Whole Nation

~: 3,814 Wills and ambitions (8)

Hearing the sound of rustling from behind, the soldiers of the 15th Army of Aden looked at the rear blankly, and saw a long black line emerge from the direction of the Poka Oasis under the faintly bright sky and appeared in the Behind the 15th Army of Rumchi, the flag of the imperial eagle with a silver-edged gold thread was held in front of the queue and hunted and danced in the wind. The flying eagle flew like a living creature, showing all its body to the 15th Army of Aden in front of it. Attitude, countless black armor shone with the dazzling cold light at dawn, just like the tide that drowned all!

"Pay attention behind, we have the imperial army behind us!"

"What is the situation, are we surrounded, why are we behind the Imperial Army"

The soldiers of Aden looked blank, and the queue began to commotion. Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do. They fought here for the night, but what came was that the imperial army appeared from the direction of the Great Oasis. At this moment, everyone was thinking One thing I think about is that the Poca Grand Oasis has been occupied by the imperial army, and their back road has also been cut off.

"The problem is with the nineteenth army of Qiao Musi. From the perspective of time, it should be the 19th army of Qiao Musi instead of the imperial army!"

Rumchi's pale complexion, his fingers clenched violently, did not wait for Jomus's reinforcements, but rather the impetus of the imperial army on himself, what to do! You can’t continue to persevere, but you can’t do it anymore. This is a desert. Without enough material support, if your troops can’t run out of a hundred miles, they will all die of thirst. The distance of the Great Oasis is 130 miles!

At this time, a squadron leader quietly leaned over next to Rumchi and whispered, "The imperial army's front-back attack has been completed, and my fifteenth army has been fighting for a night, already exhausted, the next wave of attack, our army It will inevitably collapse, so please prepare for it"

"Preparation? What are you going to prepare for!" Rumchi looked stunned. Aden had only a general who had died, but no general who had surrendered. He had already made up his mind to die.

"Don’t you forget my Aden military regulations! Under all conditions, we must first ensure the safety of our adults! Others can die, but adults can’t die, otherwise we will be caught and executed even if we go back alive, Even our wives and children will be turned into slaves and sold. Anyway, they will die. I will wait to open a way out for adults. The imperial army invades the big oasis. This news must be notified as soon as possible. All this will be entrusted to the adults. "The subordinate nodded stubbornly to Rumchi, and several other captains also surrounded him. The Aden military regulations were extremely harsh. The master died, often involving all officers. This is also the regular army of Aden. One of the reasons for combat power

"you guys...."

Rumchi's eyes widened sharply, and he still wanted to say something, but he felt a sudden headache in his head.

Behind him, the adjutant Harosu carefully took the fainted Rumchi on a camel, and tied it tightly with a rope for a few times. Some hoses were placed on the other camels. It was already prepared. In fact, the Fifteenth Army officer under Rumqi had a tacit understanding. This is the first line of defense against the Empire. Although the Fifteenth Army is the regular army of the Aden Army, the opposite army is also sweeping. Opelo’s field trump card was used to kill allied forces in the South and North

It is conceivable that if the Imperial Army does not launch, once it has moved, it must be the thunder. There are 9,000 people in the 15th Army and a 19th Army in the infamous Joes. How to stop it?

Qiao Musi's nineteenth army cheated senior officers like Rumqi, can it still cheated captain-level middle and lower officers? Who doesn’t know, the nineteenth army of Qiaomusi is an empty shelf. The establishment of 10,000 people is at most two or three thousand. Even in order to fear that Rumchi can see the details, Qiaomusi asked the 19th Corps to station at The outer oasis of the Great Oasis, so the Boka Great Oasis has a nominal garrison of 19,000 troops. In fact, the real strength is only 12,000 or 33,000, and the 15th Army can be fought.

"Harosu, everything is entrusted to you"

Several captains paid a military salute to the adjutant Haro Su, watching Haro Su take away a few camels full of material, and finally only a small black spot in the distance left

"The whole army advances, one step back, cut!" Turning around, several infantry captains looked at each other with a bitter smile, and pulled out their swords neatly.

The Aden soldiers were a little overwhelmed. In any case, were the captains crazy? Didn’t they see the imperial army opposite had pulled the bow and crossbows neatly, and the dense arrows were like a cold light, making everyone feel a breath of breath The pressure of the imperial army to launch the general attack is like a heavy stone pressing on everyone's nerves, and even Aden soldiers can't withstand the pressure, and their steps don't move backwards. If it's not a desert, someone may have started Flee!

"The whole army is moving forward, for Aden, for your wives and children, don't let them become slaves!" The voice of the infantry captain's hoarse voice shook hysterically among the Aden soldiers, and the body of the Aden soldier was trembling slightly. For a moment, Qi Qi stopped some backward steps. An Aden infantry gritted his teeth and suddenly rushed towards the Imperial Army with a round shield

"Everyone fights and can't go back!"

"Fighted" The soldiers shouted violently, and the dense clusters of arrows facing the front were quickly laid down, just like the beasts who were forced into desperation. The body of the middle arrow spattered scary bright red, and the metal arrow penetrated into the soldier's mail. The terrible sound of bone piercing is clear and audible. The soldiers running in front hit the arrow and rolled over the ground, rolling up the mud that has been invaded by human blood, and the blood ran down from the position of the head helmet. The dense crowd of people, people Falling down one after another, there were so many holes in it, the camel of the fast running came to kneel heavily on the ground, throwing the cavalry above like a toy, the ground was covered with corpses, and the corpses were half a meter away. . . . . .

Polka Oasis, Boluo Palace

The inside and outside of the king's palace have been cleaned up. The original obelisk outside the palace has been removed as far as possible, leaving only the incomplete forest fountain, flashing colorful in the sun The luster of the imperial soldiers in black armor stood on both sides of the corridor, and the prime minister of the Palace of Polu, Luo Lin Susu, and the sheriffs of the Poka Grand Oasis were all waiting at the gate of the palace with low eyebrows. Above the palace wall, in the corner of the cornice, there are reflections of the imperial sword everywhere

In the battle between the empire and Aden, a small Boluo Palace did not dare to participate at all. It was only known that the imperial army attacked the great oasis of Poka. The fifteenth army of Aden, which was originally high-spirited, had a total of nine thousand people. The whole army was destroyed, another Aden garrison, and the nineteenth army collapsed just after the battle. Only one night, the elite kingdom of Aden with thousands of people was completely gone. This is the strength of the empire! After hearing the night's fighting, the Boluo Palace secretly rejoiced that its relationship with the empire was still good, and there were some small trades in private. The monarch of the Poka Grand Oasis went to the Big Oasis meeting and currently hosts the Poka Grand Oasis. Everyday is prime minister Luo Linsusu,

Luo Lin Susu is a forty-year-old man who seems to be quite tired. His thin physique stands there, his chest is very tall,

His appearance looks much older than his actual age. The Poka Oasis is sandwiched between the empire and the Kingdom of Aden. Both sides are behemoths. Both of them can blow away the bones of the Poca Oasis with a little breath. The pressure in the middle was uncomfortable, not to mention that the Aden garrison increased from the original hundreds of people to 19,000 at a time, and it was even more terrible for the quest for materials in the Poka Oasis. When it was formerly Joes, Joes reported that although Five thousand people, but in fact not more than one hundred people. It is very easy for the Poka Grand Oasis to undertake the supply of materials, but now the Aden Garrison has increased by tens of thousands, and the supply of more than 10,000 people has been pushed to the Poka Grand Oasis. The Boluo Palace, which has been banned from trading, is about to smash the pot and sell iron

Now the Adenites are gone, and the empire is here. . . . . . I hope the empire is not as good as the Adenites!

Just as Luo Linsusu thought, an imperial cavalry opposite appeared in sight, and the imperial soldiers standing on both sides suddenly stood upright. The armor was shaken by a lock, and the palace of more than a hundred years was buzzing with echoes. Luo Linsusu and they scared an excited spirit. All raised their heads in a panic. After seeing the imperial eagle flag, a team of imperial cavalry like a wolf gathered around a middle-aged imperial general

"This is the commander of the imperial army who defeated Aden's army in one fell swoop last night!" Everyone just had a thought in his mind, and as the prime minister, Luo Lin Susu even shivered and bowed deeply to salute. I don't dare to look at these imperial soldiers in front of me.

It was the imperial general Ramrak who came to Boluo Palace. He glanced at the officials of the Poka Oasis kneeling in front of the horse, and glanced at the corner of his mouth. "The portal of the Poka Oasis was won!" He drew back his gaze and said, "Your Excellency Lord Luolin Susu, Prime Minister of the Polo Palace?"

Luo Linsusu has been waiting for the speech with anxiety and fear. Hearing the voice and responding quickly, "Adult is so polite, I am Luolin Susu"

Ramrak smiled, and came down immediately to help Rollin Susu up and pat him on the shoulder. "This time is completely a war between the Empire and Aden, and it has nothing to do with Boluo Palace, and my empire is also The lords of the major oasis have always been respected, so the affairs of the Polka Oasis, Lord Luo Lin Susu should be handled according to normal conditions, as long as our imperial army does not exist, and if the caravan of the Polka Oasis enters the empire The territory will also be protected by imperial guards"

The Great Oasis of Poka is the largest oasis closest to the empire, but the border with the empire is only fifty miles away. The empire needs this oasis as a supporting point

Luo Linsusu's body shook. If he was forgiven, he was afraid that the Empire would blame him for not sending troops to assist the empire last night. Although the local strength of the Poka Grand Oasis is extremely limited, there are still 3,000 people. This empire The general is clear. The empire will not be held accountable for the big oasis, as long as the big oasis is functioning normally~lightnovelpub.net~ And the other party directly raised the caravan, which is to make it clear that the empire can do business with the Poka Oasis, and Luo Lin Susu’s tears are almost gone. The big oasis without business is a dead place, but there is Aden stationed. Now, he did not dare to trade blatantly with the empire. Now that he is okay, even if he does trade with the empire, Aden cannot control it!

"One thing, I hope to be able to get help from Lord Luo Lin Susu. I need a group of guides who are familiar with the desert routes of other big oasis. With the ability of Boluo Palace, I believe this is not a problem." Ramlak glanced. A hint of cold light said that the Empire had taken a crucial step in the counterattack of the Battle of the Great Oasis, and had knocked on the portal of the Great Oasis. Subsequent imperial forces were continuously entering the Great Oasis, and the soldiers were quickly , The empire will use the Polka Oasis as a springboard to compete with the Adenites for control of the Oasis!

Although Baozi writes about wars, Baozi doesn’t like wars. It has a history of 5,000 years in China. There is no time for a large-scale war to add up to more than two hundred years. Fortunately, the times accounted for forty years. This is the sacrifice of countless ancestors. May the motherland prosper forever, peaceful and prosperous.

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