Whole Nation

~: 3509 Elegy in the Wind (2)

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"Your Majesty, Edin Rees took it!" Salton walked from the office door excitedly, holding a military newspaper that he had just received, and said with a condensed voice. "On last night, Estanter defeated Aidingris defended the army, with less than one hundred casualties, and won the most critical piece of the game, Adingris "

"An Edin Reese, just completed the first step of the attack, the real target is still behind, there is nothing to be happy about"

The emperor pouted his mouth in disbelief and threw the sick ibex to Aidingries. It was his suggestion that although he achieved results in a short period of time, he removed the nail from Aidingris’s eyes. In fact, it’s not cost-effective, because the water source inside Adin Reese is also polluted, which leads to the fact that although Iding Reis is obtained, the drinking water problem of the army has not been fundamentally improved.

"Where is the thirty thousand Xiting cavalry of Duoweiyan?" The emperor touched his chin with his finger, raised his head and asked Salton

"Yesterday's reply was already outside the Ellen Valley," Salton hurriedly replied that the emperor must pull out Aidingris by any means. In fact, there is another meaning, that is, to force the two hundred thousand dark army to rely on Empire transportation to solve the drinking water problem, as long as the water is seized, it is equivalent to seizing the lifeline of the 200,000 dark troopers, so that the dark troopers have to obey the empire's instructions

Three days ago, in fact, not only the Anse army crossed the sideline, but also the Xiting cavalry of 30,000 Weiyan who returned from Hokuriku, but it was different from the route taken by the Anse army. The army used the cavalry’s high mobility as if it were an arc going straight to the Irun Valley north of the border

According to the Martin Liya map provided by Etmont, the Ellen Valley is located on the boundary between the west and the middle. The area is not very large, and the length and width are about three or four hundred miles, but the Ellen Valley is sparkling. On the large and small lakes, waterfowls are flying like swamps like huge networks. The intermittent flow of water divides this huge area into countless small halves. The six cities in the valley of Martin Liya are distributed in these small plates. In the past, as the most water-rich area in the Martin Prairie Prairie, the Ellen Valley is actually a collective term for mud swamps composed of more than 30 large and small lakes.

Even in the dry season, the lakes in the Yilun Valley are still rippling because the source of these lakes comes from the high peaks of the nearby Yilun Mountain, even if it is fifty or sixty miles away, the snow is white. The mountain peak is still straight into the sky like a sword. It is a snow mark that has not yet melted. The sound of muffled rolling can be heard faintly in the sky. The source of the abundant water source in the Yilun Valley is more than fifty miles from Mount Yilun. The huge glaciers, the abundant water throughout the year, and the black sludge spreading out of the lake also make the Irun Valley a rare fertile area in the Martinli prairie area. The tradition of the Martini people is to live by water. As the birthplace of hundreds of bifurcated rivers in Martin Liya, the Irun Valley itself is one of the main birthplaces of Martin Liya people

It is conservatively estimated that there are at least 400,000 Martin Liga people in the Ellen Valley. The Martin Liga nobles who control here are the Cannaro family, and the Cannaro family manor is more a mansion than a manor. It stretches beside the largest Baiji Lake in the valley. Although it has no obvious walls like the fortress, the dense and dense stone houses are scattered and strong fortresses. ┏Χ④④⑨⑨┛ Each stone house has a height of three floors, there are craters on the top, stone houses every few rows, and a stone arrow tower, there are full-time armed soldiers on duty day and night,

The spreading terrain from the west is gradually narrowing here, and countless water nets are vertical and horizontal, and it is naturally the best barricade, while the Cananello family manor built on the uplift mound beside the lake is surrounded by water on only three sides. The road can pass. The attacker wants to overcome this, he must face up and climb on foot, and he needs to withstand the counterattack from a high place. The rolling stones and the like defend against heavy weapons. For more than 100 years, the Ellen Valley has been regarded as The most important barrier in the west of the Martin Kingdom is that if the Elun Valley is lost, it means that invading enemies will no longer need to consider drinking water. The abundant water resources in the Ellen Valley are considered to be hundreds of thousands of people. Are able to survive, and the original Martins can rise, which is indispensable to the special environment of the Ellen Valley

Hitting the Ellen Valley is equivalent to standing in the Martin Prairie Prairie and conquering the ground. You can launch a full-scale attack on the northwest of Martin Prix at any time. So importantly, although the Kingdom of Martin Prix is ​​elite in the country, it is in Iraq. In Lungu, there are still more than 30,000 troops. If you count the temporary recruitment of six cities in the valley, there are still 100,000 troops.

So whether it is to quickly capture Aiding Rees, or to let the main forces of the dark army to attack the important town of Kathu, it is actually a purpose, that is, to lure the Martin forces in the Ellen Valley to be drawn from these water nets, if not It's easy to fight, then the enemy is transferred to the battlefield that he is good at. This is always the habit of the emperor.

In the afternoon, the sun was scorching, and the lake outside of the Cananello mansion was breezy. Occasionally, the breeze blew through, and the weeds briefly wobbled a few times above, and then returned to calm. The Cannaro family has a large number of slaves who were driven out to work just after they had had a rough lunch. Now it's not time for farm work, the slaves are responsible for building roads and building fortifications. They were heavily shackled, and some people also carried heavy shackles to remove large blocks of stone from the stone mountain, and then carried the stone back to the hillside of the manor to build more arrows.

Most of these slaves have a look on their faces, and there is a look of indignation in their eyes. Many of them are captured Harveys. Martin Liya's army raided the Harvey Kingdom. In just one month, at least More than three million Harveys were transported back to the country as slave loot. The Cannaroes, as the top ten lords of the Martini lords, sent more than 40,000 troops to the war and captured 80,000 in one breath. The slaves of Dohawe, except those who sold them, gave them away, treated them ill, and disobeyed and killed them. There were still more than 40,000 people working in the Cananello area. The brutal and ruthless supervisors waved their whips. Whipping the fallen Harveys until they get up, or until they can never get up. Those who can get up continue to work, and those who can’t get up are pulled away and thrown into the deep pit next to feed the wolf. The Harvey slaves seemed to be numb when they saw that their partner was taken away. Even the Harvey kingdom chose to compromise and ceded half of the land to the Martins. The captured Harvey hearts Long ago died, it is impossible to return to the land of Harvey Kingdom in this life

At the moment, in the deepest part of the manor, in a large villa with gorgeous decoration,

Carnaello’s acting lord, Kanasenko, relied on a luxurious bench, looking at a document sent, and staring at the woman in front of him. Excessive indulgence made him quite tired of the woman. Not all the beautiful women could attract his attention, but even if the woman in front of him was covered with a veil, he could still feel his impulse as a teenager. Wearing a black hat, with a thick black veil on her face, she can't see her face, but her body is shrouded under a black dress. The black dress is very close to her and has a graceful figure. Under the long skirt, thick black cotton socks and black deerskin boots are very light. Her whole body black dress fully reflected her skin tone and whiteness, and inadvertently exposed her chest as white as jade, with a deep cleavage vaguely visible.

"Are you saying that if the Darksers attacked the Western Front, I wanted the Cannaro family to keep the Ellen Valley and not rescue them from other areas? Does that mean?"

Kanasek swallowed dryly, and his eyes were unabashedly placed on the other person's high chest, as if to see through the long black dress. Seeing the abundance and firmness inside, he seemed to be able to feel the other person breathing. Regularly moving, gripping, people can’t look away for a long time. He is the younger brother of Cananello’s head of the family. Cananello’s head of the family is now fighting in the confederate country. Because he was appointed as the head of the family, temporarily Responsible for the affairs of the family. Although Kanasenke is obese and lustful, he is actually a very alert person. He knows that the female envoy in front of him is not movable by himself, so he has been addicted to it.

"As long as the Ellen Valley is not rescued, if the Western Front collapses, we will give the Cannaro family a hundred thousand slaves." The woman in black can't sit still, and seems to have become accustomed to the eyes of men.

Kanasek smiled coldly. "Oh, who doesn't know now, the main force of the kingdom is singing forward in the ecclesiastical country, the empire is trapped on all sides, the victory of the North and South Wars is becoming more and more obvious, and the prestige of the Ansili family is even more so. The Ansiri family united with the Ansirs to destroy the Kalisu people. If the Ansiris really raided the kingdom boundary and the western line was penetrated, even if the Ansilis made the lords willing to support it, it would also be Prestige plunged"

"Just four days ago, the reinforcements of the empire had reached 110,000, so the offensive has slowed down. At this time, if the Ansili family's mistakes caused the kingdom's western front to fall into crisis, it asked Silver Fox to come back. Personally supporting the Western Front, I believe that Silver Fox also has to come back. By that time, your Highness is almost effortless, and it is easy to take the victory of Silver Fox on the battlefield of the Mission State as countless. Even the extraordinary achievements of defeating the empire to achieve the hegemony of South Europe Baro are included in the bag. Such a huge benefit, you are too stingy to only give me 100,000 slaves."

The black woman's pretty face was slightly stunned. Unexpectedly, this seemingly stupid fat pig can still have such knowledge. It seems that it can be left behind by the Cannaro family of the centuries-old family of the family, naturally not. It was a mediocrity, but the other party was sitting in the local area, but was able to know the situation on the battlefield of the sect country, and made the black woman take a little contempt, silence for a moment before continuing to say "One hundred thousand slaves are already the limit This is still in the name of thanking the Cananello family for their support on the battlefield. If too much is given, I am afraid that everyone will know that we have kept the Cananello family on the ground, and the situation will be reversed by then. "

"That would be hard to do." Kanasenke shook his head regretfully. "You know, if the Cananello family does not move, it will not only violate the rule of Martin Liya's mutual rescue, but may also be met by the royal family. The severe punishment, only punishment, is afraid that there will be more than one hundred thousand slaves. The price of one hundred thousand slaves of your highness is too low. My Cananello family is totally worth the loss, and it also has to bear the infamy. If your highness really wants to talk about it, Please also come up with a matching price

"What if the important town of Katu is added?" said the woman in black, Shen Sheng

"Katu!" Kanasenk's eyes gleamed sharply. Kathu is the most important city on the Western Front and a well-connected transportation line. It is the most prosperous city on the west side of Martin Liya. Although the Ellen Valley has quite a wide range of water Internet, but it is an extremely poorly commercial area, because the Martini people do not have the ability to build large commercial ships, and there is no commercial trade route in the country. Therefore, although the Cannaro family has more than 200,000 slaves, six The control of the city is actually very scarce in terms of financial resources. A Catu is almost equal to the income of the Cananello family is more than three times. The Cannero family’s coveted heart for Catu, even if it is Martin The three-year-old children in Liya know that fortunately, His Highness has left a hand long ago,

"If the Cannaro family helps this busy~lightnovelpub.net~ the cooperation book of one hundred thousand slaves plus Katu" the woman in black flashed her eyes and said in a clear voice, took a document from her pocket Placed in front of Kanasenke “This is the contract of Kathu. As His Highness’s industry, His Royal Highness can completely handle it independently, even the royal family can’t interfere”

Kanasenke took over the documents with great joy, carefully looking at the contents and names on the blood books one by one, and what was still silently in his mouth. The above is indeed written by the character himself, and the contract for managing Kathu City is listed at the back. Katu City itself is the property of His Highness,

In fact, five years ago, Kathu City was just a very general transportation center. It was the Highness who, at the risk of Martin’s tradition of not doing business, began to make Kathu a commercial center and used special channels. Buying a large number of important products from outside and selling them through Catu is a lot of money. If you only let the Cananello family take over Catu, Kanasenke will not be tempted because the card The Nanero family has no special channels to buy goods, nor does it have the power of the other party to cover the sky. If it is replaced with the Cananello family to manage the card picture, it is afraid that the card picture will immediately decline, but if it is with that person His Highness together, that's another story!

"Okay, I promised your Highness," Kanasenko said without hesitation