Whole Nation

~: 1709 Thunder Spring (5)

"In the spring of the third year of Obaro, the Gangfei empire quietly accepted the war compensation request from the northern falcon empire. At the cost of tens of millions of gold coins and the ceding of the northern sparse forest area, this three-month period ended. The miserable war, and forced to open trade routes in the inland area, the name of the northern falcon empire, with the bow of the strong non-imperial empire that has always been strong to the outside, is like a storm over the entire continent of Obaro. Putting it to Scannanero in the distant Central European Baronet,


  Earth whizzing, making all Obaro lords look sideways and unbelievable


"Although most of the Obaro people don't want to admit it, the impact of this war is really like the thunder in spring that people can't ignore!" Before the outbreak of this war, although the Gang Fei Empire was not the largest power in Central Europe and Europe, But nearly a million troops and a strong navy have been regarded as one of the most influential countries in Central Europe and Europe for the aggressive expansion of neighboring countries. However, it is such a leading power, and in just three months, it was The Falcon Empire was overwhelmed, more than 200,000 elite armies were killed in battle, the Imperial Kyoto was shelled, and even the emperor of the Empire died of sudden illness during the northern battle.


According to the speculations of many countries who have complained about Gang Fei, this tough character, the Gang Fei Emperor, may have been alive and dead, but it was just for the sake of concealment, that the Emperor His Majesty announced to the outside world because of long-term fatigue and sudden illness. dead! This cannot be verified,


   But the defeat has just become an indisputable fact


It is also from this time that Obalo talents really began to call the Falcon Kingdom, which rises in the northwest of Obaro, as the "Falcon Empire" to recognize its strong empire-level military strength and influence, so we have reason to think that the Falcon Empire is first The general gaze of His Majesty the Emperor of the dynasty is all about that era of brilliant stars.


  ..."""One excerpt from "The Early Spring of Thunder...The Significance of the Empire and the War between Gang and Africa" ​​Fu Xilong, lecturer of the Imperial Military Seminar


   This is an important essay on which the Imperial Military Academy of Imperial Biennale was awarded full marks, and was regarded as an early historical judgment of the empire by later generations.


  Because before this, many historians believed that the early period of the empire and the power of the Central European Baro region were just wrong, and the outbreak of war because of a small area was a mistake.


  Although the victory was won, the war benefits obtained were far less favorable than directly investing troops in Gaul.


And this long three-month winter gave the already dying Gaul empire a chance to breathe, strategically, ignoring Gaul’s weakness, and fighting with Gangfei, even delaying the precious three months for this, is Wiki A rare strategic misstep in the life of Asian Falcon!


  If the fat man sees all kinds of contempt for this war in the next 171 years, he will definitely arrogantly put these analyses, reports, I see, all on the face of these so-called historians


   A group of idiots kicked by donkeys are all things that are poisoned by books,


Or only the founder of the empire in this age will know that the rise of the Falcon Empire is sandwiched between the two great empires. The reason for the real war with Gang Gang is not for an unintentional acquisition. Caution means that it is not an appreciation of a persistent and persevering swallowing guy, nor is it to keep the imperial army high morale, and to beat the Gauls better in the coming year is not to save their "little wife".


  . . . Instead, the empire needs to break the chance of an ambitious neighbor’s backbone,


   The space is so big, either you die or I die. The road to the rise of an empire has always been laid on the enemies' corpses!


   Obviously, these things will never appear in the eyes of historians,


Their eyes will only look at the immediate facts, but no one will pay attention to the people and things that contributed to the facts before they become the facts, even if they are not in the empire’s record file, well, now let’s look at them again, The fog of passing through history is thrown in this thunder spring. With the trajectory of the falcon empire unfolding, the grand picture of this era is spread out!


After the general battle ended, the Falcon Army, which was based in the northern region of Gangfei, began to evacuate on the one hand, and on the other hand, it took over the sparse forest area in the northern part of the Gangfei, and the central army of the Falcon returned to the southwestern region. Not beginning to become indifferent, but in terms of Gaul, the Gauls have shown a tendency to move in the spring after a winter break. As the snow and snow covered the ground turns into the turbulent waters of the mountains, whether they are Gauls , Or Falcon Empire, both sides clearly feel


The validity of the armistice agreement, like this rapidly melting ice, will soon be filled with countless crazy war cry, the Gauls vowed revenge mentality, has spread in Gaul Kyoto, and from the Falcon Empire pull The reports of the Governor of Stie’s region are more and more frequent and appear on the fat man’s desk more and more frequently


The Governor of the Empire, who was born in the General Assembly of Dorok, wrote in the report: "The number of Gaulian troops had reached tens of thousands in early February, which was twice the number of our army. Under pressure, it is proposed to temporarily shrink our front!"


   And in another report of the Empire Minister responsible for the defense, Crolisat, this is the proposal


"The Gaul army was frequently mobilized and the offensive was imminent. The generals of the army eagerly hoped that His Majesty would issue an attack order as soon as possible. The Northwest Army's self-inferiority below 5435 people. Legion blood book...hòuhòu hundreds of pages of parchment "Let the fat man cry and laugh!"


(The fat man therefore asked about the paper making situation again. Fortunately, the craftsmen in the southwestern region have produced the first batch of paper belonging to the Falcon Empire according to Qianyun from the Central Biya Empire. The fat man looked at it, although It’s a bit rough, but at least it’s already possible to write things, no need to consume a lot of expensive fur every year)


  For these two reports with different attitudes, the fat man just smiled


After all, multiple choices are clerical, cautious by nature, lacking a sturdy style that will never go forward, and truly dominate such a confrontation of hundreds of thousands of armies. This is the first time that a large number of Gaul troops have encountered a large number of troops. Naturally, the first thing that comes to mind is defense. By making Docho the governor of the Lasti region, he hopes that Docho can stop the urge of the arrogant and powerful men under his command,


Crolisat was born as a mountain hunter, with a sturdy and brave personality. As he went south and went to the north, he never knew what he was afraid of. The Ruierdian North Army has 180,000, which established the reputation of the Falcon First Army. It is best at mobile assault, and the combat is fast and weird.


Cooling him in the Dorok Mountain for one year was not just for punishment. The soldiers of the Northwest Legion were the elite mountain infantry of the empire. They were suppressed for a whole year. The war is about to say that his eyes are not red now. That's what **** be called, but I didn't expect this guy to have made something sensational like a blood book. It seems to be forced to choke, and it must be a bite of three pounds when released.


The main military force of the empire has just ended its war with Gangfei, which requires a period of rest. The logistics of the southwestern region need time to mobilize. Walisian’s Grenadier Regiment is driving from the sea to Obaro, Hukochili and Saron. The two are in the southwest for full-time scheduling, and they are already too busy to deal with each other. "The Lasti area is the boundary between the two sides. Both the Gaul and Falcon empire are based on strong terrain, or cities, or fortresses, and their teeth are intertwined. Once the whole body is launched, the battle will be a **** brutal strangulation!


   Of course, the really most decisive report comes from Gaul Kyoto, a secret letter called Angelio


Angelio, who returned to Gaul Kyoto with Algeron Mauria, has fully gained the trust of the other party. With the recommendation of Algeron Leiria, he was appointed by the Emperor Gaul as the Privy Officer of the Gaul Military Department. A civil clerk responsible for drafting documents, but was fortunate to participate in the Emperor Gaul’s pre-presidency meeting. The main reason is that the Emperor Gaul needed to find someone to understand the situation in the northwest. Angelio, as a pure northwester, is undoubtedly the best candidate. According to this A high-level insider’s secret message, although Gaul’s high-level officials are making full efforts to mobilize troops and raise food, but the army that has not prepared for the final battle gathers Rasti. It seems to be like a rainbow, and it is always flooding the opposite side. The falcon army's posture, but in fact it is a stubborn stubborn. The previous fiasco in the battle with the falcon empire has made the Gaulian army lose its vitality to win.


Before and after the loss of soldiers, the death of countless generals, the army corpses ran across the field, from northwest to southwest, and then to Rasti, one third of the empire’s land was discarded in pieces, Gaul’s undefeated army soul, long ago It was smashed by the Falcon Empire Army in the Sola River,


   Even though the troops invested this time accounted for almost one-half of the empire’s current strength, half of the Liwan’s army fighting the Slavs in the north,


   But even so,


When Emperor Gaul asked who would dominate the battle, all Gaul generals were silent, the emperor Gaul face was pale, the generals bowed their heads one by one, their heads were dragged, and even succeeded in Rasti The famous general Hassan Lampo who blocked the offensive of the Falcons, he did not dare to accept it at this time. It was really stressful. Rasti would fight for less than a month. The empire general's hair was gray in half.


  The Gaul army at that time was 300,000, the Falcon army was 100,000, the Gaul army was defending, and the Falcon army was attacking. In the case of three to one, the record is. .


  . Collapsed and lost half of the defense! If it weren't for their own desperation, the entire Gaul's hinterland would have been beaten into a honeycomb by the fast falcon army!


   This time, the Gaul army, 10,000, was opposite the Falcon Empire Army, which was stockpiled by Liwan,


The most frustrating thing is that this is the situation where the Falcon Empire and the Gangfei Empire are fighting on the two fronts. The latest news is that the Vickia Falcon, who is like a **** of war, just killed 200,000 Gangfeiren, and the emperor hung Lost!


   Shit, is this still human!


  The generals of Gaul looked as if they had just died, and the brave generals would not dare to show their heads. Who would dare to meet such a bull!


  Finally at the Yuqian meeting, the Gauls made an amazing decision


   Marquis of the Gaul Military Department, Marquis Le Cobb, proposed that the Lianshe also suffered a fiasco of Gang Fei, Lian Gu struck the Falcon Empire in the middle of the two empires, and promised to give the northwest and southwest to Gang Fei after victory.


   Faced with the union of the two empires, the fat man had to be vigilant again,


   On the one hand, he closely followed the movements of Gangfei, and on the other hand, although the heavy soldiers of the empire in northern Gangfei had withdrawn


However, in the Putuo region, the 50,000 troops of the empire did not decrease but gained fat. From the Southern Army of Statunko, a main flag group was recruited to join the main force of the Empire fleet in the Putuo. The murderous warships assembled in Huacheng Port, and occasionally Wandering around the sea in Gangfei and Kyoto, Gangfei was extremely nervous about this,


Looking at his home as a play ground for the Falcon Empire Navy, at the banquet meeting with the Gaul Envoy, the non-Military Minister Rubin Sack grinned and pointed at the Falcon Empire Dragon-class battleship on the sea surface outside the window. The brave figure, said helplessly to the Gaul messenger


   "Hour Excellency, under this circumstance, can our country strike up the Falcon Empire with your country up and down?"


"The sudden death of His Majesty the Emperor, the chaos of various power struggles of the new and old ministers, plus the compelling momentum of the Falcon Empire, has caused this traditional empire to be caught in the storms. What we need to consider now is not the Southwest, but how not Fall into the flames of war!" The tone of this empire coach has already explained everything,


The Gaul messenger was quietly right. When he arrived in Gangfei, he realized that the real situation was far worse than expected. Gangfei people were also beaten. This can be seen on the face of any person on the streets of Gangfei Kyoto. come out


Hurrying passers-by, a port without a boat, the sun shining on the closed shops of the street, only a dark shadow, no hustle and bustle, no joyful voice, it should be a bright and happy season, but it is too invisible Many people, on the contrary, can see a large number of noble carriages carrying luggage and wandering away at the city gate


Although the war is over, the impact of the war is obviously not over. Spring is here, but the cold winter is stuck in this city. The once prosperous empire, Kyoto, is now completely gloomy, and the will is down, as if the soul was taken away. The empty shell, only the most important things go


"Is this the same arrogant once-arrogant man?" Standing in the middle of the wide street, the envoy of Gaul looked up to the sky. The sun in the clouds seemed to be unable to find this land. This felt too obvious because of this The internal spirit of the empire has collapsed! "


  The envoy of Gaul left the Gangfei Kyoto in a trance on the second day, because he had just got the news and completely cut off the plan to unite Gangfei


   News from Gangfei, Gangfei people are discussing


   "Moving to Beijing"


   An hour after the meeting with the Gauls


The 213 Gangfei officers represented by Secretary of the Army Rubin Sack and the 14 giants of Kyoto jointly proposed that, in order to avoid imperial Kyoto being shrouded in panic throughout the day, the royal family was asked to allow the imperial Kyoto to move from coastal areas to relatively safe Inland areas.


   This is a statement from Rubin Sack, the veteran of the three emperors! In the wind and rain of the empire, this old pillar supports the dark sky of the empire


To show the Gauls, we don’t want to fight, but we can’t fight when someone is forced to use a dagger to press our neck. On the other hand, we also show to the Falcon Empire. What people just want is to rest and recuperate,


   The third table is for the dignitaries who are not just in Kyoto. The battle in the nest also depends on the occasion. The enemy fleet has not left at the door, it is enough! Gang Fei's "Moving Beijing" shakes the nearby countries again, and the always strong Gang Fei people have compromised! This is extremely clear, and it also horrified CEIBS.


In the coastal areas that come in spring, the wind is bright and the sun is beautiful. The wild grass trembles slightly in the wind like a huge emerald screen. The mountains and peaks are undulating. Except for the peaks, they are covered with green plants. The fat man stopped under the horseshoe and extended to the blue and white seaside town of La Arup. From the port report, a squadron of the Strand Sea State just docked there, submitting formal diplomatic procedures, according to The lease agreement between the empire and the general duchy, these areas are under the management of the Falcon Empire,


  An excellent coastline of 150 miles, opened a new world for the empire!


The island chain on the sea of ​​Putao has been transformed into a trading port by the navy within two months~lightnovelpub.net~ Merchants from the southwestern region began to reclaim this "new continent." This is a symbol of a new era, imperial The business line has really begun to march into the hinterland of the Obaro mainland,


Merchant ships came from the southwest area, brought a large amount of cargo in Icadiwa, southwest, and northwest regions, and then from there, the goods in the non-region were shipped to the merchant ship, and the goods that were hoisted in the port area kept going day and night because of the Gaul side. The congestion of the mainland trade caused by the closure of commerce and trade, in this spring-filled season, it is like discovering that the floodwater of the outlet is rushing towards the Putuo area,


   Its rapid momentum makes the Putao area become a team of horses,


Putuo is not far from the hinterland, the goods are tax-free in Putuo region, and only 50% tax is charged for entering Gangfei. A large number of goods are rushed away at a low price and flooded like a tide. Just off the market, for the Duke of Putuo who has just restored control of the Principality,


   Barren coastal areas in exchange for more economically valuable northern urban areas are obviously more in the interest of the Principality


Even if these areas are not leased to the Falcon Empire, the Duke of Putuo will cry and plead for the Falcon Empire to station troops on its territory. The Duchy of the Settlement needs the protection of the strongman, and a large number of caravans from the sea trade line, It has also allowed a rapid recovery of the general economy that has been dying due to years of blockade


   Everything is like this spring of thunder, thunder, everything starts to move! (To be continued) [This text is provided by Qihang Update Team @小窝叮灵] (If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)