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~: 3,516 Elegies in the Wind (9)

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The prairie cavalry's long-bow fast horse, taking advantage of the prairie bow's high rate of fire, and the arrow rain that erupted at a certain distance, often harassed, and then retreated. ┏Ⅹ④④⑨⑨┛However, once the prairie cavalry soldiers charged, there was an endless scene. The nature of the prairie wolf's fearlessness was also burst out at this moment. In the horse and the machete, the 30,000 Xiting Tieqi entered the whole line. The heavy blade iron armor as the main force of the assault stepped into the white river channel in front of him. It was like the head of the stone that was shocked by the huge waves. It seemed to want to put everything in front of him All drowned,

Although these melee cavalry of the Xi Ting Army cannot afford double armor like the imperial heavy cavalry, they are also equipped with more than two layers of chain armor. Both men and horses have armor on them, they are not afraid of long-range bow shooting, and they have a cavalry buckler One-handed long-handled heavy scimitar, a heavy scimitar used by this prairie assault cavalry, is twice as long as the general prairie scimitar, and even the knife with a handle has a length of 1.5 meters. Sixty to seventy centimeters, sharp blade, heavy blade back, with the heavy impact of the war horse, once the charge is initiated, there is no need to even slash, just put the blade flat and you can draw a line in the crowd Flesh marks

The Martin Liya soldiers watched these obviously heavily armored cavalry coming like a rush, and the cry turned into fear instantly, running, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... with hysterical voices throughout, The cavalry slammed into the river and the cavalry rushed into the river at high speed. The cavalry slammed into the body of the man.

The collapse of the tens of thousands of troops has already stunned the generals of the Martin Forces in the back. In this way, the troops in the river channel collapsed, and the imperial cavalry wearing black armor slashed and killed in the crowd like a tide. In the frontal collision room, the wings have spread. It quickly began to extend towards the center. Soon after, this black color seemed to cover the entire waternet battlefield.

The short armor issued by the opposite black armored cavalry at close range is not a heavy infantry wearing two layers of armor. Don’t even want to stop it. The water net is only so large, and the opposite black armored cavalry jumps into the water net. In fact, what caused the local troops in the water net to suffer the most was not the assault of the opponent’s heavy blow cavalry, but the large number of cavalry shooters standing on the periphery of the water net. These cavalry shooters stood on the edge of the water net and did not have a swarm of bees. Squeezed in, but invariably pulled the bow to open the string, covering the melee cavalry that burst into the water net, often bursting the arrow clusters, like the wheat field swept by a violent wind, the local side fell down in groups,

In this case, who can stand on their feet, even if they are still subconsciously not dare to retreat, they can no longer organize an effective counterattack. I just stared blankly at the corpses stacked on top of each other, and the wounded who were desperately struggling in the water. I had no idea what to do for a while!

"What are the archers in Biyayan City doing, but what are they not doing yet?"

Carnathan shouted pale, and the water net was less than 100 meters away. If it was Biyayan City, it would be condescending, and the range would be one third farther. The enemy cavalry had all been killed in the water net, Biyayan City. The shooter didn't even respond at all. If these shooters are willing to block the arrow, the situation in the water net will never be so miserable.

"Adult, we still have people in the water network"

A general of the Cananello family replied in a daze, saying that with the large number of broken troops in front, these generals were also turning around in the flag, and the horn was blowing frequently. They are desperately gathering their defeated troops, but there are still as many as 10,000 or 20,000 soldiers struggling in the water net. These soldiers have been mixed with the enemy cavalry who stepped into the river.

"What time is it, do you care so much? If you don't shoot at this time, what's the use until the opposite cavalry rushes ashore! The shooter of this formation immediately followed my orders and covered the river immediately!" Carnathan said, his face angry and angry. There are also twelve squadrons assembled in the direction of this team, all of which are the elite of the Cananello family. It has always been a full establishment. The officers are all served by the outstanding disciples of the Cananello family. The strong armor is 5,000 strong. These are the capital of Cananello’s rule in the Ellen Valley. The Cananello family can be named. The top ten lords of Limartin, who can rule the Ellen Valley like iron barrels, are themselves a very warlike family. Even Carnathan, who frequently makes mistakes in front of him, is only due to lack of combat experience, but in the beginning The layout is still remarkable, if it is not sloppy that the military is supreme, the situation will definitely not be the case!

But the gap lies in experience. The Dou Weiyan of the Imperial Army said that it is not too much to go through a hundred battles, let alone the two wars of the Empire on the battlefield of Obaro, the destruction of the Gaul Empire and the destruction of the Gangfei Empire. Wei Yan was personally involved, knowing the weaknesses of the Obaro infantry combat, and in the area of ​​Irun, Commander Carnathan, as the family head of the Cananello family, has no experience in wars. Some small slave rebellions are completely crushed by the advantage of the regular army. The commander's strength is at most 3,000. Once on the battlefield of tens of thousands of people, Carnathan is completely Lazy

You know, a battlefield of thousands of people is completely different from a battlefield of tens of thousands of people. In the battle of the cold weapon era, a team of teams opened up, and the blood was killed, and the armies fought together. Basically, no command can pass on. Most soldiers can see the military flag, so the military flag is the soul of the army. If the military flag is there, the general is there, and he will die. If the military flag falls, it will be a general battle. If you are dead, what are you playing? You can still run alive early, not to mention that the commander of the army is not a god. It is impossible to notice the details of the entire battlefield all the time.

In many cases, when the order is given out, the commander himself does not know what the consequences will be. It is just a bet. The importance of experience is here. If there is an error, the experienced person will try to stabilize the situation, and the inexperienced person He will be in a hurry, a mess, who can seize the opportunity to defeat the opposite side in a flash of opportunity, and execute it extremely firmly, the difference between ordinary generals and famous generals,

And this difference often represents life or death!

At the moment, Carnathan was betting. Although it was a major mistake to let the army fall into the water net without authorization, from another aspect, it also completed an important step to lure the enemy. The opposite cavalry began to enter the water net with impunity. Now!

Hearing the order, the shooters in the battle started out in unison. The bows and arrows in their hands began to lift up to the sky forty-five degrees. With a cry of "shoot", the neat and continuous bow strings were loosened at once, and the bow strings trembled. Just like a gust of wind, the dense cold light flew up into the air with a single click. In the direction where the cold light fell, the arrow cluster hit the Xiting melee cavalry, and the jingling bells kept ringing.

"Attention, the arrow struck." The companions nearby shouted. Xiting cavalry raised the round shield in their hands and quickly protected their heads. The cluster of arrows fell like a locust. The Xiting cavalry was still a Martin force, and he did not expect that the other side would throw arrows at this moment. Under the stunned eyes, the majority of the arrows in the Martin force were the Martins, and the Martins who were in front of the horseshoe were still blocked by the eyes. It was completely swept away, and the Martini people were already in a messy situation, and it even exploded. "Stop, why, why do you want to shoot arrows at yourself?" Cover it mercilessly. After many soldiers were shot by arrows falling from their backs, they were immediately chopped to death by the enemy on the opposite side. The Martin Liya soldiers at the other end of the water net also froze. Was the arrow shot in their own direction? "Shoot, don't stop!"

But Carnathan was stern, shouting in the direction of some hesitant shooter. In the dense arrow rain, he saw the black armored cavalry on the opposite side began to fall off, which was enough. The soldiers could die even if they died. It was not Kana anyway. The direct line of the Naero family is elite, most of them are the vassals below. As long as they can pull the cavalry from the opposite side, it is worthwhile to change five!

A high ground outside the water network. Hundreds of Xiting Tieqi, arched guards from the bottom of the mound, surrounded by Du Weiyan standing at the highest point, the golden eagle flag of the empire was flying above his head, and the person holding the flag was a big man with a height of two meters. , Riding on a majestic horse, motionless, Du Weiyan frowned, looking at the Xiting cavalry cavalry in the water net, the hedgehog Xiting cavalry stepping into the water

It is also arranged in two arrays with small width and deep depth

At this time, the brigade was striding forward with the sound of the horn. A leader of the Xiting Wanqi roared loudly, waving the long blade in his hand, agitating the morale of the young people, and driving the young people. Straight into the **** water net that was already filled with the dead and wounded of both sides, as if a black rolling dragon was stirred up four times. "The left wing Xie Feng and the Wolf Department were ordered to press up. I don’t believe that the other party can still be on the bow and arrow. Compete with me in the West Court!"

Du Weiyan snorted dismissively, and ordered coldly toward the herald cavalry behind him, long-range assault, in addition to the imperial crossbow, Xiting had feared anyone, not to mention the current Xiting army, whether it is equipment or weapons It is not comparable to the previous one. The Martin force in the water network has almost collapsed at this time. How can it be possible that the opponent’s commander is an inexperienced rookie and has ordered the attack without authorization because of the little resistance of the opponent. Talking about losing tens of thousands of corpses in vain, when the army was defeated, in order to stop the enemy, such a **** order was issued, which was even worse for the opposing party’s morale.

I hadn’t been sure yet, but now, Duo Weiyan is quite sure.

As long as they can surmount the obstruction of these water nets, as long as the iron hooves of the Xiting cavalry step on the opposite land, it is possible that today, in the first battle, the sixty or seventy thousand Martin forces will be completely destroyed! The entire Yilun Valley was completely taken off at one time. The emperor paid a large amount of 1.5 million gold for this valley, and the whole Xiting Department was enough for the whole year.

In the Battle of Hokuriku, the Xi Ting Army had already made a large sum of money. Although the Hokuriku nobility was not rich, but after plundering the noble king capital nobleman who fled Hokuriku, a sum of money also broke out, and part of the money fell into the West The army’s pockets were about one million gold, and the rest fell into the emperor’s pockets. After all, the Western army only attacked the poorest north and half of the middle. After the sinking event in Ellensburg, all surrendered to the empire without exception, the enclosure was taken by the empire, and the treasury was sealed, but the empire still left a line for each family in Hokuriku, and the castles where each family lived were retained as private property, except for the land Foreign fixed industries are still private property

At the same time, the emperor issued a seal order to the Xiting Army, and then the Xiting Army was ordered to go south to Kalisu, and the emperor was involved in this battle against the Martins. How could it be satisfied, the emperor’s 1.5 million imperial gold rewards were released, and the ministries were already wailing, so although the Martin force in the Ellen Valley was not launched as planned, the Xiting army was iron up and down The serious fat bite down, "Command, Department Xie Feng and Division Wolf forward, press up!" The commander cavalry who shouted the command is flying like a meteor, "Front, press up!" Sound, the thousands of cavalry archers who finished the array on the bank of the river roared, neatly steered the horse forward, and stepped into the red water net that had been blood-stained in front of them without fear. The prairie compound bow is still being pulled apart, flying arrows like locusts rush out, every ten meters forward, it will tacitly stop to sort out the queue, and then move forward again. These Xiting bow cavalry soldiers pushed forward in the water net like an iron wall, almost in a blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of rides in Xiting, no retreat, no dodge, so there is no ingenuity Lifted his bow forward, "Woo Woo"

The sound of long horns blowing continuously, the stimulating Xiting cavalry has red eyes, and the bow string is released from the fingertips~lightnovelpub.net~ issued a familiar thunder "Beng Beng Beng!"

A series of metal rain curtains crossed the sky and headed towards the Martin Liya shooter standing opposite. The sound of the horse's hissing sounded through the water net river. For a time, how many people turned their horses upside down, how many arrows clusters of spikes spiked into the body and how much blood was splashed out of the crowd, and the clusters of **** arrows burst from the chest cavity!

At the same time, in front of the Martin Force, the feather arrows covered the sky and the earth was already stained by blood. It immediately added countless more into the soil, and the swaying arrows flew under the sun. Martin The Liya shooter still clenched his teeth and stayed in the first line, watching the companions falling down one by one and taking care of themselves. Then there was another round of vigorous spouts!

The land that was supposed to be dry and hard was now full of muddy and blood flowing in a low-lying land, Martin's number of archers rapidly decreased, the arrow clusters became loose and scattered, and the Xiting cavalry flew its horseshoes from the front of the water net. Rushed out, popping out of the water net like an avalanche, without much hesitation, almost rushing up at the same time

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