connection between the various forces. Then we can bypass the enemy forwards of Fort Diquili with light troops, intercept the main force of the Norman army halfway, and beat him by surprise! "


  "So what if the Normans arrived before us?" The coldness on Statunko's face dispersed a little and remained silent for a while,


This is indeed a better way. As long as Normandy’s main force can’t be reached, with only 3,000 light cavalry, it is impossible to forcibly break through the small fortress guarded by 2,000 people, and the combat power of Nilai’s personal guard, in terms of equipment and training, Not weaker than the regular army of the Falcon Army


"If the Normans arrive before us, then our army can just assault the back of him, punching him on both sides..." Cleveland said with a big chest and a greasy face (to be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )