Whole Nation

~: 3,910 southern codes (1)

On dark and snowy nights, goose feathers fell on the window sill. In the winter of King Eero, ten miles away from Lake Mayer, dozens of carriages were waiting in line in two rows. A burly middle-aged man stood At the forefront of all carriages. I saw his gaze looking into the distance full of unwillingness and helplessness

"Your Majesty, according to the exact information, King Ikar has left the border of Eero and entered the mountains of Poesi." A knight drove from a distance against the snow and stopped the horse ten meters in front of the middle-aged man. Large snowflakes hit the knight, just like a snowman. Both the man and the warhorse were breathing white smoke on this cold night

"It actually made the **** slip away in front of my eyes!" The middle-aged man's face was dignified like the black cloud tonight. Although there have been such speculations, it is sure that the facts are another matter. Everything is gone. Recoverable, King Ikar escaped the chase, basically means the biggest failure of this plan

If you did not intentionally use the Kentham family to set up the plan, the heiress of the Kentham family may not be able to shoot. It is ridiculous that she still chose the fluke after knowing the power of the heir of the Kentham family. , Which eventually led to the escape of the biggest prey in the Ikar people’s plan. If you let go of the so-called royal pride early, or you decided to cooperate with the girl from the Kentham family at the beginning, I believe that the result will not be like this. The middle-aged man regretted it a bit, but the facts are irreversible. He can only say that he underestimated everyone, thought he had control over everything, but found himself only wishful thinking in the end.

At the end of the celebration, from behind the scenes to the stage, the heiress made King Icar leave safely from his layers of chasing, showing the qualifications of King Eero who is actually in control. This is the new Eero The biggest black horse that broke out in the royal celebration, the middle-aged man was King Harvey, returned to the carriage in anguish, lifted up and searched, and the convoy gradually disappeared into the snow and snow in the distance,

The news of King Harvey's departure at night took him back to the capital of King Erow in the morning, indicating that the big bell sounded the end of the celebration, and the bustling Eroy's new royal celebration finally came to an end. The unknown south The little princes leaped into the royal family in the Eero region, which is more like an ups and downs drama for the Eero people who have been silent for a long time.

The capital of Eero, where the three kings gathered, the final fate of King Ikar, the mastery of King Harvey, the early departure of King Rila, the final moment of the female heiress of the Kentham family is like a wonderful show. Let the celebration be colored with a legendary color. The name of the heiress of Kentham Atrex spread throughout the streets and streets of King Eero, and became a talk among the population of King Eero. This heiress personally led the transaction of King Eero, defeated the alliance of southern princes in the south, and finally forced the southern princes to recognize the new royal status of the Kentham family. The spiritual impact on the King Eero was confirmed. Monstrous waves

   ‘Pushing the family to the throne as a family daughter and placing it anywhere is a legend among legends. The front is only when those so-called theater performances are sensational farce, who knows that the last discovery is the real fact! "The various criticisms of this heir to the Kentham family were raised to a very high position, even surpassing the head of the Kentham family who had just become the new emperor of Eero,

The    celebration carriage stopped beside the large white marble square in front of the palace. Under the guard of the Knights, the heiress stepped into the square. A knight was standing every few meters around the square, wearing heavy actual armor, and the thick red dyed robe was made of five or six layers of sheepskin, and a robe was nailed on the robe. Rows of gold-plated bronze buttons. The heavy red steel armor exposed under the tabard wears a double-edged battle axe at the left and right of their waist, and a two-handed sword with a length of more than one meter is also attached to the left waist. The long red hilt with a dark scabbard looks strangely dignified.

All the holy knights carried a fully enclosed helmet with only a pair of eyes, and a long neck guard was dragged onto the vest. The central axis of the helmet was neatly decorated with a fluffy camel hair dyed bright red. Tall piles of red camel hair like clouds are rippling under the breeze, and the whole square is like a rolling red ocean.

Naturally, these knights could not come from the Kentham family. These knights were the guards brought by the imperial governor Pleas, but they came to the platform of the heirs of the Kentham family. While the heirs absolutely support it, they also showed the empire's attitude to all parties involved in the celebration

In the eyes of civilians, this new royal celebration is not only lively and extraordinary, but also allows them to find some of the feelings of the southern hegemons, especially the convoys of various forces driving on the city road, the colorful flags of various flags gathered under the guard of their cavalry At the front of the palace, which had been empty for two years, most of the past King Eero suddenly began to snow at that moment. The temperature dropped sharply. Not only the snow fluttered, but also a thick layer of ice formed in the moat outside the city. , The sudden cold wave hit the capital of King Eero, the ground was silver and white, and it seemed that many forces returning from the beginning to congratulate the scene

Sitting in the office, the dark-haired youth who turned over the report of the war situation on the Harvey Plateau looked calm. He stood up and came to the marble balcony. He looked down at the rain and snow, and the whole of the Great Plains of Elero was covered by the snow, like smoke and fog. Someone who knows the truth, the black-haired emperor knows that the suddenly lowered temperature is the weather that should be in the winter in the Eero region.

Pope Pudamia has gone to the south to search for the king of the South of Eero. It has been more than a month, but the news returned is very little. The most mentioned in the news returned is that the climate in the south is rapidly cooling, even Some rivers were frozen, which made Pudamiabu very worried that when he arrived at the old king capital of Eero, he would see a large piece of ice and collapsed ruins. The main reason why the royal family gave up the old king capital was Huang. In addition to the sand infestation, there is also a flood that flooded the old king of Eero three times in a row, causing the plague to run rampant. The Eero people died of more than 200,000 people. Under the circumstance, the king of Eero abandoned the old king and moved north. It is conceivable that if most of the old Eeros are still immersed in water, it is normal to freeze in the ice under a sudden and drastic climate, but for Pudamia who attempts to enter the large library in the center of the city In general, the thick ice layer will make all her efforts into a bubble

The climate anomaly dissipated by the yellow sand in the south is getting closer to normal. On the surface, the climate in the south of Eero has begun to enter normal, so the original hot sand dust effect is rapidly weakening. The cold winter returns, and when it comes to the cold winter, Harvey has to be mentioned. On the plateau, half of the cold air in the Eero area came down from the Harvey Plateau. If all the kings of Eero have begun to snow, then it must be the same on the Harvey Plateau. The black emperor’s eyes fell on the map on the wall. Above, a huge raised platform on the map is the Harvey Plateau, which is fighting in the army. The uplift of the Harvey Plateau is like a huge scratch that cut the road to the west of the Eero area in half.

As the behind-the-scenes hands of the battle of the plateau, the emperor of the black hair deliberately let Sam Tamara open a sneak attack to the troubled Harveys. The Harveys really caught the life-saving straw like a drowning man, regardless of everything The counterattack of the consequences will eventually detonate the decisive battle between the two armies that should only erupt after the Spring Festival

Before this war, the two sides had just ended the battle of defending the kings, and the losses were heavy. Now we are again engaged in this life and death battle. If the kings of both sides personally sit in the town, or will not hit this level. The problem is that the highest command of both sides is not on the front line. Once the war is opened, it will inevitably be an endless situation. The Harveys are coming out of the nest, and the Ikars are not good there. These two are based on Harvey The countries on the plateau are now betting on the final bet. No matter the final victory or defeat of this battle, the situation of a single dominant player on the Harvey Plateau will be difficult to continue, although this battle is the Harvey and Ikar people’s dominance on the Harvey Plateau. Battle, but the biggest gainer in this battle should actually be the empire. The empire achieved southern hegemony in the confederate war, but the empire’s penetration of the southern Baro region was still firmly prevented by the Harveys.

In the past six months, the empire has been in full control of the ecclesiastical country. With the disappearance of Pope Pdamia, the resistance of the ecclesiastical to the empire has completely disappeared, and a large amount of empire capital has poured into the ecclesiastical country. After the rapid recovery, the same imperial funds have also obtained huge benefits. Ninety percent of the mines in the Order are under the control of Empire Capital, and all resources have fallen under the control of the Empire. The current Order State The area is like a paradise invested by imperial merchants, and as imperial commercial capital has full control of the ecclesiastical countries, the voice of imperial commercial routes strongly demanding to continue southwards is also increasing

   But the Harvey people are like a road tiger blocking in front,

If you want to completely penetrate the influence of the Empire into the middle of Baro in southern Europe, you must remove the stubborn rock of the Harveys. It is not that you did not consider taking war to break through the Harveys’ blockages, but the Harveys retreated above the Harvey Plateau. The terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If the empire forcibly mobilizes the army to fight the Harveys, the plateau reaction known as the curse of Harvey is enough to cause the majority of the imperial army with no plateau combat experience to collapse. In this era, the plateau reaction Is still connected with mysticism, no one can explain the cause of altitude sickness, only know that the walking companion suddenly fell, unconsciousness, nonsense, and finally death for no reason, this unexplainable The downsizing of the army, even the resolute imperial army, can't bear it. In this era, there is no effective solution to the altitude sickness.

  Since it is impossible to hit from below the plateau, we can only consider opening the gap from above the plateau. On the Harvey Plateau, in addition to the Harvey people, there are Ikar people!

The black-haired emperor finally chose to support the weak Ikar people for no reason. The first Icar people are also plateau people, and they have been suppressed by the Harvey for decades. They have been very miserable. The second Icar region has the entire The best iron ore mine in Baro in Southern Europe, but the trade routes in the Ikar region are controlled by the Harveys. The reason why the Ikars have been suppressed by the Harveys for decades is because the trade routes dominate the Harveys. In order to regain the dominance of the Shanglu Road, the Iqal side has not hesitated to **** the future of the entire ethnic group. At this moment, if the empire comes out, the Iqal people will only be grateful for the empire.

   The main reason for the Emperor Emperor to decide to invest in the Ikar people is the extreme desire of the Icar people to establish their own business lines

The Ikar people themselves very much hope to be able to get rid of the commercial containment of the Harvey people. This coincides with the empire that wants to extend the commercial line to the plateau. The best quality iron ore is gold in the eyes of the imperial merchants. Icar Group That mountain is a mountain of gold. Compared to the Harveys who are devoted to defending their regional hegemony, the Icarians who are still in enslavement are obviously more in line with the requirements of the empire, as long as they can get through the commercial routes of Ikar. The empire can not only break the Harvey barrier in one fell swoop, but also pull the Ikar into their camp

   So the black-haired emperor decided to push the Icar people behind

If according to normal operations, the siege of the Ikars against King Harvey is most likely to end in a disastrous defeat, because although the Icar army has the advantage and the momentum is like a rainbow, it is actually a lone army deep in order to pursue rapid march Ignoring the occupied area completely, the reason why I was able to storm the outskirts of King Harvey all the way was completely due to the unexpected surprise of the Harveys, and this cold winter is gradually losing the advantage of the Icar raid, as the cold under the cold Rivers have already frozen in the Eero area~lightnovelpub.net~ The cold above the plateau is more conceivable, and the logistics of the Ikar people must be in a snowstorm at the moment

Because of the lack of control over the occupied area, a large number of materials must also be transported from the country, because the army is pressed outside the capital of King Harvey, and the logistics line supporting the 300,000 army is completely exposed to Harvey’s eyes. The Uyghurs were disrupted, and there was no logistics line against the Ikars. Now both sides have entered the restructuring period. The Ikal’s raid against the King Eero has failed. The military, if you can’t see the Iqal people, it’s simply an undefended logistics line, then the generals of the Harvey are blind. To be honest, for the Iqal combat literacy, regardless of the forward, the Emperor God of War There is only one "wild boar" to describe

The Ikar battle is indeed simple and straightforward, and it is no wonder that it will be suppressed by the Harvey for so many years. Instead of waiting for the Ikar to be trapped because of logistics, it is better to create a battle for the Ikar now. The chance of winning and losing, life and death,

Whether it is a Harvey or an Ikar, the advantages in this battle are equal. In the front, the Harvey army has the advantage of front-to-back attack, and the back is the disadvantage of being attacked by the Ikar army. It is a rare fair. Only if the Harveys are hit hard can the Ikars rise, and the Ikars, whose power is greatly impaired, will have to rely on the imperial camp

"His Highness is back!" A guard walked in hurriedly and stopped a few meters behind the black-haired emperor. The black-haired emperor turned around and his face flashed with surprise. Was he really right? By the way, the old king of Eero was frozen under the ice?

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