Whole Nation

~: 2177 Public Enemies in the Mainland (5)

Less than three hundred meters away from the Long Street, the melodious tune "Blue Nero", the most famous composer of Capello in the centuries of the Eero Empire, is coming from the banquet hall. Hundreds of nobles and elders who came to the banquet were dancing the cheerful Elo Waltz. The nobles in gorgeous costumes walked around like fish. Some people happily ran around with wine glasses, and some whispered each This so-called anecdote exchanged the ladies' mouths in surprise,

No one will notice the looming sounds of hundreds of meters from the distance, except for the silent Governor Barcinra standing alone on the balcony

His gaze was focused on the direction of the translucent long street illuminated by fire, and his hands were heavily placed on the cold marble handrails of the balcony. "It was indeed a hands-on! I used my banquet as a bait to ambush the Falcon Empire Chamber of Commerce. , These guys, they really don’t take themselves seriously!" Bashinra murmured to himself with an ugly face, and took a deep breath.

Although the people from the three major chambers of commerce did not participate, the other chambers of commerce and the nobles nearby were not the only ones to attend the banquet. Ba Xingla had controlled the port of Kailuo for fifteen years. Build into your own sphere of influence. Here, who dares not sell his face, and Basinra knows that the nobles near Kailuo should have received more or less some imperial kings. It seems that they are planning to target the Falcon Empire. The sound of the Chamber of Commerce,

"I thought there was a good show, who knows that the protagonist did not come!"

Several Aristocrats who were talking in a low voice with wine glasses swept the audience, revealing a bit of disappointment, and thought that there would be a good show of the needle tip to Maimang. The three major chambers of commerce did not come at all, and no one even appeared in the Falcon Empire Chamber of Commerce. It may not be peaceful tonight! "There are also some experienced aristocrats who have smelled an unpredictable hunch from this situation, and their eyes are somewhat restless on the back of the Governor General on the balcony.

At this time. A servant walked hurriedly into the hall where the banquet was being held, looked around, and went straight to the balcony where Basinra was.

"Sir, just half an hour ago, the people of the Ali Chamber of Commerce started!" The servant whispered solemnly behind Basinra.

"How is it going?" Basinra turned back impatiently, his eyes shining. After changing the previous decadence, it has been a long time since this exalted state. Now Basinra is like a fighting dog who has been forced into a poor alley. The military department is threatened by his nephew, and the prime minister is also on the side. More or less implied that he did what the military department meant. But is this really the case? After spending countless years of hard work, Kai Luo, the first foreign trade port of the Empire for 15 years, is destined to be swept by this unstoppable torrent?

Although I don’t know what the military department promised to the three major chambers of commerce, even if there is nothing, the three major chambers of business will not hesitate to seize this opportunity to fight the biggest competitors. Although the Falcon Empire Chamber of Commerce is an outsider, it has extraordinary strength In addition, the falcon empire navy, which is invincible in the vertical and horizontal waters, is supported. Regardless of the results of the hands of the three major chambers of commerce, it is the port of Kailuo that really gets revenge in the end!

Basinla's heart was full of bitterness, and he wanted to cry in depression. If possible, he still hopes to minimize the impact of this storm as much as possible. Unfortunately, Bassinra did not know that the declaration of war against the Falcon Empire under the excuse of Kailuo was a plan approved by the Baruch emperor. Otherwise, even Basinra's boldness. Basinra did not dare to inform the Falcon Empire Chamber of Commerce of the secrets of the three major chambers of commerce through the neutral channel.

"The situation is very unfavorable. The Falcon Empire Chamber of Commerce seems to be prepared, and just broke up the people of the Ali Chamber of Commerce," the servant said calmly.

"Well. That said, the assassination failed?" Basinra's face softened slightly, but his heart was secretly reassured and failed. As long as the Falcon Empire Chamber of Commerce did not suffer, at least the possibility of retaliating Port Kailuo was reduced. Many, you see, my Basinra is enough for you. Although the strength of the Ali family ranks at the bottom of the three major chambers of commerce, it is not a problem to call for more than a hundred dare to die, and it was suddenly launched under the unpredictability. The head of the Eagle Empire Chamber of Commerce is all killed, and there is still the possibility of cutting it in half. What really worried Basingra is the Solomon Chamber of Commerce, the first of the three major chambers of commerce,

This huge chamber of commerce that has existed since the establishment of the empire has always had an unfathomable feeling. There has always been a rumor in the king capital that the Solomon Chamber of Commerce was actually established by the first emperor of Eero. It was only after the Solomon Chamber of Commerce's efforts to gather gold that it supported the expansion of the Nero River by the first-generation Emperor of Eero, and turned thousands of miles into a huge fund of boundless ferns. Even the current Solomon Chamber of Commerce is said to be somewhat different from the imperial royal family. In terms of vulgar relations, Port Kailuo has always been the most important stronghold of the Solomon Chamber of Commerce. This time, the young businessman of the Solomon Chamber of Commerce, known for his decisive and fierce business, Blasi, arrived at the port of Kailuo. Its means is not yet known, but The identity of the young business owner alone is not comparable to that of a division head of the Ali family, and the power and funds that can be mobilized are several times higher than that of the Ali family. If the Solomon Chamber of Commerce launched the raid, I am afraid that it will be another ending.

Thinking of this, Basinra ordered to his servants, "Follow the movements of the Solomon Chamber of Commerce! And tell the police station that no matter what happened, even without my order, even a soldier could not appear in the port area! Remember, this At this moment, anything with the color of the governor's government will make the merchants of the Falcon Empire hate the governor's government. Since the three major chambers of commerce are so impatient, let's fight and die. The governor's government is here. Being neutral in the matter has already given the three major chambers of commerce a face, and as far as the military department is concerned, it is enough to make a mess!"

"Yes, I get it!" This apparently Basinla's servant nodded and quickly left. Basinla turned in a good mood and walked from the balcony into the hall with a glass of wine.

On the top of the third floor of a large villa 100 meters away from the Long Street, the wind blew his hair, and the cold shook his face. Hearing the sound of killing in his ears, from here, you can clearly see the situation on the Long Street and see the Ali’s house. The murdered people crawled and crawled, and the corner of the mouth of the young merchant of the Solomon Chamber of Commerce, Blasi, slightly raised, and there was a mockery.

He said to another person around him, "It is said that many fighters of the Falcon Empire will use merchants and sailors as their first choice after retirement. It seems true that only a few people have killed several of the Ali family. Ten people, although the main members of the Ali family are too weak, but the skill of the business leaders of the Falcon Empire really makes people feel bright, and I don’t know that this is a long-term battle team. Of regular soldiers!"

"The young business owner laughed. Although these people are indeed soldiers and may have outstanding combat power, for the young business owner, it is just a bit more brute force."

Standing next to Blasi is a middle-aged 30-year-old man with a somber face. It is the head of the Solomon Chamber of Commerce in Port Kellow, Yadser. The person in charge is not bad looking, with a pair of slender eyebrows. Eyes like sharp swords, with a low-spirited attitude in the tone of conversation, one of the four most important strongholds of the Port Solomon family of Kailuo, almost controls the lifeline of the ocean trade of the Solomon family, and the person in charge, Yadsel, directly The head of the Chamber of Commerce is responsible for the heads of the four branches of the head of the central government. It is not yet known whether the head of the Chamber of Commerce, the young business owner, is the head of the Chamber of Commerce. It is already very good to have such an attitude.

"Oh, sometimes brute force is also an advantage!" Blassie smiled, his tone of dissatisfaction with Yadser revealed, although you are one of the four sub-ministers directly under the head of the Chamber of Commerce, but I am also a popular candidate to become the head of the chamber of commerce in the future. This time, it is just a matter of arranging you to do something. If you are dissatisfied, you will not scold it. Don't fall into my hands in the future, otherwise. . . . . . Blasi hated it in his heart, but said with a condensed voice in his mouth, "The military department offers a reward, whoever provokes the incident first, and who will give the military department the right to transport materials in the next three years. The three major chambers of commerce are anxious to perform, and they all want to grab the first one. The Ali family has always been self-righteous and hastily touched their hands with blood, but the Philip Cang family did not lead. Now they must be waiting for me in a dark place. It should be thinking of touching fish in muddy water, even if it is not favored by the military, but it is enough to get enough benefits in this turmoil.

"The Fei Cang family was originally a woman, and it has only risen in the last thirty years. It lacks the necessary courage and is normal."

Arthur's mouth slightly flicked and said with some worry, "It's just a young business owner~lightnovelpub.net~ I dare to ask, is it really good to implement that plan? According to the power of our Solomon Chamber of Commerce, we must choose It’s not difficult to start an incident with the Falcon Empire Chamber of Commerce. Why do you overdo it? Once the matter spreads, I’m afraid that our Solomon Chamber of Commerce will have difficulty facing the condemnation of all parties!"

"Pass it out? Don't admit it, after all, we also have a lot of losses!" Blasey sneered unintentionally. "It's too much, it's not enough. If you want to take the military department's list, you want to cause it. For greater appreciation, if there is not even grabbed ambition, then there is nothing worth trying!"

"But..." Yadsel also wanted to say

"Okay, just do it. As for the responsibility, I will bear it all!" Blasey waved his hand calmly to stop Yadser from continuing. He came down from the top floor and came down to the gate steps below In the past, countless red flashing torches illuminate the Guangping in front of the whole gate, and countless hot eyes focused on him at the same time, about four or five hundred people, all riding horses, everyone in the hands Holding a torch, and carrying something bulging on his back, the torch blown by the night wind saw the brasi appear, suddenly became silent, and the air flow seemed to stop.

"Everyone, let's go! Turn every house you see in the port into flames!" Blasi raised his hand seriously, (to be continued)