Whole Nation

~: 2940 Civilization (22)

Countless water columns interweave a spectacular and tragic picture on the surface of the sea. The overwhelming Eero soldiers are in front of the densely bursting water column, just like the leaves in the storm were swept in instantly, and stopped on the surface of the six. An imperial dragon-class main battleship is like a blasting turret. "Everyone presses up. The other's ships are very close. The other's Thor is absolutely afraid to attack in this way!"

The **** body of a leading Eero officer was soaked in the sea water, still shouting towards the Aden soldiers pouring in behind, driving more people to rush forward, and the smoke from the sea breeze, let him There was a fierce cough, the dense crowd packed the sea, and the crowded head was like a mushroom in the forest, charging toward the white smoke in front. The confidence of winning made a large number of Aden soldiers roar and slam In the past, the white pungent smoke quickly formed a huge smoke around the fleet with every roar. The location of the Imperial Navy fleet was like a huge white dough on the sea in the distance, only to see the warship flicker when it was shelled. Fire, not to mention Capello, the commander of the Fero's Fifth Army on the cliff a few hundred meters away, is that the Airo soldiers who are fighting to the death of the fleet with the artillery fire are unable to see the specifics inside. I don’t know. Just after the third shot, the bombarded Imperial Dragon-class battleship has turned to both sides in the smoke of the diffuse sea.

Originally, the imperial fleet, which was lined up in a dense queue, has invisibly become two parts. Six Dragon-class main battleships are quietly giving way to the front, just like the fox that just stole the chicken. In the rear, 110 imperial transport fleets loaded with combat troops were sent to the front.

On the other hand, a group of imperial crossbowmen on the deck of the hundreds of imperial transport ships that changed from the rear to the front, began to follow the command to direct the imperial infantry crossbow to the sea below, and looked down from the top Are you exhausted in the fire and the sea, the Eero people who are entering the huge killing field blankly

The smoke on the sea is very large, but for tall Imperial transport ships, these smoke only blur the distance in front. For the nearby situation, the people above can be seen at a glance, while the people floating below the water can basically not see the hull. On the deck of the ship, I don’t know when the roar of Thor has stopped. The sea breeze began to blow away the white smoke. A triangular bow up to 20 meters like a giant awakened from the deep sea suddenly rushed to the sea. Luo Ren, the round and thick hull is like crushing and rolling over the Eruo people, ah! what! "Innumerable shouts came from the sea, the huge hull, just over these ant-sized targets, and dozens of Ero soldiers were attracted by the vortex of the bow, and they were attracted by the hard ship on the spot. The bones of the whole body crashed into the corner of the head, and the other Erow soldiers were madly trying to escape, and they were in a mess.

, Hook up, brave Eero warriors! For victory! For Herro, assault! "

An Eero officer looked at it all with bloodshot eyes, knowing that escape was impossible, took off the commanding sword bit in his mouth, turned tragically and rushed towards the nearest ship's base, and was suddenly hit by a huge bow The shadow is gone

"Mother, a lot of ships!" "Hurry up!"

All kinds of screams and wailing, the Eero people in the water are completely ignorant, not to say that there are only six Imperial Dragon-class battleships, then the piece of the ship in front of him now is crushed like a huge grinding disc. what? Is it something wrong with intelligence? Compared with these huge hulls coming from the collision, they are like imprisoned monsters who rushed into the giant country. When the battleship moves, let alone assault climbing the warship. Even so many warship movements are enough to move the positive film. The sea turned into hell, and the Ero people who were close behind had been turned away by the scene in front of them.

Then I heard an imperial language, countless clusters of arrows. As the base of these ships approached, they suddenly went crazy from the deck of the ship, like a large net with no way to avoid, and immediately fell on the dense subordinates." There is an ambush!" The shouts of the Eeros had not been completely dropped, they had been hit by several crossbow arrows, and the body was bursting with fountain-like blood. They were crowded together densely, and more and more large ships, In this way, under the impetus of the waves, the corpses floated in countless places, like countless huge iron plows scratched huge water marks in the crowd, and in the seventy of the Eero soldiers who were struggling to swim. Falling down, sinking into the water and never getting up again, corpses floating on the surface of the sea flipped with the waves, like abandoned sacks,

In the distance, General Erow on the cliff has shouted with excitement all over his face

"Rush up, our people rushed up!"

"Senior Capello is indeed a British martial wise. Knowing that the Falcon Emperor holds the status of the first army god, he will not escape without a fight!"

"How about the Imperial Dragon Class, our army has already entered the sea with more than 20,000 people, even though the Imperial Dragon Class battleship has the title of the dragon of the sea, but the number of six ships is short, even if all the shells of the six Dragon Class battleships are all Lighting up, in such a dark night, can cause three or four thousand casualties is already the limit, and such losses are completely no problem for the Fifth Army, which is full of 40,000 people, and wants to seize the Falcon Empire The emperor, the famous first military **** on the mainland, the necessary sacrifices are inevitable. Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is just in sight."

The generals smiled one by one, and Capello stood at the forefront of everyone, standing tall and tall, like a lone wolf, his eyes looked at the distant sea with some complacency, although he could not see clearly because of the distance, but Thor’s roar that had completely stopped convinced him that his assault troops had successfully rushed up. Only in this case, in order to avoid accidentally injuring his own people, the Empire’s Thor would stop the launch of the mouse. The original worry for him was the Empire. After the navy found the attack, it would choose to evacuate. In that case, the Fifth Army of Eero, who was purely infantry, only had to stare, but the imperial navy did not choose to retreat, but the moment the artillery was launched, Capello was temporarily stunned. Afterwards, it was a bright-eyed fearful compliment

Sure enough, the warlord did not choose to escape!

In the military sense during the day, someone had suggested what to do if the Imperial fleet was evacuated. Capello said at that time that he was confident. As long as it was arranged, he was confident that the Imperial Navy would not evacuate. He bet on the Falcon Empire The emperor's arrogance. In the rumors, this emperor is one of the few monarchs who dare to face the **** battlefield. It is said that the battle that killed 300,000 Feishan's elite Bavarian battles overnight. This emperor even more It was personally commanded, with three ice castles rising in the night, consuming the 300,000 Fei Shan army's vigour, such a warrior-class character, he believes that he will never choose a cowardly one because of a raid. retreat,

Although some people felt that Capello’s judgment was not safe, the generals finally adopted Capello’s conception, “If the emperor finds that the situation is not good at the beginning, the emperor will choose to escape immediately, but if it is Take a small part of the attack, introduce the opposing navy into combat, and then continue to fill in a large force of warfare, then the empire emperor should first order the fleet to resist when he first found out that there were not many attackers. At that time, even if I wanted to go, I couldn’t get rid of it. In the end, I would definitely be captured by our military students."

It seems that the plan was very successful, at least halfway through

Capello took a deep breath from the opposite side of the sea, the corners of his mouth split open, looking at the front with a smile

He did not expect that in the piece of white smoke that had not been dissipated, he had high hopes, the strongest combat effectiveness, and the troops responsible for capturing the Imperial warships for the first time. At the moment, he was suffering the most efficient slaughter, the diffuse white smoke Blocked the view of the coastline, not to mention the unclear night

In the sea like ink, there is a dark red blood mass

"The first team backed up and loaded, the second team stepped forward to aim"

As a transport ship used by the mobile fortress at sea, the staggered shooting between ships shows that the army is well-trained and methodical. Even if it is a murder, efficiency must be emphasized. Each transport ship is flanked by two teams of crossbowmen, a team of 100 people. After the shooting, the second team filled in. When the Ero people thought that the Empire Thor was stopped because of the mouse control, thousands of Empire crossbows were reaping the life on the sea below, and the crossbows broke through the whistling belt. Hissing bleakly! The hull rolled down, the screams and the crackling sound of broken bones and ribs continued to sound! The heaviest ships in the transport fleet are moving closer to the middle of the side of the array, as if the two huge gates of **** are closing,

After the other transport ships are pulled apart along the sides. One left and one right traversed into the surging Adenites on the sea. Now, in addition to the imperial crossbowmen shooting in a uniform direction, the sailors of the imperial navy fleet could not bear it anymore. They gathered on the deck and were skilled Throws a harpoon with a noose in his hand to the person below. After stabbing a target, several people pull the noose back together. The person who is stabbed often does not die immediately, but is pointed by the harpoon. Hanging up, the screaming wailing was held high above the water, and the harpoon pulled back was hung steadily under the side of the ship.

For a time, the sides of the battleship were quickly covered with people, like a bunch of gourd strings. This is a practice that the navy used to punish pirates, and now it is used by the imperial sailors to punish these attackers." The ship of His Majesty the Emperor was also able to be disturbed by these dirty guys! No matter what is dead or alive, all hang up!" A naval admiral on the battleship commanded an angry sailor to move more harpoons from the bottom silo Come up, today all the army's crossbowmen are in the limelight, how can this be done, don't hang three or four hundred to save some face, and in the future will not be scolded by his colleagues

As the struggle on the sea became less and less, the transport ship began to put down a small boat, these boats are used for escape configuration, now it is used for slaughter, the imperial soldiers stand on the boat one by one Holding the longest three-meter-six-six long gun of the emperor's standard, he stabbed at the wounded Ero who was still moaning on the sea. This was completely silent for the coast. The massacre did not last until two hours later, when a few Eero soldiers who fled to the ground were finally exposed

"You mean the troops are all over!" Capello's iron-faced hand grabbed an escaped officer's blood-stained collar. His face was full of unbelieving expressions. How could it be over? That's the elite of 20,000 people, and the opponent is just six Dragon-class battleships! When the officer's voice recounted the massacre in a crying voice, Capello pulled a large handful of his hair in pain, and the blood on his scalp ran down his cheek, transport ship? What is this! Is it an insult to yourself! The 20,000 people who have been trained for three years before their hard work have been included in the top five elite troops even if they are placed in the whole army of Eero. They are easily killed by the other party's transport fleet! This kind of feeling is like a pervert who is going to attack the widow’s bed at night, but before he touches the bed, he is bitten to death by the dog raised by the widow’s family.

The **** smoke, Capello clenched his fingers, and his face was bleak. The sharpness of confidence just now was of course no longer there. At this moment, he did not know that the other ship's fleet began to block the sight of the coastline. Smoke is a trap, it's really stupid to get home!

"Sir, what should I do now?"

The generals turned pale and looked at each other. No one expected that this would be the result. The imperial fleet really did not move~lightnovelpub.net~ but just moved a bit at random, and then crushed 20,000 erro Minced meat floating on the sea, if such a report is sent to His Majesty the Emperor, everyone will not just laugh at it, but will be declared by the Emperor as a personal rebellion.

In the distance, the law enforcement team followed by the emperor appeared holding a banner in sight, and the generals were paler.

"All this is my responsibility. Attacking the imperial fleet is entirely my personal behavior. You just executed my orders!" Capello organized his military uniform and glanced at the imperial fleet on the far sea, And the white line that began to emerge behind the fleet, it was a sign that the sky was about to shine. The attack failed. Naturally, this responsibility is for someone to bear the responsibility. Since I missed the opportunity, I can only avoid the two lines to fight. In order to restore yesterday As a consequence of the late attack, Capello knew that his head would be sent to the emperor of the Falcon Empire as soon as possible. Only with this kind of sincerity would he be able to barely dispel the anger of the military **** emperor. The problem is that he was fooled People look like themselves!

"Sir, let me give you a ride." The emperor Tanir, who was one of the law enforcement officers, strangled the war horse not far away. His cold face was like ice, and he waved to the law enforcement team behind him. Wearing a black uniform and a black cloak, the law enforcement team came down from the horse and walked towards Capello (to be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Net)