Whole Nation

~: 2,514 Falcons fall (24)


The autumn night wind blew on him, and the fat man came down from the stable carriage, tightened his collar, and walked up to the steps in front of him. The two Imperial guards at the top of the steps began to slowly open the door of the conference room in front of him, fat man. The calm and powerful footsteps solidified the entire air in the conference room,


"All rise"


The sound of standing up in unison, the whole conference room of the earthquake rang, the imperial generals in the room all stood up, and the low voice of grace stopped immediately, and the still can only hear the sound of the autumn wind blowing trees, the fat man walked Going in, you can see that standing on the left is the Empire Northern Army faction headed by Statunko from the Gaul area, and standing on the right is the general of the Central Army faction headed by Hu Keqili Long’s Southwest Army is located at the bottom of the head. The number of people is definitely the largest number of imperial military conferences. Even if the meeting room of the former Feishan Kingdom can seat hundreds of people, it is almost the entire conference room at the moment. Full of


No matter which faction's general, at this moment, their eyes contain hard-to-discover excitement and enthusiasm. The empire spent a full two months to finally gather the invincible brigades of the empire. There are only regular meetings every spring, but just standing here, you can feel the sigh of breath of the entire Imperial Army as you breathe


   "Sit down!"


  The fat man came to the most important position in the middle and sat down, glanced over the hot faces of everyone, and waved to everyone.


Many people think that the Imperial Army is at a disadvantage in the battle of Istan, because geographically, the core of the empire is too far away from the Istan region. If it is mobilized, it will take at least two to three months. Because of this, the coalition forces of the six southern countries will choose to defeat the Imperial Army in the battlefield of Istan,


   In fact, everyone is wrong. The Istan region is too far away from the empire's native core, but the empire has been developing its road system vigorously. It played a role at this moment, especially when the Imperial Army battled against Gaul, it already adopted the method of transporting troops by carriage. This is not what these countries without the concept of a transportation line can imagine. The empire is not lacking in horse-drawn carriages. It sits on the vast northern grasslands. The biggest target of the empire and prairie people is horses, not just limited to war horses. There are also a large number of pack horses. The various commercial carriages dragged by these pack horses are the foundation for the imperial trade to quickly circulate. The number of such pack horses in the empire cannot be calculated. According to the commercial scale of the empire, it is impossible to calculate Ten thousand pack horses are not too difficult,


  Just as the Imperial Army played against the southern coalition in the Istan region, the main battle forces around the empire had begun to gather, and all the pack horses used by the army's logistics were used. More than 300,000 front-line combat troops from the North of Obaro, the Gaul region, and the southwest region are constantly heading towards Faisan


The news that the southern coalition forces launched an assault on the empire in the Istan region has long been spread. How can an imperial soldier who pursues the **** blood of the majesty of the falcon and the iron law of the tooth and the tooth be able to swallow this breath, and with the navy's full force into the Istan In the area of ​​the empire, in the army, there is a growing demand for the emperor to send troops to discipline.


  Since the destruction of the Gaul Empire, the imperial military world has not seen such a consistent scene for more than a year, and even Prais, who is no longer a minister, has written a secret letter, outspoken the importance of the Istan region to the empire. Ask the fat man to win the Istan region anyway,


  This is not just a matter of expanding the territory, but a matter of determining the strategic direction of the empire for a hundred years. Although the Istan Empire has not fallen into a situation where it is about to be divided, it still occupies only the right place in terms of land territory. With a great empire that stretches two thousand miles from north to south, has a dazzling coastline and fertile land suitable for crop growth, has a complete political management system and a large population, it is still the most fertile region in the entire eastern Obaro. For Aden, Ikar, etc., at least one third of the country is desert, and the land foundation of the Istan Empire is much better than them.


According to Prais, this is a natural support point for expansion. If the empire can control the Istan region, it can completely use this as the center, stationing heavy troops, radiating the entire east and south, and expanding the influence of the empire to the maximum. To a limit, not to mention the two areas of communication between the Ottoman Empire and the Obaro, which is a veritable land bridge between the mainland and the north. Whether it is for the south to go north or the north to go south, if you don’t want to cross the inland sea, you can only pass this from the Istan area Road, that is to say, as long as the empire masters the Istan region for a day, the southern region of the Inland Sea must act according to the empire's complexion


  Since he no longer served as deputy governor, he now serves as deputy dean of the Imperial Military Academy, specializing in teaching administrative content and training the internal affairs officers of the Empire,


Compared with the generation of empire military talents, the empire is still lacking in administrative and internal affairs. As a former deputy chief of the empire, it is natural to be very clear about this situation. He is not in an important position. This former deputy chief is also serving the empire for a hundred years. Considering the development, the identity of the emperor’s father-in-law and the former deputy chief of the military of the empire was there, and naturally he would get a lot of high-level news about the military of the empire. The battle between the North and the South in the Istan region broke out, and Prais’s statement showed a bit of superior foresight beyond everyone’s eyes. Even the fat people did not think of this. The fat people were just preparing to defeat the Southern United Army. , Adopted a policy of slow cannibalization of the Istan region, and digested the Istan Empire bit by bit, but now it seems that it will not work,


  As stated in the secret letter of Prais, defeating the southern coalition once and completely letting the southern coalition die in the Istan region are completely different.


To defeat the southern coalition, Prais believed that there was already a plan for His Majesty the Falcon, but Prais proposed that for the southern coalition to completely abandon the Istan region, in addition to military defeat, it must be more powerful To completely deter the south, we must let the south know that the strength of the empire is far from what they can contend with.


  The Empire can not only defeat the southern coalition forces, but also has a lot of surplus power to launch a more terrible invasion war against the south. Only in this way can the south be able to compromise and give up its covetation and ambitions in the Istan region, otherwise. The Istan region will become the center of the north-south war in the next ten years, or even a hundred years, and the empire will not take advantage of it. Instead, it will become a big quagmire that devours the strength of the empire!


  After defeating the coalition forces in the south, they have to show enough strength to force the south to compromise. This condition, even for the Falcon Empire, is quite a difficult task. After fully considering Prais’s proposal. The fat man finally decided to promote this war to full-strength morning reading. This is not the assembly of a certain aspect of the empire. This is the assembly of the entire empire. The goal of the empire is not the competition of a certain area, but a vast area. The Istanian empire must not only defeat the south, but also really win the Istan, so that the south will not dare to have the slightest coveted heart, even if it is just a glance. It hurts in my bones,


Let the staff introduce the situation of the entire Istan battlefield, and also convey what Prais said. The fat man solemnly closed the battle plan in his hand, and his eyes swept across the quiet conference room around him. Sheng said, "This operation is divided into two parts. The first part has completely attracted the main force of the southern coalition to Istanbul, Kyoto. This has been done. The second part, completely wiped out the southern coalition in the Istan region and launched the south. Invasion warfare, this is the task you all want to perform"


   "Now. I start to announce orders!" No fat man's voice paused, the generals' faces were shocked, and they could feel the air freezing a bit.


  "Salton's Second Army of the South, as the first wave of force, accompanied the transport fleet into the battlefield of Istan!" The fat man stopped his voice and glanced at Salton, who had belonged to the Imperial Southern Army. This former Rude German general is known as a remnant lion. His eyes are bright. He has a straight black imperial general uniform and short hair. He looks very spiritual.


Salton was always known for fighting tenaciously. The most important thing is that the elite of the Nord army is basically in the Second Army of the South under his command, although most people think that the emperor’s famous star clusters are gathered in the original Wikya In the army, but compared to the general united war in the mainland, which is covered with the medal of honor, General Vickia, the Nord generals are also a very admirable group, the German heavy infantry, once the Ikadiva continent The infantry's combat strength is the first, and the best is the siege. It is suitable for becoming the sharpest pointed cone that the imperial army entered from the middle.




Salton stood up and said in response, with a seemingly calm face, but red flashes in his eyes, and the hand holding under the table was shaking slightly, and finally, His Majesty Falcon placed the heavy responsibility of the first battle The Southern Army is on the top. This will be a battle for the Southern Army to forge its own glory. It is an opportunity for the Nord soldiers to rebirth. It is not time for the Empire star group to add several generals. After an order was issued, the generals stood up one by one, the temperature in the entire conference hall was rising, and the generals’ eyes were getting hotter and hotter,


This battle between North and South hits here, and when it is time for a real bayonet to become red, His Majesty Falcon's Xiu Hao has never shot, and the shot must be deadly nailed into the opponent's dead hole, allowing the opponent to connect There was no chance of turning over, and this time, the southern coalition base gathered 300,000 troops to rush to rescue the remnants of the coalition forces trapped in Istanbul Kyoto. I never imagined that the Imperial Army would dare to cross the middle. With a slash in the waist, Varisian had already slashed once in Istanbul Kyoto, and this time, if the knife really cuts, the southern coalition will be removed even if it is not dead!


  Where is the waist cut with this knife? The most important port in central Istan, Rooney Port


The effect of the imperial navy victory is showing. The main force of the imperial navy led by Dustronkai finally ambushed successfully in the Highland waters. In this battle, nearly 300 warships were sunk and wounded in the southern coalition. Then Dustronkai Leading the fleet to the south, captured the most important port of Cluny in the middle of the Istan Empire from the southern coalition forces, and completely cut off any possibility of the southern coalition navy to enter the north. The victory of this sea battle directly laid the whole battle. The reversal of the form, don’t look at the hundreds of thousands of coalition forces, but in the face of the Istanian coastline of nearly a thousand miles, hundreds of thousands of troops can only stare. Whoever has control of the sea area has the power to transport troops at will, Now, it is time for the empire to fully exert its strength. With this breakthrough point, 300,000 imperial troops gathered in the Feishan area will flock in


   "Why not use the navy to transport it in the past?" Someone whispered


"Now invite people from the Military and Marine Department to come in! If you have any questions, you can ask directly! I still have things, so I won't delay everyone." The fat man reached out and gestured to the staff officer behind him, and stood up and walked into the side door of the conference room. Re-adjusted, then the request of the Eero Empire also needs to be considered, and the fat man has asked the Elo emissaries


Soon, several officers from the Imperial Navy Department entered the venue. One of the leading officers saluted the generals and said, "Masters, I am the commander of the Imperial Navy Logistics Fleet. May I ask, if I can answer, I must answer. Before that, please allow me to explain that this time the imperial navy used 400 transport fleets, but 300,000 troops will be invested in Istan. It is a huge test. Even if the Imperial Navy transport ship is fully operational, it will take two to three months to transport the 300,000 troops, so only 100,000 people will be able to pass through the navy. Transportation, and it needs to be divided into three batches, and it takes one month to complete all of them."


"Three months... Is there anything left?" The generals present were stunned, and some people even rolled their eyes and let other legions fight for three months. It is estimated that the southern coalition had no scum. How can everyone still get it? Military merit, such a big scene, waiting for three months is no different than giving up


   "Can the time be shortened?" an army general asked eagerly


   "Short time?" Luo Xike froze for a moment, hesitantly asked, "Is the shortening meant by adults?"


   "It means speeding up and transporting us within a week


   "This is impossible!"


The Logistic Fleet Commander Luo Xieke had a black line on his forehead. He shook his head. What did the army think about? A transport ship no matter how big, it was great to be able to hold three or four thousand people. It takes time to go back and forth. The Army is not familiar with the Navy. Despite short-term cooperation, it is still two systems. As Logistic Fleet Commander Luo Xieke said, even using all the Navy transport ships is not enough. There are too many 100,000 people. This is still the case where the Imperial Navy has used the time controlled in the northern waters of Istan to build a large number of naval facilities.


In order to receive the aid of the Empire, Istanbul Kyoto has packaged all the ports and facilities in the northern part of Istanbul to the empire, including the former emperor Thoradin I of the Istanian Empire. A series of naval facilities established in the province, in order to build the navy of the Istan Empire, the talented Thoradin I had invested a lot of blood. Only after expansion, there were eleven ports capable of docking large warships, capable of manufacturing large and medium-sized There are thirty-nine warship docks, and there are many large and small supporting facilities,


The naval facilities of the Eastern Province ~lightnovelpub.net~Hayala had already given it to the Imperial Navy as a base, and now the facilities in northern Istania have also been in the hands of the Imperial Navy. Hidden completely, it was not revealed until the battle of Heideland


The generals were still arguing in the conference room. The fat man had come to a remote room. The guard opened the door. The fat man walked in and saw a middle-aged man in the costume of the Aristocrat salute him respectfully, waved his hand, fat man Opening the door and saying, "I won't say anything about etiquette, let's just say that the Empire can help Elero consider, but what can Elero give the Empire?"


  "Hero can temporarily withdraw the southern coalition forces!"


The Eromite said with full confidence that although the coalition has so much strength, although the empire has an advantage in the Istan region temporarily, everyone sees it. Soon the advantage of the empire will soon move north due to the heavy army of the coalition base, not only There will be no advantage, or even the fear of being surrounded. If the Eero Empire can give the coalition to suspend the northward advance, the emperor of the Falcon Empire must be overjoyed. If the special envoy knows that the fat man has just held a meeting, ask The Imperial Army will attack with all its strength, and you will know how ridiculous it is to use this condition.


  "This condition doesn’t make sense to me!" The fat man smiled lightly and waved his hand unintentionally. Of course, he could not say that if the empire wanted to wipe out the coalition forces in the Istan region, how could it be withdrawn?




   [Unfinished to be continued "This text is provided by the sailing update team @情不知所起 hj". If you like this work, welcome to support the author. 】